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[Nectar] Rathayatra in Montreal - Lord Jagannatha extends his mercy tosongwriter Leonard Cohen

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By Vyswambhara das


Leonard Cohen attended the festivities of the Rathayatra Festival in

Montreal. World-class Canadian writer, artist, philosopher, poet,

singer, songwriter, arranger, composer, producer and film maker Cohen

has special resonance for many devotees. Mr. Cohen came to prominence

during the Sixties when he, along with such greats as Bob Dylan and

George Harrison, became the voice of a generation in search of

spiritual direction. While in the eyes of the literati he is often seen

as either a mystic minstrel and ladies' man, for a surprising number

of devotees Mr. Cohen has come to exemplify the dark brooding plight of

the conditioned soul in search of the Truth. On the occasion of this

year's Rathayatra festival in Montreal however, this tender and

gentle man of considerable fame and influence seemed content and at

ease as he wandered through the various exhibits and activities

organized in the framework of the Festival of India. Later, he sat

discreetly with friends on the grass at some distance from the tent

where Lord Jagannatha, Balarama and Lady Subhadra were being worshiped.


In person, Mr. Cohen proved to be a modest, unassuming man, unimpressed

with his own fame, and a respectful listener. In conversation he proved

to have a sharp inquisitive mind. After the usual introductions, Mr.

Cohen seemed eager to state with evident pride that he had met His

Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Srila Prabhupada in 1967, in New

York's lower East Side (a search of the Vedabase Folio yielded no

record of this encounter and one cannot help but wonder what transpired

at the time). He further said he has been practicing Zen Buddhism for

the past thirty years and that he often goes to Mumbai, to hear from a

certain advaitist guru of some reputation. He also seemed proud to say

that he also regularly reads Bhagavad-gita. By good fortune, a devotee

timely and discreetly came to offer him a copy of Srila Prabhupada's

original Bhagavad-Gita As It Is. He accepted the book with respect,

inspected it briefly and showed it to the man and woman who accompanied

him. Surprisingly, the gentleman friend said that the cover

illustration of Bhagavad-gita As It Is has been gracing his

refrigerator door for more than twenty years. He promised to dig out

his copy of the book from his library shelves and read it.


Mr. Cohen expressed appreciation for the work that ISKCON is doing for

the people in general by the distribution of song, music and food. He

seemed particularly impressed that a new generation of young devotees

seemed ready and enthusiastic to take to Krsna consciousness seriously.

He inquired about how the movement had fared since Srila Prabhupada's

departure. When told that His Divine Grace had entrusted his movement

to an oligarchy (the GBC) rather than to an individual, he asked if

that had proved successful. He seemed to empathize when told that the

results had been mixed. He seemed pleasantly surprised to learn that

the Krsna consciousness movement is more than a charismatic phenomenon

and represents the modern expression of the timeless religion of man

beyond all forms of sectarianism.


There ensued some discussion on the difficulties of spiritual

advancement in these troubled times and the personal obstacles each of

us has to overcome as we reach for the Absolute Truth. Mr. Cohen did

not seem to know that devotees consider that finding out who is the

Absolute Truth or God constitutes only the first step of the spiritual

journey. For a devotee of Krsna the real spiritual struggle begins as

one tries to attract to himself the mercy of the Supreme Lord by

rendering service to Him. Although the concept of bhakti-yoga was well

outside his impersonal understanding of the Truth, he very respectfully

listened to all that was said.


When asked if he was still writing, Mr. Cohen remained evasive. He did

not try to promote his recent book.1


Only small-minded men flaunt good fortune; great men are often humbled

by it. Fame is like sand in the hand. Our Krsna consciousness

philosophy recognizes that most men, including the highly elevated

spiritualists, fall prey to prathista, lobho and puja (fame, honor and

followers). It was refreshing to talk to someone who having attained

these coveted riches, is able to understand their will-of-the-wisp



There is no harm for devotees to respect this extraordinary man whose

music and writing has touched the heart and soul of so many. In the

best tradition of the minstrels, Mr. Cohen carries on his frail

shoulders the hopes and aspirations of the down-trodden. Legions of his

fans cry out in unison with him: "Like a bird on a wire, Like a drunk

in a midnight choir, Like a still-born child, I have tried... and I

have tried." May all of them some day be blessed by the mercy of Lord

Caitanya Mahaprabhu and come to understand the wonderful magic and

divine nature of the maha-mantra:


Hare Krishna, Hare Krsna,

Krishna, Krishna, Hare Hare;

Hare Rama, Hare Rama,

Rama Rama, Hare Hare.


In his search for the truth, Leonard Cohen is not only challenged by

good fortune, the lethal poisons of Buddhism and Impersonalism have

also bitten him. However, this man's life has been dedicated to the

true human for the truth. Srila Prabhupada is glorified as

gaura-vani-pracarine, nirvisesa-sunyavadi-pascatya-desa-tarine, "You

are kindly preaching the message of Lord Caitanyadeva and delivering

the Western countries, which are filled with impersonalism and

voidism." We pray at his lotus feet that he might extend his mercy to

this soul. His Divine Grace once said: "Try to understand the science

of God philosophically, intelligently, logically. There is no question

of dogma, everything is nicely explained in Bhagavad-Gita As It Is...

Krishna is not very difficult to understand. It is an easy subject

matter. But to understand one must be sincere. That is the only

qualification required." (Lecture, 01.08.69, Los Angeles) Through his

relentless and sometimes brutally honest pursuit of the truth, Mr.

Cohen has imbibed great lessons in humility, respect for others. May

Lord Nityananda Prabhu see fit to extend his unlimited mercy to this

bruised soul! As Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura writes in Gitavali, "O

brother, needlessly under the control of illusion you suffer and are

carried away by her waves, sometimes floating and sometimes sinking. If

you have faith that the soul is the eternal servant of Krsna, then

there will be no more misery. And when you chant Hare Krsna your body

will shiver in ecstasy and your eyes will shed tears in love of God."


All glories to all the devotees who congregate from everywhere to

glorify Lord Jagannatha's sublime Rathayatra pastime. Rathayatra is

the best of festivals, and the very heart of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

All glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Srila

Prabhupada who, at the tender age of five planted the seed of the

worldwide Rathayatra festival. All glories to all the devotees who

follow in his footsteps and thus keep our minds sane in a world so out

of kilter.


1. After a ten-year hiatus Leonard Cohen recently caused a stir amongst

his many fans with a book entitled, The Book of Longing.




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