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Hearty wish to wake early in the morning

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Hello everybody. (bahut dukhi hun sirf late uthne ki wajah se)

I always wish to wake early in the morning but always fail to do so.

Due to this habit I suffered a lot in my career and still suffering. Now

still its not too late. I can recover even now. But if this habbit

continue now, no doubt my life will spoil in not more than 3 months.

If anyone can help me by suggesting the method to wake early in the

morning and destroying laziness from the mind, I'll be very very

thankful for your cooperation.

Its my hearty request to all of u to pleaze show me the way.

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It is never too late -- if we chant God's name with our dying breath

it is soon enough and on time.

In the meantime make the effort to arise before the Sun. If you don't

do it today, vow to do it tommorrow.

Meditate before bed. Go to bed early enough to get sleep enough

Wash and rub your feet in cold water before bed.

Ask Guru Ram Das to take responsibility for your awakefulness.

Set a loud alarm, across the room, so you must rise to shut it off.

Drink plenty of water before going to bed so you must arise in the

night. If you awaken too early, drink some more. You should have to

pee in about two hours after drinking.

Do some yoga if you get up too early so you can relax, get back to

sleep quickly and then arise again in a few hours.

Do NOT eat for at least 3-4 hours before bed.

Say "Sat Nam, it is all God's will!"



Kundaliniyoga, "ssdn_modern" <ssdn_modern




> Hello everybody. (bahut dukhi hun sirf late uthne ki wajah se)

> I always wish to wake early in the morning but always fail to do so.

> Due to this habit I suffered a lot in my career and still suffering. Now

> still its not too late. I can recover even now. But if this habbit

> continue now, no doubt my life will spoil in not more than 3 months.

> If anyone can help me by suggesting the method to wake early in the

> morning and destroying laziness from the mind, I'll be very very

> thankful for your cooperation.

> Its my hearty request to all of u to pleaze show me the way.





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Namaste Friend.


I also having troubles to get up early morning partially becaus I'm a night person.

Anyway, trik you can try is right before You going to sleep program yourself on what time

you want to waike up. I t should sounds like:


I'm going to sleep right now and will sleep coundly all night long. I will wake up at 5(or

whenever you wish) o'clock in the mornig, feeling rested,happy and energized ready start

my day>


You can add any specific task you have to do for that particular day..that you will do it at

best..anyway, you got the idea.

It might not work from the very first time and you will need to practice...dependts is how

acceptible you to this suggestions. I'm now so good at it that always waking up a minute

before the alarm...


Good luck







Kundaliniyoga, "ssdn_modern" <ssdn_modern wrote:



> Hello everybody. (bahut dukhi hun sirf late uthne ki wajah se)

> I always wish to wake early in the morning but always fail to do so.

> Due to this habit I suffered a lot in my career and still suffering. Now

> still its not too late. I can recover even now. But if this habbit

> continue now, no doubt my life will spoil in not more than 3 months.

> If anyone can help me by suggesting the method to wake early in the

> morning and destroying laziness from the mind, I'll be very very

> thankful for your cooperation.

> Its my hearty request to all of u to pleaze show me the way.

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I think the suggestions given to you by Karta Purkh Khalsa and Marina are very valuable and I also intend to use them to wake up early. The only suggestion I'd request you to try is - GIVE UP trying to wake up early.

I had the same problem that you had and for too long i kept pushing myself to wake up early. A notion that - "if i don't wake up ealry, I cannot be successful in my KY practice" was deeply embedded in my psyche. Hence, one day I just reached a "dead end" and decided to stop trying. I had nothing to loose.

I tried to work this out in other ways. For example, i decided on an evening slot for my KY practice and did (still do) my best to stick to that. Even on days when i am not practicing, i simply try to be present to my body. Its very hard initially but, you only get better if you keep trying. As a result of this, I feel more aware and ready to take a decision on getting out of bed when i wake up.

Lastly, don't be too hard on yourself. Love & accept your body and your self for what its is and work your way around it!!! :-)

Cheers and Sat Nam




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Sat Nam,

one of the ways that I personally have found to be a

very succesful way to get students into the Amrit Vela

hours was to proceed into this at a comfortable pace.

