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Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)

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|| Hare Krishna ||


The transit of Jupitor in Scorpio i.e in Jupitor's ownStar "Vishakha"

in Pices Navmansha will be a great event for all those born in Watery

Ascandant i.e.Cancer, Scorpio and Pices.


Jupitor will aspect Saturn in Cancer and dilute it's effects. After

a long time Pices people will get some relief.


This may provide better health, good planning, journey to religious

places, good news about childeren and breakthrough in love affairs of

ladies Jataka


Though some pressure of Rahu aspects will continue for some time.

In Indian politics also it will give good effect to Rulling parties.

The Scorpio will have the benefit of Mars in 10th house in Lieo also.




, "Tarun Chopra" <astrotarun



> Today Jupiter has come into Scorpio Sign


> http://www.occultwizard.com/tran2006.html


> Tarun Chopra


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Rishi,


Hare Rama Krsna!


>My point is that ayanamsha has a unique mathematical or even simpler

>arithmetical solution. It can be calculated by just the swiss

>ephemeris tropical values without using any specific ayanamsha



Can you show me how to do that?

The point is that we should define a starting reference for the zodiac?

According to the vedic system Revati was used as this reference. Is anyone

able to explain why Venus gets exalted exactly at 27 degrees Pisces?


Read my article on my website on 150m.com below.



Dhira Krsna dasa,





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Dear Visti,




>Otherwise Mars indicates a very soldier-like attitude which follows

>orders unquestioning.


I'm not like that, especially not because of Saturn-Rahu in the 9th house,

which makes me question authority. Yet I agree that I do sometimes get

orders from authorities in a soldier-like attitude. This is one of the

things we may verify in charts where the AK changes due to ayanamsa, since

most of the other chara karakas may then also change. E.g. see attached

chart of my wife's sister. With the ayanamsa I use Saturn changes from AK

into Darakaraka. What is the implication according to you? She has had 2

husbands who are lazy, gamble, don't know wat to do and are without goal,

cruel and careless.


>Sanjayji has mentioned on several occasions that his family has such a

>framed manuscript of his brothers with all the calculations. Hopefully we

>will get to see it someday.


Yes, I'm looking forward to see that. Would it be at Jagannath Puri?


> but i have repeatedly been unable to get the publication made by the

>Ayanamsa comitee, who had established the Lahiri Ayanamsa to be correct

>(at that point of time). Do you have this?


Unfortunately I do not have this. But I will do my best to find it on the




Dhira Krsna dasa,





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Hare Rama Krsna!


Dear Visti,


>This equates to the star Zeta Piscium, which (i was

>told) no longer can be relied upon due to its lacking visibility.


I wonder why the lacking in visibility would now change the zodiac?

Astronomical observatory (they existed in vedic times also!) can still

calculate the exact position of Zeta Piscium.

It is also not true that this star indicates the end of the zodiac, there

is a confusion between the star and the nakshatra bandwith here. I guess

Usha sashi has done like that and got almost 4 degrees difference with

Lahiri. The position I have taken for Zeta Piscium is 27 degrees Pisces

(the exaltation point of Venus) and so I arrived to 47 min. 7 sec less

than Lahiri.



Dhira Krsna dasa,





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||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Dhira, Namaskar

Thats why you must have Sun joined the Bhratrikaraka - but once you have all

the knowledge, you will follow it diligently due to Mars. In the example of

your wifes sister, keep in mind that the chara karaka shows your own

atma/soul in matters of that particular area of life. So we cannot justify

her partners' attitude from this. This is instead done from the planets

indicating the particular spouse... also Saturn doesn't gamble - he has left

speculation to his brother Rahu.

Normally when people have Saturn as atmakaraka, they experience alot of

sorry in life depending on where Saturn is placed.

Nice observation regarding Zeta Piscum... but then why did the Lahiri

comitee start using Spica?! We need that book.

Best wishes,


Visti Larsen

For services and articles visit:

<http://srigaruda.com/> http://srigaruda.com






[] On

Behalf Of Dhira Krsna BCS

28 August 2006 18:31


[Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)




Dear Visti,




>Otherwise Mars indicates a very soldier-like attitude which follows

>orders unquestioning.


I'm not like that, especially not because of Saturn-Rahu in the 9th house,

which makes me question authority. Yet I agree that I do sometimes get

orders from authorities in a soldier-like attitude. This is one of the

things we may verify in charts where the AK changes due to ayanamsa, since

most of the other chara karakas may then also change. E.g. see attached

chart of my wife's sister. With the ayanamsa I use Saturn changes from AK

into Darakaraka. What is the implication according to you? She has had 2

husbands who are lazy, gamble, don't know wat to do and are without goal,

cruel and careless.


>Sanjayji has mentioned on several occasions that his family has such a

>framed manuscript of his brothers with all the calculations. Hopefully we

>will get to see it someday.


Yes, I'm looking forward to see that. Would it be at Jagannath Puri?


> but i have repeatedly been unable to get the publication made by the

>Ayanamsa comitee, who had established the Lahiri Ayanamsa to be correct

>(at that point of time). Do you have this?


Unfortunately I do not have this. But I will do my best to find it on the




Dhira Krsna dasa,


<http://www.jyotishi <http://www.jyotishi.150m.com/Ayanamsa.html>


<http://groups. <Dhira_ayanamsa>



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||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Dhira Krsna Dasa, Namaskar

I didn't know the chart was attached. In her case that Saturn in eleventh

house is quite diabolical as its involved in a curse of spouse (venus

afflicted by Sun, Mars and Saturn). Also something very significant is that

she will have some issues with friendships not lasting long or she attracts

people to her who tend to behave very eratically due to that matibhramana

yoga along 5th and 11th house.

If Saturn becomes DK in the twelfth, then she will see more violence and

anger from her partners, than sorrow.

Best wishes,


Visti Larsen

For services and articles visit:

<http://srigaruda.com/> http://srigaruda.com






[] On

Behalf Of Dhira Krsna BCS

28 August 2006 18:31


[Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)




Dear Visti,




>Otherwise Mars indicates a very soldier-like attitude which follows

>orders unquestioning.


I'm not like that, especially not because of Saturn-Rahu in the 9th house,

which makes me question authority. Yet I agree that I do sometimes get

orders from authorities in a soldier-like attitude. This is one of the

things we may verify in charts where the AK changes due to ayanamsa, since

most of the other chara karakas may then also change. E.g. see attached

chart of my wife's sister. With the ayanamsa I use Saturn changes from AK

into Darakaraka. What is the implication according to you? She has had 2

husbands who are lazy, gamble, don't know wat to do and are without goal,

cruel and careless.


>Sanjayji has mentioned on several occasions that his family has such a

>framed manuscript of his brothers with all the calculations. Hopefully we

>will get to see it someday.


Yes, I'm looking forward to see that. Would it be at Jagannath Puri?


> but i have repeatedly been unable to get the publication made by the

>Ayanamsa comitee, who had established the Lahiri Ayanamsa to be correct

>(at that point of time). Do you have this?


Unfortunately I do not have this. But I will do my best to find it on the




Dhira Krsna dasa,


<http://www.jyotishi <http://www.jyotishi.150m.com/Ayanamsa.html>


<http://groups. <Dhira_ayanamsa>



Drive cheaper: are you paying too much for fuel? Visit


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Dear Visti ji


With bit of change in ayanamsa (or even from geocentric to topocentric calculations - BTW, lots of local panchang makers use topocentric calculations), if AK planet changes, then it can be used to validate the ayanamsa / calculation parameters.


For example - in my case, if I use geocentric one then Moon is AK; and with topocentric one - Sun is AK; also, with this moon changes in D9 from its conjunction with rahu in Leo (second house) to lagna with guru (in cancer).


regards / Prafulla Gang


The only abnormality is the incapacity to love.




> dhira.krsna.bcs (AT) pamho (DOT) net

> Mon, 28 Aug 2006 18:31 +0200


> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)


> Dear Visti,


> Namaskaar!


> >Otherwise Mars indicates a very soldier-like attitude which follows

> >orders unquestioning.


> I'm not like that, especially not because of Saturn-Rahu in the 9th

> house,

> which makes me question authority. Yet I agree that I do sometimes get

> orders from authorities in a soldier-like attitude. This is one of the

> things we may verify in charts where the AK changes due to ayanamsa,

> since

> most of the other chara karakas may then also change. E.g. see attached

> chart of my wife's sister. With the ayanamsa I use Saturn changes from AK

> into Darakaraka. What is the implication according to you? She has had 2

> husbands who are lazy, gamble, don't know wat to do and are without goal,

> cruel and careless.


