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Making a Positive Difference in the World

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Many religious and spiritual groups do charity and missionary work in Africa, South America, and around the world, with the intent to spread love, hope, and try to spread God-consciousness, by spreading the spiritual teachings of Christ, Buddha and other Masters. They inspire me to get off my duff, and make a difference. Are only born-again Christians and Buddhist missionaries compassionate? I think not. Krishna Consciousness also calls us to compassion and to reach out and make a positive difference in this world.


Krishna Consciousness devotees have successfully reached out to the world at large in the past, and many devotees continue to do so. However, many devotees have had to rethink their "in-your-face" strategies, so they can reach people where they are at, without pounding them over the head with pamphlets and books, or making a fanatical initial impression, and have them go away from us thinking we are strange people, with shaved heads, in pale orange robes, dancing and singing words they don't understand.


To reach people we must speak to them in simple but profound language they can understand and touches them, and we must communicate to them clearly what exactly the message of Self-Realization and God-Realization is. Before you tell someone to chant a mantra, explain what the mantra means, explain the spiritual philosophy to them in a clear manner, then let that seed you plant in their hearts grow from there.


There are different Vaishnava sects, Gaudiya, Sri Vaishnava, and though we may have some divisions on certain doctrinal points, we must come together as devotees of God, to spread God conscoiusness for the fallen jivas in this world. So many are hungering for a genuine spiritual message, but are confused by the conflicting spiritual messages and hypocrisies of religionists. We may not be Christians, but we can Remember the words of Jesus Christ: "be lights in the world, making disciples of God in all nations." Vaishnavas should never speak badly about other Vaishnavas sects.


Whether Gaudiya, Sri Vaishnava, Swaminarayan, or another Vaishnava sect, we must come together, to help souls in this world learn about God and how to end this endless cycle of birth and death, and suffering.


Empowered with God's blessing, we should seek to make a genuine difference in this world. It doesn't even just have to be preaching our spiritual philosophy.. you can make a genuine difference by showing love and care for hurting souls, and other acts of kindness that will better them, and help them come to a higher spiritual understanding, rising above the muck and mire of this world. Whatever you do, make a positive difference.

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