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This silence should be broken FAO Respected ashutoshji

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Pujay shri Ashutoshji,


I have been reading all the times commments from u and pujay shri Wendiji,

way back in 2005 both of u predicted number of things for me -

although i have devoted more on prayers now a days - but as and when u say some thing - as written below - question has come up in my mind - as u know that I am passing through ketu maha dasha -

problems are 21 -10-2006 and now regarding mars entering Virgo on 29th august 2006, do think I will have lots of problems or am I going to fulfill what I intend to start on 24 th August 2006, for 40 days -

please advice - many thanks for yr help in the past and now

Sorry, if u do not have on records my details tha again I am giving below:

DOB 18 -08 - 1931


TOB 08:00 AM


astrologerashutosh <astrologerashutosh (AT) (DOT) fr> wrote:

Dear astrologers,


The lull has been too prolonged in this astrological forum. Let us contribute our thoughts and create some beautifull noise. Noise which is knowledge enrinching but not deafening.


Today, sun has entered leo, joining mars, which has been there for a month now. Time for authorities to act tough, crackdowns on criminal activities will intensify. The next transit of mars in virgo, where it joins ketu, will not be a peacefull one. Increased terrorist acts, misuse of media agencies, and uncntrollable virus threats over internet will come to fore.


But, new breakthroughs in information technology, telecommunications, etc will also be seen at the same time.


Those born in virgo, Libra, Aries and Aquarius ascendents will be more affected by the negative effects of this mars-ketu yoga. There will be more volatilities when sun joins this combination after 15th september.


Ascendents like cancer, scorpio and capricorn will benefit from the positive effects of this yoga.


Waiting for further thoughts from you all,



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Dear Sh. Kotak ji,


I do not advise going for the 40 day under the planetary positions which will be there for next three months.


ON 24th august itself, mercury enters leo, your ascendent, over natal mercury.


Sun is also over natal sun.


Mars-ketu will be in their natal chart's position too. Combinations which can prove very fruitfull or fatal.


Venus is going to enter leo on 1st september and when you come out of the 40 days ritual, it will be debiliated and progressing towards combustion. The second house will have venus-sun-mars and ketu.


All the above indications indicate caution and health precautions. The beginning of any spiritual pursuits will be smooth but the end will be troublesome.


Better to wait for a few months.











pdk kotak


Thursday, 17 August, 2006 23:56

Re: This silence should be broken FAO Respected ashutoshji



Pujay shri Ashutoshji,


I have been reading all the times commments from u and pujay shri Wendiji,

way back in 2005 both of u predicted number of things for me -

although i have devoted more on prayers now a days - but as and when u say some thing - as written below - question has come up in my mind - as u know that I am passing through ketu maha dasha -


problems are 21 -10-2006 and now regarding mars entering Virgo on 29th august 2006, do think I will have lots of problems or am I going to fulfill what I intend to start on 24 th August 2006, for 40 days -


please advice - many thanks for yr help in the past and now


Sorry, if u do not have on records my details tha again I am giving below:

DOB 18 -08 - 1931


TOB 08:00 AM




astrologerashutosh <astrologerashutosh (AT) (DOT) fr> wrote:

Dear astrologers,


The lull has been too prolonged in this astrological forum. Let us contribute our thoughts and create some beautifull noise. Noise which is knowledge enrinching but not deafening.


Today, sun has entered leo, joining mars, which has been there for a month now. Time for authorities to act tough, crackdowns on criminal activities will intensify. The next transit of mars in virgo, where it joins ketu, will not be a peacefull one. Increased terrorist acts, misuse of media agencies, and uncntrollable virus threats over internet will come to fore.


But, new breakthroughs in information technology, telecommunications, etc will also be seen at the same time.


Those born in virgo, Libra, Aries and Aquarius ascendents will be more affected by the negative effects of this mars-ketu yoga. There will be more volatilities when sun joins this combination after 15th september.


Ascendents like cancer, scorpio and capricorn will benefit from the positive effects of this yoga.


Waiting for further thoughts from you all,



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  • 4 months later...

06 -01- 2007

Pujay shri Ashutoshji,

Please note as yr advice I did not dare number of things, but health has been real problems

for quite a while - am under medications most of the times - which does effect prayers etc.,

how is the period going - Ketu maha dasha finishes around end 2011 - will have have the problems until than - my main aim is to finish certain purus -charan - but it never finishes and have to keep on starting apart from that numbers of family problems etc., starts also - do have other problems

can-not seems the end of it. ( Some time really feel in very depresssions situation)

any suggestions.


