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Srila Prabhupada's highest qualification

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(A meditation for Vyasa-puja)


Srila Prabhupada was firm in his determination to uphold the Vedic

statements even in the face of apparent contradictions due to modern

scientific research. The Vedas, coming directly from God, are perfect in

every respect and therefore are not subject to fault, like the statements of

ordinary, conditioned souls. Although the scientists might try to

substantiate their claims with impressive "facts," their information would

always be defective on account of their imperfect senses, liability to make

mistakes, tendency to become illusioned, and propensity for cheating. God is

perfect, and whatever He says is similarly perfect. His statements, known as

the Vedas, are called sruti, and one who repeats exactly what he has heard

from his spiritual master in disciplic succession from God, without any

concoction or change, is known as a bona fide guru: srotriyam

brahma-nistham. Even at the expense of being laughed at as a follower of

blind superstition, Prabhupada was not going to "sell out" just to please

some modern, so-called learned men. He had full faith that what he had heard

from his Guru Maharaja was perfect, and to reproduce it accurately was his

highest qualification.


>From Servant of the Servant Ch. 8 by TKG.

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