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When you reach that level, Guru will give

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from: harekrsna.com/sun/


Question for Richard Brown




Aug 28, USA (SUN) — Since your article says that you worked with Srila Prabhupada on his translation of the Upadesamrta, I have a question for you. I have always wondered why Srila Prabhupada uses the words "asta-kaliya-lila" in his translation to sloka 10. It is not in the Sanskrit, nor is it in the word-for-word. Do you have any idea how this came to be?



Reply to Satyaraja dasa




Aug 29, USA (SUN) — Dear Satyaraj Prabhu!!! Dandavat!!! Vande gurun isha bhaktan!!!


Thanks for asking about Nectar of Instruction. We worked for two weeks to complete that book, which was only 11 slokas. HDG interrupted CC translation to do the Upadesamrita. We used my copy. I asked HDG to do it. HDG agreed immediately. We started at once. Throughout I was asking HDG about Raganuga and shambundanuga bhakti, and nitya lila. HDG was also asking me to see what I learned. It was pretty casual because we spoke in Bengali, and HDG knew the training I had received.


In answer to your question, I’m the one who put Asta Kaliya Lila in Sloka 10 translation. And I did it with HDG’s permission. There were other things I added with His permission too. But the Nitya Lila detail question is important. And here is how it went...


HD: But what about siddha-pranali? How to qualify? Who will give?


ACBSP: Guru will give. You just chant Hare Krsna.


HD: (I mentioned the story of Chota Krishnadas, who tried to quit his body by jumping into Manasa-ganga, when he heard that only his Guru, who had already departed, could give him siddha-pranali) ...How to receive this eternal information, Gurudev?


ACBSP: Guru will give. There is no material consideration about Guru is here or there. When you reach that level, Guru will give.


HD: Gurudev, what about manasa-seva, like the Brahman who burnt his finger in meditation? Isn't that bhajan?


ACBSP: Krsna makes no distinction. But if you serve Krsna by mind He will accept. That is sure!


HD: Gurudev, whenever I mention anything about Rupanuga bhakti many of my Godbrothers get angry and say it is all a bunch of Gaudiya Math nonsense, and you never taught that!


ACBSP: Everything is coming, they will also know it.


HD: Gurudev, is the asta-kaliya-lila by Kaviraj Goswami the REAL Nitya-lila detail?




HD: I would like to mention "asta-kaliya-lila" in this sloka 10 (Nectar of Instruction). So we can all know from you the highest goal. What do you think?


ACBSP: Yes, you put it.


HD: How about these two slokas from BRS (Krsnam-smaran. Seva sadhaka rupena...) ? I think they will enhance this purport (Upadeshamrita: sloka 8) . Is that OK?




HD: Gurudev, what about rupanuga bhakti. What is the eternal relationship between us (disciples) and you?


ACBSP: (Prabhupada quotes the 2nd half of sloka 6 of Gurvastaka) Guru is serving under his master and you all can do likewise. In Nitya-lila every devotee thinks like that, that my master is the most dear to Radha-Krsna.


HD: So that means that my relationship with you is eternal, that it will continue in Nitya-lila?




HD: As manjaris?


ACBSP: Down to shakya.


HD: But for 'Rupanugas' isn't it always manjari-bhava?


ACBSP: Yes. That is the highest; but in the spiritual world there is no such distinction. Every one is Krsna conscious, even the ------ (something like flowers or clouds, i.e., a santa-rasa example).



Richard Shaw Brown


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