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To Supriti Omenka Nnadi -To Sanatani

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Sanatani my sister you are on fire. what do you have Amma in your

shirt pocket or something? and to the group as a whole, from the

posts over past few days, i think maybe GeorgeSon summoned up Amma

with some mystic mischief as i seem to see Her everywhere here. -e




Ammachi, sanatani urban <sanatani wrote:


> Om Namah Shivaya Beloved Sister,


> You are simply adding another large flame to the fire by

speaking this way. You have said the same thing many times on this

list. I find it interesting, since you have also posted so many

beautiful stories about your own healing process with Amma. At

what point did Amma choose to ignore you because of your drama and

negativity??? At what point did She suggest that everyone simply

ignore you, as if you did not even exist? From what I read of your

beautiful healing stories, It appears that Amma's ability to see

beyond your immediate behavior and attitude towards life; to see the

perfection within you and use unconditional Love and positive regard

as a potent tool for transformation, was what has created such

healing within you.


> My question for you, dear sister is this: Since our Beloved

Mother has given you such a precious gift of healing on every level

simply by offering you unconditional love and positive regard, why

then do you not offer the same to others? Is Tom mirroring a part

of your inner self that you still hate, and would rather "ignore"?

Maybe you could try sending Tom all the unconditional love that you

can muster, and you will actually be healing that part of yourself

as well.


> Just a thought, Beloved One.


> In Her Love,

> Sanatani



> Omenka Supriti Nnadi <oomenka wrote:

> Some people thrive on negative attention and negative

feedback, they are unable to accept guidance, counseling or even ask

for help. Unfortunately Tom falls in this category - I prefer to

ignore his flaming rhetoric, responding to him is pointless. I urge

the members of this list to do the same.


> Om Namashivaya - In Amma's service,


> Supriti Omenka Nnadi



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