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21 intriguing question

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21 Intriguing Questions


<HR color=#000000 noShade SIZE=1>1. When did the first human civilization start?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">(Article 50)<!--msimagelist-->



2. What was the first language of the world?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">(Article 29)


</TD></TR><!--msimagelist--></TBODY></TABLE><!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">The Divineness of Sanskrit language is self-evident. You don’t light up a candle to see the sun; just open your eyes and see it. But if you deliberately shut your eyes then how could you see the sun. Scriptures themselves tell about the eternal Divineness of the Sanskrit language and thousands of learned Saints and acharyas have already proclaimed its Divine authenticity... (Article 11)<!--msimagelist-->



3. How did the concept of the word ‘god’ originate in the West?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">There are varying and unsure theories how the word for ‘god’ was primarily coined in various languages and cultures. But all of them come to one general assumption that they all indicated towards the presence of some kind of nature-spirit or some superior being which was assumed to have superhuman powers... (Article 16)<!--msimagelist-->



4. What is the true definition of God?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">God is eternally Gracious, all-kind, all beautiful, and all loving, etc. (Article 17)



5. What is a myth, and why so many myths of different cultures have similar stories?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">We should now understand what a myth is. Myth is the imaginative fiction of the minds of the ancient natives of a country who believed that there were some kind of nature gods who were involved in the creation, maintenance and destruction of the world, and in some way they also influenced the social life of the people... (Article 6)<!--msimagelist-->



6. What is the mystery behind the supernatural happenings described in the Puranas and the Upnishads?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">Divine acts and the Divine happenings are beyond material logic. There is no room for quibbling ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ over there. They could be understood with a pure heart and a sincere mind. They relate to three kinds of dimensions and two kinds of spaces...

(Article 57)<!--msimagelist-->



7. How was the universe created?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">There are 12 phases of the creation of the universe... (Article 47)<!--msimagelist-->



8. What are the mistakes in the evolution theory?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">Scientists of the world had no preconceived theory or any definite guideline on which to proceed. Following the principle of trial and error they started working in various fields. Based on their insufficient findings, when they discovered something, they formulated a theory out of their own imagination... (Article 44)<!--msimagelist-->



9. How does the Hindu religion and Hindu scriptures remain unchanged throughout the ages?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">The Hindu scriptures that manifest Hindu religion are the manifestations of the supreme Divine power... (Article 1)


</TD></TR><!--msimagelist--><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">The Vedas have three sections: (1) mantra or sanhita, (2) brahman and (3) aranyak...

(Article 3)<!--msimagelist-->



10. What is the age of the Vedas and the Puranas?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">'Eternity' is the word which is detailed to describe their origination... (Article 58)<!--msimagelist-->



11. What is the historical value of the Harrapan civilization?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">Harrapan civilization does not represent the actual Vedic culture... (Article 2)<!--msimagelist-->



12. Who originally mistranslated the Vedas and why?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">Max Müller was a British agent, especially employed (in 1847) to write the translations of the Vedas in such a demeaning way so that the Hindus should lose faith in them... (Article 35)<!--msimagelist-->



13. Who mutilated the history and derogated the religion of India and why?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">The first evidence of the above fact is the personal secret suggestion of Jones (along with a derogative essay) of 1784 to Warren Hastings, Governor General of India, where he explains his plan of how to destroy the religious faith of the Hindus of India... (Article 31)


</TD></TR><!--msimagelist--><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">First effort of Jones (1784) and the secret planning... (Article 32)



</TD></TR><!--msimagelist--><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">Two more attempts of Jones to destroy the Divinity of Sanskrit language and to mutilate Bhartiya history... (Article 33)


</TD></TR><!--msimagelist--><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">Major falsehoods as promoted by the British... (Article 36)<!--msimagelist-->



14. How did the Asiatic Society mislead the whole world?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">The president and the secretary of Asiatic Researches along with their group of people extensively published derogatory books and magazines... (Article 37)<!--msimagelist-->



15. How do the books and encyclopedias on Hindu religion portray a wrong image of Hinduism?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">On Hinduism, several series of books have been published in the past, and recently a new trend has started to publish a series of books in the name of an encyclopedia on Hinduism, but they despise Hinduism... (Article 43)<!--msimagelist-->



16. How to determine the eternal Divine authenticity of Bhartiya scriptures?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">There are three kinds of evidences: documentary, circumstantial and eyewitness. In the scriptural terms they are called shabd (documentary), anuman (inferential or circumstantial) and pratyakch (eyewitness)... (Article 4)<!--msimagelist-->



17. What is the prime theme of the Upnishads?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">The main theme of the Upnishads is to lovingly surrender to the personal form of God and enter into the eternal state of the Divine Bliss... (Article 7)


</TD></TR><!--msimagelist--><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">The Upnishads give two facts: (1) The first one is that the soul does not belong to maya or the mayic world because it itself is an eternal infinitesimal Divine entity... (Article 8)


</TD></TR><!--msimagelist--><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">The word atma technically means ‘the Divinity’. So, in the Upnishads, except for a few places, the word atma has been generally used for God, the absolute Divinity... (Article 9)<!--msimagelist-->



18. What is the true path to God?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">The religion which eternally exists in God, which is revealed by God, which describes the names, forms, virtues and the abodes of God, and which reveals the true path of God realization for all the souls is called Sanatan Dharm... (Article 65)<!--msimagelist-->



19. What is the theme of the most talked about scripture “Brahm Sutra” in a nutshell?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">(Article 61)<!--msimagelist-->



20. What is the essence of the Gita and the Bhagwatam?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">(Article 67)<!--msimagelist-->



21. What are the indications of a true devotee of God?


<!--msimagelist--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><!--msimagelist--><TBODY><TR><!--msimagelist--><TD vAlign=baseline width=42>blue-gold-deco.gif</TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%">(Article 69)<!--msimagelist-->


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