> >Sanjayji has mentioned on several occasions that his family has such a

> >framed manuscript of his brothers with all the calculations. Hopefully

> we

> >will get to see it someday.


> Yes, I'm looking forward to see that. Would it be at Jagannath Puri?


>> but i have repeatedly been unable to get the publication made by the

> >Ayanamsa comitee, who had established the Lahiri Ayanamsa to be correct

> >(at that point of time). Do you have this?


> Unfortunately I do not have this. But I will do my best to find it on the

> internet.


> Ys,

> Dhira Krsna dasa,


> <http://www.jyotishi.150m.com/Ayanamsa.html>

> <Dhira_ayanamsa>


> Drive cheaper: are you paying too much for fuel? Visit

> www.astrofuel.myffi.biz

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||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Prafulla, Namaskar

Please let us know which panchanga makers are using topocentric positions?

Best wishes,


Visti Larsen

For services and articles visit:

<http://srigaruda.com/> http://srigaruda.com






[] On

Behalf Of Prafulla Gang

28 August 2006 21:04


RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)




Dear Visti ji


With bit of change in ayanamsa (or even from geocentric to topocentric

calculations - BTW, lots of local panchang makers use topocentric

calculations), if AK planet changes, then it can be used to validate the

ayanamsa / calculation parameters.


For example - in my case, if I use geocentric one then Moon is AK; and with

topocentric one - Sun is AK; also, with this moon changes in D9 from its

conjunction with rahu in Leo (second house) to lagna with guru (in cancer).


regards / Prafulla Gang


The only abnormality is the incapacity to love.



> dhira.krsna. <dhira.krsna.bcs%40pamho.net> bcs (AT) pamho (DOT) net

> Mon, 28 Aug 2006 18:31 +0200

> @ <%40>

> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)


> Dear Visti,


> Namaskaar!


> >Otherwise Mars indicates a very soldier-like attitude which follows

> >orders unquestioning.


> I'm not like that, especially not because of Saturn-Rahu in the 9th

> house,

> which makes me question authority. Yet I agree that I do sometimes get

> orders from authorities in a soldier-like attitude. This is one of the

> things we may verify in charts where the AK changes due to ayanamsa,

> since

> most of the other chara karakas may then also change. E.g. see attached

> chart of my wife's sister. With the ayanamsa I use Saturn changes from AK

> into Darakaraka. What is the implication according to you? She has had 2

> husbands who are lazy, gamble, don't know wat to do and are without goal,

> cruel and careless.


> >Sanjayji has mentioned on several occasions that his family has such a

> >framed manuscript of his brothers with all the calculations. Hopefully

> we

> >will get to see it someday.


> Yes, I'm looking forward to see that. Would it be at Jagannath Puri?


>> but i have repeatedly been unable to get the publication made by the

> >Ayanamsa comitee, who had established the Lahiri Ayanamsa to be correct

> >(at that point of time). Do you have this?


> Unfortunately I do not have this. But I will do my best to find it on the

> internet.


> Ys,

> Dhira Krsna dasa,


> <http://www.jyotishi <http://www.jyotishi.150m.com/Ayanamsa.html>


> <http://groups. <Dhira_ayanamsa>



> Drive cheaper: are you paying too much for fuel? Visit

> www.astrofuel.myffi.biz

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Dear Visti ji


Lots of local Panchang makers use topocentric one..that is why, each local panchang have some variations. One I know in Jodhpur (BhramPakshi one) is in line with Kashi based panchangs. I met lots of local panchang makers in various cities - and many of them have this basis.


Once - while sitting with Brahmpakshi panchang maker - he observed from my chest skin thickness that - it must be Retrograded Mars. Lahiri shows, that it is direct motion..so we digged panchang of 1967, and found that it was retrograde that day. There are minor variation on Mars / Budha; but largely - he advised me to adjust to topocentric one and then calculate. I would not have been tempted to follow, but some of the indications (like I mentioned above) - made sense to me. Perhaps, this mode needs to be applied on larger samples or explored, for its conclusion.


Another issue, which was quite bothering - was moon in D9. With its movement to Shravna (from Dhanistha) - it moved from simha to karka; and it is quite evident from my spouse.


regards / Prafulla Gang


The only abnormality is the incapacity to love.




> visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> Mon, 28 Aug 2006 22:01:23 +0200


> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)


> ||Hare Rama Krsna||

> Dear Prafulla, Namaskar

> Please let us know which panchanga makers are using topocentric

> positions?

> Best wishes,

> ***

> Visti Larsen

> For services and articles visit:

> <http://srigaruda.com/> http://srigaruda.com

> ***



> _____


> []

> On

> Behalf Of Prafulla Gang

> 28 August 2006 21:04


> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)




> Dear Visti ji


> With bit of change in ayanamsa (or even from geocentric to topocentric

> calculations - BTW, lots of local panchang makers use topocentric

> calculations), if AK planet changes, then it can be used to validate the

> ayanamsa / calculation parameters.


> For example - in my case, if I use geocentric one then Moon is AK; and

> with

> topocentric one - Sun is AK; also, with this moon changes in D9 from its

> conjunction with rahu in Leo (second house) to lagna with guru (in

> cancer).


> regards / Prafulla Gang


> The only abnormality is the incapacity to love.



>> dhira.krsna. <dhira.krsna.bcs%40pamho.net> bcs (AT) pamho (DOT) net

>> Mon, 28 Aug 2006 18:31 +0200

>> @ <%40>


>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)


>> Dear Visti,


>> Namaskaar!


>> >Otherwise Mars indicates a very soldier-like attitude which follows

>> >orders unquestioning.


>> I'm not like that, especially not because of Saturn-Rahu in the 9th

>> house,

>> which makes me question authority. Yet I agree that I do sometimes get

>> orders from authorities in a soldier-like attitude. This is one of the

>> things we may verify in charts where the AK changes due to ayanamsa,

>> since

>> most of the other chara karakas may then also change. E.g. see attached

>> chart of my wife's sister. With the ayanamsa I use Saturn changes from

>> AK

>> into Darakaraka. What is the implication according to you? She has had 2

>> husbands who are lazy, gamble, don't know wat to do and are without

>> goal,

>> cruel and careless.


>> >Sanjayji has mentioned on several occasions that his family has such a

>> >framed manuscript of his brothers with all the calculations. Hopefully

>> we

>> >will get to see it someday.


>> Yes, I'm looking forward to see that. Would it be at Jagannath Puri?


>>> but i have repeatedly been unable to get the publication made by the

>> >Ayanamsa comitee, who had established the Lahiri Ayanamsa to be correct

>> >(at that point of time). Do you have this?


>> Unfortunately I do not have this. But I will do my best to find it on

>> the

>> internet.


>> Ys,

>> Dhira Krsna dasa,


>> <http://www.jyotishi <http://www.jyotishi.150m.com/Ayanamsa.html>

> .150m.com/Ayanamsa.html>

>> <http://groups. <Dhira_ayanamsa>

> Dhira_ayanamsa>


>> Drive cheaper: are you paying too much for fuel? Visit

>> www.astrofuel.myffi.biz

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Dear Visti, Dhira, Prafulla

Namaskar to all of you.

The queries which have arisen in the previous few messages regarding

the starting point of ayanamsha and the naksatra/star were exactly

the queries which I used to ponder on, kept looking for facts,

researching till I got this astonishing pattern in the Tropical

ephemeris values which irrespective of any reference to the ayanamsha

correction not only shows the starting point of ayanamsha but also

strengthens that the "lost" knowledge was indeed fantastic. No value

addition, no scriptural reference, fixed star or constellation,

historical reference or any other assumption but based only on an

empirical search for patterns and data analysis of the Swiss

Ephemeris data available to me through Jagannath Hora software.


The precession or the ayanamsha can be measured as a function of

Sun/Jupiter conjunction. I have taken the Tropical swiss ephemeris

values from JHora from -4700 BC to 5300AD, a period of 10000 years

found the Sun/Jupiter conjunction point for each year. Then measured

the progression of Jupiter from the conjunction value of one year to

another, spread these values on a matrix of all 12 rashis at an

interval of 83 years(83 years for it is the multiple synodic cycle of

Jupiter, after 83 years, Ju and Sun eturn to the same position in the

zodiac). The results are spectacular they suggest a -60 ayanamsha at

around -4000 BC, -30 degrees at -1870 BC, 0 at 273 AD, 30 at 2471 AD

and so on. There seems to be no scope for an ambiguity at all. It is

arithmetical in nature and it fits in with the Jyotisha concepts.


