Guest guest Posted August 11, 2006 Report Share Posted August 11, 2006 Dear Shri. Ravi: I have cut and pasted your queries, and given my responses below them. - vedic astrology, Ravi shreevastava <ravi_shreevastava wrote: > > Namaste Learned Gurus! > > I have some basic but yet intriguing issues regarding > some of the questions that cropped up during my > analysis of various kundalis as well as my own > kundali. > > It will be a great help for me and other members if > you could throw some light on it. > > 1.Does Guru being a lord of 5th house and 8th house in > Leo Ascendant be treated as auspicious or not? > -------------------------------- Guru - the lord of the 5th house is auspicious to Leo lagna though it owns another malefic house - the 8th house. According to tradition, for your lagna if Guru is in an odd sign, it will give predominantly the effects due to the 5th house, and if it is an even sign, it will give predominantly the effects due to the 8th house. This principle will hold for any planet that owns two signs....if it is in an odd sign, it will give primarily the results as the house which has the odd sign for which the planet is the owner..... =================================================================== > 2.It is said that Chandra and Sun are free from > Ashtam(8) or Dwadas(12) dosha..i.e. Even if they are > the lord of these houses or are placed in it they > remain pure and capable of giving good result? > ===================================================================== There is tradition to support the above view and in my practical experience also I have found this to be true. But the good results are not in very auspicious sectors of life....For example, I have found that natives with Moon in the 8th house generally attain success in cases or disputes during their chandraashtama days. So, it all boils down to application. ===================================================================== = > 3.Uchha or neech grahas refers to the strength of the > grahas or does it takes into account the auspicious or > inauspicious effects of that Graha? - ===================================================================== Uccha and neech primarily refer to the strength of the grahaas; and the strength of the grahaas is an indicator of whether the planets are disposed well or not the horoscope. Though there seems to be some difference when we try to view these as separate, in reality it is not so. I will explain it with an example; supposing you have a very kind-hearted person who will be always happy to extend a helping hand to all. If he is enjoying a smooth circumstance, he will behave with his natural generosity and help you. But, at the moment when you approach the person, if he/ she is under some stress and is weak, how can they help you.....still worse, if they are irritated by their circumstances your special requests may even irk them into some drastic action against you in their anger! On the contrary, even rough persons are sometimes known to extend rare gestures when they are in a happy mood. The same analogy will explain how even benefics devoid of strength may sometimes give negative results or at least are powerless in granting their significations to the horoscope and malefics when exalted and strong give perceptibly favourable results. However, to say whether a planet will be auspicious or not for the horoscope, the position of the planet is also a vital factor and not mere uccha or neecha. ===================================================================== > > 3.In Faldeepinka,It is mentioned that a Vakri Graha is > of the same strengh as a uchha graha,does this > necessarily means it will give good results? ===================================================================== You can consider vakri planet as a planet endowed with cheshta phala....that is it. Otherwise, the principles stated in the previous answer will hold good for this also. ===================================================================== > > 4.When does a particular YOGA materialise; like I am > running through Antardasha of Guru in the Mahadasha of > Chandra and In my Horoscope ,these planets see each > other and forms a Gajkesari yoga;Will it materialise > now? > ===================================================================== There are some yogaas that hold true throughout the life of an individual giving peak effects during the dasa-bhukti of the planets involved in the yogaa. gajakesari yoga is one such life-time yoga where the native is endowed with good will of people throughout life. The maximum effects as you have rightly deduced will be felt during the periods of Guru and Chandra. Encash your paycheque and establish yourself NOW. ===================================================================== > 5.How can one predict the materialisation of different > yoga when 2-3 planets who make these yogas are > together? > ===================================================================== When two or three planets are involved in forming a yoga, those yogaas are usually life-time yogaas that indicate more to the innate qualities of the soul. For example, if Sun, Moon, and Mars in trines to each other, it is called TRILOCHANA YOGA which gives the native with long life, great wealth and high intelligence. One will be a terror to his/ her enemies. This is the basic framework of the horoscope. There might be slight fluctuations in the actual realization of there may be times when these persons may be harassed by their enemies due to ill-effects of dasa-bhukti or transit...but, they will eventually come out on top as this yoga will give them the ability to strike terror in their enemies due to innate superhuman courage and persistence! Similarly the mahaabhagya yogaas are dasa-independent. If a yoga is not a life-time yoga, the yogaas will materialize in the period, sub-period, and sub-periods combined of the 3 or more planets involved. Whether a yoga is dasa-independent or is it dependent on the dasa-bhukti is best learnt under a traditional expert of astrology. Modern scientific approach and questioning will never help because of the sheer volume of the yogas. one life time is not enough to analyze them and even then, it is likely we will come to the same conclusion as indicated in the traditions! --- > It will be really of great help if the learned Gurus > can also take my Kundali as an example to explain in > reference of these questions. > > My Details: > Name:Ravi Shreevastava > DOB:24th April,1982 > Time:1:25:45 PM > Place:Muzaffarpur(Bihar) India > > It will be very nice of you If you cold throw some > light over the time of marriage which according to my > analysis would materialise during this Dasha only.. > ==================================================================== Marriage can happen in the following combinations: 1) Dasa of the 7th house lord. 2) Dasa of the navamsa dispositor of the 7th lord. 3) Planets in the 7th house. 4) planets aspecting the 7th house. 5) if none of the above combinations work out, but if Jupiter/ Venus dasa are in operation at a marriageable age and when the transit influences are auspicious. I have just outlined the most basic rules. There are some nadi astrology principles (not to be confused with the thumb-impression naadi; i am referring to astrological nadi classics like suka naadi), which derive some sensitive points in the horoscope which when transited by Jupiter are capable of bestowing a happy marital life to the native. If these points are transited by Rahu or Saturn, marriage should be avoided during those periods. This is something like electional astrology (Muhurtha) and not fatalistic though in actual experience also even without conscious decisions good marriages have taken place during auspicious transits and broken/ troubled marriages have occured during inauspicious transits in light of the principle hinted above. You can use the above indicators to arrive at your marriage date. ==================================================================== > Hope you will respond to this mail in true spirit of > Jyotish(i.e. The shashtra of Light) and remove the > doubts in my mind. > ===================================================================== I have responded to this mail in the true spirit of Jyotish to the best of my abilities. I do not know if my responses helped to remove the doubts in your mind. May Divine Grace guide your intellect. Blessed be. Pandit R.DAKSHINAMOORTHI. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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