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MPY - 1937 translation : V.Subramananya Sastri

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||Om Datta Guru||








v Since Chandrashekharji is a respected member there was no

debate by others and there the definition of Mahapurusha Yoga took a new

turn (in the last 3 yrs I have seen whatever of lists) that it needs to

be seen from Asc AND Moon and not OR Moon.




v I had earnestly searched for my copy of V. Subramananya

Sastri's Phaladeepika since for long I was told by Patel & others

that Sastri's translation of classics is the BEST TRANSLATION though

C.S. Patel and other scholars have removed some faults. His relevant

book was published in 1937 & now out of print but I had gotten it

quietly from Patel original version when he was happy with me. (Raman

also mentions Sastri in his book `My Experiences with





v This translation on Page 48 of our sloka says " Just as

these five yogas arise when reckoned from the lagna, similarly they are

possible when counted EVEN FROM THE MOONS PLACE.




v I wanted to post it immediately on the list but thought to ask

Guruji C.S.Patel since I know he had himself removed many faults in

Sastri's sanskrit translation, so I asked him to translate the sloka

(in next mail)








Sunil John

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