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Kelleher Chart another view

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||Om Datta Guru||




Dear Chandrashekharji & Friends,


Since my interest in Mundane is Zero as that subject has lost its

authentic reason for its usage and is now used for self glory, hence

what is below is what I have not read as it consumes a lot of time but

it is interesting read for those who have interest in it and presents a

different view




Something noteworthy would be when Saturn transits Leo, would this

country face turmoil of the highest order, if I get time tonight then I

shall post something just on this transit without going into the much

details as Mundane is used for self gratification these days & lengthy

mails are time consuming to read








Sunil John






Hi Sunil,




Please read through this which was written by Linda Johnsen and posted

on Kelleher's website: http://www.jameskelleher.com/world1.htm

<http://www.jameskelleher.com/world1.htm> maybe you have read this





Two questions I have about this chart...nothing horrible happened in

July when the Ketu bhukti ended, so that made me think this is not

accurate because... is it not true that we always lose something huge

near the end of a Ketu dasa or bhukti?




Also, Jefferson himself said in some of his writings that they signed

the Declaration of Independence in time to get home for "supper." This

is in this article...However, my friend's son went to a summer camp at

Jefferson's home at Monticello in Virginia, and they told him that in

Colonial times, "supper" was served at 3 PM. This changes everything, as

the Kelleher chart is set for 6:30 PM. So I am not sure but I use it and

it seems to work sometimes...and the rectifications seem to corroborate

it well.

An Astrological Commission

In 1985 Jim was contacted by a businessman from Washington state. "I

heard you interviewed on the radio," he said. "Do you know anything

about the chart of the United States? I do a lot of investing, and I was

hoping you might be able to help me understand national financial



Jim initially declined the offer, explaining there were many opinions

about which U.S. chart was accurate. To actually sit down and rectify

the horoscope with clinical accuracy would take months of painstaking

work. Jim assumed his new client would not be willing to pay his rather

steep hourly rate for weeks on end while he did the rectification. But

the investor said money was not an issue and insisted that he wanted Jim

to rectify the chart.


Jim spent the summer at the University of Washington interviewing

professors of history and economics, and reading one history textbook

after another, compiling the detailed data he would need to formulate an

accurate rectification. "I started with the major cycles and began

pushing the time later and later, not finding anything that worked. When

I hit 6:30 p.m., suddenly everything lined up!" Events in U.S. history

ticked off like clockwork exactly when the Vedic chart revealed they



After rectifying the chart, on the advice of a friend, Jim got a hold of

the collected letters of Thomas Jefferson in which he found a letter by

Jefferson stating that the delegates had signed the Declaration of

Independence and finished in time to get home for supper. This letter,

in Jefferson's own handwriting, confirmed that the general time of day

is correct.


There is further corroboration. In 1998, the great astrological savant,

Yogi Karave, an Indian mystic who is noted for his uncanny ability to

tell every planet in a person's chart as well as their date and time of

birth completely from intuition, independently rectified the U.S.A.

chart for exactly 6:30 p.m. It is also interesting to note that the on

the day of the World Trade Center disaster, there was a Mars Ketu

conjunction which exactly conjuncted the ascendant of the 6:30 chart.

(Mars and Ketu, the Moon's South Node, are the two planets of violence

in Vedic astrology.) In fact, if you put the chart on an Astro

Cartography map, the transit Mars and Ketu lines fall exactly on New



The Kelleher chart for the U.S.A. gives Sagittarius rising in both the

sidereal Vedic chart and the tropical Western chart. Many astrologers

have commented on the Sagittarian quality of the American character.


U.S. Planetary Cycles

Vedic astrologers work with a sequence of planetary cycles called dashas

and bhuktis. These reveal important trends as well as shifts in

consciousness that occur throughout a lifetime. The United States was

"born" in a Rahu dasha (major cycle), Rahu bhukti (minor cycle). Rahu is

in the 8th house in Jim's version of the U.S. chart-the Vedic planet of

revolution in the house of revolution. How apt for a country formed

under the totally revolutionary principle of democracy!


The dasha sequence for the past century should give a sense of how

stunningly American history lines up with the 6:30 p.m. chart.


Jupiter dasha began Sept 30, 1913. Jupiter is the benevolent planet of

expansion, cheerfulness and well being. The Jupiter dasha carried the

United States into and through the ebullient "Roaring Twenties."


Saturn dasha began Sept 30, 1929. Saturn is the planet of poverty,

hardship, and hard work. It gives physical misery and mental depression.

