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Help on Matchmaking

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Respected Gurujis and learned members:


I am writing this email on behalf of my younger brother for his matrimonial matchmaking.


His name is Shalin - his birth details are:



DoB: October 14, 1978

Time: 01:45 AM

Place: Porbandar (Gujarat) INDIA

Coordinates: 21N38 69E36


May I kindly request to analyze the Girl's horoscope given below with respect to a match with my brother:



DoB: December 28, 1982

Time: 19:44

Place: Mumbai, INDIA

Coordinates: 18N58 72E50


Also, any guidence on the possible marriage period for my brother and need to worship/pacify specific planet would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


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Dear Chintan,


The compatibility is good. No need to perform any remedies. The marriage will take place in this november.






Presently in Rohini, Delhi. Mb: +91-9891145270


[The services of this professional astrologer are free on this group but off-group private consultations are chargeable]






Chintan Chhaya

Wednesday, 16 August, 2006 03:29

Help on Matchmaking



Respected Gurujis and learned members:


I am writing this email on behalf of my younger brother for his matrimonial matchmaking.


His name is Shalin - his birth details are:



DoB: October 14, 1978

Time: 01:45 AM

Place: Porbandar (Gujarat) INDIA

Coordinates: 21N38 69E36


May I kindly request to analyze the Girl's horoscope given below with respect to a match with my brother:



DoB: December 28, 1982

Time: 19:44

Place: Mumbai, INDIA

Coordinates: 18N58 72E50


Also, any guidence on the possible marriage period for my brother and need to worship/pacify specific planet would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


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Dear Chintan,


I am replying to your query through the group

because this is an interesting subject for all.


Mars in capricorn in seventh house is the best placement for mars

in any ascendent. Here, mars is functional benefic, yogakarak, and placed as

exalted in Kendra. Such a person will be very supportive to his/her spouse

and will have a very understanding and wise, but strong willed nature.


There may be some anger in the native but it will be far lesser than

that of his/her spouse. The frequency of anger will be less, but the

intensity will be high.


In 1971, my birth year, mars was in capricorn for almost six months.

Then again in 1973, in april, it was exalted. So, many of my friends of my

age had this kind of mars. I found them to be more tolerant and placid than

others. They were very inteligent, had a knack to go deeper in any subject

and had a very good foresight. All were very helpfull towards others.


1. Mars in scorpio: The native tries to control everthing in his vicinity,

family and relations. But, there is a deep insecurity in him which he tries

to hide and becomes over dominating, stubborn and somewhat cruel. Uses a

hammer to kill an ant. A good example is Saddam Hussein. He never ventured

much beyond his neighbourhood and only controlled the people of his land.


2. Mars in Aries: Native is fearless, straightforward, very hard working and

helpfull. There is some amount of cruelty too. There is also blind

aggression. Adolf Hitler is a good example. He kept on attacking nation

after nation without thinking of the consequences.


3. Mars in capricorn: Thinking mars. Native is fearless, but calm and

non-aggressive unless aggression is the only option left. He is a good

planner, can think of the resulting situations from any present scenario and

plans accordingly. Has long term realistic goals. Good examples are, Charles

De Gaule and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.


Sardar Patel used both tact and force to merge the princely states

in India. He was known as Iron Man of India. His bravery and steely will

power was well known.


Charles De Gaule, the man who led French resistence against Nazis,

when the french army had surredered to German forces. He then became the

President of France, Turned french colonies, like Algeria, into free nations

much against the wishes of many of his countrymen. He is know as the man

behind modern, liberated and democratic France.






Presently in Bhiwani, Haryana. Mb: +91-9891145270


[The services of this professional astrologer are free on this group but

off-group private consultations are chargeable]










"Chintan Chhaya" <chintan_c (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

<astrologerashutosh (AT) (DOT) fr>

Wednesday, 16 August, 2006 22:21

Re: Help on Matchmaking



> Thank you very much, AshutoshJee:


> May I seek your permission to ask a question about the Mars placed in 7th

> house, exalted, in girl's horoscope? Would it make a girl more fearsome to

> dealt with her nature?



> -

> "astrologerashutosh" <astrologerashutosh (AT) (DOT) fr>

> <>

> Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:34 AM

> Re: Help on Matchmaking



>> Dear Chintan,


>> The compatibility is good. No need to perform any

> remedies. The marriage will take place in this november.


>> Regards,


>> Ashutosh


>> Presently in Rohini, Delhi. Mb: +91-9891145270


>> [The services of this professional astrologer are free on this group but

> off-group private consultations are chargeable]





>> -

>> Chintan Chhaya


>> Wednesday, 16 August, 2006 03:29

>> Help on Matchmaking



>> Respected Gurujis and learned members:


>> I am writing this email on behalf of my younger brother for his

> matrimonial matchmaking.


>> His name is Shalin - his birth details are:


>> Boy:

>> DoB: October 14, 1978

>> Time: 01:45 AM

>> Place: Porbandar (Gujarat) INDIA

>> Coordinates: 21N38 69E36


>> May I kindly request to analyze the Girl's horoscope given below with

> respect to a match with my brother:


>> Girl:

>> DoB: December 28, 1982

>> Time: 19:44

>> Place: Mumbai, INDIA

>> Coordinates: 18N58 72E50


>> Also, any guidence on the possible marriage period for my brother and

> need to worship/pacify specific planet would be greatly appreciated.


>> Thanks in advance,

>> Chintan.



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