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[Nectar] Lord Balarama Appearance Day

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This is nice description of Lord Balarama Appearance. Sorry for the bad

fonts, I

was not able to correct it.


Sri Garga-samhita

Canto One


Chapter Ten




Description of the Birth of Lord Balaräma



Text 1



çré-närada uväca


bhétah paläyate näyaà

yoddhärah kaàsa-noditah

ayutaà çastra-samyuktä

rurudhuh çauri-mandiraà


çré-näradah uväca - Çré Närada said;

bhétah - frightened; paläyate - flees; na - not;

ayam - he; yoddhärah - soldiers; kaàsa - by Kaàsa;

noditah - sent; ayutam - ten thousand; çastra-

samyuktäh - with weapons; rurudhuh - stopped;

çauri - Vasudeva's; mandiram - palace.



Frightened Vasudeva could not flee, for ten thousand armed

soldiers sent by Kaàsa surrounded Vasudeva's palace.



Text 2



çaurih kälena devakyäm

añöau puträn ajéjanat

anuvarñaà cätha kanyäm

ekäà mäyäà sanätaném


çaurih - Vasudeva; kälena - in time; devakyäm - in

Devaké; añöau - eight; puträn - sons;

ajéjanat - begat; anuvarñam - every year; ca - and;

atha - then; kanyäm - daughter; ekäm - one;

mäyäm - Mäyä; sanätaném - eternal.



In the course of time, year after year, Vasudeva begat in

Devaké eight sons and a daughter who was the eternal goddess




Text 3



kértimantaà sutaà hy ädau

jätam änakadundubhih

nétvä kaàsa-sabhäm etya

dadau tasmai parärtha-vit


kértimantam - Kértiman; sutam - son;

hi - certainly; ädau - in the beginning; jätam - born;

änakadundubhih - Vasudeva; nétvä - bringing; kaàsa - of

Kaàsa; sabhäm - to the assembly; etya - coming;

dadau - gave; tasmai - to him; para-artha-vit - knowing the

supreme benefit.



Vasudeva, who knew the ultimate goal of life, went to

Kaàsa's assembly and offered his first son Kirrtimän.



Text 4



satya-väkya-sthitaà çaurià

dåñövä kaàso ghåëé tv abhüt

duhkhaà sädhur na sahate

satye kasya kñamä na hi


satya-väkya-sthitam - whose word is true;

çaurim - Vasudeva; dåñövä - seeing; kaàsah - Kaàsa;

ghåëé - kind; tu - indeed; abhüt - became;

duhkham - sadness; sädhuh - a saint; na - not;

sahate - bears; satye - in truth; kasya - of what?;

kñamä - tolerance; na - not; hi - indeed.



Seeing that Vasudeva had kept his promise and his word was

true, Kaàsa became softened with kindness. In truth, what

suffering will a saint not bear? What will he not tolerate?



Text 5



kaàsa uväca


eña bälo yätu gåham

etasmän na hi me bhayam

yuvayor añöamaà garbhaà

haniñyämi na saàsayah


kaàsah uväca - Kaàsasaid; eñah - this;

bälah - child; yätu - may go; gåham - home; etasmät - of

him; na - not; hi - indeed; me - of me;

bhayam - fear; yuvayoh - of you; añöamam - the eighth;

garbham - child; haniñyämi - I will kill; na - no;

saàsayah - doubt.



Kaàsa said: This child may go home. I do not fear him. I

will kill your eighth son. Of this there is no doubt.



Text 6



çré-närada uväca


ity ukto vasudevas tu

sa-putro gåham ägatah

satyaà nämanyata manäg

väkyaà tasya durätmanah


çré-näradah uväca - Çré Närada said; iti - thus;

uktah - said; vasudevah - Vasudeva; tu - certainly;

sa-putrah - with his son; gåham - home; ägatah - went;

satyam - truth; na - not; ämanyata - thought;

manäk - at all; väkyam - statement; tasya - of him;

durätmanah - the demon.



Çré Närada said: Told this, Vasudeva went home with his son.

However, he did not think the demon would make his words true.



Text 7



tadämbaräd ägataà mäà

natvä püjyograsenajah

papraccha deväbhipräyaà

prävocaà taà nibodha me


tadä - then; ambarät - from the sky; ägatam - come;

mäm - me; natvä - bowing; püjya - worshiping;

ugrasenajah - Kaàsa; papraccha - asked; deva - of the

demigods; abhipräyam - intention; prävocam - i told;

tam - him; nibodha - learn; me - from me.



