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Anybody saw this kind of mark?

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Some may think that I should have posted this in Vedic Astrology discussion list. But I did not do it because I do not want this to be a part of any email discussion list. Also, I am writing this only out of curiosity - not because I am worried and also not because I am happy.


I have started seeing a new kind of mark in the middle of my right palm. I do not remember when I first saw it. But I guess, it was roughly about 3 weeks back. The mark is of very prominent red colour and it is quite clearly in the shape of a flower, which has newly blossomed. I am saying newly blossomed because I can make out three of its petals clearly but the angle of any of these three with the centre pottion of the flower is small.


When I first saw this, I thought that I might have touched some object, whose colour has come to my hand. I tried washing it off. I rubbed my palm very thoroughly with soap. I rubbed it with thumb of my left hand. I even rubbed it with a piece of a cloth. I rubbed it so much that if I had rubbed it any harded, then my palm would definitely have started bleeding.


Then I understood that it is not some external marking and it cannot be erased just like the lines in our palms cannot be erased just by washing.


A few minutes back, for some reason, I looked at my right palm and again noticed it.


I even thought of checking with some doctor. But it does not cause any pain at all. In fact, if I do not see it, then I do not even feel that it is there. So, I was wondering if some others have seen such (or similar) marks in their or somebody else's hands.

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Some may think that I should have posted this in Vedic Astrology discussion list. But I did not do it because I do not want this to be a part of any email discussion list. Also, I am writing this only out of curiosity - not because I am worried and also not because I am happy.


I have started seeing a new kind of mark in the middle of my right palm. I do not remember when I first saw it. But I guess, it was roughly about 3 weeks back. The mark is of very prominent red colour and it is quite clearly in the shape of a flower, which has newly blossomed. I am saying newly blossomed because I can make out three of its petals clearly but the angle of any of these three with the centre pottion of the flower is small.


When I first saw this, I thought that I might have touched some object, whose colour has come to my hand. I tried washing it off. I rubbed my palm very thoroughly with soap. I rubbed it with thumb of my left hand. I even rubbed it with a piece of a cloth. I rubbed it so much that if I had rubbed it any harded, then my palm would definitely have started bleeding.


Then I understood that it is not some external marking and it cannot be erased just like the lines in our palms cannot be erased just by washing.


A few minutes back, for some reason, I looked at my right palm and again noticed it.


I even thought of checking with some doctor. But it does not cause any pain at all. In fact, if I do not see it, then I do not even feel that it is there. So, I was wondering if some others have seen such (or similar) marks in their or somebody else's hands.


You are the One, Neo ;)


Nah, only kidding :) could be anything... is it symmetrical? Does it look like it's been impressed on your hand? Ok i know this is gonna sound wierd but... does it smell floral??

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maybe you should loosen your grip on that mouse a little?

Might be some impression from the electrical energy coming from your mouse.


It might be something physical.

Maybe it is something metaphysical?


Sri Atmatattva das, known on Indiadivine. com, had some fantastic mystic experiences. He is Indian and apparently has a long history of spiritual and mystical practice and search.


Let me present a short excerpt from a very interesting series of articles he wrote about his life in India and coming to sprituality in Krishna consciousness.



In Salem I became an ardent devotee of Karttikeya, a deity quite popular among Tamils. He appeals to the mystical as well as material impulses of the common man, and that suited me just fine. Moreover, I'd never forgotten the childhood vision I'd had at his shrine.


Occult 'self-worship' (ahamgrahopasana) is very prominent among Karttikeya's devotees. During Thaipusam, a festival held each early spring year, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims who flock to his temples in Tamil Nadu, Ceylon, Malaysia, Singapore, Mauritius - wherever South Indians have put down roots - are taken possession by the god and the horde of ghosts who serve him. In the trance of Karttikeya, some even thrust spears through their tongues or cheeks. Yet they feel no pain, nor do they even bleed; they prophesize and perform minor miracles, 'becoming' the god for a while.


In an interesting parallel to Christianity, South Indian Hindus believe Karttikeya to be the son of God (Shiva), born of miraculous conception. He is called Kumara, the child divine, and Mahasena, commander of the devas and militant foe of demons. His weapon is the Shakti Vel, 'the Spear of Power.'