Like anything else, when we bite off more than we can

handle I have found that this is what leads to

becomming overwhelmed & ultimatly we give up trying

because its too much...

think of it in terms of spiritual exercise...

while a runner may have dreams of one day running the

marathon, does he get up & run a full marathon the day

he starts training? No.He gracefully builds himself

up, which ultimatly gets him to where he wants to be,

literally one step at a time....(:

I suggest to students to start by getting up just 30

minutes earlier than they normally would, then once

this becomes a comfortable habit,(takes time) proceed

& add 30 more minutes,(again, don't PUSH yourself)

then with time if they like 30 more min.,etc...until

you reach the place you want to be...

some eventually may get to waking up at 3 AM, while

others are grateful to have a 30 min. or 1 hour

practice in place during the Amrit Vela hours & can

comfortably handle all their responsibilities of work,

family, etc....just like anything else, I think its

important for us to recognize what we CAN do & feel

good about it...Sadhana means "daily spiritual

practice" and for each of us its going to vary & that

is OK (: what I think is important to remember is that

this process too is a journey, not a destination...and

to enjoy each step of the way....

to start slowly you may find you will have less

resistance & be able to comfortably get up, do your

Sadhana & still be able to get out in the world and do

what you need to do (:

this is how I began my process of going into the Amrit

Vela hours and I found that with time it was a natural

progression to eventually "wake up" earlier & earlier

as my soul was being nurtured and wanted

more...aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Wahe guru!

with many blessings and a hearty wish for you to "wake


Jiwan Shakti Kaur

Tampa, FL









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Interesting issue! I might share some experience...for almost a decade

or 15 years I made sleep a major major issue in my life.


Guess that came from my parents spiritual beliefs, or perhaps growing

up in India in general. In our family waking up at 7 am was considered

extremely lethargic and almost like disgustingly immoral.

But sleeping early say at 9 pm was also equally bad. The ideal was to

achieve a sleeping time of around 11.30 pm or 12 and get up around

5.00 am -5.30am.


More sleeping hours were considered an abject waste of time, life and

precious human opportunity.

The idea also was that especially young should push themselves very

hard as this was the time to work in life.


I can get by on around 6.5 hours of sleep usually. But that culture

made me rebel and later sent me to therapy. Even while awake I was

mentally focused on one thing only and rearranged my entire workday to

one end: sleeping at a certain time and waking up at a certain time.


This whole issue of sleep became more promiment in my mental realms

than anything else.It was like 'one day I will achieve my golden dream

and THEN life will become this unending journey of sheer bliss.'

Some live to eat, some to make merry, I lived to sleep and get up at

'the time'.


It did happen, once, for about a week. Then in my overzeal I started

setting the alarm even earlier say 3 am and guess what..it

backfired..and went in the other direction, to even later. I would

sneak a peak at the time ( say 7.15 am, which was 15 mts later than my

normal time) and will get depressed and sleep for 2 more hours to try

to shake myself out of it. This ping-pong lasted several years. I

developed a morning depression syndrome:))).


I did realize that 'ideal schedule' another time too. And that

happened simply because I gave up. I got sick of being obsessed with

sleep management and my earlier attempts had landed me in serious

insomnia.Days and nights merged and things were always a haze.


My advise, or what I try to do now ( even now that obsession hits back

often) is try to focus on the time that you are awake and kicking and

focus on some love for yourself even if you get up at a time beyond

what you expect. If I were to make a real calculation, I perhaps have

wasted millions of hours trying to become 'not lazy'. The world is

surely designed for early wakers. And even if you are a night owl,and

put in equal number of hours as others, you sure do miss out on a lot.

But that's perhaps better than getting intensely negatively focused on

this one habit.

Perhaps it is better to be well rested and efficient for 12 hours than

working in a half rested for 15 hours.


Anyhow, these are some random thoughts. I do envy those for whom it is

very easy.


For me the spiritual challenge here is to get rid of intense negative

focus, relax more, accept yourself and your body rhythms more and try

to reach a workable golden mean. Even if you wake up at 10 am, it

might help to work back say 15 minutes every few days. Sudden dramatic

reversals perhaps don't last, in my opinion.


I also suspect that sometimes things like these are actually a cover

up for other underlying issues like say actually being able to work

produtively because of stress, anxiety, fear of success, perhaps even

anger etc.


In my case I suspect it was more of an anger at being made to do

something in a certain way that I didn't agree with. I usually work

very hard and put in a lot of hours every day but I wanted to do it my

way. And being forced just got to me at a very deep level. It

infuriated me. And since I had no way to respond to my elders, that

became my outlet to defy them. And it was hard to shake off even after

I left and made it on my own.


It can also be a trick of the ego to get you involved in frivolous

things and a battle that you don't win but keep trying and wasting

energy and sidetrack you from the real issues.