Then I came there from the sky. Kaàsa bowed before me,

worshiped me, and asked me about the demigods' plans. I said to

him, "Learn this from me.



Text 8



nandädyä vasavah sarve

våñabhänv-ädayah suräh

gopyo veda-åcädyäç ca

santi bhümau nåpeçvara


nanda - by Nanda; ädyäh - headed; vasavah - the

Vasus; sarve - all; våñabhänu - by Våñabhänu;

ädayah - headed; suräh - the suras; gopyah - the gopés;

veda-åcä - by the Vedic hymns; ädyäh - headed;

ca - also; santi - are; bhümau - on the earth; nåpa-

éçvara - O king of kings.



"O king of kings, all the Vasus have become the

people that have Nanda as their leader. The suras have become the

people that have Våñabhänu as their leader. A group that has the

Vedic hymns as its leader has become gopés. They are all now on

the earth.



Text 9



vasudevädayo devä

mathuräyäà ca våñëayah

devaky-ädyäh striyah sarvä

devatäh santi niçcayäh


vasudeva - by Vasudeva; ädayah - headed; deväh - the

demigods; mathuräyäm - in mathurä; ca - and;

våñëayah - the Våñëis; devaké - by Devaké;

ädyäh - headed; striyah - their wives; sarväh - all;

devatäh - demigods; santi - are; niçcayäh - concluded.



"The devas have become the Våñëis headed by Vasudeva

and all the demigoddesses have become their wives, headed by




Text 10




añöamäh sarva eva hi

te hantuh saìkhyayäyaà vai

deväëäà vämato gatih


sapta-vära-prasaìkhyänät - after the seventh; añöamäh - the


eighth; sarve - all; eva - indeed; hi - indeed;

te - they; hantuh - of the killer; saìkhyayä - by the

number; ayam - he; vai - indeed; deväëäm - of the

demigods; vämato gatih - crookedness.



"Depending on how they are counted, any of

Vasudeva's sons can be the eighth one. Any of them can be the one

that will kill you. That is the crookedness of the demigods.



Text 11



çré-närada uväca


ity uktvä taà mayi gate

kåte daitya-vadhodyame

kaàsah kopa-våtah sadyo

yadün hantuà mano dadhe


çré-näradah uväca - Çré Närada said; iti - thus;

uktvä - saying; tam - to him; mayi - when I; gate - had

gone; kåte - done; daitya - of the demons;

vadha - killing; udyame - in determination;

kaàsah - Kaàsa; kopa - with anger; våtah - filled;

sadyah - at once; yadün - the Yädavas; hantum - to kill;

manah - mind; dadhe - placed.



Çré Närada said: After I had gone, Kaàsa became filled with

anger at this plan (of the demigods) to kill the demons. In his

heart he decided to kill all the Yädavas.



Text 12



vasudevaà devakéà ca

baddhvätha nigaòair dåòhaih

mamarda taà çilä-påñöhe

devaké-garbhajaà çiçum


vasudevam - Vasudeva; devakém - Ddvaké; ca - and;

baddhvä - binding; atha - then; nigaòaih - in chains;

dåòhaih - firm; mamarda - beat; tam - him; çilä - of

stone; påñöhe - on the surface; devaké-garbhajaà

çiçum - Devaké's son.



Kaàsa tightly bound Vasudeva and Devaké in chains. Then he

crushed Devaké's son against a stone surface.



Text 13



jäti-smaro viñëu-bhayäj

jätaà jätaà jaghäna ha

iti duñöa-vibhäväc ca

bhümau bhütaà na saàçayam


jäti - birth; smarah - remembering; viñëu - of Lord

Viñëu; bhayät - out of fear; jätam - born;

jätam - born; jaghäna - killed; ha - indeed;

iti - thus; duñöa-vibhävät - out of wickedness;

ca - also; bhümau - on the earth; bhütam - manifested;

na - no; saàçayam - doubt.



Remembering his previous birth, out of his demonic nature

and out of fear of Lord Viñëu he killed each son as it was born.

Of this there is no doubt.


