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relationships with Radha

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can a bhakta have different relationships toward Radha? or can one desire to be her maidservant. I heard we can have different relationships with Krsna when we reach Goloka, is the same true with Radha? I have a shakta background, so I am more drawn to the divine feminine for my devotion. and want to know if vaishnavism allows for different relationship with the divine feminine, according to ones natural spiritual inclinations. Can Radha be Mother, friend, Beloved, daughter, etc.. like Krsna?

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can a bhakta have different relationships toward Radha? or can one desire to be her maidservant. I heard we can have different relationships with Krsna when we reach Goloka, is the same true with Radha? I have a shakta background, so I am more drawn to the divine feminine for my devotion. and want to know if vaishnavism allows for different relationship with the divine feminine, according to ones natural spiritual inclinations. Can Radha be Mother, friend, Beloved, daughter, etc.. like Krsna?



Unless you are an extremely dedicated soul it is not likely to have a direct relationship with Srimati Radharani, it is by no means a cheap thing. In Gaudiya Vaisnavism all our relationships are usually earned through service to those servants of the servants of the divine couple.

The spiritual master if purified on the topmost level of prema bhakti can ultimately introduce us to the tangible reality of that service arena.

One can become a maidservant by the grace of the parampara disciplic succession. Which is a foolproof system protecting these pastimes from misrepresentation and misconception.

The highest most dedicated servitors of that soil have earned a divine feminine swarup or spiritual form to assist in the pastimes of Sri Sri Radha Govinda. Some are attracted to serve Srimati Radharani only, while others focus is on Krsna and still others are inclined to serve both.

We rarely could approach their Lordships without the sanction and benediction of those intermediaries who are performing all manner of pure pleasing activities for Their pleasure.

So without the tangible grace of a surrended spiritual master who is familiar with the whole service procedure, qualified to give entrance to our inner hearts desire, we may just mentally concoct such a relationship, which can be detrimental to our spiritual progress.

So by all means become Radha Conscious, and perhaps you may be interested in further understanding Lord Chaitanya's Gaudiya conception of divinity, you wont be disappointed. All the best.

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I remeber reading Bhaktivinode saying "actually we are shaktas " refering to Gaudiya Vaisnava's. The exact nature of these rasa's are beyond my understanding but while on earth someone (forgot her name) appeared in Vrndavan as Radha's mother so I believe that proves such a rasa exists.


When we chant the Hare Krsna mantra the first thing we are doing is calling for the mercy of Mother Hara or Radharani.

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Yes, Gaudiya Vaishnavas are the real shaktas because they worship the supreme shakti, Srimati Radharani. The kind of relationships with her encouraged by the line from Srila Rupa Gosvami is one of friendly servitorship, helping her in her quest for union with Krishna. There is also a class of sakhas who, when Krishna is not around, are under the control of the leaders of Sri Radhika's different groups of girlfriends. However, when Krishna is around, they always take His side when there's a quarrel.

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can a bhakta have different relationships toward Radha? or can one desire to be her maidservant. I heard we can have different relationships with Krsna when we reach Goloka, is the same true with Radha? I have a shakta background, so I am more drawn to the divine feminine for my devotion. and want to know if vaishnavism allows for different relationship with the divine feminine, according to ones natural spiritual inclinations. Can Radha be Mother, friend, Beloved, daughter, etc.. like Krsna?



Srimati Radharani is considered the source of all the feminine service energy or the reservoir of pleasing potency for Krsna, hence she is 'hladini shakti', distributing and designating accordingly, and what is in the source is to be found in the tributaries, or expansions of Her most favorable nature, from Laxmi Devi to Saraswati, Parvati devi etc. Just as the Supreme Lord has empowered expansions so too does His dearly beloved consort, and in varying degrees we will find this serving potency in the feminine soul.


There is some danger in shakta worship of mistaking the divine feminine nature with the mundane feminine nature, believe me they are worlds apart. Not to be mixed and blurred. Much shakta worship today is just merely disguised sense gratification down to outright perverted bodily identification and lust which will never reach the soil of prema. So don't confuse the two.


Of course there are so many forms of serving Srimati Radharani in the spiritual world She is not an orphan, rather the epitomy of full fledged personalism. She has the best of mothers, the best of friends, but it wouldn't be advisable to compete with Krsna for Her heart, there is no competition, we will only end up the loser for that, our only hope is to assist in the service of Her friends to please Their loving pastimes through the myriad contenders who are fullfilling this role.

Otherwise we may find ourselves in the camp and company of Thakuranis' opposition party such as Candravali, it is a very suble arrangment and one must tread very gingerly in those devotional sentiments, getting it very clear from the start from those who are absolutely qualified to distribute such confidential information.