For one week, jus try dropping this resistance and this goal and let

things be. The resistance itself might be the problem. One real

practical idea that can help is to meditate before going to bed. After

a good session, you can get up refreshed again in at least one hour

less than your usual sleep hours requirement. Nothing elaborate, even

simple awareness of breadth, or focusing on body ( shavasana) can do



There end my two pennies. Members: I am sorry if this was in

appropriate or too long,




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That was a very interesting and insightful read Azaad. :-) Thanks for sharing your experience.

Sat Nam



theblisswithin <theblisswithin > wrote:



Interesting issue! I might share some experience...for almost a decade

or 15 years I made sleep a major major issue in my life.


Guess that came from my parents spiritual beliefs, or perhaps growing

up in India in general. In our family waking up at 7 am was considered

extremely lethargic and almost like disgustingly immoral.

But sleeping early say at 9 pm was also equally bad. The ideal was to

achieve a sleeping time of around 11.30 pm or 12 and get up around

5.00 am -5.30am.


More sleeping hours were considered an abject waste of time, life and

precious human opportunity.

The idea also was that especially young should push themselves very

hard as this was the time to work in life.


I can get by on around 6.5 hours of sleep usually. But that culture

made me rebel and later sent me to therapy. Even while awake I was

mentally focused on one thing only and rearranged my entire workday to

one end: sleeping at a certain time and waking up at a certain time.


This whole issue of sleep became more promiment in my mental realms

than anything else.It was like 'one day I will achieve my golden dream

and THEN life will become this unending journey of sheer bliss.'

Some live to eat, some to make merry, I lived to sleep and get up at

'the time'.


It did happen, once, for about a week. Then in my overzeal I started

setting the alarm even earlier say 3 am and guess what..it

backfired..and went in the other direction, to even later. I would

sneak a peak at the time ( say 7.15 am, which was 15 mts later than my

normal time) and will get depressed and sleep for 2 more hours to try

to shake myself out of it. This ping-pong lasted several years. I

developed a morning depression syndrome:))).


I did realize that 'ideal schedule' another time too. And that

happened simply because I gave up. I got sick of being obsessed with

sleep management and my earlier attempts had landed me in serious

insomnia.Days and nights merged and things were always a haze.


My advise, or what I try to do now ( even now that obsession hits back

often) is try to focus on the time that you are awake and kicking and

focus on some love for yourself even if you get up at a time beyond

what you expect. If I were to make a real calculation, I perhaps have

wasted millions of hours trying to become 'not lazy'. The world is

surely designed for early wakers. And even if you are a night owl,and

put in equal number of hours as others, you sure do miss out on a lot.

But that's perhaps better than getting intensely negatively focused on

this one habit.

Perhaps it is better to be well rested and efficient for 12 hours than

working in a half rested for 15 hours.


Anyhow, these are some random thoughts. I do envy those for whom it is

very easy.


For me the spiritual challenge here is to get rid of intense negative

focus, relax more, accept yourself and your body rhythms more and try

to reach a workable golden mean. Even if you wake up at 10 am, it

might help to work back say 15 minutes every few days. Sudden dramatic

reversals perhaps don't last, in my opinion.


I also suspect that sometimes things like these are actually a cover

up for other underlying issues like say actually being able to work

produtively because of stress, anxiety, fear of success, perhaps even

anger etc.


In my case I suspect it was more of an anger at being made to do

something in a certain way that I didn't agree with. I usually work

very hard and put in a lot of hours every day but I wanted to do it my

way. And being forced just got to me at a very deep level. It

infuriated me. And since I had no way to respond to my elders, that

became my outlet to defy them. And it was hard to shake off even after

I left and made it on my own.


It can also be a trick of the ego to get you involved in frivolous

things and a battle that you don't win but keep trying and wasting

energy and sidetrack you from the real issues.


For one week, jus try dropping this resistance and this goal and let

things be. The resistance itself might be the problem. One real

practical idea that can help is to meditate before going to bed. After

a good session, you can get up refreshed again in at least one hour

less than your usual sleep hours requirement. Nothing elaborate, even

simple awareness of breadth, or focusing on body ( shavasana) can do



There end my two pennies. Members: I am sorry if this was in

appropriate or too long,









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Also, keep in mind, that if you haven't managed to rise in the amrit vela...the day isn't lost. Do yoga and meditation whenever it is that you do wake up. It will still be beneficial.

If you have trouble meditating, then make sure you do some yoga prior to meditation. Being focused on what you're not doing, but wishing you could, becomes quite an obstacle in the way of what you could be actually doing. "Keep Up" means do what you can...do your best...and one's best changes from moment to moment.

All Light,

Sat Sangeet kaur




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