It suggests that Sun and Guru create the cycles which form ayanamsha.

The details I have posted a few days back on the files section of

Sohamsa and Vedic Astrology groups. For me, personally, the answers

are clear and the zero of the ayanamsha can be fixed without doubts.

Jupiter's light shines and I bow to Sun and Jupiter.






For Prafullaji,

You would recall our discussion on JR a couple of months back

regarding ayanamsha and "lost" knowledge. The precession and

ayanamsha can be answered by patterns which are visible in the skies

for times immemorial.









, "Dhira Krsna BCS"

<Dhira.Krsna.BCS wrote:


> Dear Rishi,


> Hare Rama Krsna!


> >My point is that ayanamsha has a unique mathematical or even


> >arithmetical solution. It can be calculated by just the swiss

> >ephemeris tropical values without using any specific ayanamsha

> >reference!


> Can you show me how to do that?

> The point is that we should define a starting reference for the


> According to the vedic system Revati was used as this reference. Is


> able to explain why Venus gets exalted exactly at 27 degrees Pisces?


> Read my article on my website on 150m.com below.


> Ys,

> Dhira Krsna dasa,


> <http://www.jyotishi.150m.com/Ayanamsa.html>

> <Dhira_ayanamsa>


> Drive cheaper: are you paying too much for fuel? Visit

> www.astrofuel.myffi.biz


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||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Rishi, Namaskar

Did you use true or mean transit-positions of the Sun and Jupiter?

Best wishes,


Visti Larsen

For services and articles visit:

<http://srigaruda.com/> http://srigaruda.com






[] On

Behalf Of rishi_2000in

29 August 2006 04:33


[Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)




Dear Visti, Dhira, Prafulla

Namaskar to all of you.

The queries which have arisen in the previous few messages regarding

the starting point of ayanamsha and the naksatra/star were exactly

the queries which I used to ponder on, kept looking for facts,

researching till I got this astonishing pattern in the Tropical

ephemeris values which irrespective of any reference to the ayanamsha

correction not only shows the starting point of ayanamsha but also

strengthens that the "lost" knowledge was indeed fantastic. No value

addition, no scriptural reference, fixed star or constellation,

historical reference or any other assumption but based only on an

empirical search for patterns and data analysis of the Swiss

Ephemeris data available to me through Jagannath Hora software.


The precession or the ayanamsha can be measured as a function of

Sun/Jupiter conjunction. I have taken the Tropical swiss ephemeris

values from JHora from -4700 BC to 5300AD, a period of 10000 years

found the Sun/Jupiter conjunction point for each year. Then measured

the progression of Jupiter from the conjunction value of one year to

another, spread these values on a matrix of all 12 rashis at an

interval of 83 years(83 years for it is the multiple synodic cycle of

Jupiter, after 83 years, Ju and Sun eturn to the same position in the

zodiac). The results are spectacular they suggest a -60 ayanamsha at

around -4000 BC, -30 degrees at -1870 BC, 0 at 273 AD, 30 at 2471 AD

and so on. There seems to be no scope for an ambiguity at all. It is

arithmetical in nature and it fits in with the Jyotisha concepts.


It suggests that Sun and Guru create the cycles which form ayanamsha.

The details I have posted a few days back on the files section of

Sohamsa and Vedic Astrology groups. For me, personally, the answers

are clear and the zero of the ayanamsha can be fixed without doubts.

Jupiter's light shines and I bow to Sun and Jupiter.






For Prafullaji,

You would recall our discussion on JR a couple of months back

regarding ayanamsha and "lost" knowledge. The precession and

ayanamsha can be answered by patterns which are visible in the skies

for times immemorial.


@ <%40>

, "Dhira Krsna BCS"

<Dhira.Krsna.BCS wrote:


> Dear Rishi,


> Hare Rama Krsna!


> >My point is that ayanamsha has a unique mathematical or even


> >arithmetical solution. It can be calculated by just the swiss

> >ephemeris tropical values without using any specific ayanamsha

> >reference!


> Can you show me how to do that?

> The point is that we should define a starting reference for the


> According to the vedic system Revati was used as this reference. Is


> able to explain why Venus gets exalted exactly at 27 degrees Pisces?


> Read my article on my website on 150m.com below.


> Ys,

> Dhira Krsna dasa,


> <http://www.jyotishi <http://www.jyotishi.150m.com/Ayanamsa.html>


> <http://groups. <Dhira_ayanamsa>



> Drive cheaper: are you paying too much for fuel? Visit

> www.astrofuel.myffi.biz


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I used the default option of Jhora , that is true positions.

The interesting pattern begins when you trace out any 12 year

conjunction cycle of Jupiter and Sun. It is different in different







-- In , "Visti Larsen" <visti wrote:


> ||Hare Rama Krsna||

> Dear Rishi, Namaskar

> Did you use true or mean transit-positions of the Sun and Jupiter?

> Best wishes,

> ***

> Visti Larsen

> For services and articles visit:

> <http://srigaruda.com/> http://srigaruda.com

> ***



> _____



[] On

> Behalf Of rishi_2000in

> 29 August 2006 04:33


> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)




> Dear Visti, Dhira, Prafulla

> Namaskar to all of you.

> The queries which have arisen in the previous few messages


> the starting point of ayanamsha and the naksatra/star were exactly

> the queries which I used to ponder on, kept looking for facts,

> researching till I got this astonishing pattern in the Tropical

> ephemeris values which irrespective of any reference to the


> correction not only shows the starting point of ayanamsha but also

> strengthens that the "lost" knowledge was indeed fantastic. No


> addition, no scriptural reference, fixed star or constellation,

> historical reference or any other assumption but based only on an

> empirical search for patterns and data analysis of the Swiss

> Ephemeris data available to me through Jagannath Hora software.


> The precession or the ayanamsha can be measured as a function of

> Sun/Jupiter conjunction. I have taken the Tropical swiss ephemeris

> values from JHora from -4700 BC to 5300AD, a period of 10000 years

> found the Sun/Jupiter conjunction point for each year. Then


> the progression of Jupiter from the conjunction value of one year


> another, spread these values on a matrix of all 12 rashis at an

> interval of 83 years(83 years for it is the multiple synodic cycle


> Jupiter, after 83 years, Ju and Sun eturn to the same position in


> zodiac). The results are spectacular they suggest a -60 ayanamsha


> around -4000 BC, -30 degrees at -1870 BC, 0 at 273 AD, 30 at 2471


> and so on. There seems to be no scope for an ambiguity at all. It


> arithmetical in nature and it fits in with the Jyotisha concepts.


> It suggests that Sun and Guru create the cycles which form


> The details I have posted a few days back on the files section of

> Sohamsa and Vedic Astrology groups. For me, personally, the answers

> are clear and the zero of the ayanamsha can be fixed without doubts.

> Jupiter's light shines and I bow to Sun and Jupiter.


> regards


> rishi


> For Prafullaji,

> You would recall our discussion on JR a couple of months back

> regarding ayanamsha and "lost" knowledge. The precession and

> ayanamsha can be answered by patterns which are visible in the


> for times immemorial.


> @ <%40>

> , "Dhira Krsna BCS"

> <Dhira.Krsna.BCS@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Rishi,

> >

> > Hare Rama Krsna!

> >

> > >My point is that ayanamsha has a unique mathematical or even

> simpler

> > >arithmetical solution. It can be calculated by just the swiss

> > >ephemeris tropical values without using any specific ayanamsha

> > >reference!

> >

> > Can you show me how to do that?

> > The point is that we should define a starting reference for the

> zodiac?

> > According to the vedic system Revati was used as this reference.


> anyone

> > able to explain why Venus gets exalted exactly at 27 degrees


> >

> > Read my article on my website on 150m.com below.

> >

> > Ys,

> > Dhira Krsna dasa,

> >

> > <http://www.jyotishi <http://www.jyotishi.150m.com/Ayanamsa.html>

> .150m.com/Ayanamsa.html>

> > <http://groups. <Dhira_ayanamsa>

> Dhira_ayanamsa>

> >

> > Drive cheaper: are you paying too much for fuel? Visit

> > www.astrofuel.myffi.biz

> >


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Dear Rishi ji,


Yes, I remember our discussions on ayanamsa.