Text 14



ugrasenas tadä kruddho

yädavendro nåpeçvarah

värayäm äsa kaàsäkhyaà



ugrasenah - Ugrasena; tadä - then;

kruddhah - angry; yädavendrah - the king of the Yädavas;

nåpeçvarah - the king of kings; värayäm äsa - stopped;

kaàsäkhyam - Kaàsa; vasudeva - to Vasudeva;

sahäya - help; kåt - did.



Angry at this, emperor Ugrasena, who was the master of the

Yädavas, stopped Kaàsa and helped Vasudeva.



Text 15



kaàsasya duräbhipräyaà

dåñövottasthur mahä-bhaöäh

ugrasenänugä rakñaà

cakrus te khaòga-päëayah


kaàsasya - of Kaàsa; duräbhipräyam - the wicked plan;

dåñövä - seeing; uttasthuh - rose; maha-bhaöäh - great

soldiers; ugrasenänugäh - followers of Ugrasena;

rakñam - protection; cakruh - did; te - they;

khaòga - swords; päëayah - in hand.



Seeing Kaàsa's demonic intentions, with swords in their

hands, Ugrasena's soldiers protected (Vasudeva and Devaké).



Text 16



ugrasenänugän dåñövä

kaàsa-véräh samutthitäh

taih särdham abhavad yuddhaà



ugrasenänugän - the followers of Ugrasena;

dåñövä - seeing; kaàsa-véräh - Kaàsa's soldiers;

samutthitäh - risen; taih - them; särdham - with;

abhavat - was; yuddham - battle; sabhä-maëòapa-

madhyatah - in the midst of the assembly.



Seeing Ugrasena's soldiers, Kaàsa's soldiers rose against

them and fought a great battle with them in the midst of the




Text 17



dvära-deçe 'pi véräëäà

yuddhaà jätaà parapsparam

khaòga-prahärair ayutaà

janänäà nidhanaà gatam


dvära-dese - in the doorway; api - even; véräëäm - of

the soldiers; yuddham - battle; jätam - was born;

parapsparam - mutual; khaòga - of swords; prahäraih - with

blows; ayutam - ten thousand; janänäm - of people;

nidhanam - to death; gatam - went.



The soldiers fought a great battle in the doorway. By the

blows of their swords ten thousand people died.



Texts 18 and 19



kaàso gåhétvätha gadäà

pituh senäà mamarda ha

kaàsasya gadayä spåñöah

kecic chinna-laläöakäh


bhinna-pädä bhinna-mukhäç

chinnäàsäs chinna-bähavah

adho-mukhä ürdhva-mukhäh

sa-çasträh patitäh kñaëät


kaàsah - Kaàsa; gåhétvä - grasping; atha - then;

gadäm - a club; pituh - of his father; senäm - the army;

mamarda ha - crushed; kaàsasya - of Kaàsa; gadayä - by

the club; spåñöah - touched; kecit - some;

chinna - broken; laläöakäh - foreheads; bhinna - broken;

pädäh - legs; bhinna - broken; mukhäh - faces;

chinna - broken; aàsäh - shoulders; chinna - broken;

bähavah - arms; adhah - bowed down; mukhäh - faces;

ürdhva - up; mukhäh - faces; sa - with;

çasträh - weapons; patitäh - fallen; kñaëät - in a moment.



Then Kaàsa took his club and crushed his father's army.

Touched by his club, in a moment many fell with their weapons,

their faces down or up, and their foreheads, legs, faces,

shoulders, or arms broken.



Text 20



vamanto rudhiraà vérä

mürchitä nidhanaà gatäh

sabhä-maëòapam äraktaà

dåçyate kñataja-sravät


vamantah - vomiting; rudhiram - blood; véräh - the

soldiers; mürchitäh - fell unconscious; nidhanam - to

death; gatäh - went; sabhä-maëòapam - the assembly

hall; äraktam - red; dåçyate - is seen;

kñataja - blood from the wounds; sravät - from the streams.



Many soldiers vomited blood, fell unconscious, and died. The

assembly hall was seen to be red with streams of blood from their




Text 21



itthaà mahotkaöah kaàsah

sa nipätyodbhaöän ripün

krodhäòhyo räja-räjendro

jagräha pitaraà khalah


ittham - thus; mahotkaöah - arrogant;

kaàsah - Kaàsa; sah - he; nipätya - falling;

udbhaöän - on the soldiers; ripün - enemy; krodha - with

anger; aòhyah - rich; räja-räjendrah - the king of kings

of kings; jagräha - grabbed; pitaram - his father;

khalah - demon.



