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Sankalpam series No 4 final part

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Reg: Sankalpam – Series No 4

Now, the final stage of the series is about the time element of the universe. The text starts as “ Idaaneentana…” where the age of the creator is calculated as 100 years of which 50 years are already over, and the fifty first year is now on wherein, the first month is running in which, the first fortnight and the first day is now progressing, of which, 42 Vighadiyaas are over and we are now in 43rd Vighadiya. The length of this 43rd Vidhadiya is as below.

There are nine Kalpaas in the 43rd Vighadiya and they are: Paardhiva, Anantha, Koorma, Brahma, Varaaha, Swetha Varaha, Pralaya, Padma and Savithri and now we are in SWETHA VARAHA KALPA which is again subdivided as Fourteen Manvantaraas like the below:

Swaayambhuva, Swaaroshicha,Uttama, Taamasa, Raivata, Caakshusha, Vaivaswata,Surya,Agni,Brahma,Rudra,Daksha,Rowcha,Khowchya –Manvantaraas of which we are now in the seventh Manvantaram viz.VAIVASWATHA MANVANTARAM which is subdivided as 10 Avataraas named as below:

The Avataraas of Lord Vishnu as : Mastya, Koorma, Varaaha, Naarasimha, Vaamana, Bhargava, Raama, Balaraama, Krishna and Kalki which is again divided as six Sakaas like Yudhishtira, Vikramarka, Saalivaahana, Vijayaabhinandana, Nagarjuna, Kalkhyaghya of which we are now in SAALIVAAHANA SAKA- the third saka in the range. .

When this is one part of the calculation, the time is subdivided as Mahaa Yugaas and each Mahaa Yug consisting of four Yugaas namely, Krita, Treta, Dwaapara and Kali Yug and of such Mahaayugaas, at present we are in the 28th Mahaayug in which, the following period is already over

Krita Yuga period of 17,28,000 years; Tretaa Yug Period of 12,96,000years ; Dwaapara Yug period of 8,64,000 years and of 4,32,000 years of Kali Yug. We have already passed 5000 years plus a little more in the present Kaliyug, which is said to be the first part of the four parts of the Kali Yug.

The aforementioned is the simple time span – whether we believe it or not – and now remember the geologists confirmed that the arches located on Tirumala Hills is dated back to JUST 150 MILLIONS OF YEARS; when NASA confirmed that the first ever man made bridge between Rameswaram and Sri Lanka dated back to 17.50,000 years matching with the age of Raamayana. And Of course, it is a point of debate and controversy for many of us and we have individually our own beliefs on this point, while some foreigners, besides people of a few Indian origin, say that civilization started elsewhere and they disagree for Indian Mythological History for the reason, they have to disagree, or there might be some other strong reason for all this. I am a lay man; I am just going on the basis on Mahaa Sankalpam of Indian Ancient Sciences only.

While mentioning all this, we also admit in the Sankalpam that the entire universe is filled up with Different usual and unusual bodies which are recycled, and due to some strong reason, we admit we are born and we too admit that the deeds either miss-deeds or good deeds are the resultant efforts of Vak, Pani, Paada, Paayu, Upa, like the words for uttering, hands for deeds, feet for movement, other organs for re-creation and over powered by Twak, Chackshu, Srota, Jiwha, Aghranaam like the five important feeders named as twak – for Skin; Chackshu for Eyes; Srota – Ears; Jiwha for Tongue; Aghranaam for Nose and all deeds are generated out of the creation of the aforementioned sensing organs and make us to do or undo certain deeds due to which knowingly or un-knowingly we commit certain sins and mistakes. :Having admitted all this, we are now expressing our concern and knowledge of the mistake we have committed and expressing where we are, what we are, and how the sins

are committed with or without knowledge and to get rid of such sins we salute the great HE and thus with folded hands request HIM TO ELEVATE OUR FORE FATHERS WHO HAVE TAKEN PAINS TO GIVE US A SHAPE OF THE BODY, the GREAT SAGES WHO HAVE GIVEN US AN OPPORTUNITY OF REALISATION AND KNOWLEDGE, and therefore pray for peaceful elevation – or Moksha and taking the names thus, we intend to do some specific act of praying Lord/Kanyaa Daana/ or such sacrifice.

It is just a mind-body presentation.

Just because the text is in Sanskrit, there is no necessity for us to belittle the text and look forward for some other countryman to do research on this and confirm that this is correct or otherwise. Let us not wait to come up for such results to be declared by some one where upon we upkeep our chest up and say our ancestors has done it all. There is no need for us to be proved by some one. We are not doing anything wrong by taking up this Maha Sankalpam, after all this is from our home land and it has been brought from fore fathers.

When We prefer to disrespect our fore fathers, we disown their teachings, we consider that we have nothing to do with all our history and tradition, Of course, what else can be done than waiting for a day of self realization of the traditional richness of our country and greatness of our ancestors, who could able to memorize the history for generations in spite of regional/religious added with multi linguistic clashes and so on--- all along and their struggle for existence all along.

My humble request is to allow this Mahaa Sankalpam to be repeated in all rituals if not by us, at least by the Purohits so that they may not forget. This may help the text to continue till some one make a research and made for next generations to agree or disagree. A danger is already noticed that gradually this is disappearing from the texts of the Vedic Purohits who are forced to reduce all procedures to the liking of the Yajamani. The least what we can do is to follow a good deed if it is not harmful to us; does not put to financial loss; does not cause inconvenience and considered good to remember for future.

Yours affly

Respectfully at the Holy Sri Charan of Great Grand Father Bhagavan Krishna Dwaipaayana Vedavyas & Great sages Holy Agastya Maharishi, Holy Sandeepani Maharishi and Vamsa Rishi Holy Gowthama.


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