What values do you take in terms of correction with lahiri. I use lahiri less 54 seconds (with topocentric positions and apparent one). I have tried to fine tune it with local panchang. There are still minor variations for mars / mercury, which I refer manually (for local births).


regards / Prafulla Gang


The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.




> rishi_2000in

> Tue, 29 Aug 2006 02:33:23 -0000


> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)


> Dear Visti, Dhira, Prafulla

> Namaskar to all of you.

> The queries which have arisen in the previous few messages regarding

> the starting point of ayanamsha and the naksatra/star were exactly

> the queries which I used to ponder on, kept looking for facts,

> researching till I got this astonishing pattern in the Tropical

> ephemeris values which irrespective of any reference to the ayanamsha

> correction not only shows the starting point of ayanamsha but also

> strengthens that the "lost" knowledge was indeed fantastic. No value

> addition, no scriptural reference, fixed star or constellation,

> historical reference or any other assumption but based only on an

> empirical search for patterns and data analysis of the Swiss

> Ephemeris data available to me through Jagannath Hora software.


> The precession or the ayanamsha can be measured as a function of

> Sun/Jupiter conjunction. I have taken the Tropical swiss ephemeris

> values from JHora from -4700 BC to 5300AD, a period of 10000 years

> found the Sun/Jupiter conjunction point for each year. Then measured

> the progression of Jupiter from the conjunction value of one year to

> another, spread these values on a matrix of all 12 rashis at an

> interval of 83 years(83 years for it is the multiple synodic cycle of

> Jupiter, after 83 years, Ju and Sun eturn to the same position in the

> zodiac). The results are spectacular they suggest a -60 ayanamsha at

> around -4000 BC, -30 degrees at -1870 BC, 0 at 273 AD, 30 at 2471 AD

> and so on. There seems to be no scope for an ambiguity at all. It is

> arithmetical in nature and it fits in with the Jyotisha concepts.


> It suggests that Sun and Guru create the cycles which form ayanamsha.

> The details I have posted a few days back on the files section of

> Sohamsa and Vedic Astrology groups. For me, personally, the answers

> are clear and the zero of the ayanamsha can be fixed without doubts.

> Jupiter's light shines and I bow to Sun and Jupiter.


> regards


> rishi


> For Prafullaji,

> You would recall our discussion on JR a couple of months back

> regarding ayanamsha and "lost" knowledge. The precession and

> ayanamsha can be answered by patterns which are visible in the skies

> for times immemorial.









> , "Dhira Krsna BCS"

> <Dhira.Krsna.BCS wrote:


>> Dear Rishi,


>> Hare Rama Krsna!


>> >My point is that ayanamsha has a unique mathematical or even

> simpler

>> >arithmetical solution. It can be calculated by just the swiss

>> >ephemeris tropical values without using any specific ayanamsha

>> >reference!


>> Can you show me how to do that?

>> The point is that we should define a starting reference for the

> zodiac?

>> According to the vedic system Revati was used as this reference. Is

> anyone

>> able to explain why Venus gets exalted exactly at 27 degrees Pisces?


>> Read my article on my website on 150m.com below.


>> Ys,

>> Dhira Krsna dasa,


>> <http://www.jyotishi.150m.com/Ayanamsa.html>

>> <Dhira_ayanamsa>


>> Drive cheaper: are you paying too much for fuel? Visit

>> www.astrofuel.myffi.biz


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Lahiri less 29 seconds is what I have started experimenting with

these days, have been talking to panchang makers including the

Mahakaal panchang created by Pandit Vyas from Ujjain.

Ranjanji, I know uses Lahiri minus 54 too.

Would be glad if you could go through the files I have posted and

comment on it.






-- In , Prafulla Gang <jyotish wrote:


> Dear Rishi ji,


> Yes, I remember our discussions on ayanamsa.


> What values do you take in terms of correction with lahiri. I use

lahiri less 54 seconds (with topocentric positions and apparent one).

I have tried to fine tune it with local panchang. There are still

minor variations for mars / mercury, which I refer manually (for

local births).


> regards / Prafulla Gang


> The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack

of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.



> >

> > rishi_2000in

> > Tue, 29 Aug 2006 02:33:23 -0000

> >

> > [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)

> >

> > Dear Visti, Dhira, Prafulla

> > Namaskar to all of you.

> > The queries which have arisen in the previous few messages


> > the starting point of ayanamsha and the naksatra/star were exactly

> > the queries which I used to ponder on, kept looking for facts,

> > researching till I got this astonishing pattern in the Tropical

> > ephemeris values which irrespective of any reference to the


> > correction not only shows the starting point of ayanamsha but also

> > strengthens that the "lost" knowledge was indeed fantastic. No


> > addition, no scriptural reference, fixed star or constellation,

> > historical reference or any other assumption but based only on an

> > empirical search for patterns and data analysis of the Swiss

> > Ephemeris data available to me through Jagannath Hora software.

> >

> > The precession or the ayanamsha can be measured as a function of

> > Sun/Jupiter conjunction. I have taken the Tropical swiss ephemeris

> > values from JHora from -4700 BC to 5300AD, a period of 10000 years

> > found the Sun/Jupiter conjunction point for each year. Then


> > the progression of Jupiter from the conjunction value of one year


> > another, spread these values on a matrix of all 12 rashis at an

> > interval of 83 years(83 years for it is the multiple synodic

cycle of

> > Jupiter, after 83 years, Ju and Sun eturn to the same position in


> > zodiac). The results are spectacular they suggest a -60 ayanamsha


> > around -4000 BC, -30 degrees at -1870 BC, 0 at 273 AD, 30 at 2471


> > and so on. There seems to be no scope for an ambiguity at all. It


> > arithmetical in nature and it fits in with the Jyotisha concepts.

> >

> > It suggests that Sun and Guru create the cycles which form


> > The details I have posted a few days back on the files section of

> > Sohamsa and Vedic Astrology groups. For me, personally, the


> > are clear and the zero of the ayanamsha can be fixed without


> > Jupiter's light shines and I bow to Sun and Jupiter.

> >

> > regards

> >

> > rishi

> >

> > For Prafullaji,

> > You would recall our discussion on JR a couple of months back

> > regarding ayanamsha and "lost" knowledge. The precession and

> > ayanamsha can be answered by patterns which are visible in the


> > for times immemorial.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , "Dhira Krsna BCS"

> > <Dhira.Krsna.BCS@> wrote:

> >>

> >> Dear Rishi,

> >>

> >> Hare Rama Krsna!

> >>

> >> >My point is that ayanamsha has a unique mathematical or even

> > simpler

> >> >arithmetical solution. It can be calculated by just the swiss

> >> >ephemeris tropical values without using any specific ayanamsha

> >> >reference!

> >>

> >> Can you show me how to do that?

> >> The point is that we should define a starting reference for the

> > zodiac?

> >> According to the vedic system Revati was used as this reference.


> > anyone

> >> able to explain why Venus gets exalted exactly at 27 degrees


> >>

> >> Read my article on my website on 150m.com below.

> >>

> >> Ys,

> >> Dhira Krsna dasa,

> >>

> >> <http://www.jyotishi.150m.com/Ayanamsa.html>

> >> <Dhira_ayanamsa>

> >>

> >> Drive cheaper: are you paying too much for fuel? Visit

> >> www.astrofuel.myffi.biz

> >>


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Dear Rishi


Sorry for delayed reply..got occupied with some fire works.


I will experiment with few charts with your suggested ayanamsa. BTW - should I continue with topocentric position or change to geocentric one.


Ranjan ji uses little modified from 54'. KAS also uses around 54'


regards / Prafulla Gang


The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.




> rishi_2000in

> Wed, 30 Aug 2006 00:01:51 -0000


> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)


> Prafullaji,

> Lahiri less 29 seconds is what I have started experimenting with

> these days, have been talking to panchang makers including the

> Mahakaal panchang created by Pandit Vyas from Ujjain.

> Ranjanji, I know uses Lahiri minus 54 too.

> Would be glad if you could go through the files I have posted and

> comment on it.

> regards


> rishi



> -- In , Prafulla Gang <jyotish wrote:


>> Dear Rishi ji,


>> Yes, I remember our discussions on ayanamsa.


>> What values do you take in terms of correction with lahiri. I use

> lahiri less 54 seconds (with topocentric positions and apparent one).

> I have tried to fine tune it with local panchang. There are still

> minor variations for mars / mercury, which I refer manually (for

> local births).


>> regards / Prafulla Gang


>> The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack

> of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.