In this way Kaàsa fell upon the enemy soldiers. Then, rich

with anger, the demonic king of the kings of kings grabbed his




Text 22



nåpäsanät saìgåhétvä

baddhvä päçaiç ca taà khalah

tan-mitraiç ca nåpaih särdhaà

kärägäre rurodha ha


nåpäsanät - from the royal throne; saìgåhétvä - taking;

baddhvä - binding; päçaih - with ropes; ca - also;

tam - him; khalah - the demon; tan-mitraih - with his

friends; ca - also; nåpaih - kings;

särdham - with; kärägäre - in a prison cell;

rurodha - imprisoned; ha - indeed.



The demon dragged him from the royal throne, bound him with

ropes, and with his royal friends locked him in a prison cell.



Text 23



madhünäà çürasenänäà

deçänäà sarva-sampadäm

siàhäsane copaviçya

svayaà räjyaà cakära ha


madhünäm - of the Madhus; çürasenänäm - of the

Çürasenas; deçänäm - of the countries; sarva - all;

sampadäm - opulences; siàhäsane - on the throne;

ca - also; upaviçya - sitting; svayam - personally;

räjyam - the kingdom; cakära ha - did.



Sitting on the throne, Kaàsa then personally ruled the

opulent kingdoms of the Madhus and Çürasenas.



Text 24



péòitä yädaväh sarve

sambandhasya miñais tvaram

catur-diço 'ntaraà deçän

viviçuh käla-vedinah


péòitäh - distressed; yädaväh - the Yädavas;

sarve - all; sambandhasya - of the relationship; miñaih - on

the pretext; tvaram - quickly; catur-diçah - to the four

directions; antaram - in; deçän - countries;

viviçuh - entered; käla - time; vedinah - aware.



Harassed by Kaàsa, all the Yädavas fled to other countries

on the pretext of visiting relatives and waited for a better




Texts 25 and 26



devakyäh saptame garbhe


vrajaà praëéte rohiëyäm

anante yogamäyayä


aho garbhah kva vigata

ity ücur mäthurä janäh


devakyäh - of Devaké; saptame - in the seventh;

garbhe - embryo; harña - happiness; soka - and grief;

vivardhane - increasing; vrajam - to Vraja;

praëéte - brought; rohiëyäm - in Rohiëé;

anante - Ananta; yogamäyayä - by Yogamäyä; ahah - Oh;

garbhah - embryo; kva - where?; vigatah - gone;

iti - thus; ücuh - said; mäthuräh janäh - the people of




When Yogamäyä carried Devaké's seventh fetus, which brought

her both joy and grief, to Vraja and placed it in Rohiëé's womb,

the people of Mathurä said, "Where did the child go?"



Texts 27 and 28



atha vraje païca-dineñu bhädre

tithau ca ñañöhyäà ca site budhe ca

uccair grahaih païcabhir ävåte ca

lagne tuläkhye dina-madhya-deçe


sureñu varñatsu su-puñpa-varñaà

ghaneñu muïcatsu ca väri-bindün

babhüva devo vasudeva-patnyäà

vibhäsayan nanda-gåhaà sva-bhäsä


atha - then; vraje - in Vraja; païca-

dineñu - in five days; bhädre - in Bhadra; tithau - in the

day; ca - and; ñañöhyäm - on the sixth;

ca - also; site - in the bright fortnight; budhe - in

mercury; ca - and; uccaih - exalted; grahaih - with

planets; païcabhih - with five;

ävåte - covered; ca - and; lagne - on the horizon;

tula-äkhye - in Libra; dina-madhya-deçe - at midday;

sureñu - as the demigods; varñatsu - showered;

su - beautiful; puñpa - of flowers; varñam - a rain;

ghaneñu - as the clouds; muïcatsu - released;

ca - also; väri-bindün - drops of water;

babhüva - became; devah - the Supreme Lord; vasudeva-

patnyäm - in the wife of Vasudeva;

vibhäsayan - illuminating; nanda-gåham - Nanda's home;

sva - with His own; bhäsä - splendor.



