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Inquiries Into the Absolute: Digest 180, Interaction between spiritualsenses and spiritual objects

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Digest 180, August 8th, 2006. Answers by His Holiness Romapada Swami Maharaja

**You are welcome to send in your questions to His Holiness Romapada Swami at

iskcondc with the word "Question" included in the subject line.


Interaction between spiritual senses and spiritual objects



Question: In a recent discussion about our original, eternal spiritual form and

relationships as compared to our temporary material forms and relationships, I

was asked "what are spiritual senses?", that is, of what are they composed and

how do they interact with the spiritual equivalent of the "objects (or Object,

so to speak) of the senses". I gave an answer that satisfied the inquirer, but

did not fully satisfy me. Would you kindly answer this question? Thank you.


Answer: Our present material senses are simply a covering upon our original,

spiritual senses - I presume that your own answer comprised of this

understanding. Srila Prabhupada gave the analogy that the shirt and coat are

designed with two hands which indicate that the person they are tailored for

must have two hands also. Similarly, if the material body is a covering over

the spirit soul, then the soul must possess spiritual senses similar to the

material senses we know of.


Another way to think of this could be in terms of a person experiencing virtual

reality --- imagine a person entering a virtual world provided with 'virtual'

extensions of the eyes, ears, hands and so on to perceive the virtual sights

and sounds and interact with the virtual objects of this simulated experience,

as for example in a simulated flight training program. It is possible that one

would become so engrossed in this virtual world, rendered unable to interact

with and even temporarily forget the reality outside! Our situation in this

material world is quite similar. Once again when the original senses are

restored from the covering of 'hooked-on' extensions, they can interact

normally with spiritual reality.


The Caitanya Caritamrita (Cc Adi 5.53) states that "the earth, water, fire,

air, and ether of Vaikuntha are all spiritual. Material elements are not found

there." From this statement, we can understand that the spiritual realm is also

composed of variegated spiritual elements just as we experience in the material

world. The difference is that the ingredients of material nature, viz. the

material elements, senses and sense objects are described as separated energies

of Krishna (BG 7.4) whereas the elements in the spiritual world also belong to

the same Absolute Spiritual nature, having the qualities of sac-cid-ananda.


The material ingredients, combined with the three modes of material nature,

make the living entity forget Krishna by creating an appearance of illusory

reality, but in the original, pure state, the spiritual senses can, without any

encumbrance, perceive the Object of senses, viz, the Supreme Personality of

Godhead, His transcendental abode, paraphernalia and associates. There are many

vivid example of this in scriptures as in the history of how Narada Muni, in

his previous life as the son of a maidservant, upon becoming purified of the

contamination of the material modes, was able to perceive with his enlivened

spiritual senses the Transcendental Form of the Lord and heard His

transcendental voice. (SB 1.6.15-20 See http://vedabase.net/sb/1/6/15/en)



All previous digests in one file (with responses to about 460 questions) can be

accessed at http://vcal.iskcondc.org/cgi-bin/renderphilo.pl?digestname=digest00


This digest can be accessed at



Responses to some very frequently asked questions (Karma, free-will, demigods,

Lord Siva, why are we here, how to control the mind, Deity worship, marriage,

Jesus Christ, spiritual and material relationships and morality of Lord Krsna's

conjugal pastimes, spiritual master, spirit soul/jiva/living entity):



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** A brief biography of His Holiness Romapada Swami is available at:


** This and all previous digests are available on the web** They can be

accessed individually at: http://vcal.iskcondc.org -> Inquiries into the

Absolute http://vcal.iskcondc.org/cgi-bin/renderphilo.pl?ndx=132

ISKCON DC Philosophy Website: http://vcal.iskcondc.org/cgi-bin/renderphilo.pl

Related Sites: http://www.romapadaswami.com; http://www.caitanya.com



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