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Helping all members to selfcure all health problems sans drugs.

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For the last six years, the Nature Cure Centre of the

Pune-based Save India Association (SIA), has been

holding free backache cure camps that have been

attended by more than 30,000 beneficiaries in India

and abroad. The SIA is propagating simple spinal

exercises lasting for a few minutes. Spinal health

being the key to good all round health, it has been

actually found that besides backache, the same

exercises have given instant relief/benefit to

patients suffering from the following problems:


1. Age-old migrains, even occipetal headaches.

2. low back pains with all complications

3. cervical spondylosis (neck pain of all sorts)

4. Shoulder/arms pain including frozen shoulders

5. PMS: painful menses not responding to anything

6. Post delivery aches and pains even 40-year olds

7. Post menopausal problems, hot flashes, osteop. etc

8. Severe sciatica pains and related problems,

9. Pains due to slip-disc, PIP, etc.,

10.Knee pains (osteoarthritis) & connected issues

11.Jet Lag goes (one feels fresh like a flower each

time one tries the same for 3 to 5 minutes


This is being circulated so that no one suffers from

any such problems when one can cure one-self by just

learning everything by visiting <www.atbsnr.com> or

emailing their problems to the author or learning from

a CD where everything is shown with feedback from

senior people including India's first Super Model,

Shyamoli Varma who had severe post-delivery back pain

for many years inspite of all treatment.


So let us all be happier and healthier more than ever

before, physically, mentally and even spiritually as

it leads to deeper meditation culminating into

self-realization for those who are slightly attuned

spiritually; Amen.


S. M. Acharya

President (SIA) and

Founder, ATBSNR.com

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