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India Fears Terrorism May Attract Its Muslims

Fawzan Husain for The New York Times


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Published: August 9, 2006


NEW DELHI, Aug. 8 — The bomb attacks last month on seven Mumbai commuter

trains did more than raise Indian hackles against Pakistan for failing to

rein in terrorist groups operating on its soil.


They also underscored a gathering threat for India: a small but increasingly

deadly cadre of young and often educated Indian Muslims who are being drawn

directly into terrorist operations.


The scale and coordination of the July 11 attacks, a senior Indian

government official said, suggest that at least one terrorist cell, made up

of fewer than a dozen local people and probably directed and financed by

militants based in Pakistan, carried out the bombings, which killed 183



In the past, the official said, Indian operatives have aided foreign

militants in what he called a benign fashion, sometimes providing little

more than shelter or food. “The change is that some of them really know what

they are up to,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity

because the investigation was in progress.


The emergence of more sophisticated homegrown terror cells carries grave

repercussions not only for national security, but also for domestic

politics, Hindu-Muslim relations and diplomacy with Pakistan.


Perhaps most important, it touches on India’s idea of itself as the world’s

largest secular democracy, capable of including a multitude of peoples and



“A small section of the Indian Muslim community has been radicalized,” said

C. Raja Mohan, a columnist for the daily Indian Express and a member of the

National Security Advisory Board. “That’s what makes it that much more

challenging for the country as a whole to deal with.”


The police have arrested eight men from Mumbai, formerly Bombay, in

connection with the attacks, though no specifics have been disclosed about

their possible links to the bombings. Among them are a doctor of traditional

Islamic medicine and a largely self-taught software worker who the police

said had landed a job with the American database and software company



Six of those arrested are said by the Indian authorities to have trained at

terrorist camps in Pakistan run by the militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Several have been linked to a radical homegrown outfit, now banned, called

the Students Islamic Movement of India.


For all the finger-pointing across the border, the attacks have forced India

to confront a worrying disquiet among Muslims at home, who have

overwhelmingly resisted calls to join in Islamic radicalism.


“That is still true to a very, very large extent,” India’s national security

adviser, M. K. Narayanan, maintained. “But what has happened is that a very,

very manifest attempt to recruit Indian Muslims is now being done.”


Those efforts, he said in an interview on CNN-IBN television, are

increasingly directed at educated Indian Muslims and, more troubling, at

elements within the military.


Senior Lashkar officials interviewed in Rawalpindi, Pakistani, said no more

than 50 Indians attended military and religious training camps in Pakistan

and the Pakistani-controlled part of Kashmir on average each year.


But they confirmed that an active recruitment drive was under way in India.


It is impossible to pinpoint to what extent the still apparently small

number of recruits are motivated by essentially Indian grievances —

especially the pogroms in 2002 against Muslims in the state of Gujarat,

which left 1,100 dead — or by the ideology of global political Islam.


But increasingly, many here fear, the two are at risk of merging.


In fact, Mr. Narayanan said, a reminder of anti-Muslim violence in India is

a powerful recruitment tool. “Quite often,” he said, “the motivation is ‘You

know what happened in Gujarat.’ ”


The Business Standard, an English-language daily, urged India in an

editorial last week to start looking inward at what it called a “homegrown

jihad,” suggesting that blaming Pakistan alone for attacks on Indian soil

was no longer sufficient.


“The national effort should make sure that even if Pakistan does its

damnedest to plant evil seeds in this country, it must not find hospitable

soil,” the editorial concluded.


Just how hospitable India, home to roughly 140 million Muslims, may be as a

breeding ground for extremism remains a matter of debate.


Some analysts in India maintain that were it not for the efforts of

Pakistan-based militants, Indian Muslims would lack the resources to carry

out large-scale terror attacks.


“The entire leadership that is creating violence in India is in Pakistan,”

insisted Ajai Sahni, an intelligence analyst in New Delhi who runs a Web

site called the South Asia Terrorism Portal. “If you extract Pakistan from

the problem and the flow of funds, the subversive cadres, there would not be

this problem in India.”