I really feel unhappay as apart from regular prayers - now a daya even ganesh japa are being missed because of illness - regular prayers also can't keep up regular timings becuase of illness

cant understand why ?


BTW do u ever come to Mumbai - u are always in Delhi.

Happy New year - regards pdk




astrologerashutosh <astrologerashutosh (AT) (DOT) fr>


Friday, 18 August, 2006 3:15:53 PM

Re: This silence should be broken FAO Respected ashutoshji


Dear Sh. Kotak ji,


I do not advise going for the 40 day under the planetary positions which will be there for next three months.


ON 24th august itself, mercury enters leo, your ascendent, over natal mercury.


Sun is also over natal sun.


Mars-ketu will be in their natal chart's position too. Combinations which can prove very fruitfull or fatal.


Venus is going to enter leo on 1st september and when you come out of the 40 days ritual, it will be debiliated and progressing towards combustion. The second house will have venus-sun-mars and ketu.


All the above indications indicate caution and health precautions. The beginning of any spiritual pursuits will be smooth but the end will be troublesome.


Better to wait for a few months.







pdk kotak


Thursday, 17 August, 2006 23:56

Re: This silence should be broken FAO Respected ashutoshji


Pujay shri Ashutoshji,


I have been reading all the times commments from u and pujay shri Wendiji,

way back in 2005 both of u predicted number of things for me -

although i have devoted more on prayers now a days - but as and when u say some thing - as written below - question has come up in my mind - as u know that I am passing through ketu maha dasha -


problems are 21 -10-2006 and now regarding mars entering Virgo on 29th august 2006, do think I will have lots of problems or am I going to fulfill what I intend to start on 24 th August 2006, for 40 days -


please advice - many thanks for yr help in the past and now


Sorry, if u do not have on records my details tha again I am giving below:

DOB 18 -08 - 1931


TOB 08:00 AM




astrologerashutosh <astrologerashutosh@ .fr> wrote:

Dear astrologers,


The lull has been too prolonged in this astrological forum. Let us contribute our thoughts and create some beautifull noise. Noise which is knowledge enrinching but not deafening.


Today, sun has entered leo, joining mars, which has been there for a month now. Time for authorities to act tough, crackdowns on criminal activities will intensify. The next transit of mars in virgo, where it joins ketu, will not be a peacefull one. Increased terrorist acts, misuse of media agencies, and uncntrollable virus threats over internet will come to fore.


But, new breakthroughs in information technology, telecommunications, etc will also be seen at the same time.


Those born in virgo, Libra, Aries and Aquarius ascendents will be more affected by the negative effects of this mars-ketu yoga. There will be more volatilities when sun joins this combination after 15th september.


Ascendents like cancer, scorpio and capricorn will benefit from the positive effects of this yoga.


Waiting for further thoughts from you all,



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Pujay shri Ashutoshji,


Many thanks for prompt reply, look forward to see u some time in life - regards Hari bol pdk.




astrologerashutosh <astrologerashutosh (AT) (DOT) fr>


Sunday, 7 January, 2007 2:29:21 PM

Re: This silence should be broken FAO Respected ashutoshji


Dear Sh. Kotak Ji,


In all cultures and beliefs, purity of mind and intentions are given more importance than the actual rituals and worships. You will get the results even if you perform one percent of the required japas or mantras, if you are doing them with sincerity and devotion.


Once there was a Rishi who performed penances for a hundred years to attain his desired siddhis. Upon completion of his penance, he was disturbed by a crow's hoarse cries. He looked at the bird in anger. A beam of fire shot out from his eyes and burned the crow down.


He was surprised and also proud of this new found siddhi. A wave of satisfaction and pride swept through his mind and body. He went to the nearest village in search of some alms. He stood before the first house and spoke,"Mam Bhiksham Dehi!!" (Give me alms). A woman cried out from within the house, "Please wait! I am serving food to my husband."


He waited for a few minutes, then asked for alms once again. The lady of the house replied back, "Please wait, I am bathing my child."


The Sage's anger started rising. He asked for alms for a third time. The lady was feeding the cow, so again she asked him to wait. Finally, she came out smiling, with delicious food in a saucer.


