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Pranam. Something I read on another forum...




Hurry! Jesus on Free Trial


Every religion consists of:

1. Its core philosophy (Answers to questions like: Is there a God?

Who am I? Am I Him? How do I find out? What are valid means of

knowledge? etc).

2. Its practices (traditions), essentially based on the core


3. Symbolism (Eg: The Cross in Christianity, the Star+Crescent moon


Islam etc).

4. Important reference works (Bible, Quran, Vedas) for


5. Other accompanying components such as the religion's outlook


other religious sects, its set of followers, attitude adopted for

spreading the religion etc.


If the core philosophy has strong fundamentals, the rest of the

components fall in line automatically, to make it a mature religion.


the other hand, we also end up with half-baked religions. As is

day-to-day experience, lesser maturity brings in aggressiveness.

Consequently, we see a lot of aggressiveness in spreading religions

today. Some logical fallacies, however, are portrayed in dialogs


These are not intended to have fun at the expense of aggressive

religions, but to keep ourselves informed of the less-holy tactics

certain religions adopt to spread.


The following is a fictional transcript between a person called "me"

(which is a set of ppl) and a typical Christian missionary. A

conversation with a missionary (who is out to talk you into going to

church) may not follow the transcript below exactly. But several

conversations with missionaries on various topics will get you the

answers as shown in the continuous dialog below:


Missionary: Have you heard of Jesus?

Me: Yes

Missionary: He has a message for you.

Me: What?

Missionary: Read and follow Bible, you will be in Heaven for ever!

Me: Well I would love to know more about Christianity, but to start

with – what happens if I don't believe in Jesus?

Missionary: Believe me son, Jesus will show you the right path. In

our everyday life, we commit so many sins that only Jesus can save

us all from eternal Hell.

Me: At the philosophy level Sir, I would like to know why someone

should go to hell?

Missionary: Because we all make mistakes son. Jesus has given his

life-blood to save us all from the suffering that we could face. All

you need to do is believe in Him.

Me: If I make a mistake I will face the punishment. What else is a

better way of purifying oneself?

Missionary: Trust in Jesus and you will go to heaven.

Me: You are saying that I can make mistakes, trust Jesus and go to


No I don't think so. I prefer rebirth to face the punishment.

Missionary: Hmmm…. Do you know why Jesus faced the cross?

Me: I know, Jesus has already suffered for all our sins.

Missionary: So you have to believe in Jesus. He will take care of



Me: No, I don't want to trouble Jesus! I will take responsibilities


Missionary: He has already suffered for our sins, you see?

Me: Then why should I worry? I can make mistakes/sins.

Missionary: No, that's not good for the world. And then, you have

to 'believe' in Jesus, if your sins should be absolved!!!

Me: What were people doing before Jesus was born?

Missionary: They felt God in their Heart.

Me: That means that there is a way other than Jesus. I too feel in my

heart the presence of God! I follow my religion and feel God within.

Missionary: See ... I am showing you an easy way of getting

satisfaction in life and beyond.

Me: Sometime back, you said Jesus is the "only" way. Also your "easy

way" seems too easy to give any serious answers to philosophical


You have self contradictions. Western philosophers other than the

church have done excellent work. Seriously, I think you should go

through them. After that you can actually visit eastern philosophies.

Me: Give me those books you have… I read all religions anyway.



Probing a little deeper, I have actually had such conversations as




Missionary: Read and follow Bible, you will be in Heaven for ever!

Me: What happens if I read the Quran or the gIta?

Missionary: Well, they can take you some distance, but only Jesus

can show you the right path.

Me: Have you read the gIta or the Quran? Because I have gone through

them, though not as a research. And I have gone thru' the bible too.

Missionary: Well Sir, if you want to discuss in detail, you are


to talk to my senior in the Church on Sunday. He can give you a

comparitive idea.




Missionary: Jesus has already suffered for our sins, you see?

Me: Then why should I worry? I can make mistakes/sins.

Missionary: You have to 'believe' in Jesus!!!

Me: You know, I am sure Jesus will take care of me, even if I don't

believe him. Otherwise, he ends up with an ego problem, rt? You have

incomplete information about Jesus.




Me: According to Christianity, there is one life after which you

either go to heaven or hell right?

Missionary: Yeah.

Me: But suppose I was born to a prostitute and a goon. And I always


company which was not the refined-class. Suppose throughout my life I

never heard of Jesus. I made a lot of mistakes. Will I go to hell or

will I get a better chance?

Missionary: No there is only one life.

Me: Your religion sounds funny to me and unjust.

Missionary: Jesus will see to it that you get to know Him.

Me: Then what are 'you' doing here?

Missionary: Jesus is finding you thru' me.

Me: Aww... come on now!




Me: Tell me Sir. How is heaven?

Missionary: It has all comforts, angels, and God is with you all the


Me: How come only you came to earth and suffered while the angels

never did?

Missionary: See ... when we go to heaven, we become angels.

Me: Oh I see. So those angels were on earth sometime earlier,

struggling like you are now?

Missionary: I think God created them to be in heaven, not come to

earth. I am not sure about this concept. You can come over to the

church this Sunday and talk to the father.

Me: If God created angels to be in heaven all the time, then He was

partial to them right? They always enjoy in heaven, but you are

created and find yourself on earth. Your concept needs refinement.

You know you should question a religion critically yourself, before

propagating it to others.




Me: Also, I am curious about animals and trees. Do they have any

scope to go to heaven?

Missionary: Animals and trees are created only to serve mankind.

They do not have any other purpose.

Me: What happens when they die?

Missionary: Am not sure, but I can find out for you Sir and call you


Can I take your phone number?

Me: Sure, ok. Also find out about children who die within days from

when they are born. Do they go to heaven or hell?

Missionary: I think children go to heaven.

Me: But they neither did any good (nor bad) to go to heaven. Read

about what your own religion says about this.




Me: I also wanted details on what state you were in before you got


Missionary: God created us.

Me: Did you not exist before?

Missionary: No.

Me: What does God get out of creating you and this world and all

other things?

Missionary: Nothing. He does not need/get anything. He only helps

you out.

Me: No, no. You don't need help before you were created right?

Missionary: There are certain things that God does which we cannot


Me: Do you know that there are religions in this world which have

good theories for these questions? I am sure you yourself realize

that your explanation is a trivial case.

Missionary: Well, it's your faith Sir. But then, I would still say


Jesus is the only way out.

Me: Wow, don't you want to even hear about another theory? And you

expect me to actually change my religion.

Missionary: Sir I am sure my faith has all answers. And I am sure

you will eventually find the truth. I would like to give you this

bible that you may want to peruse. If you want to discuss anything

with me or the reverend, you can approach me at this number. Thank

you Sir.







Let my every word be a prayer to Thee,

Every movement of my hands a ritual gesture to Thee,

Every step I take a circumambulation of Thy image,

Every morsel I eat a rite of sacrifice to Thee,

Every time I lay down a prostration at Thy feet;

Every act of personal pleasure and all else that I do,

Let it all be a form of worshiping Thee."


>From Verse 27 of Shri Aadi Shankara's Saundaryalahari




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This is very interesting. ( This line doesnt implies that I am bringing

anything down, or considers one lesser then the others. )


But this is a very good logical debate. And I dont see all the answeres

comming form this theory i.e. "Jesus already suffered for our sins".


Hmmm... very very interseting.. Never though of it this way..




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