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some important queries

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i have some important queries in my mind..hope i get maximum people participating to help me with my queries and help me clear the concerns in my mind..

1)once i take guru diksha from gurudev and/or shaktipat diksha from gurudev for doing my desired XYZ Sadhana for the present then do i need to inform gurudev every time or do i need to meet gurudev everytime or do i need to take gurudev's permission everytime before i do any any other desired small mantra prayog's or mantra totke from magazine or gurudev's books in the near future..

2)if i go by the speed of doing 4 rounds of guru mantra daily then when wil i complete 10,000 or lakh rounds of guru mantra..would it not take 1year+ to complete even 1 lakh rounds of guru mantra..what if i cannot wait that long to do my desired sadhana

3)thirdly do i essentialy have to do guru mantra anusthan(after guru diksha) before doing xyz sadhana..does guru mantra anusthan has to be done after completing the determined no of rounds of guru mantra..or is it something else.. how does it work?

4)it is said that by doing some big determined no of rounds of guru mantra,one builds one's base for doing sadhana's.what if i am in a desperate situation and i cannot wait(to do xyz sadhana) until completing the determined no of guru mantra rounds,as it wil definately take some good long long time to complete some determined N no of rounds of guru mantra...can i tel gurudev about my eagerness to do xyz sadhana after just finishing some selected small no of guru mantra rounds,or whist doing the guru mantra at same time..this is bcz i cannot afford to wait long as i am in desperate situation..what if gurudev does not agree with me,shud i try to convince him..what is the right thing to be done in this case?..











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Jai Gurudev!


Dear brother,


You have put some interesting questions and I would

try to answer at best. Interestingly, every new

desciple has the same eagerness and inquisitiveness

before taking Guru Dikhsa or just having taken the

same. For the matter of fact exactly same was my

mindframe before going in for Guru Dikhsa so much so

that i used to argue fiercely with my brother-in-law a

very senior Gurubhai on why is the need to take

Gurudiksha and if He was an able Guru. Before taking

diksha I had read in some book or magazine by Gurudev

that one is free to test the Guru whether He is able

or nor Sadd Guru or not but once taken Diksha than

should totally surrender. Anyway thats another story

of what happened then.


Coming back to the point, first and foremost learn to

be patient. What is a sadhak if he is not patient.

When you were in Class 2 then were u able to jump all

of a sudden to class 12. Similarly please learn A, B,

C, D first then move ahead....and our ABCD...Z is

gurumantra. Do it as much as you can do ...what ever

your desire may be will be fulfilled within the

primary one or two years when u do gurumantra. Yes

you are right it is the base of all sadhnas and itself

the greatest of all sadhnas. Only when you learn ABCD

then u can form words....and sentences and paras and

stories... rest you can understand.



Once having taken Gurudiksha you need not come to Him

every small prayogs, etc., but yes if you are doing

any other sadhana it is advisable to seek his

blessigns and permission. Apart from that if you are

very far then also once a year must seek audience with

Gurudev. You can do any sadhna from the MTY magazine.

All the mantras there have been unlocked by gurudev

and then given there, but similar is not the case with

mantras from books. Do not try mantras from books.


You said you can't wait to do your desired sadhna.

You can complete 1.25 lac gurumantra easily in one

month, but if still u say you cannot wait then...there

is nothing left for a sadhak if he is not patient.

Even gurudev did not get success for first three years

during sadhnas but PATIENCE is what He has and what He

gives us. Patience and right direction will lead to

success. So think again....if you can't wait then

forget sadhanas, then nothing lies here for you.


Lastly, the more of Guru sadhana you put in the less

obstacles in other sadhnas. If you don't do Guru

sadhana then supposing you are doing "xyz" sadhna then

you will not succeed....for example lets say you are

doing Dhoomavati sadhna.. without properly making a

base for yourself. You may do that Dhoomavati sadhna

ten times but you will not yeild any results. Maa

Dhoomavati will not give you ashirwad coz all gods and

goddess reside in Grudev. Only if you worship him

then and only then the gates to treasure open.

Worship can be in many ways....doing seva...making

people aware of Gurudev's teachings....subscribing MTY

for more and more people and doing mantra japa ....


Brother how can you?? before studying ABCD try to

write a thesis and get a doctrate? If it is possible

then do it. But did you tell ur parents O dad i want

to be a doctor....lets not waste time in ABCD and get

me into Class XII medical.



Guru Kripa Hi Kevalam Guru Kripa Hi Kevalam (nothing






Vande Nikhilam!!









--- Vikrant <free_for_blue > wrote:


> i have some important queries in my mind..hope i get

> maximum people participating to help me with my

> queries and help me clear the concerns in my mind..

> 1)once i take guru diksha from gurudev and/or

> shaktipat diksha from gurudev for doing my desired

> XYZ Sadhana for the present then do i need to inform

> gurudev every time or do i need to meet gurudev

> everytime or do i need to take gurudev's permission

> everytime before i do any any other desired small

> mantra prayog's or mantra totke from magazine or

> gurudev's books in the near future..

> 2)if i go by the speed of doing 4 rounds of guru

> mantra daily then when wil i complete 10,000 or lakh

> rounds of guru mantra..would it not take 1year+ to

> complete even 1 lakh rounds of guru mantra..what if

> i cannot wait that long to do my desired sadhana

> 3)thirdly do i essentialy have to do guru mantra

> anusthan(after guru diksha) before doing xyz

> sadhana..does guru mantra anusthan has to be done

> after completing the determined no of rounds of guru

> mantra..or is it something else.. how does it work?

> 4)it is said that by doing some big determined no

> of rounds of guru mantra,one builds one's base for

> doing sadhana's.what if i am in a desperate

> situation and i cannot wait(to do xyz sadhana) until

> completing the determined no of guru mantra

> rounds,as it wil definately take some good long long

> time to complete some determined N no of rounds of

> guru mantra...can i tel gurudev about my eagerness

> to do xyz sadhana after just finishing some selected

> small no of guru mantra rounds,or whist doing the

> guru mantra at same time..this is bcz i cannot

> afford to wait long as i am in desperate

> situation..what if gurudev does not agree with

> me,shud i try to convince him..what is the right

> thing to be done in this case?..




> Vikrant








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