Yet for those who weather its storms it ultimately gives strength,

endurance, self-reliance, and lasting success. The Stock Market

collapsed in October, 1929, plunging the U.S. into a major depression.

Through hard work and self-discipline, Americans pulled their country up

out of the Dust Bowl. By the end of the Saturn dasha, the U.S. was the

strongest country in the world.


Mercury dasha began Sept 30, 1948. Mercury represents, among other

things, communication and trade. In the Mercury dasha the communications

era took off, with telephones and televisions entering virtually every

American home, tying the country together as it never had been before.

American business boomed.


It's worth noting that Mercury is in the 8th house of the U.S. chart,

the house associated with assassination. Saturn is in the 10th house-a

position associated with the fall of leaders. On November 22, 1963-the

day John F. Kennedy was shot to death-the U.S. was running its Mercury

dasha (major cycle), Saturn bhukti (minor cycle). This represents a

fateful karmic pattern: even a beginning Vedic astrologer would have

pointed out the president's life was at risk. Incidentally, the fact

that the ruler of the U.S. 10th house is placed natally in the ominous

8th house may account for the recurrent cycle of assassinations in

American history.


Ketu dasha began Sept 30, 1965. The positive side of the shadow planet

Ketu is the illumination of consciousness. It represents detachment,

renunciation, non-materialism, and the quest for spirituality. The most

negative side is horrendous physical violence. The Ketu dasha brought

the U.S. hippies, free love, rejection of materialistic values, the

Civil Rights movement, psychedelic drug use, and explorations in

consciousness, including a surge of interest in yoga and meditation. It

also gave the Viet Nam War. In fact, in 1965, the US suddenly increased

the number of troops in Viet Nam from 23,000 to 181,000, setting the

stage for the main part of the war.


Venus dasha began Sept 30, 1972. Venus is the planet of material luxury.

In the Venus dasha hippies gave way to yuppies. The Reagan era

substituted money management for consciousness raising. Jerry Ruben went

to Wall Street. In the Ketu dasha the most popular course of study at

most colleges was Psychology. In the Venus dasha most students majored

in Business Administration.


Sun dasha began Sept 30, 1992. America's powerful Sun (fortified by

numerous Raja Yogas-power-promoting planetary patterns) is lord of the

9th house of good luck. In this dasha sunny Bill Clinton took office,

the U.S. economy boomed, and the United States relished its role as the

single world super-power.


Moon dasha began Sept 30, 1998. The Moon in the U.S. chart is the lord

of the 8th house, the house of upheaval, change, death, and

transformation. Scandal, political manipulation and financial

fluctuations marked the start of this ten-year period. The 8th lord is

the ruler of crisis. On September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center was

destroyed and the Pentagon was badly damaged by terrorists.

(Incidentally, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor also occurred during

a lunar cycle; in this case Saturn dasha, Moon bhukti.)


For several years now, Jim has been predicting that during the current

Moon dasha, we would be dealing with difficult to diagnose, difficult to

treat diseases. This is because the U.S. Moon is in the nakshatra (lunar

mansion) called Shatabhisha, "the hundred physicians." Given the current

anthrax scare and threats of future bioterrorism, Kelleher's prediction

seems eerily accurate. On the positive side, the basic shakti or energy

of this constellation is "the power of healing" so Jim is predicting

significant cures will also be part of the Moon's period.


Also referring to the Moon period, Jim commented, "Shatabhisha is also a

nakshatra related to addictions and is famous for revealing addictive

traits through the planets therein. In the case of the U.S.A. Moon,

which rules the eighth house, the house of energy or shakti, it is

revealing an addictive pattern within the USA relative to our energy

sources. In our obsession with the 'oil drug,' we have come to a crisis

(typical of Shatabhisha) where our past double-standard politics is now

catching up with us. In this respect the U.S. is sort of like a drug

addict who has been buying drugs from the Mafia, willing to do anything

for his drugs. Then the Mafia gets mad at him and murders his wife. Of

course he blames the Mafia, calls them evil and swears revenge. Maybe it

makes more sense just to not take drugs. How we fare in the rest of the

Moon cycle greatly depends on whether we can let go of the oil addiction

and develop alternative sources of energy, as well as cleaner ways of

doing business. Maybe someone could develop a 12-step program for



Outlook for the Future

At his lectures around the country, Jim had made other startling

predictions based on this chart as well, including the Gulf War, the Los

Angeles Earthquake, the current rise in terrorism and the December 12

airliner crash. So I asked him to give us a brief overview of the rest

of the Moon cycle.


