Guest guest Posted August 3, 2006 Report Share Posted August 3, 2006 22) yOgyathaa baahulyam apEkshitham bhakthi-yOgAya , janma-dhee-sakthi-mukhAstE, taTaiva kaala vilamBa-kshamathvam One needs of a lot of qualifications for pursuing Bhakthi yOgam : birth in a high kulam , power of knowledge , sakthi (mental strength) , balam ( physical strength ).Bhakthi yOgam does not yield the result quickly ; it has a lot of built in dealy . 23) mOkshArTam Prapatthi: laghutaraa ,Saasthravihithaa , dharmasTEyaisccha praSasthA , taTEthihAsa purANasmruthyAdhishu nirdarsithaa cha Prapatthi is easy to practise.It is indeed prescribed by the Saasthraas. The great AchAryAs , Sages have favored it. It has been chosen for illustration in many PurAnams and the two IthihAsams. 24) angAni yOgyathAmsE pancha , tEshu mahA viswaasa: pradhAna sTaanE. Prapatthi has 5 limbs( Parts) ; Among the five Mahaa ViswAsam ( Great Trust , Unswerving Faith in BhagavAn as the Protector ) is the most important. 25) yEsha yEva Sankhaa panchaka nivartanAya bhavEth MahA Viswaasam has the power to chase the five doubts about Prapatthi . 26) nAma sankeerthana -dhvayOcchAraNa -Bhagavath-paricharaNa - Bhagavath-sannidhi-pradakshiNa-namaskArAdhaya: na prathyakshOpAyA: mukthayE Naama sankeerthanam , recitation of dhvayam , japam, pradhakshiNam at the temple,namaskaraNam are laudable but they do not directly help to gain Moksham .To say that they do is an exaggerated statement . 27) yEthA; kriyA: Sriya:Pathim preeNayanthy, tEna karthAram sO BhagavAnEva prapatthi-kriyAyAm prErayathi . All of the above acts/observances pleases the Lord and that in turn results in Him nudging the chEtanan to seek a sadAchAryan and complete Prapatthi anushtAnam through him . 28) prayathyanushtEya manthrEshu na sarvE adhikurvanthy taantrikENa vai sarvOpajeevanAya bhavathy Prapatthi: All the Prapatthi mantrams are not appropriate to all chEtanams . There is no negative effect because of that . Taantrika manthrams are applicable for some and Vaidhika Mantrams applicable to the others .The end result is still the same regarding the gaining the full fruits of Prapatthi . 29) Brahmavidhyaa: vividhaa: BhagavathO vividhaguNEshu tatthadhupayukthEshu anurAga-dhyAna-samAdhi roopENa prayOjyA bhavanthy. All Brahma VidhyAs like Sadh Vidhyaa are based on reaching layam ( deep samAdhi) by focusing on one of the limitless auspcious guNams of the Lord . 30) nyAsa Vidhyaa chaanyaa madhvAdhi-vidhyaa tulyaa svAtantryENa mOkshOpAya; syAth . Nyaasa Vidhyai is one such Brahma Vidhyai .It is like other Brahma Vidhyais such as Madhu Vidhyaa, dahara vidhyaa , Sadh vidhya et al.Nyaasa Vidhyai can operate as a direct means for Moksham for the practioners. 31) vidhyAntharANi yaavajjeevamanushtEyaani nyAsasthu sakrudhEva The difference however is all VidhyAs other than Nyaasa Vidhyai have to be observed until the last second of one's life.In contrast to all other Brahma Vidhyais , Nyaasa Vidhyai has to be observed only once. 32) sa thu svatantrOpAya: panchAnga samyutha:, yaTaa BhakthirashtAnga sahitha: NyAsa Vidhyai is self-complete , independent means for Moksha siddhi. It has five angams whereas Bhakthi yOgam has seven angams (constituent parts) . (To be continued ) Please do not forget to register for the Aug 5 TeleupanyAsam of Srimath Azhagiya Singar on SaraNAgathy Gadhyam . Please get the Bridge Phone number and Conference code from : Srimath Azhagiya Singar Looks forward to blessing us with His UpanyAsam on AchArya RaamAnuja"s SaraNAgathy Gadhyam this Saturday & the rest of the Saturdays of August . Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam , Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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