Though he easily awards his worshipers the bounties of material enjoyment (bhoga), his intention is to instill tyaga (renunciation) in them later on, as he showed in his own life. Once he so lustfully pursued the lovely damsels of the heavenly world that the devas complained to his mother, Parvati. To teach him a lesson, she revealed that every female in the universe is a form of herself. Deeply ashamed that he had really been lusting after his own mother, he vowed to maintain brahmacharya (celibacy) from that moment on.


But I just wanted to be known as a basically normal but dedicated Hindu believer. I wasn't aware of his hidden agenda to push me to the brink of frustration so that I'd give up my materialistic life altogether.


As Coimbatore was only a few hours due southwest of Salem by train, I'd often visit home on the weekends. Overlooking Coimbatore is a large Karttikeya temple on the side of the Nilgiri hill range. One Sunday at Mum's request I went there accompanied by my brother's fiancee and her father and two sisters. The idea was to make a good impression on them of our family.


We'd walked halfway up the long stone stairway that brought pilgrims from the foot of the hill to the temple entrance, and had stopped for a rest at a shrine of Ganesh. All at once I splashed a startling remark into the gentle stream of pleasant conversation by turning to the girl and saying, "You know, before I was born, my mother had a daughter who died in infancy. You are her, born again. Welcome back to the family."


She blinked, reddened, and looked at her father for help. He winced and shook his head. "Now why do you tell such things?"


"Because I am the one you have come to see." As I answered him, it was clear that I wasn't answering him.


The four exchanged uncomfortable looks. Emboldened, I who was not I any longer wasted no words. "I am he with six faces - Shanmukha, Karttikeya himself!"


"Kannan," a sister blurted, "is your head full of rubbish? You'd be in enough trouble if you blamed the god for your one face only, because simply rubbish comes out of it."


I closed my eyes and clapped my hands thrice, then sat still while they murmured amongst themselves. Within a few moments a peacock appeared on the scene, announcing himself with a loud call. The peacock is Karttikeya's familiar.


Smiling slightly, I opened my eyes. With a discourteous grunt, the father got to his feet. "Let's go up now," he muttered to his daughters. I rose and joined them. "Right now there is a lady in the temple who is very devoted to me," I chatted amiably as we stepped out of the shrine's shadow onto the sunny stairway. "She is wearing a green sari and will soon come down the stairs." A group of women came out of the temple to begin their descent just as we reached the top. One wore a bright green sari. "Coincidence!" hissed the girls, their eyes flashing daggers of reproach my way. Their father walked ahead stiffly, acknowledging nothing.


Inside the temple, the priests were bathing the murti with various liquids. As they poured milk over Karttikeya's form, I felt the same substance coursing over my body. I rolled a shirtsleeve up to my elbow and told the father to look at my forearm. He frowned, then gasped as his eyes fell upon the white droplets condensing on my skin. His three daughters shrieked and clutched each other. The crowd pressed in around us, babbling excitedly. I was finally ushered outside by the priests, who didn't want their ceremony disturbed.


Though it didn't wreck my brother's engagement, this incident was the first noticable crack in my connection to the everyday world.


Later I got the mantra-siddhi of Karttikeya, a perfection by which I could teleport his sacred ash (obtained as a blessing from the temple priests) from a covered bowl in a locked closet to my hand. I got this power by daily chanting a mantra a certain number of times for forty-one days. But because I didn't continue the sadhana after that, it gradually faded away.


Another cryptic vista opened a few months later. One evening in my Salem boarding house, I'd just turned off the light and laid down for rest when I heard a knock at the door. I got up, flicked on the light, threw open the sliding bolt and pulled the door wide. There was nobody in the hall. I leaned out over the stairwell and scanned the ground floor below. Empty. I closed the door, put out the light and went back to bed.


Within seconds, again a knock.


I checked once more. Nothing.


When it happened a third time, I went to the window and looked out on the lane. I discerned a lone figure standing in the night shadows. He was stark naked, his body covered with ash, and had a long beard and matted locks. Raising a hand as if in blessing, he framed the words "Come to Chendamangalam" with his mouth. I heard them in my head. Then he turned and disappeared in the darkness.


