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please help! sick and need medecine!

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i have a problem, i have a sickness, that makes me loose my feeling in my left leg etc, and the only medecine are from the animal kingdom, hence i need to eat the medecine that are from dead animals..


i dont know how i should do, should i eat the medecine and therfor break my vegetarian lifstyle? or should i keep being a vegetarian and dont eat the medecine and be sick..


the medecine i need to eat for the rest of my life..

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The material world is constructed in such a way as to always demand compromise. We have to weigh factors against the greater good. I read a conversation between Srila Prabhupada and some of his disciples where they brought up that soccer team that crashed in the Andes and to survive they had to resort to eatting the flesh of the comrades who had died...cannabalism.


Srila Prabhupada understood their position and refused to condemn them saying that what they ate was just atoms.


Crazy circumstances sometimes require compromised responses. It is not that you are going out and killing and animal and eatting it's flesh for sense gratification. It may even by by a syntheic version of something that was orignally found in an animal form.


I would take the medicine. Just make sure you use that leg in doing service by walking to a place where Krsna is being glorified and dancing in kirtan.


At least this is what I would do and I am a very strict vegan who avoids even honey.


One habit I have gotten into is chanting Sri Vishnu Sri Vishnu Sri Vishnu before I take medicines or even supplements. I am trying to remember that every atom comes from Vishnu and thus has a spiritual origin and purpose.

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i read about the medecine, and it says that it is bacterias that are grown in labs.. so its life.. but then i will start eating the medecine then.. thnX


So are my probiotics.


I think the more important thing about not eatting animals is the fact that want to have the compassion and respect not to slaughter them for the taste of their flesh. Devotees won't eat animal products because they can't offer the foodstuff to Krsna. My reasons are not that elevated yet truthfully.


So we are careful but not obessively so. Having OCD tendencies I can really relate to this subject. I went through a period in the early 70's when I would hold my breath and hurry past any fast food place because I didn't want to smell cooking meat. I still don't but my reasoning then was I feared meat molecules by entering my nose were then competing with prasadam for room in my cells. It made me feel contaminated. :D Then when I realized the same principle applied when exposed to someone else's farts I really freaked out.:eek2: LOL!


The true self cannot be contaminated by these insults to the material body.

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Dear Prabhu,


Ganesha accepts any offering, so why not offer your meds to Ganesha then

if you feel uncomfortable offering it to Krsna?


Also you aren't killing the bacteria by ingesting them. You already have hundreds and millions and billions of friendly, helpful bacteria inside of your intestines, breaking down and digesting your food for you.


You also have hundreds and millions of bacteria in your mouth, breaking down food particles in between your gums and teeth and on your tongue, too.


So actually you, the human organism, are a giant ecosystem. You are home to hundreds and millions and billions of living entities already from Kingdom Monera already living inside of you. Bacteria are one celled living organisms that come in rod, sphere, or spiral forms.


We have both helpful bacteria in us and harmful bacteria. Your lower intestinal tract and stool is full of E. coli bacteria, for example, which breaks down your food for you, for example. The discovery that certain bacteria destroy others led to the development of anti-biotics.


Some of the harmful bacterias cause cholera, pneumonia, tuberculosis, venereal diseases, staphylococcus. You ingest helpful bacteria whenever you eat yogurt such as lactobacilli, L. acidophilus, bifidus, L.casei and L. reuteri


So what a glorious preaching opportunity you have! You have a captive audience of hundreds upon millions upon billions of living organisms living inside the vast universe that is Govinda Das. That is any preacher's dream! So man oh man you not only have an incredible preaching opportunity but a chance for you to earn sukritya.


So make you you eat prasadam then all of those billions of organisms are also eating prasadam! Play CDs of sacred mantras all day long, then those bacteria will become totally spiritualized. You are helping them and they are helping you. In science it is called beneficial symbiosis.


Helpful bacteria ki jaya! When you spiritualize your life then you provide an opportunity for billions of living organisms to serve the devotees. I offer them my pranams and pranams to you, too!

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It is wonderful to see you become so enlivened. You exhibit many wonderful qualities of a sincere sadhaka: enthusiastic about the mysterious Holy Names, respect for the revealed Scriptures of the world which contain the Truth from so many angles of vision, an appreciation for the sants [saints] of all mystical traditions, and a true feeling of appreciation and affection for guru-bhai, godsiblings. Have fun giving a Sunday feast talk and feeding prasadam to all of the bacteria! Krsna is so kind, he gives us so many ways to earn sukritya and in very humorous ways. So sweet of a Guy He is.




His lips are sweet, His face is sweet, His eyes are sweet,

His smile is sweet, His heart is sweet, His gait is sweet,


His voice is sweet, His character is sweet, His attire is sweet,

His speech is sweet, His movements are sweet, His wanderings are sweet,


His flute is sweet, His foot-dust is sweet, His hands are sweet,

His feet are sweet, His dancing is sweet, His friendship is sweet,


His singing is sweet, His drinking is sweet, His eating is sweet,

His sleeping is sweet, His beauty is sweet, His tilaka is sweet...


Krsna is so kind and so sweet giving you very good preaching opportunity to the Kingdom of Monera, and so kind and sweet giving us your association of very sweet mood innocence and trust.

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