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AMUCO wants whole truth out in ISKCON blast

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Looks like India's police has no means to even find out where these explosives were manufactured.


AMUCO wants whole truth out in ISKCON blast

IMPHAL, Aug 31: The All Manipur United Clubs` Organisation has taken serious view of the chain of events that followed after the ISKCON bomb blast particularly after the arrest of leaders of civil society bodies.

While expressing strong condemnation over arrest of two important functionaries of the Threatened Indigenous Peoples Society in the aftermath of the ISKCON bomb blast, a AMUCO statement stressed that it is against any form of terrorism, be it by state or nonstate actors.

Asserting that the organisation has been vocal in expressing condemnation over any act of terrorism unleashed to the people of Manipur, the AMUCO said it has been keenly observing whether the bomb blast at ISKCON was handiwork of the state or by non-state actors.

Manipur government must be sincere enough in making thorough investigation into the blast incident and all the facts about the ISKCON bomb blast are made public, the AMUCO said adding people deserved to be aware of the truth about the incident or else Manipur government should be termed anti-people.

The AMUCO also appealed to all the underground groups to make a thorough investigation into the incident without any hesitation in the best interest of the people.

Meanwhile, expressing strong concern over the circumstances of the release of a press statement by the Apunba Lup in connection with the ISKCON bomb blast accusing security forces, the AMUCO asked all concerned not to cross organisational discipline in future.

The AMUCO alleged that the contents of Apunba Lup`s press statement was opposed by one of the coordinator namely Ph Deban. However, the Apunba Lup went ahead in distributing the press handout to newspapers offices in Deban`s absence who had suggested deletion of some lines in its contents.

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