The Rishi was so angry that, desiring to burn her down, he looked at her in the same manner as he had looked at the crow. But, nothing happened. No beam, no fire, no burnings, no ashes. The woman gave him alms, touched his feet and quietly went back to her household work.


The sage was stupefied. He could not understand how a simple woman could be immune to his siddhis. He went to his Guru and told him all the happenings. The guru said, "She has been performing her duties with pure intentions, full sincerity and devotion. She has the spiritual energies which can be attained only by thousands of years of severe penances. Living a family life and performing all one's duties properly is the best kind of penance one can ever perform."


Kotak Ji, rituals and religions are only one of the several means to awaken the simple, natural and ever-present spiritual forces inside us.


Presently, Saturn is transiting with ketu in your first house. Let it retrograde back to cancer, which it will do on 10th January 2007. After 14th January, you can start your rituals and meditations again. Please do not aim to complete what you undertake, but do whatever little you are able to do with devotion.


Avoid fasting from 14th January to 13th February.


With best wishes,





pdk kotak


Saturday, 06 January, 2007 20:10

Re: This silence should be broken FAO Respected ashutoshji


06 -01- 2007

Pujay shri Ashutoshji,

Please note as yr advice I did not dare number of things, but health has been real problems

for quite a while - am under medications most of the times - which does effect prayers etc.,

how is the period going - Ketu maha dasha finishes around end 2011 - will have have the problems until than - my main aim is to finish certain purus -charan - but it never finishes and have to keep on starting apart from that numbers of family problems etc., starts also - do have other problems

can-not seems the end of it. ( Some time really feel in very depresssions situation)

any suggestions.


I really feel unhappay as apart from regular prayers - now a daya even ganesh japa are being missed because of illness - regular prayers also can't keep up regular timings becuase of illness

cant understand why ?


BTW do u ever come to Mumbai - u are always in Delhi.

Happy New year - regards pdk



astrologerashutosh <astrologerashutosh@ .fr>


Friday, 18 August, 2006 3:15:53 PM

Re: This silence should be broken FAO Respected ashutoshji


Dear Sh. Kotak ji,


I do not advise going for the 40 day under the planetary positions which will be there for next three months.


ON 24th august itself, mercury enters leo, your ascendent, over natal mercury.


Sun is also over natal sun.


Mars-ketu will be in their natal chart's position too. Combinations which can prove very fruitfull or fatal.


Venus is going to enter leo on 1st september and when you come out of the 40 days ritual, it will be debiliated and progressing towards combustion. The second house will have venus-sun-mars and ketu.


All the above indications indicate caution and health precautions. The beginning of any spiritual pursuits will be smooth but the end will be troublesome.


Better to wait for a few months.







pdk kotak


Thursday, 17 August, 2006 23:56

Re: This silence should be broken FAO Respected ashutoshji


Pujay shri Ashutoshji,


I have been reading all the times commments from u and pujay shri Wendiji,

way back in 2005 both of u predicted number of things for me -

although i have devoted more on prayers now a days - but as and when u say some thing - as written below - question has come up in my mind - as u know that I am passing through ketu maha dasha -


problems are 21 -10-2006 and now regarding mars entering Virgo on 29th august 2006, do think I will have lots of problems or am I going to fulfill what I intend to start on 24 th August 2006, for 40 days -


please advice - many thanks for yr help in the past and now


Sorry, if u do not have on records my details tha again I am giving below:

DOB 18 -08 - 1931


TOB 08:00 AM




astrologerashutosh <astrologerashutosh @ .fr> wrote:

Dear astrologers,


The lull has been too prolonged in this astrological forum. Let us contribute our thoughts and create some beautifull noise. Noise which is knowledge enrinching but not deafening.


Today, sun has entered leo, joining mars, which has been there for a month now. Time for authorities to act tough, crackdowns on criminal activities will intensify. The next transit of mars in virgo, where it joins ketu, will not be a peacefull one. Increased terrorist acts, misuse of media agencies, and uncntrollable virus threats over internet will come to fore.


But, new breakthroughs in information technology, telecommunications, etc will also be seen at the same time.


Those born in virgo, Libra, Aries and Aquarius ascendents will be more affected by the negative effects of this mars-ketu yoga. There will be more volatilities when sun joins this combination after 15th september.


Ascendents like cancer, scorpio and capricorn will benefit from the positive effects of this yoga.


Waiting for further thoughts from you all,



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