>>> rishi_2000in

>>> Tue, 29 Aug 2006 02:33:23 -0000


>>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)


>>> Dear Visti, Dhira, Prafulla

>>> Namaskar to all of you.

>>> The queries which have arisen in the previous few messages

> regarding

>>> the starting point of ayanamsha and the naksatra/star were exactly

>>> the queries which I used to ponder on, kept looking for facts,

>>> researching till I got this astonishing pattern in the Tropical

>>> ephemeris values which irrespective of any reference to the

> ayanamsha

>>> correction not only shows the starting point of ayanamsha but also

>>> strengthens that the "lost" knowledge was indeed fantastic. No

> value

>>> addition, no scriptural reference, fixed star or constellation,

>>> historical reference or any other assumption but based only on an

>>> empirical search for patterns and data analysis of the Swiss

>>> Ephemeris data available to me through Jagannath Hora software.


>>> The precession or the ayanamsha can be measured as a function of

>>> Sun/Jupiter conjunction. I have taken the Tropical swiss ephemeris

>>> values from JHora from -4700 BC to 5300AD, a period of 10000 years

>>> found the Sun/Jupiter conjunction point for each year. Then

> measured

>>> the progression of Jupiter from the conjunction value of one year

> to

>>> another, spread these values on a matrix of all 12 rashis at an

>>> interval of 83 years(83 years for it is the multiple synodic

> cycle of

>>> Jupiter, after 83 years, Ju and Sun eturn to the same position in

> the

>>> zodiac). The results are spectacular they suggest a -60 ayanamsha

> at

>>> around -4000 BC, -30 degrees at -1870 BC, 0 at 273 AD, 30 at 2471

> AD

>>> and so on. There seems to be no scope for an ambiguity at all. It

> is

>>> arithmetical in nature and it fits in with the Jyotisha concepts.


>>> It suggests that Sun and Guru create the cycles which form

> ayanamsha.

>>> The details I have posted a few days back on the files section of

>>> Sohamsa and Vedic Astrology groups. For me, personally, the

> answers

>>> are clear and the zero of the ayanamsha can be fixed without

> doubts.

>>> Jupiter's light shines and I bow to Sun and Jupiter.


>>> regards


>>> rishi


>>> For Prafullaji,

>>> You would recall our discussion on JR a couple of months back

>>> regarding ayanamsha and "lost" knowledge. The precession and

>>> ayanamsha can be answered by patterns which are visible in the

> skies

>>> for times immemorial.









>>> , "Dhira Krsna BCS"

>>> <Dhira.Krsna.BCS@> wrote:


>>>> Dear Rishi,


>>>> Hare Rama Krsna!


>>>> >My point is that ayanamsha has a unique mathematical or even

>>> simpler

>>>> >arithmetical solution. It can be calculated by just the swiss

>>>> >ephemeris tropical values without using any specific ayanamsha

>>>> >reference!


>>>> Can you show me how to do that?

>>>> The point is that we should define a starting reference for the

>>> zodiac?

>>>> According to the vedic system Revati was used as this reference.

> Is

>>> anyone

>>>> able to explain why Venus gets exalted exactly at 27 degrees

> Pisces?


>>>> Read my article on my website on 150m.com below.


>>>> Ys,

>>>> Dhira Krsna dasa,


>>>> <http://www.jyotishi.150m.com/Ayanamsa.html>

>>>> <Dhira_ayanamsa>


>>>> Drive cheaper: are you paying too much for fuel? Visit

>>>> www.astrofuel.myffi.biz





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I would not comment on the topographic vs geocentric

right now.

As of now, my data analysis was limited to the

Jupiter/Sun time cycles and I found that it suggested

a few answers as far as fixing ayanamsha values is


Thanks for your response.





BTW too much of precious energy is lost in these

unnecessary fireworks. I did observe what was



--- Prafulla Gang <jyotish (AT) inbox (DOT) com> wrote:


> Dear Rishi


> Sorry for delayed reply..got occupied with some fire

> works.


> I will experiment with few charts with your

> suggested ayanamsa. BTW - should I continue with

> topocentric position or change to geocentric one.


> Ranjan ji uses little modified from 54'. KAS also

> uses around 54'


> regards / Prafulla Gang


> The difference between a successful person and

> others is not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack

> of will.



> >

> > rishi_2000in

> > Wed, 30 Aug 2006 00:01:51 -0000

> >

> > [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio

> (TA)

> >

> > Prafullaji,

> > Lahiri less 29 seconds is what I have started

> experimenting with

> > these days, have been talking to panchang makers

> including the

> > Mahakaal panchang created by Pandit Vyas from

> Ujjain.

> > Ranjanji, I know uses Lahiri minus 54 too.

> > Would be glad if you could go through the files I

> have posted and

> > comment on it.

> > regards

> >

> > rishi

> >

> >

> > -- In , Prafulla Gang

> <jyotish wrote:

> >>

> >> Dear Rishi ji,

> >>

> >> Yes, I remember our discussions on ayanamsa.

> >>

> >> What values do you take in terms of correction

> with lahiri. I use

> > lahiri less 54 seconds (with topocentric positions

> and apparent one).

> > I have tried to fine tune it with local panchang.

> There are still

> > minor variations for mars / mercury, which I refer

> manually (for

> > local births).

> >>

> >> regards / Prafulla Gang

> >>

> >> The difference between a successful person and

> others is not a lack

> > of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.

> >>

> >>

> >>>

> >>> rishi_2000in

> >>> Tue, 29 Aug 2006 02:33:23 -0000

> >>>

> >>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In

> Scorpio (TA)

> >>>

> >>> Dear Visti, Dhira, Prafulla

> >>> Namaskar to all of you.

> >>> The queries which have arisen in the previous

> few messages

> > regarding

> >>> the starting point of ayanamsha and the

> naksatra/star were exactly

> >>> the queries which I used to ponder on, kept

> looking for facts,

> >>> researching till I got this astonishing pattern

> in the Tropical

> >>> ephemeris values which irrespective of any

> reference to the

> > ayanamsha

> >>> correction not only shows the starting point of

> ayanamsha but also

> >>> strengthens that the "lost" knowledge was indeed

> fantastic. No

> > value

> >>> addition, no scriptural reference, fixed star

> or constellation,

> >>> historical reference or any other assumption but

> based only on an

> >>> empirical search for patterns and data analysis

> of the Swiss

> >>> Ephemeris data available to me through Jagannath

> Hora software.

> >>>

> >>> The precession or the ayanamsha can be measured

> as a function of

> >>> Sun/Jupiter conjunction. I have taken the

> Tropical swiss ephemeris

> >>> values from JHora from -4700 BC to 5300AD, a

> period of 10000 years

> >>> found the Sun/Jupiter conjunction point for each

> year. Then

> > measured

> >>> the progression of Jupiter from the conjunction

> value of one year

> > to

> >>> another, spread these values on a matrix of all

> 12 rashis at an

> >>> interval of 83 years(83 years for it is the

> multiple synodic

> > cycle of

> >>> Jupiter, after 83 years, Ju and Sun eturn to the

> same position in

> > the

> >>> zodiac). The results are spectacular they

> suggest a -60 ayanamsha

> > at

> >>> around -4000 BC, -30 degrees at -1870 BC, 0 at

> 273 AD, 30 at 2471

> > AD

> >>> and so on. There seems to be no scope for an

> ambiguity at all. It

> > is

> >>> arithmetical in nature and it fits in with the

> Jyotisha concepts.

> >>>

> >>> It suggests that Sun and Guru create the cycles

> which form

> > ayanamsha.

> >>> The details I have posted a few days back on the

> files section of

> >>> Sohamsa and Vedic Astrology groups. For me,

> personally, the

> > answers

> >>> are clear and the zero of the ayanamsha can be

> fixed without

> > doubts.

> >>> Jupiter's light shines and I bow to Sun and

> Jupiter.

> >>>

> >>> regards

> >>>

> >>> rishi

> >>>

> >>> For Prafullaji,

> >>> You would recall our discussion on JR a couple

> of months back

> >>> regarding ayanamsha and "lost" knowledge. The

> precession and

> >>> ayanamsha can be answered by patterns which are

> visible in the

> > skies

> >>> for times immemorial.

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> , "Dhira

> Krsna BCS"

> >>> <Dhira.Krsna.BCS@> wrote:

> >>>>

> >>>> Dear Rishi,

> >>>>

> >>>> Hare Rama Krsna!

