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Re:Deities of Worship Vs. the ego

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Bhaskar, Shri Ranjanji, Others Who are Following this



Yes, no offense to those who may be experiencing dire

circumstances in this realm. But, in the end, this is

all just a temporary state of energy. Money comes and

goes. Even for the most wealthy. Health comes and

goes, even for the most healthy. Marriage and sharing

life with another has its ups and downs. But, that

ends eventually. Science is great, but if you study it

carefully, it is hard not to believe in the Divine



In the end, it is God, and you (at least, what your

earth consciousness considers the "end").


We go through loss and delay so that perhaps we can

realize health, wealth, marriage etc are not the path

to God. How very Saturnine. Saturn, sits there at the

edge saying "you need to let some things go before you

can move on to other levels" (in Western we can see

this with the outer planets, but, in a very vague



I'm experiencing a down financial time. Me. I have two

Masters Degrees. If I intend, I can finish a 3rd one,

and a Doctoral Degree. Many other certifications are

in my possession. Mantras abound. I have knowledge all

around me about remedies and so forth. My ego is

worried, yeah. But ego just represents Edging God Out.

Saturn has a bad rap. I think He is a big Proponent of

detachment. Taking a step back from riding the waves.

The highs of life in the concentrated realm can be

addicting like a drug. Then, we hit the lows and have

a choice. Do we scramble for the next high? Or use the

time wisely (oh, Saturn!!) to get off the roller

coaster. Or, at least, work at getting off the roller



Just some thoughts on how your own chart can help you

or how you can help others to start seeking a better

path than the : will I get more money, love, health?



I write this with only kindness.




--- Bhaskar <rajiventerprises (AT) hathway (DOT) com> wrote:


> Shri Ranjanji,


> Yes I remember this mention in Jaimini, relating to

> atmakaraka

> and Karakamsha Lagna with reference to ones Ishta

> devata,

> few years back had read, for my own interest.

> We are fortunate to have at least few natives

> interested to know

> about these things, normally people come for wanting

> to know about

> their loves,wealth and health.


> regards,


> Bhaskar.




> , "crystal

> pages"

> <jyotish_vani wrote:

> >

> > Dear katcompise,

> >

> > Not to muddy the issue but just to add another

> layer of

> possibility,

> > I believe this comes from Sanjay Rath's school

> (Jaimini based? Not

> > too sure!) that the 12th from karakamsha holds the

> key to one's

> > ishtadevta. Mantrasiddhi is studied from the

> fifth.

> >

> > RR

> >

> > ,

> "katcampise"

> > <katcampise@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Learned group members,

> > >

> > > Sorry for ego focus. I learn much about Vedic

> from the study of

> my

> > own

> > > chart and of those close to me. I suppose I feel

> "safer" from

> this

> > > standpoint right now..eventually I will focus on

> other charts

> when

> > I

> > > feel most comfortable

> > >

> > > I recall reading the ruler of Navamsha moon is

> the recommended

> > deity

> > > for propitiation...My Navamsha moon is

> Libra....Venus ruled would

> > > equate to Lakshmi? I have found my most

> effective mantras to Maha

> > > Lakshmi...just wanted to verify...but, I also

> have Libra Lagna in

> > > Rasi, does Lagna figure into this as well? RY

> Saturn in 9th with

> > Ketu

> > > would direct me towards Shiva...but I found best

> results with

> > deities

> > > of feminine nature...Kali kicked my behind...so,

> I leave her

> > alone...

> > >

> > > Also, I've read several books that say a weak

> Jupiter isn't as

> > > harmful...though luck is "spoiled"...Jupie in

> Capricorn in 4th

> with

> > > Mercury and Venus makes an unhappy Jupie as

> Venus and Mercury

> would

> > be

> > > inclined to overindulge in pleasurable things

> and communication?

> > Which

> > > works against Jupies more guru-like

> nature...But, Saturn ruling

> and

> > in

> > > 9th gives a different route to spiritual

> asceticism...no physical

> > > gurus...more esoteric with Ketu next to

> Saturn...

> > >

> > > Jupie is a tough planet for me to get a handle

> on because of all

> > the

> > > cross connections with Saturn and the 9th

> house....

> > >

> > > Any insight will be read and absorbed

> carefully...

> > >

> > > Kindest Regards,

> > >

> > > Kat

> > >

> >













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