But visiting the Muslim neighborhoods of Mumbai in the aftermath of the July

11 bombings, what can plainly be felt is fear and resentment, fueled more

than anything by police suspicion.


In the last two weeks the police have combed these neighborhoods in search

of clues and suspects. They have knocked on doors demanding that parents

produce their sons for questioning, unleashing even more bitterness.


“It has become now very difficult to live as a Muslim in this country,”

Aslam Ansari, 58, grumbled in the hallway of a dilapidated largely Muslim

apartment block in a central city neighborhood called Mominpura. “We have to

bear. We cannot go anywhere.”


Among those arrested was one of Mr. Ansari’s neighbors, a doctor named

Tanvir Ansari, 32, who according to the police traveled to Pakistan for arms

and explosives training. The two are not related, and Aslam Ansari insists

that his neighbor is innocent.


Also taken into custody were two brothers from Mira Road, a largely Muslim

northern suburb of Mumbai.


Faisal Shaikh, 30, the elder brother, is described by investigators as a

crucial Indian liaison to Lashkar-e-Taiba. It was his younger brother,

Muzamil, 23, who was hired by Oracle in Bangalore. The police say he

followed his brother into the arms of Lashkar, and to Pakistan, via Iran,

for training.


Sleeper cells connected to Pakistani-based organizations came on the Indian

intelligence radar at least 10 years ago. Since then, bombings, arrests and

weapons seizures have offered tiny peepholes into their suspected scope and



In 2003, a Mumbai couple with suspected links to Jaish-e-Muhammad, a banned

Pakistani-based group, was charged in connection with a pair of powerful car

bomb attacks, including one in front of the iconic Gateway of India monument

in Mumbai that killed more than 50 people.


The police said at the time that the couple was accused of planting the

bombs in the trunks of two taxis as part of a local outfit calling itself

the Gujarat Revenge Force.


Last year, the Delhi police arrested a mechanical engineer on charges of

conspiring to attack military and financial centers on behalf of Lashkar.


And in May a large haul of guns and military explosives exposed what the

police called a sleeper cell of roughly a dozen people operating out of

Aurangabad, a provincial town about 200 miles northeast of here.


As in the past, the arrests in the last three weeks have largely homed in on

the Students Islamic Movement of India. The police say several of those

arrested in connection with the July 11 blasts were once members. Its

leaders deny any involvement with the attacks.


“Some such modules have been unearthed here,” said Mumbai’s commissioner of

police, A. N. Roy. He said former members of the organization “form a

fertile ground for providing local foot soldiers.”


Founded 30 years ago to promote Islamic teaching among Indian youth, the

group began to espouse armed resistance more than a decade ago after a band

of Hindu radicals tore down the 400-year-old Babri Mosque in the north

Indian city of Ayodhya in 1992, unleashing an orgy of Hindu-Muslim riots

across the country.


The lingering tensions in this city are deeply worrying. Since the July

attacks even career-minded young Indian Muslims complain that they are under

constant glare.


The ones who sport beards and skullcaps worry about how many times they will

be frisked at the train station. Those who live in Muslim enclaves see the

police knocking on doors.


One young man recalled a banner that went up in his neighborhood, exhorting

enemies of India to leave the country. “Our identity is the main problem,”

said Abdul Hannan Khan, 21, a college student who plans a career in



It is the same routine after every act of terror, said Sheik Abdul Qayyum,

20, recalling the Gujarat riots, which broke out after fire engulfed a train

carrying Hindu pilgrims, killing 59. Whether the fire was deliberate or

accidental is still disputed, and embroiled in political feuds.


In Mr. Qayyum’s mind there is no disputing the lesson of Gujarat, where he

lived at the time. He says the violence there was the most important event

in his life.


“I learned that as minority Muslims we are unprotected,” he said, and then

quickly added, “According to the current situation, Muslims in the whole

world are not protected.”


Arif Jamal contributed reporting from Lahore, Pakistan, for this article.

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