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new lamb skin

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Sat Nam !!


I´ve been using cotton and natural mexican fiber mats for my Sadhana till

yesterday. I just bought my first lamb skin after considering that by

becoming part of my spiritual practice it would be giving a beautiful

service to Love , Light and Counsciousness.

I would like to know if there is a specific ritual to purify its energy

before i start using it , or to create a special ritual my self would be ok


Thank you all..

Love and Light

Sat Seva

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Hari Om,

Yes, you should perform the following rituals for the purification of the place where you sit for sadhana. In Sanskrit, it is called bhu-shuddih, literally 'purification of the ground/earth' . Apologies for the lack of diacritic marks when writing Sanskrit mantras - I can't include them in this forum post.


1. Chant the following mantra;


Apasarpantu te bhuta

ye bhuta bhuvi samsthitah/

ye bhuta vighnakartaras-

te gacchantu shivajnaya//


(Those evil spirits and ghosts who are in this place and who disturb my meditation, let them go away by the immediate order of the supreme Lord Shiva).


Saying thus, kick the earth three times with the hind part of the left-leg.


2. Perform bhuta-shuddhi so that they should be driven away and never come back to that place to disturb meditation.

Chant the following mantra;


Apakramantu bhutani

pishacas sarvatodisham/

sarvesham avirodhena

brahmakarma samarabhe//

Om. Sahasrara hum phat svaha//


As you chant the last part of the above mantra, lift your hands above your head and clap four times on the word 'phat'.


Now pray to Ksetrapala, the commander of the ghost-world and Siva's attendant;


Om. Tiksnadamstra mahakaya


Bhairavaya namas tubhyam

anujnam datum arhasi//


3. Then one has to do the Asana-viddhi or purification of the place where one sits for meditation (in this case your new skin)


Place your mat/skin on the ground and sprinkle a little holy water on it (you may use water that has been offered before a deity and chanted over with the usual mantras).

Then chant;


Prithvimerumantrasya meruprstha rsih

Kurmo devata, Sutalam chandah asane



Om. Prthivi tvaya dhrta loka

devi tvam Visnuna dhrta/

tvam ca dharaya mam devi

pavitram kuru casanam//


Saying thus, one should touch and salute the earth and the seat and then sit on the seat. The Shakti will then no more be drawn to the earth, but will take the upward course through the nadis along the spine during meditation.


I hope you find this useful. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me at email; anon@europe.com


Om shanti

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