Then, in Vraja, after five days, in the month of Bhädra

(August-September), on the sixth day of the bright fortnight,

when Mercury, five exalted planets, and the constellation Libra

were on the horizon, at midday, as the demigods showered a

beautiful rain of flowers and the clouds sprinkled drops of

water, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, illuminating Nanda's

home with His splendor, was born from Vasudeva's wife (Rohiëé).



Text 29



nando 'pi kurvan chiçu-jäta-karma

dadau dvijebhyo niyutaà gaväà ca

gopän samähüya su-gäyakänäà

rävair mahä-maìgalam ätanoti


nandah - Nanda; api - indeed; kurvan - performing;

çiçu - of the child; jäta-karma - the birth-ceremony;

dadau - gave; dvijebhyah - to the brähmaëas; niyutam - a

million; gaväm - of cows; ca - also; gopän - the

gopas; samähüya - calling; su-gäyakänäm - of singers;

rävaih - with the music; mahä-maìgalam - great

auspiciousness; ätanoti - gave.



Nanda performed the child's birth ceremony and gave in

charity a million cows to the brähmaëas. Then he called the gopas

and observed a very auspicious festival with the music of many

singers and instrumentalists.



Text 30



dvaipäyano devala-devaräta-

vaçiñöha-väcaspatibhir mayä caägatya tatraiva samästhito


padyädibhir nanda-kåtaih prasannah


dvaipäyanah - Vyäsa; devala - Devala;

devaräta - Devaräta; vaçiñöha - Vaçiñöha;

väcaspatibhih - with Båhaspati; mayä - with me;

ca - also; ägatya - coming; tatra - there;

eva - indeed; samästhitah - situated; abhüt - became;

padya - with water for washing the feet; ädibhih - beginning

with; nanda - by Nanda; kåtaih - done;

prasannah - pleased.



Coming there with Devala, Devaräta, Vaçiñöha, Båhaspati, and

myself (Närada), Vyäsadeva was pleased when Nanda washed his feet

and worshiped Him in many ways.



Text 31



çré-nanda uväca


sundaro bälakah ko 'yaà

na dåçyo yat-samah kvacit

kathaà païca-dinäj jätas

tan me brühi mahä-mune


çré-nandah uväca - Çré Nanda said; sundarah - handsome;

bälakah - boy; kah - who?; ayam - He; na - not;

dåçyah - visible; yat - with whom; samah - equal;

kvacit - anywhere; katham - how?; païca - after

five; dinät - days; jätah - born; tat - that;

me - me; brühi - please tell; mahä-mune - O great sage.



Çré Nanda said: Who is this handsome boy, whose equal cannot

be seen anywhere? How is it He was born after only five days (in

the womb)? O great sage, please tell me.



Text 32



çré-vyäsa uväca


aho bhägyaà tu te nanda

çiçuh çeñah sanätanah

devakyäà vasudevasya

jäto 'yaà mathurä-pure


çré-vyasah uväca - Çré Vyäsa said; ahah - Oh;

bhägyam - good fortune; tu - indeed; te - of you;

nanda - O Nanda; çiçuh - child; çeñah - Çeña;

sanätanah - eternal; devakyäm - in Devaké; vasudevasya - of

Vasudeva; jätah - born; ayam - He; mathurä-pure - in

Mathurä City..



Çré Vyäsa said: Nanda, you are very fortunate. This child is

eternal Ananta Çeña. In Mathurä City He was conceived by Vasudeva

in Devaké.



Text 33



kåñëecchayä tad-udarät

praëéto rohiëéà çubhäm

nanda-räja tvayä dåçyo

durlabho yoginäm api


kåñëa - of Lord Kåñëa; icchayä - by the wish; tat - of

her; udarät - from the womb; praëétah - brought;

rohiëém - to Rohiëé; çubhäm - beautiful; nanda-räja - O King

Nanda; tvayä - by you; dåçyah - to be seen;

durlabhah - difficult; yoginäm - by the yogés; api - even.



By Lord Kåñëa's wish He was brought to beautiful Devaké. O

King Nanda, you may see Him even though the great yogés cannot.



