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How to Help Some People and Ourselves

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Ho'oponopono Self I-Dentity

Being 100% Responsible For The Problems of My Clients

By Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D. and Charles Brown, LMT


In traditional approaches to problem solving and healing, the

therapist begins with the belief that the source of the problem is

with the client, not within him. He believes that his

responsibility is to assist the client in working through his

problem. Could these beliefs have resulted in systemic burnout

throughout the healing profession?

To be an effective problem solver, the therapist must be willing to

be 100% responsible for having created the problem situation; that

is, he must be willing to see that the source of the problem are

erroneous thoughts within him, not within the client. Therapists

never seem to notice that every time there is a problem, they are

always present!

Being 100% responsible for actualizing the problem allows the

therapist to be 100% responsible for resolving it. Using the

updated Ho'oponopono approach, a process of repentance, forgiveness

and transmutation developed by Kahuna Lapa'au Morrnah Nalamaku

Simeona, a therapist is able to have erroneous thoughts within

himself and within the client transmuted into perfect thoughts of



Her eyes brimmed with tears. Deep trenches enclosed the corners of

her mouth. "I am worried about my son," Cynthia sighs

softly. "He's back on drugs again." As she tells her painful

story, I begin the cleaning of the erroneous thoughts within me that

have actualized as her problem.

As erroneous thoughts are replaced by loving thoughts in the

therapist and in his family, relatives and ancestors, they are

replaced too in the client and in her family, relatives and

ancestors. The updated Ho'oponopono process allows the therapist to

work directly with the Original Source who can transmute erroneous

thoughts into LOVE.

Her eyes dry up. The trenches around her mouth soften. She smiles,

relief dawning across her face "I don't know why but I'm feeling

better." I do not know why too. Really. Life is a mystery except

to LOVE who knows all. I just let it go at that, and just thank

LOVE from whom all blessings flow.

In problem solving using the updated Ho'oponopono process, the

therapist first takes his -Dentity, his Mind and connects it up

with the Original Source, what others call LOVE or GOD. With the

connection in place, the therapist then appeals to LOVE to correct

the erroneous thoughts within him that are actualizing as the

problem for himself first and for the client second. The appeal is

a process of repentance and forgiveness on the part of the therapist-

--"I am sorry for the erroneous thoughts within me that have caused

the problem for me and for the client; please forgive me."

In response to the repentance and forgiveness appeal of the

therapist, LOVE begins the mystical process of transmuting the

erroneous thoughts. In this spiritual correction process, LOVE

first neutralizes the erroneous emotions that have caused the

problem, be they resentment, fear, anger, blame or confusion. In

the next step, LOVE then releases the neutralized energies from the

thoughts leaving them in a state of void, of emptiness of true


With the thoughts empty, free, LOVE then fills them with Itself.

The result? The therapist is renewed, restored in LOVE. As the

therapist is renewed so is the client and all involved in the

problem. Where there was despair in the client, there is LOVE.

Where there was darkness in her soul, there is now the healing Light

of LOVE.

The Self - Dentity Through Ho'oponopono training teaches people

who they are and how they can solve problems moment to moment, and

in the process be renewed and restored in LOVE. The training begins

with a two-hour free lecture. Attendees are given an overview of

how thoughts within them actualize as spiritual, mental, emotional,

physical, relational and financial problems in their lives and in

the lives of their families, relatives, ancestors, friends,

neighbors and associates. In the weekend training, students are

taught what a problem is, where the problems are located, how to

solve different kinds of problems using over twenty-five problem

solving processes and how to really take good care of themselves.

The underlying emphasis in the training is on being 100% responsible

for themselves and for what happens in their lives and for solving

problems effortlessly.

The wonder of the updated Ho'oponopono process is that you get to

meet yourself anew each moment, and you get to appreciate more and

more with each application of the process the renewing miracle of



I operate my life and my relationships according to the following



1. The physical universe is an actualization of my thoughts.

2. If my thoughts are cancerous, they create a cancerous physical


3. If my thoughts are perfect, they create a physical reality

brimming with LOVE.

4. I am 100% responsible for creating my physical universe the way

it is.

5. I am 100% responsible for correcting the cancerous thoughts that

create a diseased reality.

6. There is no such thing as out there. Everything exists as

thoughts in my mind.




Amma Bless,


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