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tantric upasan with ganapathi

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I am Abhi from kerala. I also got ur messge seeking abt

shodasa ganapathi. But i hve no idea about that.

However, being an upasaka i hve the duty to pass the

Knowledge to every one. So i 'm sending u the thing

what i hve. ok! Actually ganapathi upasana is a basic

level of upasana. or in another way, the first step of

attaining the shakthi from Universal mother. Ganapathi

is situated in the Mooladhara chakra. ie, the place

between genital and anus. By vibrating this point, we

will get the more shakthi in physical, mental and

spiritual level. same way we get creative power also.

Hence ganesha is called sarva vighna vinashaka...To

activate Mooladhara chakra, we can chant moolamantra,

and by doing certain mudras, bandhas and locks, and by

some certain yogic postures.. However, there is

another way which very common and doing all people ,

but without aware of it. That is very easy and in

physical Level... if u want to knw more abt plz

message me ....ok tke care byee..



Om sri matre namah

With Love only-Abhi


--- rajeshwari iyer <rajii31 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


> This question may not be relevent to this group. I

> am looking for 16 forms

> of ganapathi i.e shodasha ganapathi along with its

> meaning and mantra. I

> have vague understanding but would like to find

> more. raji.

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hello dear, what is the other way to activate this mooladhaar chakra............ ? is this way simplest or tough ? just tell me the technique of it ? i wanna know that and want to give to other who is willing to do such a way ............


c u

reply me soon







abhi ram <ssabhiram >


Thursday, August 31, 2006 9:30:49 AM

tantric upasan with ganapathi




I am Abhi from kerala. I also got ur messge seeking abt

shodasa ganapathi. But i hve no idea about that.

However, being an upasaka i hve the duty to pass the

Knowledge to every one. So i 'm sending u the thing

what i hve. ok! Actually ganapathi upasana is a basic

level of upasana. or in another way, the first step of

attaining the shakthi from Universal mother. Ganapathi

is situated in the Mooladhara chakra. ie, the place

between genital and anus. By vibrating this point, we

will get the more shakthi in physical, mental and

spiritual level. same way we get creative power also.

Hence ganesha is called sarva vighna vinashaka... To

activate Mooladhara chakra, we can chant moolamantra,

and by doing certain mudras, bandhas and locks, and by

some certain yogic postures.. However, there is

another way which very common and doing all people ,

but without aware of it. That is very easy and in

physical Level... if u want to knw more abt plz

message me ....ok tke care byee..


Om sri matre namah

With Love only-Abhi


--- rajeshwari iyer <rajii31 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


> This question may not be relevent to this group. I

> am looking for 16 forms

> of ganapathi i.e shodasha ganapathi along with its

> meaning and mantra. I

> have vague understanding but would like to find

> more. raji.

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I am interested in that activity for vibrating Mooladhara chakra.By the way from what sources are you taking this info?What's your personal spiritual practise?





abhi ram

Thursday, August 31, 2006 7:00 AM

tantric upasan with ganapathi





I am Abhi from kerala. I also got ur messge seeking abt

shodasa ganapathi. But i hve no idea about that.

However, being an upasaka i hve the duty to pass the

Knowledge to every one. So i 'm sending u the thing

what i hve. ok! Actually ganapathi upasana is a basic

level of upasana. or in another way, the first step of

attaining the shakthi from Universal mother. Ganapathi

is situated in the Mooladhara chakra. ie, the place

between genital and anus. By vibrating this point, we

will get the more shakthi in physical, mental and

spiritual level. same way we get creative power also.

Hence ganesha is called sarva vighna vinashaka...To

activate Mooladhara chakra, we can chant moolamantra,

and by doing certain mudras, bandhas and locks, and by

some certain yogic postures.. However, there is

another way which very common and doing all people ,

but without aware of it. That is very easy and in

physical Level... if u want to knw more abt plz

message me ....ok tke care byee..