> >>>>

> >>>> >My point is that ayanamsha has a unique

> mathematical or even

> >>> simpler

> >>>> >arithmetical solution. It can be calculated by

> just the swiss

> >>>> >ephemeris tropical values without using any

> specific ayanamsha

> >>>> >reference!

> >>>>

> >>>> Can you show me how to do that?

> >>>> The point is that we should define a starting

> reference for the

> >>> zodiac?

> >>>> According to the vedic system Revati was used

> as this reference.

> > Is

> >>> anyone

> >>>> able to explain why Venus gets exalted exactly

> at 27 degrees

> > Pisces?

> >>>>

> >>>> Read my article on my website on 150m.com

> below.

> >>>>

> >>>> Ys,


=== message truncated ===







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Dear Rishi ji


I mean to ask that - with your ayanamsa value - You use toppcentric one or geocentric one.


regards / Prafulla Gang


The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.




> rishi_2000in

> Thu, 31 Aug 2006 01:02:13 -0700 (PDT)


> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)


> Prafullaji,

> I would not comment on the topographic vs geocentric

> right now.

> As of now, my data analysis was limited to the

> Jupiter/Sun time cycles and I found that it suggested

> a few answers as far as fixing ayanamsha values is

> concerned.

> Thanks for your response.

> regards


> rishi


> BTW too much of precious energy is lost in these

> unnecessary fireworks. I did observe what was

> happening.


> --- Prafulla Gang <jyotish (AT) inbox (DOT) com> wrote:


>> Dear Rishi


>> Sorry for delayed reply..got occupied with some fire

>> works.


>> I will experiment with few charts with your

>> suggested ayanamsa. BTW - should I continue with

>> topocentric position or change to geocentric one.


>> Ranjan ji uses little modified from 54'. KAS also

>> uses around 54'


>> regards / Prafulla Gang


>> The difference between a successful person and

>> others is not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack

>> of will.




>>> rishi_2000in

>>> Wed, 30 Aug 2006 00:01:51 -0000


>>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio

>> (TA)


>>> Prafullaji,

>>> Lahiri less 29 seconds is what I have started

>> experimenting with

>>> these days, have been talking to panchang makers

>> including the

>>> Mahakaal panchang created by Pandit Vyas from

>> Ujjain.

>>> Ranjanji, I know uses Lahiri minus 54 too.

>>> Would be glad if you could go through the files I

>> have posted and

>>> comment on it.

>>> regards


>>> rishi



>>> -- In , Prafulla Gang

>> <jyotish wrote:


>>>> Dear Rishi ji,


>>>> Yes, I remember our discussions on ayanamsa.


>>>> What values do you take in terms of correction

>> with lahiri. I use

>>> lahiri less 54 seconds (with topocentric positions

>> and apparent one).

>>> I have tried to fine tune it with local panchang.

>> There are still

>>> minor variations for mars / mercury, which I refer

>> manually (for

>>> local births).


>>>> regards / Prafulla Gang


>>>> The difference between a successful person and

>> others is not a lack

>>> of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.




>>>>> rishi_2000in

>>>>> Tue, 29 Aug 2006 02:33:23 -0000


>>>>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In

>> Scorpio (TA)


>>>>> Dear Visti, Dhira, Prafulla

>>>>> Namaskar to all of you.

>>>>> The queries which have arisen in the previous

>> few messages

>>> regarding

>>>>> the starting point of ayanamsha and the

>> naksatra/star were exactly

>>>>> the queries which I used to ponder on, kept

>> looking for facts,

>>>>> researching till I got this astonishing pattern

>> in the Tropical

>>>>> ephemeris values which irrespective of any

>> reference to the

>>> ayanamsha

>>>>> correction not only shows the starting point of

>> ayanamsha but also

>>>>> strengthens that the "lost" knowledge was indeed

>> fantastic. No

>>> value

>>>>> addition, no scriptural reference, fixed star

>> or constellation,

>>>>> historical reference or any other assumption but

>> based only on an

>>>>> empirical search for patterns and data analysis

>> of the Swiss

>>>>> Ephemeris data available to me through Jagannath

>> Hora software.


>>>>> The precession or the ayanamsha can be measured

>> as a function of

>>>>> Sun/Jupiter conjunction. I have taken the

>> Tropical swiss ephemeris

>>>>> values from JHora from -4700 BC to 5300AD, a

>> period of 10000 years

>>>>> found the Sun/Jupiter conjunction point for each

>> year. Then

>>> measured

>>>>> the progression of Jupiter from the conjunction

>> value of one year

>>> to

>>>>> another, spread these values on a matrix of all

>> 12 rashis at an

>>>>> interval of 83 years(83 years for it is the

>> multiple synodic

>>> cycle of

>>>>> Jupiter, after 83 years, Ju and Sun eturn to the

>> same position in

>>> the

>>>>> zodiac). The results are spectacular they

>> suggest a -60 ayanamsha

>>> at

>>>>> around -4000 BC, -30 degrees at -1870 BC, 0 at

>> 273 AD, 30 at 2471

>>> AD

>>>>> and so on. There seems to be no scope for an

>> ambiguity at all. It

>>> is

>>>>> arithmetical in nature and it fits in with the

>> Jyotisha concepts.


>>>>> It suggests that Sun and Guru create the cycles

>> which form

>>> ayanamsha.

>>>>> The details I have posted a few days back on the

>> files section of

>>>>> Sohamsa and Vedic Astrology groups. For me,

>> personally, the

>>> answers

>>>>> are clear and the zero of the ayanamsha can be

>> fixed without

>>> doubts.

>>>>> Jupiter's light shines and I bow to Sun and

>> Jupiter.


>>>>> regards


>>>>> rishi


>>>>> For Prafullaji,

>>>>> You would recall our discussion on JR a couple

>> of months back

>>>>> regarding ayanamsha and "lost" knowledge. The

>> precession and

>>>>> ayanamsha can be answered by patterns which are

>> visible in the

>>> skies

>>>>> for times immemorial.









>>>>> , "Dhira

>> Krsna BCS"

>>>>> <Dhira.Krsna.BCS@> wrote:


>>>>>> Dear Rishi,


>>>>>> Hare Rama Krsna!


>>>>>> >My point is that ayanamsha has a unique

>> mathematical or even

>>>>> simpler

>>>>>> >arithmetical solution. It can be calculated by

>> just the swiss

>>>>>> >ephemeris tropical values without using any

>> specific ayanamsha

>>>>>> >reference!


>>>>>> Can you show me how to do that?

>>>>>> The point is that we should define a starting

>> reference for the

>>>>> zodiac?

>>>>>> According to the vedic system Revati was used

>> as this reference.

>>> Is

>>>>> anyone

>>>>>> able to explain why Venus gets exalted exactly

>> at 27 degrees

>>> Pisces?


>>>>>> Read my article on my website on 150m.com

>> below.


>>>>>> Ys,


> === message truncated ===







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Hare Rama Krsna!


Dear Visti,




What causes my heavy flu that started yesterday morning according to



>Also something very significant is that she will have some issues with

>friendships not lasting long or she attracts people to her who tend to

>behave very eratically due to that matibhramana yoga along 5th and 11th



Not true. She has very longlasting friendships, of whom several are living

abroad, and they are quite cultured people.


>If Saturn becomes DK in the twelfth, then she will see more violence and

>anger from her partners, than sorrow.


Anger, yes, and that's also very much how she behaves towards her

partners. She wanted to divorce her first husband, now talks about

divorcing her 2nd. The cause is a mad mother-in-law, see, Mars in 5th, 4th

from 2nd, the 2nd husband aspecting saturn in 8th house aspect. Is that

why? Her 2nd husband also keeps her financially very tight.



Dhira Krsna dasa,





Drive cheaper: are you paying too much for fuel? Visit

www.globalfuelsaver.net and enter my e-mail as reference

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||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Dhira Krsna Dasa, Namaskar

If she behaves like this, then there must be a Saturn-Mars opposition.

If the friends are in a different country, then Saturn in 11th has done his


As for your flu, how do you time flues in a chart? I hope you are not using

transit, otherwise many people would have a flue at the exact same time...

must depend on individual dasas and combined with transits.

Best wishes,


Visti Larsen

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[] On

Behalf Of Dhira Krsna BCS

31 August 2006 18:19


[Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)




Hare Rama Krsna!


Dear Visti,




What causes my heavy flu that started yesterday morning according to



>Also something very significant is that she will have some issues with

>friendships not lasting long or she attracts people to her who tend to

>behave very eratically due to that matibhramana yoga along 5th and 11th



Not true. She has very longlasting friendships, of whom several are living

abroad, and they are quite cultured people.


