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Coming back as Tiger Woods?

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all you would probably accomplish by thinking of Tiger Woods at the time of death is that you would come back as a black human.

Problem is that you might end up in Biafra in a tribe of starving Africans.


Of course, in every kali-yuga there is the Tiger Woods incarnation in North American.

Maybe you could be the next Tiger Woods in the next kali-yuga?

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Of course, in every kali-yuga there is the Tiger Woods incarnation in North American.

Maybe you could be the next Tiger Woods in the next kali-yuga?


all joking aside, is this true? I had not heard that that in every Kali Yuga the same exact personalities reincarnate?? I thought this was only for descensions of God?

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all joking aside, is this true? I had not heard that that in every Kali Yuga the same exact personalities reincarnate?? I thought this was only for descensions of God?


i don't know that the shastra has ever addressed this issue, so I really couldn't tell you myself.


Krishna fulfills all desires, so anything is possible.

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i don't know that the shastra has ever addressed this issue, so I really couldn't tell you myself.


Krishna fulfills all desires, so anything is possible.


Yes, but Tiger Woods is a unique Jiva, as we all are. So it is not possible to come back as his incarnated jiva, with all the identical samskaras and traits.

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Yes, but Tiger Woods is a unique Jiva, as we all are. So it is not possible to come back as his incarnated jiva, with all the identical samskaras and traits.


maybe not. maybe there are billions of jivas out there with the same material desires and karma as Tiger Woods.


Maybe someday, Tiger will do a search on the internet for his own name and find this discussion?


Hey Tiger!

Great golf game you got there!


Please chant Hare Krishna and he happy.


Tiger, you are the MAN!!

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maybe not. maybe there are billions of jivas out there with the same material desires and karma as Tiger Woods.


I like that! What would you be, a co-incarnation?! Imagine what that would be like!


Only one problem ... material desires and karma are one thing, but you gotta have TALENT to be Tiger Woods. And there sure aren't billions of that around! ;)

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maybe not. maybe there are billions of jivas out there with the same material desires and karma as Tiger Woods.


if there are an infinite amount of Jivas and an infinite amount of Material Universes, then I am sure there must be others very Similar to Tiger Woods in other Universes. The odds of us reincarnating in such a Universe, and becoming that one individual, would be pretty astronomical though. :)

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Tiger Woods was cave diving here in my home town last year.

He stayed in a very simple and humble motel that is about as far from 4 Star as you can get.

He ate at the diner accross from the motel.

i heard that the waiter or waitress tried to keep the silverware that Tiger ate off of.

I guess they got caught and had to turn it back over to the management.


They were treating his plate and silverware like we used to treat Srila Prabhupada's plate in ISKCON.


Actually, I was one of the lucky ones that got some maha-prasadam off of Srila Prabhupada's plate in L.A.


Just goes to show you how powerful fame is in this world.


Tiger Woods simply knocks little balls around a well-manicured golf course and he is world-famous and get's treated like a god.


Once, Srila Prabhupada was riding in a car with some followers and they passed a golf course.

Srila Prabhupada asked about what they were doing out in that field.

They disciples explained about the game of golf.


Srila Prabhupada replied:

"Just see, they will do anything to forget Krishna".


So, Tiger! If you out there listening, it's time to get real a seek God.

Krishna is a good place to start.

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Tiger Woods was cave diving here in my home town last year.

He stayed in a very simple and humble motel that is about as far from 4 Star as you can get.

He ate at the diner accross from the motel.

i heard that the waiter or waitress tried to keep the silverware that Tiger ate off of.

I guess they got caught and had to turn it back over to the management.


They were treating his plate and silverware like we used to treat Srila Prabhupada's plate in ISKCON.


Actually, I was one of the lucky ones that got some maha-prasadam off of Srila Prabhupada's plate in L.A.


Just goes to show you how powerful fame is in this world.


Tiger Woods simply knocks little balls around a well-manicured golf course and he is world-famous and get's treated like a god.


Once, Srila Prabhupada was riding in a car with some followers and they passed a golf course.

Srila Prabhupada asked about what they were doing out in that field.

They disciples explained about the game of golf.


Srila Prabhupada replied:

"Just see, they will do anything to forget Krishna".


So, Tiger! If you out there listening, it's time to get real a seek God.

Krishna is a good place to start.


Are you telling him he has to quit his job (golf is profession) before he can seek God?

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Are you telling him he has to quit his job (golf is profession) before he can seek God?


am I?

Did I say that?

just show where I said that.


I said, it's time to seek God and to check out the Krishna conception.


Maybe Tiger already has a religion, I don't know.


But, having a religion and knowing God personally are two different things.


If Tiger can find Krishna, then his spiritual life will be a HOLE IN ONE!

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If I think of Tiger Woods when I die will I be reincarnated as Tiger Woods? To be honest with you I could live with that. If you are going to be stuck in the material world might as well do it as the best golfer in the history of the world.
Unfortunately, being talented, rich, famous or good looking will not free you from the miseries of this material world. If you don't believe me, just do some reading at the supermarket checkstand.
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Unfortunately, being talented, rich, famous or good looking will not free you from the miseries of this material world. If you don't believe me, just do some reading at the supermarket checkstand.


true.. infact celebrities often have more miseries. Imagine going thru life, where your every move is being watched and scrutinized by tabloids and the press.

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This may sound like a joke but it really shows the nature of the mind. If you think of "Tiger Woods" at the time of death you may come back as a tiger in the woods.

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Only think of Radha and Krishna (or Lakshmi-Vishnu, Sita-Rama..) at the time of death. NEVER Think of any human, even your close relatives! This is very, very important..

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