Om sri matre namah

With Love only-Abhi


--- rajeshwari iyer <rajii31 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


> This question may not be relevent to this group. I

> am looking for 16 forms

> of ganapathi i.e shodasha ganapathi along with its

> meaning and mantra. I

> have vague understanding but would like to find

> more. raji.

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>, we can chant moolamantra,

>and by doing certain mudras, bandhas and locks, and by

>some certain yogic postures.. However, there is

>another way which very common and doing all people ,

>but without aware of it. That is very easy and in

>physical Level... if u want to knw more abt plz

>message me ....ok tke care byee..



Sir, My humble question, Is it appropriate to give such instruction on net?.

Such activation needs certain level of spiritual attainement - without

seeing a patient how can a doctor diagnoise and give powerful medication -

if it goes wrong it can have severe side effect. It is moral duty of a

doctor to see his patient first. This is my opinion. raji


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yup..whatever form of ganapthi they are He himself. Gana means

category or a group . everything tht we perceive through our senses or

grasp through our mind can be expressed in terms of kind or group or a

category. the principle from where all such categories have manifested

themselves is Ganapathi, Lord of categories. in reality it means the

origin of whole creation, God hmslf.

His elephant head is smply enough to explain everything. "gaja"

ie.gajamukha, gajAnanA etc. gaja is not just an elephant, "ga"

indicates 'gati' , the final creation towards where the whole creation

is moving, koowingly and unknowingly. "ja" indicates 'janma', birth or

origin. and Gaja signifies that from whom the whole world have come

out and towards whom they are progressing, to be ultimately dissolved

in Him.

another thing is all forms has the elephant head and human body,

elephant represents the brahmanda or the macrocosm and the human body

represents the sukshamanda, microcosm or the individual. they together

in one shows advaitaM, the essence and core of sadhana. idenitity of

the cosmos and the sadhaka.


adwaith menon



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  • 3 months later...

Respected Raji,

There is a book known by the name Srividya Ratrnakara

in Sanskrit. It gives full details of Gasnapati

Upasana. Ganapati is the easiest to propitiate. His

bijas are lam at mulaadhaara and gam generally. Just

say gam ganapataye namah.. this will do. Offer aurugam

grass, otherwise puffed rice, this will do.

When you meditate, just imagine you are in the

moolaaadhaara, recite mentally lam ganapataye namah

and seek his guidance, ot is sure to come.

You need not be a tantric to pray to Lord Ganesha for

favours. He is kshipraprasadana meaning he gives

instant results.


Om Namas Tripurasundari

--- abhi ram <ssabhiram > wrote:


> hi.


> I am Abhi from kerala. I also got ur messge seeking

> abt

> shodasa ganapathi. But i hve no idea about that.

> However, being an upasaka i hve the duty to pass the

> Knowledge to every one. So i 'm sending u the thing

> what i hve. ok! Actually ganapathi upasana is a

> basic

> level of upasana. or in another way, the first step

> of

> attaining the shakthi from Universal mother.

> Ganapathi

> is situated in the Mooladhara chakra. ie, the place

> between genital and anus. By vibrating this point,

> we

> will get the more shakthi in physical, mental and

> spiritual level. same way we get creative power

> also.

> Hence ganesha is called sarva vighna vinashaka...To

> activate Mooladhara chakra, we can chant

> moolamantra,

> and by doing certain mudras, bandhas and locks, and

> by

> some certain yogic postures.. However, there is

> another way which very common and doing all people ,

> but without aware of it. That is very easy and in

> physical Level... if u want to knw more abt plz

> message me ....ok tke care byee..



> Om sri matre namah

> With Love only-Abhi


> --- rajeshwari iyer <rajii31 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


> > This question may not be relevent to this group.

> I

> > am looking for 16 forms

> > of ganapathi i.e shodasha ganapathi along with its

> > meaning and mantra. I

> > have vague understanding but would like to find

> > more. raji.










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