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Why not varnasrama?

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Mahat-tattva Prabhu,


I truly respect your personal opinions on this matter, but you have still

been unable to answer my question.


Ascribing to Srila Prabhupada that he wanted “to bring the hellish

civilization to an end” is a very bold and personal statement on your

part. You would have to find textual support, i.e. absolute, irrefutable

evidence that it was indeed precisely that his plan, in establishing the

Krishna Consciousness Movement in the West.


Moreover, my comment to your statement “Not that we should continue with

those things” is this: If you are so adamantly opposed to

industrialization, you should start with yourself and quit using

computers, the Internet and even this Pamho forum, which are by-products

of industrialization.


Just a thought...

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Dear Prabhus,


Please accept my humble obeisences. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Education is paramont to moving forward in all spheres of life.



Srila Prabhupada from day 1 was educating us on the basics of how to be

human beings instead of conditioned souls living like 2 legged animals.

Repeatedly he told us "you are not this body, you are neternal spirit soul,

part and parcel of Lord Krsna". Over and over again on so many topics

Srila Prabhupada instruced us,both spiritual and practical.


At the end of His earthly pastimes Srila prabhupada was trying to reach

Gita Nagari in Pennsylvania to start to establish Varnasrama.


Why Gita Nagari and why not a temple in a big city such as L.A. or New York

or London? Srila Prabhupada said on differant occasions that Gita Nagari

Farm had solved the food problem. Srila Prabhupada said that there are 4

problems that we must solve:


1) Where is food

2) Where is shelter

3) Where is cloth

4) Where is medicine


These problems can all be solved from a land based life style. The

cow/man/land relationship with the fruits of labor being given in sacrifice

to the Lotus Feet of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krsna.


In the MEMORIES Book Volume 2 page 368 there is a submission from Abhirama



ABHIRAM: "Shortly before Srila Prabhupada departed from this world, there

were afew conversations he had about Gita Nagari. In one conversation,

downstairs in his house in Vrindavan, he was talking about his impending

death and he said "I have no lamentation." Naturally, he was free of all

hankering and lamentaing. But then he paused and said, "No, I have a

lamentation." Three or four people were there at the time, and someone

asked, "Do you mean because you have not finished translating the

Srimad-Bhagavatam?" Srila Prabhupada said, "No, because I have not

established varnashram." Fifty percent of my work is incomplete because I

have not established varnashram." Then the question arose, "What to do

about this uncvompleted work?" In another conversation on the roof, Srila

Prabhupada said, "I want to establish varnashram," and one of us asked<"How

we you do that?" Prabhpada said, "I will sit down in Gita-nagari and teach

you to live off the land." He made it as simple as that."


We see in ISKCON that there is ample education on Brahminical topics, but

educational programs for Vaisya training are sorely lacking and in many

places not even a consideration.


In my travels in India I have discovered that in many of the ISKCON temples

that have goshallas, it is considered by the local devotees a low class

service to take care of the cows and bullocks. Better to hire the

villagers.Such a shame that the devotees wont even take care of thier own

cows with love and devotion. Better to hire the local villagers and then

there is no spiritual training and the cows and bullocks are mistreated.

Such a shame.


When will we start to help releave Srila Prabhupadas lamentation? Again he

is wanting to TEACH us. When will we accept that offer?


Your servant,


Balabhadra das

ISKCON Minister of Cow Protection and Agriculture



balabhadra.iscowp (AT) earthlink (DOT) net





> [Original Message]

> Ajamila (das) ACBSP (Goloka Books - UK) <Ajamila.ACBSP (AT) pamho (DOT) net>

> Hrimati (dd) ACBSP (Mayapur - IN) <Hrimati.ACBSP (AT) pamho (DOT) net>;

Rabindranatha (das) ACBSP (Los Angeles, CA - USA)

<Rabindranatha.ACBSP (AT) pamho (DOT) net>; Iscowp <balabhadra.iscowp (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>;

Mahat-tattva (das) <Mahat-tattva (AT) pamho (DOT) net>; Visnu Murti (das) (BLS

Bhaktivedanta Library Services) <Visnu.Murti (AT) pamho (DOT) net>

> 8/18/2006 8:59:01 AM

> Why not varnasrama?


> Its a question of education, education, education ...


> Srila Prabhupada emhpasized varnasrama colleges ...


> We dont have any yet ...


> kabe habe ...



> > Hare Krishna!

> >

> > if we start to try to understand that every class of men, be it


> > Ksatriya, Vaisya or Sudra, has its own part to play within society, than

> > understanding Varnasrama Dharma is not very difficult.

> > The different classes may all be devotees of Krishna or Vaisnavas, but

> > each and every class of men has a different role.

> > Like Srila Prabhupada explained; it is like the different parts in the

> > body, head can not function alone without the rest of the body.

> > in our ISKCON we tend to think, "oh I am a Brahmana now and to take care

> > of the cows and clean up their dung and do the dirty work, is a low


> > service". in reality, most of us are not Brahmanas and not even

> > Ksatriyas.

> >

> > Lord Caitanya explained that because of the pious activities he had done

> > as a cowherd boy in His last life, he became a Brahmana in His present

> > life.

> >

> > **********


> >

> > "In My last birth I was born in the family of cowherd men, and I gave

> > protection to the calves and cows. Because of such pious activities, I

> > have now become the son of a brahmana."

> >


> >

> > The words of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the greatest authority, herein

> > clearly indicate that one becomes pious simply by keeping cows and

> > protecting them. Unfortunately, people have become such rascals that


> > do not even care about the words of an authority. People generally

> > consider cowherd men lowly members of society, but herein Caitanya

> > Mahaprabhu confirms that they are so pious that in their next lives they

> > are going to be brahmanas. The caste system has a specific purpose. If

> > this scientific system is followed, human society will get the greatest

> > benefit. Heeding this instruction by the Lord, people should serve cows

> > and calves and in return get ample quantities of milk. There is no loss


> > serving the cows and calves, but modern human society has become so

> > degraded that instead of giving protection to the cows and serving them,

> > people are killing them. How can they expect peace and prosperity in


> > society while committing such sinful activities? It is impossible.

> >

> > ***********

> > only Krishna does not fall into the four divisions. As a Child Krishna

> > acted as a Cowherd boy and later in life, he acted as a Ksatriya.

> >

> > A society needs merchants, administrators, sweepers, Priests, cowherds,

> > farmers etc.

> > It is the picture in whole that we need to look at and PRACTICE it. Not

> > that now I got Brahman initiation, I no longer belong in the cow barn or

> > on the fields or what ever.

> >

> > Also Sudras need to be supported with food and clothing to keep them

> > happy, as Srila Prabhupada explained. Why do you think Srila Prabhupada

> > introduced Food for life?

> > Today we have so much problems with terrorism, crime etc. why? people


> > not engaged in their real occupational nature.

> > in our days the government sends every one into the battlefields to


> > their stupid wars for their own profit. as we can see, this is creating


> > big problem. Take Vietnam for example...

> >

> > please comment

> >

> > Your servant,

> > Hrimati dasi

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