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Shakti Yoga or whatever - Visti's email /Suni-Chandrashekhar ji

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Dear Sunil


I feel Chandrashekhar ji will explain properly.

I am not a scholar,but my views based on pure common sense

is,Chandrashaekhar ji may be right.


Reason - Matari shoka if points to 5th ,then it should also show

puthra shoka compared to the anguish mentioned.

But if it is mother things are simple and clear.Moon is karaka for

mother and nodal aasociation explains the case.Moreover aspect of

cancer is cancelling it.why?Cancer is the natural 4th house showing

mother and rashi support diluting effects.This is pure common sense

and Shri Sanjay Rath may have better understanding.Let us wait for

Chandrashekhar ji.Also it seems Maatri was not translated with

consistency as per chandrashekhar ji.





, "suniljohn_2002"

<suniljohn_2002 wrote:



> ||Om Datta Guru||




> Dear Chandrashekharji


> Pls see below Visti's mail on it.








> ||Hare Rama Krsna||


> Dear Sunil, Namaskar


> You may forward this mail to the list.


> In my online-article I have omitted the sanskrit due to formatting

> constraints that web-browsers have. Hopefully in the future with some

> new coding I will be able to have sanskrit there as well. As for the

> çlokas, I have broken them down and translated them below.




> A. the yoga is initiated in sloka 4.1.52 where Jaimini speaks about the

> fifth house from pranapada.


> He says: maatari shokaH| Here the numerological equivalent of Maatari is

> 5, hence there is talk of fifth house. And shokaH means anguish or pain.

> Thus: "The fifth house will show anguish". Keep in mind that this is in

> continuation of the sloka about pranapada.




> B. In the next sloka the yoga is given:


> chandraagu dR^igyogaannishayena||


> chandra the Moon, chandra, soma; agu Rähu, destitute of rays, poor;

> drg dristi, aspect, sight; yoga combination, yoga, association; nishcaya

> definitely, conclussively, ascertained.


> Translation: If a yoga between Chandra and Rähu occurs here (the

> fifth from pranapada) through aspect or other yoga then it will surely

> happen.




> C. And now comes the description of the Shakti Yoga:


> svamUrti puruSe kaala rUpaH|


> sva self, own, karaka lagna, lagna; mUrti image, or the numeroligical

> equivalent to 5; purUSa person, numerological equivalent to 9; kaala

> dark, black, abuse, Saturn, Rudra; rUpa image, embodiment, nature,

> feature.


> Translation: This happening (the previous yoga) in the fifth or ninth

> houses from the self (AK or Lagna), the image of Rudra arises.


> Comment: Here I have shown the difference between the two in my article.

> The Parampara calls this Yoga 'Shakti Yoga' for reasons also explained

> in my article.




> D. Lastly the exception to this rule arises:


> tiryag dR^iSTau praayo nivR^itti kaarakaH|


> Tiryag air goer, siddha, numerological equivalent to 4; drstau aspect,

> sight; praayas likely, mostly, largely, probably; nivrtti reversed,

> ceased, return, denial; kaaraka causes, does, acts, significator, karaka

> lagna;


> Translation: If Cancer aspects, it would mostly deny the results.


> Comment: Here the denial of the evil results occurs, but in actuality it

> refers to the person finding compassion towards that which is being

> destroyed and thus ceases his activities.




> Best wishes,


> ***


> Visti Larsen


> For services and articles visit:


> http://srigaruda.com <http://srigaruda.com/>


> ***





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