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namaskaram gurujis,                             i want to know whether the following match would be compatable or not.how will be the marital life.please give me the details..ITS  a love mariage ,will it come to arranged....Boy:ANIL KUMARDOB:20,SEPT,1979...TOB:4.15AMPLACE:NALGONDA..Girl::PRIYA RAJUDOB:21ST,AUG,1984,TOB:10.20PMPLACE:NELLORE...Kindly reply....thanks in advance..... wrotedear prashant jiwhat all you stated are logically true.i wish to add this.  in olden days, party tickets for any election were used to be given only to the person who has highest chance of winning.  but for most assembly or parliament seats, only that person who donates highest amount of money to party fund gets the ticket.  in case of rajya sabha, an industrialist, a defaulter, a mafia king or a criminal, they just get the rajya sabha seat and become an MP just by donating few crores to the party.with best wishesarjun, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar> wrote:>>     Dear readers,>   >   >   Hope this piece is a debatable one and can help  the debate on Rahu, ketu, Sani, Kuja etc as only malefics etc be seen in  current light.>        >       I had a rare chance to speak extempore in august company of  B V RAMAN, Gyathri Devi and other astrologers in an ICAS meet, in Bangalore, i wasn\'t prepared  to speak when they asked me to speak as I came from Madras the center head, they insisted I speak.  I  wasn\'t sure how to proceed, as I was the 1st speaker. but after presenting  these thoughts spoke to my guru in the evenning, and asked him if this was reasonable to  dislodge conventional rules and rehash them.>       he approved it,  when  I  gave him a gist of what i had said.>       Dusthama,   Papagrahas- for our times must mean differently to past times.>   >            >   It is important to read into the various facets of each  karakatva, tatva and value system we are analyzing any rule as far as reading  and using classical texts quotes or sutras.>            >   WE MUST REMEMBER THE RULES WERE LAID DONW DURING A FAIRLY  NORMAL, ORDERLY, ETHICAL, RELIGIOUS SPIRTUAL, SIMPLE NEEDS, GOD AND  ADMININSTRATION RESPECTING AGE. Which slowly started to get diluted as time  went by in every period, civilization, the moment moral, spirtual, ethical  values changed the role of the planets we interpret also change.>        >       Dushthanas 6th house->       Debts- people without a debt was supposed to be the  wealthiest man.>       Health, Disease- arogyame mahaa bhagyam-health is wealth.>       Rivals- people without foes were a strong and good man.>        >       TODAY EVEN MULTI MILLIONAIRES BORROW MONEY AND INVEST,  without an OD facility or a credit rating, credit worthiness one is worthless.>       If you have more diseases you are in elite company of some  super star, film world, model or a millionaire.>       If you have more rivals you are a successful person, the  more you can buy or manipulate.>        SO- A GOOD 6th  house, lord, aspects are required>        >       8th house.>       Longevity good life expectancy was there became less now  improving with medical intervention, not our quality of life.>       Para Dhanam-Money not self earned>       Para Desha vasam-Exile or living away from birth  place>       Bandhana- imprisonments>        >       TODAY>       Who dos not want a good insurance cover to pay for any  eventuality?>       Who refuses a legacy if some relative writes it to you?>       How many will refuse to  shun dowry, occupy a property next door if you know someone is not there or  will not come for sometime.>       Or people who don\'t vacate a rented place and demand money  to get out?>       Who will not love to get a citizenship of another country or  live there for good. GREN CARD,  CITIZEN  OF ANOTHER COUNTRY.>        >       POLITICIANS USE THEIR JAIL TERMS TO RAISE EMOTIONS,  SYMPATHY.>       SO- A GOOD 8th house, lord, aspects are required>        >       12th House, >   expenses, jail terms, fines, hospitalisation,Moksha etc.>   >       Expenses-must be limited, and in useful ways.>       Sleep in peace, in time-early to bed early to rise makes a  man healthy, wealthy and wise.>       Fines to govt.>       Hospital expenses.>       Living away from birth place by choice.>        >       NOW IT IS>       OSTENATION, SHOW OFF LIFE STYLE, CONSUMERISM, MATERIALSITIC  PLEASURES>       Make as much money as you can you have just 24 hrs, now or  never your friend, cousin or your hated relative, ex-friend has more than you,  so slog on-work Longer sleep less till you ruin your health, spend on medical  bills of course.>       Taxes, bribes, donations tips,, grease money whatever way  you do is money to authorities. To Govt and public if paid honestly from honest  income of course]>        >   POLITICIANS USE THEIR JAIL TERMS TO RAISE EMOTIONS,  SYMPATHY.>         SO- A GOOD 12th house, lord, aspects are required, long term jail terms.>   >       SO- A GOOD 12th house, lord, aspects are required>                                                 *-**-*        So unless you redefine them with current values,  you won\'t move on DESHA, KAALA PARASTHITI IS  THE GOLDEN RULE LAID LONG AGE WE NEED TO ADAPT rules to times. People were  shunned to be greedy, avaricious, usurping others money or women..>       Now women are doing the opposite having other men too.>        >       RAHU, is meant to signify all unconventional ways, life,  education, pleasure materialistic, pursuits even research.>        >       KETU- too similar but more lopsided, scheming, depiction,  gift of the gab if in 2nd, house, sweat talkers who can sell  anything if need be their family, nation,. beauty \"looks to kill\", showmanship,   stoop to conquer etc. one may get confused with never day die spirit not that  can be Guru\'s only>        >       As Guru will test you to the limit on your moral base every  time Guru won\'t give goodies easily will give u wisdom, discretion, etc which  will slow your gains in the material world.>        >       SANI –represents the masses, work related benefits. A hard  task master, popular in masses, public stage events or lime light.>        >       SUKRA AND RAHU Dasas if not followed by a well placed Guru  and Ravi respectively a person has to start on a clean slate AFRESH after  becoming a pauper even if a Billionaire before.>            >   SO MATERIALISM IS A DOUBLE EGDED SWORD CUTS BOTH WAYS.>       TODAY TO SEE SOMEONE BETTER THAN YOU WITH LESSER SKILLS OR  EXPERIENCE AND SUFFER UNWRITTEN OR SAID HURT, QUIT A JOB, OR A PROMOTION TO  SOMEONE YOU FEEL IS LESS DESERVING THAN YOU ETC IS NATURES WAY OF GIVING YOU  SOME PAIN FOR PAST LIVES KARMA.>            >   Just like for a brief Moment Yudishtra saw other pandavas  was shell shocked to see Duryodhana and other Kauravas in heaven and his  brothers in Hell was told this was for the lie he told his guru Dronacharya  that Ashwathama was killed when it was an elephant just to break the spirit of  Drona and while his rival Druopada killed Drona in the MahaBharatha war. So  please accept whatever comes your way with ease and grace. You never know if  what you got as what was due to you as a result of your past karma not current  Karma, merit. So do everything in this life to raise your positive Karma.>        >       BHAGVAD GITA 2 slokas I can quote>       >   >       Do your duty leave the rest like fruits, returns to God.>        >       Give what you give to others as a gift/offering to God>       Take what you get as a gift or reward from god, good or bad  this will make your life easy>       >   >       It is like a story when a king asks his people to donate a  glass of milk to the famine struck state, everyone felt others will give milk  if I put a glass of water it is ok, no one knows when all of them did same and  put JUST WATER IN the pot for the poor. So do your best, honestly, earnestly  with faith and respect to almighty, all will be fine.>        >                                                          AUM TAT SAT> > Prashant>             > > Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make  PC-to-Phone Calls using Messenger with Voice.> >

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