Text 34



tad-darçanärthaà präpto 'haà

vedavyäso mahä-munih

tasmät tvaà darçayäsmäkaà

çiçu-rüpaà parät param


tad-darçana-artham - to see Him; präptah - attained;

aham - I; devakyä - by Devaké; asau - he; mahä-munih - a

great sage; tasmät - therefore; tvam - you;

darçaya - please show; asmäkam - to us; çiçu - child;

rüpam - form; parät param - greater than the greatest.



I, Vedavyäsa, have come here to see Him. Therefore, please

show Him, the Supreme Person who is greater than the greatest and

who now displays the form of an infant, to us.



Text 35



çré-närada uväca


atha nandah çiçuà çeñaà

darçayäm äsa vismitah

dåñövä preìkha-sthitaà präha

natvä satyavaté-sutah


çré-näradah uväca - Çré Närada said; atha - then;

nandah - Nanda; çiçum - the child; çeñam - Çeña;

darçayäm äsa - showed; vismitah - astonished;

dåñövä - seeing; preìkha - on the swinging-cradle;

sthitam - situated; präha - said; natvä - bowing;

satyavaté - of Satyavaté; sutah - the son.



Çré Närada said: Then Nanda showed them the child Aannta

Çeña. Gazing at the child in the cradle, Vyäsa, struck with

wonder, bowed down, and spoke.



Text 36



çré-vyäsa uväca


devädhideva bhagavan

käma-päla namo 'stu te

namo 'nantäya çeñäya

säkñäd-rämäya te namah


çré-vyäsah uväca - Çré Vyäsa said; deva - of gods;

adhideva - O Lord; bhagavan - O master of opulences;

käma - of desires; päla - O protector;

namah - obeisances; astu - may be te - to You;

namah - obeisances; anantäya çeñäya - to Lord Ananta Çeña;

säkñäd-rämäya - directly Lord Balaräma; te - to You;

namah - obeisances.



Çré Vyäsa said: O master of the demigods, O Supreme

Personality of Godhead, O Lord who grants desires, obeisances to

You! Obeisances to You, who are Lord Aananta Çeña! Obeisances to

You, who are directly Lord Räma!



Text 37



dharä-dharäya pürëäya

sva-dhämne séra-päëaye

sahasra-çirase nityaà

namah saìkarñaëäya te


dharä - of the earth; dharäya - to the holder;

pürëäya - perfect and complete; sva-dhämne - self-effulgent;

séra - a plow; päëaye - in hand; sahasra - a

thousand; çirase - heads; nityam - eternally;

namah - obeisances; saìkarñaëäya - Saìkarñaëa; te - to You.



Eternal obeisances to You, Lord Saìkarñaëa, the maintainer

of the earth, perfect and complete, effulgent and glorious,

holding a plow in Your hand, and having a thousand heads!



Text 38



revaté-ramaëa tvaà vai

baladevo 'cyutägrajah

haläyudhah pralamba-ghnah

pähi mäà puruñottama


revaté-ramaëa - O husband of Revaté; tvam - You;

vai - indeed; baladevah - Baladeva; acyuta - of the

infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead; agrajah - the

elder broehter; hala - plow; äyudhah - weapon;

pralamba - of Pralambäsura; ghnah - the killer;

pähi - protect; mäm - me; puruñottama - O Supreme Person.



You are Baladeva, Revaté's husband and the infallible

Supreme Personality of Godhead's elder brother. You are armed

with a plow. You are Pralambäsura's killer. O Supreme Person,

please save me!



Text 39



baläya balabhadräya

täläìkaya namo namah

nélämbaräya gauräya

rauhiëeyäya te namah


baläya - Bala; balabhadräya - Balabhadra;

täläìkaya - whose mark is the palm tree; namah - obeisances;

namah - obeisances; néla - blue; ambaräya - garments;

gauräya - fair complexion; rauhiëeyäya - the son of

Rohiëé; te - to You; namah - obeisances.



Obeisances! Obeisances to You, who are known as Bala and

Balabhadra, and who carry a palm-tree flag! Obeisances to You,

Rohiëé's fair-complexioned son dressed in blue garments!



Text 40



dhenukärir muñöikärih

küöärir balvaläntakah

rukmy-arih küpakarëärih

kumbhaëòäris tvam eva hi


dhenuka - of Dhenuka; arih - the enemy; muñöika - of

Musöika; arih - the enemy; küöa - of Küöa; arih - the

enemy; balvala - of Balvala; antakah - the end;

rukmé - of Rukmé; arih - enemy; küpakarëa - of

Kupakarna; arih - the enemy; kumbhaëòa - of

Kumbhaëòa; arih - the enemy; tvam - You;

eva - certainly; hi - certainly.