>If Saturn becomes DK in the twelfth, then she will see more violence and

>anger from her partners, than sorrow.


Anger, yes, and that's also very much how she behaves towards her

partners. She wanted to divorce her first husband, now talks about

divorcing her 2nd. The cause is a mad mother-in-law, see, Mars in 5th, 4th

from 2nd, the 2nd husband aspecting saturn in 8th house aspect. Is that

why? Her 2nd husband also keeps her financially very tight.



Dhira Krsna dasa,


<http://www.jyotishi <http://www.jyotishi.150m.com/Ayanamsa.html>


<http://groups. <Dhira_ayanamsa>



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You can use either, topocentric or geocentric whichever you wish but

there should be consistency, I suppose, that is what we look

for ..to be consistent and end up being inconsistent.

Secondly,allow me to clarify that I am not suggesting any new

ayanamsha. My effort has merely been to find patterns in the time

cycles and having found a consistent pattern, I am suggesting that

long term cycles of Guru and Sun are creating ayanamsha and

statistically the ayanamsha should be between "plus 10' Lahiri"

and "minus 30" Lahiri".

with regards




, Prafulla Gang <jyotish



> Dear Rishi ji


> I mean to ask that - with your ayanamsa value - You use

toppcentric one or geocentric one.


> regards / Prafulla Gang


> The difference between a successful person and others is not a

lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.



> >

> > rishi_2000in

> > Thu, 31 Aug 2006 01:02:13 -0700 (PDT)

> >

> > RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)

> >

> > Prafullaji,

> > I would not comment on the topographic vs geocentric

> > right now.

> > As of now, my data analysis was limited to the

> > Jupiter/Sun time cycles and I found that it suggested

> > a few answers as far as fixing ayanamsha values is

> > concerned.

> > Thanks for your response.

> > regards

> >

> > rishi

> >

> > BTW too much of precious energy is lost in these

> > unnecessary fireworks. I did observe what was

> > happening.

> >

> > --- Prafulla Gang <jyotish wrote:

> >

> >> Dear Rishi

> >>

> >> Sorry for delayed reply..got occupied with some fire

> >> works.

> >>

> >> I will experiment with few charts with your

> >> suggested ayanamsa. BTW - should I continue with

> >> topocentric position or change to geocentric one.

> >>

> >> Ranjan ji uses little modified from 54'. KAS also

> >> uses around 54'

> >>

> >> regards / Prafulla Gang

> >>

> >> The difference between a successful person and

> >> others is not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack

> >> of will.

> >>

> >>

> >>>

> >>> rishi_2000in

> >>> Wed, 30 Aug 2006 00:01:51 -0000

> >>>

> >>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio

> >> (TA)

> >>>

> >>> Prafullaji,

> >>> Lahiri less 29 seconds is what I have started

> >> experimenting with

> >>> these days, have been talking to panchang makers

> >> including the

> >>> Mahakaal panchang created by Pandit Vyas from

> >> Ujjain.

> >>> Ranjanji, I know uses Lahiri minus 54 too.

> >>> Would be glad if you could go through the files I

> >> have posted and

> >>> comment on it.

> >>> regards

> >>>

> >>> rishi

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> -- In , Prafulla Gang

> >> <jyotish@> wrote:

> >>>>

> >>>> Dear Rishi ji,

> >>>>

> >>>> Yes, I remember our discussions on ayanamsa.

> >>>>

> >>>> What values do you take in terms of correction

> >> with lahiri. I use

> >>> lahiri less 54 seconds (with topocentric positions

> >> and apparent one).

> >>> I have tried to fine tune it with local panchang.

> >> There are still

> >>> minor variations for mars / mercury, which I refer

> >> manually (for

> >>> local births).

> >>>>

> >>>> regards / Prafulla Gang

> >>>>

> >>>> The difference between a successful person and

> >> others is not a lack

> >>> of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>>>

> >>>>> rishi_2000in@

> >>>>> Tue, 29 Aug 2006 02:33:23 -0000

> >>>>>

> >>>>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In

> >> Scorpio (TA)

> >>>>>

> >>>>> Dear Visti, Dhira, Prafulla

> >>>>> Namaskar to all of you.

> >>>>> The queries which have arisen in the previous

> >> few messages

> >>> regarding

> >>>>> the starting point of ayanamsha and the

> >> naksatra/star were exactly

> >>>>> the queries which I used to ponder on, kept

> >> looking for facts,

> >>>>> researching till I got this astonishing pattern

> >> in the Tropical

> >>>>> ephemeris values which irrespective of any

> >> reference to the

> >>> ayanamsha

> >>>>> correction not only shows the starting point of

> >> ayanamsha but also

> >>>>> strengthens that the "lost" knowledge was indeed

> >> fantastic. No

> >>> value

> >>>>> addition, no scriptural reference, fixed star

> >> or constellation,

> >>>>> historical reference or any other assumption but

> >> based only on an

> >>>>> empirical search for patterns and data analysis

> >> of the Swiss

> >>>>> Ephemeris data available to me through Jagannath

> >> Hora software.

> >>>>>

> >>>>> The precession or the ayanamsha can be measured

> >> as a function of

> >>>>> Sun/Jupiter conjunction. I have taken the

> >> Tropical swiss ephemeris

> >>>>> values from JHora from -4700 BC to 5300AD, a

> >> period of 10000 years

> >>>>> found the Sun/Jupiter conjunction point for each

> >> year. Then

> >>> measured

> >>>>> the progression of Jupiter from the conjunction

> >> value of one year

> >>> to

> >>>>> another, spread these values on a matrix of all

> >> 12 rashis at an

> >>>>> interval of 83 years(83 years for it is the

> >> multiple synodic

> >>> cycle of

> >>>>> Jupiter, after 83 years, Ju and Sun eturn to the

> >> same position in

> >>> the

> >>>>> zodiac). The results are spectacular they

> >> suggest a -60 ayanamsha

> >>> at

> >>>>> around -4000 BC, -30 degrees at -1870 BC, 0 at

> >> 273 AD, 30 at 2471

> >>> AD

> >>>>> and so on. There seems to be no scope for an

> >> ambiguity at all. It

> >>> is

> >>>>> arithmetical in nature and it fits in with the

> >> Jyotisha concepts.

> >>>>>

> >>>>> It suggests that Sun and Guru create the cycles

> >> which form

> >>> ayanamsha.

> >>>>> The details I have posted a few days back on the

> >> files section of

> >>>>> Sohamsa and Vedic Astrology groups. For me,

> >> personally, the

> >>> answers

> >>>>> are clear and the zero of the ayanamsha can be

> >> fixed without

> >>> doubts.

> >>>>> Jupiter's light shines and I bow to Sun and

> >> Jupiter.

> >>>>>

> >>>>> regards

> >>>>>

> >>>>> rishi

> >>>>>

> >>>>> For Prafullaji,

> >>>>> You would recall our discussion on JR a couple

> >> of months back

> >>>>> regarding ayanamsha and "lost" knowledge. The

> >> precession and

> >>>>> ayanamsha can be answered by patterns which are

> >> visible in the

> >>> skies

> >>>>> for times immemorial.

> >>>>>

> >>>>>

> >>>>>

> >>>>>

> >>>>>

> >>>>>

> >>>>>

> >>>>>

> >>>>> , "Dhira

> >> Krsna BCS"

> >>>>> <Dhira.Krsna.BCS@> wrote:

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> Dear Rishi,

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> Hare Rama Krsna!

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> >My point is that ayanamsha has a unique

> >> mathematical or even

> >>>>> simpler

> >>>>>> >arithmetical solution. It can be calculated by

> >> just the swiss

> >>>>>> >ephemeris tropical values without using any

> >> specific ayanamsha

> >>>>>> >reference!

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> Can you show me how to do that?

> >>>>>> The point is that we should define a starting

> >> reference for the

> >>>>> zodiac?

> >>>>>> According to the vedic system Revati was used

> >> as this reference.

> >>> Is

> >>>>> anyone

> >>>>>> able to explain why Venus gets exalted exactly

> >> at 27 degrees

> >>> Pisces?

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> Read my article on my website on 150m.com

> >> below.

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> Ys,

> >>

> > === message truncated ===

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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Dear Rishi ji


Many thanks. I will try to explore.


regards / Prafulla Gang


The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.