It was the sadhu out of the dream of the lake that I'd had years before.


I was stunned. If I had but dreamed this now, I would have gone back to sleep and forgotten about it. Yet - I turned on the light, splashed water on my face and looked in the mirror - I'd been awake the whole time! I sat up half the night, my mind in a spin. Who could this sadhu be? And where on earth - if it was on earth - was Chendamangalam?


The next day, one of our sales agents dropped into the office

to turn in an order he'd taken for some tractor tires. He came to my desk with the down payment and I entered it in the cashbook, noting the details from his sales record slip. When I saw the customer's address, I gaped: Chendamangalam.


the whole series of articles can be found on the main page of Indiadivine. com




I cannot post active links, but if you copy and paste this link in your browser you can still gt the page.


at the bottom of each page are the links to each part of the article series.


quite fascinating.

this is what seperaters Indians from westerners.


indeed, the mystical experience is very amazing to hear about.

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Cool Avinash. Do you have a snap of it? I would love to see it. I have absolutely no knowledge of such things but to have a flower blossom on the palm sounds so very auspicious.


Picture please?


I have not taken a picture. But I can take it anytime, because it is permanently in my hand. I was not thinking of anything metaphysical when I started this thread. It is just that it seemed strange to me and hence I posted. I once thought that it might be because of mouse. But that should have gone away by now. I did some relaxation exercise of my hand by closing and opening my fist. I washed my hands. Yesternight when I slept, then by today morning it should have gone away. But it is there. I will post a picture soon. After I post the picture, please look at it and tell me if you have seen such a mark.

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  • 3 months later...

This could be the beginning of Hans Yoga, one of the most important yogas for spirituality. Very rare souls have this yoga. Only astrologers can tell you more on this, so you'd better post on vedic astrology forum.

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you are a kind and soft-hearted soul who hates to see others in distress. You will do whatever you can to help others.


It is true that I do not like to see others in distress. But I don't think I do whatever I can. When I look back into past, I feel that I should have and could have done much more than I did. Often I did not because sometimes I spent too much time in planning itself. I spent (or rather wasted) lots of time in thinking over questions like :-

How do I provide help to them?

Am I interfering too much in others personal matters?

If I am not able to contact those in need directly, then through whom I can send help? How can I be sure that the help will reach those for whom it is meant?

etc. etc.


I used to think over such issues a lot in the past. But now I do not think much because, even those these questions are relevant, if I keep on thinking over these, then I will never help anyone. Therefore, now a days when I feel like doing something 'good', I try to do it as soon as possible rather than putting it off.



I, like Theist, would like to see this mark. This sounds auspicious.

It may be auspicious. But I am not sure. I am not much of a devotee, at least compared to many in this forum. I have been reading scriptures for the last many years. But I mostly read those as literature, rather than as books of devotion. Moreover, my belief in the contents of these scriptures is not as strong as of many others. When there has been debates over scriptures vs Modern Science, then more often than not, I have sided with Science.

I first thought of posting the picture. But then I hesitated. If I post, then there will be lots of posts asking if the picture is genuine. (How will I prove that?) There will also be bug debates over how this mark came to be.

It is highly likely that the mark is just because of some chemical effects inside my hand.

I started this thread simply because I was curious to know if somebody else has seen such a mark. I did not want much of debate on this. Therefore, I was not following up with this thread.

However, since I saw some posts addressed to me, I thought of replying, as not replying would have been rude.

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you're right about the doubts some people might express if you post a pic... i understand... but boy am i curious :) !!!

good luck to you, Avinash... i hope you find someone who can explain its significance (perhaps yourself?)


Initially, I was curious to know its significance. But now I treat it quite normally thinking that it may be because of some physiochemical effects. It does not cause me any problem at all.

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Initially, I was curious to know its significance. But now I treat it quite normally thinking that it may be because of some physiochemical effects. It does not cause me any problem at all.


i hope you don't mind, but i work at a hospital so asked a doc about it and she said it would be very strange if this lasted for up to year (even tho to be sure she would have to see it for real) - so in my opinion it certainly wouldnt be a physiochemical effect because by now it would have changed. Anyway, if you think it is important then persue it. Otherwise just keep smilin :)

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