"First of all, the Moon period is primarily a period of evolution of

consciousness," Kelleher responded. "It suggests a higher value placed

on females, motherhood, and family values. It brings greater acceptance

of alternative medicine, which has already been seen since 1998. It also

brings tremendous advances in science and technology. It especially

promotes the proliferation of communication and information

technologies, regardless of what stock prices are doing. The bottom line

here is that this period basically brings us towards a better quality of

life, contrary to what many people fear. In the mean time, it also

brings our karma back to us in the form of little bonfires of terrorist

activity. To put too much attention on these events is to distort the

overall impact of the Moon's period."


Nevertheless, Jim admitted, there are a few sensitive periods coming up

according to the U.S. chart.


August 31, 2001 - December 31, 2002, Moon dasha, Jupiter bhukti. "Many

people think it odd that the World Trade Center attack took place at the

beginning of a Jupiter period. In fact, Jupiter is related to the Deity

Ganesh in Hindu mythology. Ganesh started out his life by having his

head cut off and then replaced by an elephant's head. He then became the

remover of obstacles.. Similarly, the U.S.A. began the Jupiter period

with a shock but now has taken on the long task of trying to remove

terrorism from the world. That the war on terrorism began in such a

period suggests ultimate success for the U.S.A."


Other periods Jim suggested may be prone to terrorist activity in 2002

are May 4 - 14 when transit Mars conjuncts Rahu, the Moon's North Node,

and May 25 - June 2.


The lunar eclipse on June 24, 2002 falls exactly on the Ascendant of the

U.S.A., spoiling the rising nakshatra for the next six months according

to Vedic astrological theory. "This period will probably increase the

threat of biological warfare and raise public concern over health

issues," Jim feels. "The period of six days on either side of the

eclipse will be particularly sensitive as well as the six month period

following it. The area which seems most vulnerable is New York and

Washington D.C."


"The month of August, 2002 also seems volatile relative to terrorist

activity, especially the 18th to the 26th."


December 31, 2002 - July 31, 2004, Moon dasha, Saturn bhukti. "This

could be a down time for the economy. There could be the loss of a

leader or a change in the executive branch. There could be serious

health problems for the Vice President. The most sensitive months are

January, June and November 2003, based on Cheney's chart and the U.S.A.

chart. My guess is that Cheney could experience serious health

challenges and could even pass away near his birthday in 2004. Mars will

also be retrograde July to September 2003, which may increase warlike

behavior worldwide. The months of August and September, especially

around September, are particularly sensitive."


July 31, 2004 - December 31 2005, Moon dasha, Mercury bhukti. "Again

there may be the loss of a leader, possibly George Bush, Sr. Change in

the executive branch, possibly a new president. Although I am not

predicting it, I am not ruling out the death or resignation of George

Bush Jr. Some improvement in the economy. Worries about terrorist

arsenals may increase efforts to locate and destroy weapons in terrorist

countries. There will also probably be worries about nuclear weapons at

that time. I'm basing this prediction on the Sun being conjunct Saturn

in the nakshatra Punarvasu in Varshaphal, the Vedic version of a solar

return chart."


"In July 2005 we enter a six year Libra period in Chara Dasha," Jim

explained. Chara Dasha is an alternate system of sign cycles often used

in Vedic astrology. "This may indicate some general improvement in the

economy and general inclinations towards peace. In any case, the U.S.A.

chart looks better after 2005."


Kelleher added a few more predictions:


January and December of 2005. "Earthquakes possible, probably Los



December 31, 2005 - August 1, 2006, Moon dasha, Ketu bhukti. "Military



August 1, 2006 - April 1 2008, Moon dasha, Venus bhukti. "Beginning of

improvement in the economy."


April 1, 2008 - September 30, 2008, Moon dasha, Sun bhukti. "Improvement

in the economy."


August 31, 2008, begin Mars dasha. "Economy begins to come back." In his

opening speech at the recent 8th International Vedic Astrology Symposium

in Sedona, Arizona, the noted Vedic scholar and astrologer, Dr. David

Frawley, called the Kelleher rectification of the U.S. chart "one of the

most significant accomplishments by an American Vedic astrologer to

date." Many astrologers in the Vedic community are now using this chart.

In the critical months and years ahead, the Kelleher chart of the United

States may provide valuable insights into the patterns of America's


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