Plus it is not something we work out on our own, there is a system that we have to adjust to, so that we may enter that most glorious domain and not create disturbance to the harmony of those pastimes.. It is all by the grace of those already established in that consciousness, so from where we are in this world it is recommended to find a pure spiritual teacher who cultivates the proper approach to such a delicate ideal.

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Srimati Radharani is considered the source of all the feminine service energy or the reservoir of pleasing potency for Krsna, hence she is 'hladini shakti', distributing and designating accordingly, and what is in the source is to be found in the tributaries, or expansions of Her most favorable nature, from Laxmi Devi to Saraswati, Parvati devi etc. Just as the Supreme Lord has empowered expansions so too does His dearly beloved consort, and in varying degrees we will find this serving potency in the feminine soul.


There is some danger in shakta worship of mistaking the divine feminine nature with the mundane feminine nature, believe me they are worlds apart. Not to be mixed and blurred. Much shakta worship today is just merely disguised sense gratification down to outright perverted bodily identification and lust which will never reach the soil of prema. So don't confuse the two.


Of course there are so many forms of serving Srimati Radharani in the spiritual world She is not an orphan, rather the epitomy of full fledged personalism. She has the best of mothers, the best of friends, but it wouldn't be advisable to compete with Krsna for Her heart, there is no competition, we will only end up the loser for that, our only hope is to assist in the service of Her friends to please Their loving pastimes through the myriad contenders who are fullfilling this role.

Otherwise we may find ourselves in the camp and company of Thakuranis' opposition party such as Candravali, it is a very suble arrangment and one must tread very gingerly in those devotional sentiments, getting it very clear from the start from those who are absolutely qualified to distribute such confidential information.

Plus it is not something we work out on our own, there is a system that we have to adjust to, so that we may enter that most glorious domain and not create disturbance to the harmony of those pastimes.. It is all by the grace of those already established in that consciousness, so from where we are in this world it is recommended to find a pure spiritual teacher who cultivates the proper approach to such a delicate ideal.


Regarding; "Much shakta worship today is just merely disguised sense gratification down to outright perverted bodily identification and lust which will never reach the soil of prema. So don't confuse the two."..........


Can you give some practical examples of this that you have seen?

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Regarding; "Much shakta worship today is just merely disguised sense gratification down to outright perverted bodily identification and lust which will never reach the soil of prema. So don't confuse the two."..........


Can you give some practical examples of this that you have seen?





I'm not allowed to post urls here so try the above address

Rather than fill these forums with unnessacary clutter you can referr to this link on the so-called devadasis in various places throughout India. That has been perverted from the original young girl temple dancers, to sexual initiations in many temples.

In the time of Mahaprabhu in Jagganath Puri, He told that there is one person in this world and one person only who can train these young devadasi girls the spiritual art of dancing for the Lord and that person is Raya Ramananda.

I have also been told that Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur had the erotic stone carvings in Jugganaths' Temple cemented over.


I know many Rajneesh followers who used to interpret Tantra and shakta worship as meaning free love with all women. Which in most cases was nothing but lust.

So many now use these images of Krsna in erotic paintings by erotic painters, calling this 'divine love'.

Or making love better with 'Kama-sutra products' and love potions perverting the Divine pastimes into a sick business for profit.


Many of these practitioners consider themselves Gods and Goddesses supposedly enjoying the supreme union.

I personally have no problem with anyone living in illusion but it becomes a problem when young pubecent girls are exploited or when they bring the divine couples pastimes down to their mundanei zone of misconception. mundane.

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available from krsna culture


vedic resource catalogue

3522 east TC jester

houston texas


toll free 1 800 829 2579


catalogue item UN

softcover 240 pages

$USD 9


book description: Srimati Radharani, varieties of leaders of the gopis, varieties of messengers, and Radharani's friends


author: Srila Rupa Goswami Pada*


*The authoritative source: straight from the gopi's mouth! Accept no other substitutes. Written in the genre of "Gopi tells all" sensationalistic journalism.

The People magazine and Us magazine of the Spiritual World. As told by Supermodel Radhika's confidante.

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hare krishna,


the mood of the vaisnavas is to become the servant of the servant of the servant..... of the gopis ... and srimati radha rani is he chief of gopis.. os if u want to have a relatioship with gopis .. then it should be to serve.




can a bhakta have different relationships toward Radha? or can one desire to be her maidservant. I heard we can have different relationships with Krsna when we reach Goloka, is the same true with Radha? I have a shakta background, so I am more drawn to the divine feminine for my devotion. and want to know if vaishnavism allows for different relationship with the divine feminine, according to ones natural spiritual inclinations. Can Radha be Mother, friend, Beloved, daughter, etc.. like Krsna?
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