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Message for the day (01.09.2006)

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Message for the day 01.09.2006



To be clean at heart is to give happiness to others.





The one who has a clean heart is the one who always

tries to do the best for those with whom he comes in

contact. Thus, the person develops the ability to

accept others as they are and ignore anything wrong

done by them. Instead, he is able to do the right

action without losing the balance. So such a person

brings joy for himself and for others through every

action he performs.




When I have a clean heart I am able to have an

experience of my inner qualities. I am able to enjoy

the beauty of the different

relationships, each relationship and each person being

unique. Thus others are able to get in touch with

their inner beauty too. So there is joy experienced

by all.












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Is it not that we call the SUPREME as SRIMAN NARAYANA only as all others

are Devathas only Kindly clarify

BRP dasan



On 9/3/06, raju p <raju0505 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


> Supreme GOD Father Says…


> I am called by many names Shiva, Jehovah, God, Allah.

> You have built temples, churches.. for Me. You

> searched for Me on pilgrimages and on mountains. But

> you couldn't see Me with those eyes.


> My form is of divine light, like a shining star. I

> reside in a world far beyond this material universe.

> You too reside with Me in that supreme abode of

> timeless peace. Your form is also like mine –subtle,

> eternal, divine.


> You came onto this stage to play your part through

> the body. When this drama comes to an end, you return

> to the supreme abode with Me. Whilst playing your

> part, you lose yourselves in the play, you forget Me,

> you forget your home. I incarnate once every cycle of

> this human play to free you from the strings of

> attachment and ignorance.


> I remain ever free, ever pure, ever blissful, ever

> loving. I remind you that you are like Me and that you

> belong to Me always. When you recognize Me accurately

> and focus your thoughts on Me. You come back to Me.


> My incarnation is divine, unique and incognito. I am

> your long forgotten Father. My relationship with you

> is eternal.


> Your Loving

> Divine Father




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harE krShNa! AzhwArgaL thiruvadigaLE sharaNam! jay shrIlA praBhupAdha!




Dear Raju Brother,




Kindly read my replies in blue.



- Balaji - The Servant of Devotees!


On 9/3/06, raju p < raju0505 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


> Supreme GOD Father Says… //Mention first where the Supreme Lord says (I

> mean source). Because source is important. Or else I can create 100

> sentences and you can create 100 sentences which has got no value.


> I am called by many names Shiva, Jehovah, God, Allah. //The Supreme Lord

> cannot be called by the name shiva. Because shiva is a devotee of Supreme

> Lord nArAyaNa or krShNa, as confirmed in shrImadhBhAgavatham: "vaiShNavanAm

> yaThA shamBhu" (Lord shiva is a superior vaiShNava or a devotee of Lord

> viShNu). Hence we have to be careful while considering or equalizing a

> devotee with the Supreme Lord.


You have built temples, churches.. for Me. You searched for Me on

> pilgrimages and on mountains. But

> you couldn't see Me with those eyes. //Yes. Just searching the supreme on

> mountains and piligrimages is not the right method according to the

> shAsthras without devotion. But we have to search the Supreme Lord in the

> way which He Himself prescribes. The Supreme Lord can be revealed only by

> surrenderance or sharaNAgathi and performing loving devotional services unto

> Him, as confirmed in shrImadhBhAgavatham 7.5.23:


shravaNam kIrthanam viShNOho

> smaraNam pAdha sEvanam

> archanam vandhanam dhAsyam

> saKhyam Athma nivEdhanam


Hearing, chanting about the transcendental holy name, form, qualities,

> paraphernalia and pastimes of Lord viShNu, remembering them, serving the

> lotus feet of the Lord, offering the Lord respectful worship with sixteen

> types of paraphernalia, offering prayers to the Lord, becoming His servant,

> considering the Lord one's best friend, and surrendering everything unto Him

> (in other words, serving Him with the body, mind and words)—these nine

> processes are accepted as pure devotional service. One who has dedicated his

> life to the service of krShNa through these nine methods should be

> understood to be the most learned person, for he has acquired complete

> knowledge (which knowledge includes to see Lord krShNa always).


> My form is of divine light, personlike a shining star. //Sorry. No where

> this is stated in vEdhas. The form of Supreme Lord or Lord viShNu or

> nArAyaNa or krShNa is not light but He Has got personal form as confirmed in

> BhagavadhgIthA 10.12: "puruSham shAshvatham dhivyam" (The eternal *divine

> person*). I reside in a world far beyond this material universe. You too

> reside with Me in that supreme abode of timeless peace. //No. We are here

> in this material world, which is temporary (not false), due to our sinful

> action/s. But, of course, we can go to that Supreme Lord's abode, which is

> known as vaikunTa lOkam and enjoy with our eternal father permanently which

> is confirmed in BhagavadhgIthA 20, 21 & 22. Your form is also like mine –

> subtle, eternal, divine.


> You came onto this stage to play your part through the body. //Why we come

> and suffer here is what we have to think. It is not that we have simply

> fallen in this prison (material world) and playing just drama. When this

> drama comes to an end, you return to the supreme abode with Me. //Unless

> one surrenders to Supreme Lord, we will not return to the Supreme abode.Whilst playing your part, you lose yourselves in the play, you forget Me,

> you forget your home. I incarnate once every cycle of this human play to

> free you from the strings of attachment and ignorance. //Who incarnates?

> If you are referring to Lord shiva, then specify the source of your words..


> I remain ever free, ever pure, ever blissful, ever loving. I remind you

> that you are like Me and that you belong to Me always. When you recognize Me

> accurately and focus your thoughts on Me. You come back to Me. //Yes. If

> these things are referred to the exact or real Supreme Lord, who is krShNa,

> then your words are correct and I can give shAsthric evidences for every

> word I speak here.


> My incarnation is divine, unique and incognito. I am your long forgotten

> Father. My relationship with you is eternal. //Yes. Again this is also

> true, but must be with reference to Lord krShNa or viShNu.


> Your Loving

> Divine Father //Once again to stress, the Supreme Lord or Supreme Father

> is none other than Lord krShNa or viShNu and there is nobody equal nor

> superior to Him at ANY COST as confirmed in BhagavadhgItha 7.7 by Lord

> krShNa: "maththaha paratharam nAnyath kinchidhasthi Dhananjaya".


harE krShNa!

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