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What type of marriage this native

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II* Vyam Vyasadevaya Namah. *II

Dear Upendra,


In giving data Native is male or female is not disclosed. In question related to marriage it is vital for judgment.


What type of Marriage a native will have? It is a vital question. Manu defines eight types of Marriages. Astrologers are divided when question of mapping arises. Shri Sanjay Rath and Visti appear to have different opinion and allocates different planet to signify one out of eight types of marriages..( please refer teachings on relationship by Visti in Worksop 2003 and teachings of S Rath at Serbia and others) .

Classical literature does not give clear hints as how to decipher Marriage type directly but some hints are given to know the birth of native has occurred on account of mating under what circumstances.( Foe example Bhavarth Parakashika says that when the 4 th lord is in the Ascendant, and it is in 6/8 position from 9 th lord the native must have been conceived by her mother under compelling circumstances or due to Paisacha Vivaaha, or under duress)Vaarahi Hora sloka also mentions that if at the time of Birth Jupiter does not aspect The Ascendant nor does the moon, the child born may be declared illegimatimate .But there are many exceptions to this Rule .If sun and moon are associated and Jupiter does not aspect either even than one born is from illegimate association. May be Maharshi talking of purity of Mansa Vaatcha karmanna . Since there are various opinions in texts leading to about 40 exceptions. So rule can not be applied.

Thus assuming reliable rules are not available or disclosed by paramparas we should consider next part of question.

If VII contains Rahu and 7L is debilitated.  ?

In Rasi Chart Rahu is in VII .It is unwelcome. It has GDristi of Yogakarka Saturn. And Tenth Lord Moon. So influences get slightly modified.

What Rahu does in VII? What VII indication terms of human Dynamics.

Seventh house from Lagna in Rasi chart shows desires of self .7L shows attitude toward marriage. So placement of Rahu in Vii, the Native may be inimical to spouse or the spouse is a widow(er).One may be attracted to a spouse who is ill tempered and love strife and quarrels.

Similarly 7 th Lord in debilitation is bad. It is called kalatresh and is equivalent to Venus. It means it behaves like Venus. Fortune after Marriage is shown by 7L.Physical body of Spouse is also shown by it.

In chart under reference Placement of 7L in Tenth is not good.

To be precise we must examine Vii house and 7L in a chart taking Venus as Lagna to judge when and where spouse is brought in life of Native. The house in Venus chart will show delay and obstacles in bringing spouse whereas 7L shows how spouse is met.i.e.a Dynamic aspect.

Now how I see your predictions are shown below your sentences. My opinion is just a viewpoint and can not be final.

* The time of marriage will be around 2008 March based on UL, 7th house and A7?

* Sat/Rahu/Veus is potent in Vimshottari dasa. Cap cancer in D9 does not support in Naryana scheme but Aqu Gemini in D1 also does not support. Please retry timing by Navamsa progression too.

* that this native will marry a guy from lower caste/Culture  with lower qualities but follow dharma due to Sun with 7th lord Mars(is debilitated in 10th house) Cancer.

* Perhaps your guess is based on debilitation of Mars but Family and cultural status of spouse is indicated by placement of 7L and UL. Moon here is UL LORD. So it need not be true.7L in Tenth placement indicates obsession / possession of Spouse by Native at mental level.

* that her husband is moody because the UL placement is in Cancer and Rahu's placement in 7th house an enemy sign.?

* May be, already covered.

* Is there any chance of love marriage predictable in this chart?

* Saturn as lord of 5 aspecting Mars the7 th lord may bring a tint of romance. It could be someone in authority or office where native works.








Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah

Sarve Santu Niramaya

Sarve Bhadrani Pasyantu

Ma Kashchid Dukh Bhaag Bhaveit




Consulting Astrologer

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