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Vaikuntha vs. Goloka

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What are some of the main differences that someone who goes to Vaikuntha will experience, as opposed to someone who goes to Goloka?


Both will enjoy with their beloved form of God (Lakshmi & Vishnu or Radha & Krishna), who are really just different manifesations of the One God. And is it possible to go between Vaikuntha and Goloka, if we love both forms of God.


Can only Golokians visit Vaikuntha, but Vaikunthians cannot visit Goloka, because they are not as advanced?

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I know of at least two people who cannot go back and forth.




One person who cannot go back and forth between Vaikuntha and Braj Mandala is Goddess Laksmi.


From what I understand She became kind of bummed out because Her husband Narayana was such a good proper little Devotee. You know like following all of the Vedic rituals and sticking with the conventions expected of Supreme God in aiswarya mood.


So one day She thought, "Hmmm gee whiz. Looks like my man has more fun when he plays the role of Cowherd Boy. So I would like to go and play with Him in Braj Mandal."


Then She asked someone to give her tips on how to do this. Sort of like how we read Cosmo magazine on this planet. So the person giving Her the tips said, "Well do you like getting Yourself dirty milking cows and churning butter? You will have to do that all day long instead of faux cleaning the marble walls with a chamara whisk."


Then She thought, "Okay I can do that." Then Her advisor told Her: "Well can You tolerate bossy relatives? Right now people are pretty much sucking up to You. That would have to change." Then She frowned and pouted and replied, "Ummm...[*sigh*]... I GUESS...[bummers!!!] I can handle that."


Then Her advisor said, "Well the last thing you have to do is be married to someone else, not Narayana. You have to be married to some cowherd sakha, friend of Krsna. Then you meet with Krsna in the dead of night."


Then She was like, "I cannot do that." Because Laksmi is chaste and faithful wife mode so She can only think of Her Prabhuji as Narayana. So She cannot go back and forth.




The second person who cannot go back and forth is Radhika> She always stays in Vrndavana. However an expansion of Her goes to other places.

But Radhika cannot go to Vaikuntha.

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