You are the enemy of Dhenuka, Muñtika, Küöa, Rukmé,

Küpakarëa, and Kumbhaëòa. You put an end to Balvala.



Text 41



kälindé-bhedano 'si tvaà


dvividärir yädavendro



kälindé - the yamunä; bhedanah - dividing;

asi - are; tvam - You; hastinäpura - of Hastinäpura;

karñakah - the puller; dvivida - of Dvivida; arih - the

enemy; yädava - of the Yädavas; indrah - the king;

vraja - of Vraja; maëòala - of the circle; maëòanah - the




You divided the Yamunä and dragged Hastinäpura. You are the

enemy of Dvivida. You are the king of the Yädavas and the

decoration of the circle of Vraja.



Text 42




tértha-yäträkarah prabhuh

duryodhana-guruh säkñät

pähi pähi prabho jagat


kaàsa - of Kaàsa; bhrätå - of the brothers;

prahätä - the killer; asi - You are; tértha-yäträkarah - the

pilgrim who goes to holy places; prabhuh - the Lord;

duryodhana-guruh - the teacher of Duryodhana;

säkñät - directly; pähi - protect; pähi - protect;

prabhah - O Lord; jagat - the universe.



You are the killer of Kaàsa's brothers, a pilgrim who goes

to holy places, the Supreme Master, and the teacher of

Duryodhana. O Lord, please protect, please protect the world!



Text 43



jaya jayäcyuta deva parät para

svayam ananta dig-anta-gataà yaçah

sura-munéndra-phaëéndra-varäya te

musaline baline haline namah


jaya - glories; jaya - glories; acyuta - O

infallible; deva - Lord; parät para - greater than the

greatest; svayam - personally; ananta - Ananta;

dik - the directions; anta - the end; gatam - gone;

yaçah - fane; sura - the demigods; muni - of sages;

indra - kings; phaëi - of serpents; indra - kings;

varäya - top the best; te - to You; musaline - who hold a

club; baline - powerful; haline - who hold a plow;

namah - obeisances.



O infallble Lord, O greater than the greatest, O Lord

Ananta, O Lord whose fame is everywhere, glory, glory to You!

Obeisances to You, who hold a plow and a club and are the master

of the demigods, great sages, and regal serpents!



Text 44



iha paöhet satataà stavanaà tu yah

sa tu hareh paramaà padam ävrajet

jagati sarva-balaà tv ari-mardanaà

bhavati tasya jayah sa-janaà dhanam


iha - here; paöhet - reads; satatam - regularly;

stavanam - prayer; tu - certainly; yah - who;

sah - he; tu - certainly; hareh - of Lord Hari;

paramam - the supreme; padam - abode; ävrajet - goes;

jagati - in the world; sarva - all; balam - strength;

tu - indeed; ari - enemies; mardanam - crushing;

bhavati - becomes; tasya - of him; jayah - victory;

sa-janam - with followers; dhanam - wealth.



A person who regularly reads or recites these prayers

attains Lord Hari's supreme abode. Even in this world he attains

all strength. He crushes his enemies. For him are victory,

wealth, and followers.



Text 45



çré-närada uväca


balaà parikramya çataà praëamya tair

dvaipäyano deva paräçarätmajah

viçäla-buddhir muni-bädaräyaëah

sarasvatéà satyavaté-suto yayau


çré-näradah uväca - Çré Närada said; balam - Lord

Balaräma; parikramya - circumambulating; çatam - a

hundred times; praëamya - bowing down; taih - with

them; dvaipäyanah - Vyäsadeva; deva - O lord;

paräçarätmajah - the son of Paräçara Muni; viçäla - great;

buddhih - intelligence; muni-bädaräyaëah - Vyäsa Muni;

sarasvatém - to the Sarasvaté; satyavaté-sutah - the son of

satyavaté; yayau - went.



Çré Närada said: After circumambulating Lord Balaräma and

bowing down before Him a hundred times in the company of (the

other sages), intelligent Vyäsa Muni, who was the son of Paräçara

and Satyavaté, went to the Sarasvaté river.




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