> rishi_2000in

> Fri, 01 Sep 2006 04:51:01 -0000


> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)



> Prafullaji,

> You can use either, topocentric or geocentric whichever you wish but

> there should be consistency, I suppose, that is what we look

> for ..to be consistent and end up being inconsistent.

> Secondly,allow me to clarify that I am not suggesting any new

> ayanamsha. My effort has merely been to find patterns in the time

> cycles and having found a consistent pattern, I am suggesting that

> long term cycles of Guru and Sun are creating ayanamsha and

> statistically the ayanamsha should be between "plus 10' Lahiri"

> and "minus 30" Lahiri".

> with regards


> rishi


> , Prafulla Gang <jyotish

> wrote:


>> Dear Rishi ji


>> I mean to ask that - with your ayanamsa value - You use

> toppcentric one or geocentric one.


>> regards / Prafulla Gang


>> The difference between a successful person and others is not a

> lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.




>>> rishi_2000in

>>> Thu, 31 Aug 2006 01:02:13 -0700 (PDT)


>>> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio (TA)


>>> Prafullaji,

>>> I would not comment on the topographic vs geocentric

>>> right now.

>>> As of now, my data analysis was limited to the

>>> Jupiter/Sun time cycles and I found that it suggested

>>> a few answers as far as fixing ayanamsha values is

>>> concerned.

>>> Thanks for your response.

>>> regards


>>> rishi


>>> BTW too much of precious energy is lost in these

>>> unnecessary fireworks. I did observe what was

>>> happening.


>>> --- Prafulla Gang <jyotish wrote:


>>>> Dear Rishi


>>>> Sorry for delayed reply..got occupied with some fire

>>>> works.


>>>> I will experiment with few charts with your

>>>> suggested ayanamsa. BTW - should I continue with

>>>> topocentric position or change to geocentric one.


>>>> Ranjan ji uses little modified from 54'. KAS also

>>>> uses around 54'


>>>> regards / Prafulla Gang


>>>> The difference between a successful person and

>>>> others is not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack

>>>> of will.




>>>>> rishi_2000in

>>>>> Wed, 30 Aug 2006 00:01:51 -0000


>>>>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In Scorpio

>>>> (TA)


>>>>> Prafullaji,

>>>>> Lahiri less 29 seconds is what I have started

>>>> experimenting with

>>>>> these days, have been talking to panchang makers

>>>> including the

>>>>> Mahakaal panchang created by Pandit Vyas from

>>>> Ujjain.

>>>>> Ranjanji, I know uses Lahiri minus 54 too.

>>>>> Would be glad if you could go through the files I

>>>> have posted and

>>>>> comment on it.

>>>>> regards


>>>>> rishi



>>>>> -- In , Prafulla Gang

>>>> <jyotish@> wrote:


>>>>>> Dear Rishi ji,


>>>>>> Yes, I remember our discussions on ayanamsa.


>>>>>> What values do you take in terms of correction

>>>> with lahiri. I use

>>>>> lahiri less 54 seconds (with topocentric positions

>>>> and apparent one).

>>>>> I have tried to fine tune it with local panchang.

>>>> There are still

>>>>> minor variations for mars / mercury, which I refer

>>>> manually (for

>>>>> local births).


>>>>>> regards / Prafulla Gang


>>>>>> The difference between a successful person and

>>>> others is not a lack

>>>>> of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.




>>>>>>> rishi_2000in@

>>>>>>> Tue, 29 Aug 2006 02:33:23 -0000


>>>>>>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Jupiter In

>>>> Scorpio (TA)


>>>>>>> Dear Visti, Dhira, Prafulla

>>>>>>> Namaskar to all of you.

>>>>>>> The queries which have arisen in the previous

>>>> few messages

>>>>> regarding

>>>>>>> the starting point of ayanamsha and the

>>>> naksatra/star were exactly

>>>>>>> the queries which I used to ponder on, kept

>>>> looking for facts,

>>>>>>> researching till I got this astonishing pattern

>>>> in the Tropical

>>>>>>> ephemeris values which irrespective of any

>>>> reference to the

>>>>> ayanamsha

>>>>>>> correction not only shows the starting point of

>>>> ayanamsha but also

>>>>>>> strengthens that the "lost" knowledge was indeed

>>>> fantastic. No

>>>>> value

>>>>>>> addition, no scriptural reference, fixed star

>>>> or constellation,

>>>>>>> historical reference or any other assumption but

>>>> based only on an

>>>>>>> empirical search for patterns and data analysis

>>>> of the Swiss

>>>>>>> Ephemeris data available to me through Jagannath

>>>> Hora software.


>>>>>>> The precession or the ayanamsha can be measured

>>>> as a function of

>>>>>>> Sun/Jupiter conjunction. I have taken the

>>>> Tropical swiss ephemeris

>>>>>>> values from JHora from -4700 BC to 5300AD, a

>>>> period of 10000 years

>>>>>>> found the Sun/Jupiter conjunction point for each

>>>> year. Then

>>>>> measured

>>>>>>> the progression of Jupiter from the conjunction

>>>> value of one year

>>>>> to

>>>>>>> another, spread these values on a matrix of all

>>>> 12 rashis at an

>>>>>>> interval of 83 years(83 years for it is the

>>>> multiple synodic

>>>>> cycle of

>>>>>>> Jupiter, after 83 years, Ju and Sun eturn to the

>>>> same position in

>>>>> the

>>>>>>> zodiac). The results are spectacular they

>>>> suggest a -60 ayanamsha

>>>>> at

>>>>>>> around -4000 BC, -30 degrees at -1870 BC, 0 at

>>>> 273 AD, 30 at 2471

>>>>> AD

>>>>>>> and so on. There seems to be no scope for an

>>>> ambiguity at all. It

>>>>> is

>>>>>>> arithmetical in nature and it fits in with the

>>>> Jyotisha concepts.


>>>>>>> It suggests that Sun and Guru create the cycles

>>>> which form

>>>>> ayanamsha.

>>>>>>> The details I have posted a few days back on the

>>>> files section of

>>>>>>> Sohamsa and Vedic Astrology groups. For me,

>>>> personally, the

>>>>> answers

>>>>>>> are clear and the zero of the ayanamsha can be

>>>> fixed without

>>>>> doubts.

>>>>>>> Jupiter's light shines and I bow to Sun and

>>>> Jupiter.


>>>>>>> regards


>>>>>>> rishi


>>>>>>> For Prafullaji,

>>>>>>> You would recall our discussion on JR a couple

>>>> of months back

>>>>>>> regarding ayanamsha and "lost" knowledge. The

>>>> precession and

>>>>>>> ayanamsha can be answered by patterns which are

>>>> visible in the

>>>>> skies

>>>>>>> for times immemorial.









>>>>>>> , "Dhira

>>>> Krsna BCS"

>>>>>>> <Dhira.Krsna.BCS@> wrote:


>>>>>>>> Dear Rishi,


>>>>>>>> Hare Rama Krsna!


>>>>>>>> >My point is that ayanamsha has a unique

>>>> mathematical or even

>>>>>>> simpler

>>>>>>>> >arithmetical solution. It can be calculated by

>>>> just the swiss

>>>>>>>> >ephemeris tropical values without using any

>>>> specific ayanamsha

>>>>>>>> >reference!


>>>>>>>> Can you show me how to do that?

>>>>>>>> The point is that we should define a starting

>>>> reference for the

>>>>>>> zodiac?

>>>>>>>> According to the vedic system Revati was used

>>>> as this reference.

>>>>> Is

>>>>>>> anyone

>>>>>>>> able to explain why Venus gets exalted exactly

>>>> at 27 degrees

>>>>> Pisces?


>>>>>>>> Read my article on my website on 150m.com

>>>> below.


>>>>>>>> Ys,


>>> === message truncated ===










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Hare Rama Krsna!


Dear Visti,




>If she behaves like this, then there must be a Saturn-Mars opposition.


Does everyone who has Saturn-Mars opposition behave like that? Concerning

behavior, I think there are more factors which might lead to that, e.g.

the fact that she is Aries lagna naturally makes her rash and tactless.


>If the friends are in a different country, then Saturn in 11th has done

>his work.


The point is that she is now in that foreign country where most of her

friends are!


To really convince me, we should have a look at what Saturn's position in

divisional charts willl change. E.g. in Saptamsa what does Saturn do when

it is in Leo, or when it is in Virgo conjoined Rahu. She has one child so

far, tell us what characterizes the d-7 chart.



Dhira Krsna dasa,





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