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Question on the avatara stutus of great Samprayadic personalities..

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Srimathe Ramanujaya Namah


Dear devotees,

Jai Sri Krishna.


I have one issue which i am keen to have some knowledge about. In

Our dharma Sri Bhagavan and his associates periodicaly take form in

the material world for the uplift of Jivas. One unfortunate feature

of this beleif is that many wicked jivas take advantage of this

belief and claim themselves as God, some examples include King

Paundaraka in the Dwarapara Yuga (who claimed to be the real

krishna) and Puttarpathi saibaba in this yuga.


Our shastras fortunalty provide validification of The avatars so

that we cannot be fooled. As we know by reading the shastras we have

no doubt that Sri Rama and Sri Krishna are the Supreme lord himself.

Now Sri Vaishnava sampradaya is 100% bonafide according to

shrastras, i just wanted to know which shastras and authority

provide us with the information that Sri Andal and Sri Ramanuja are

Bhudevi avatara and Sesha avatara respectively. From what i have

learned from their life events, is that both were very humble and

never claimed to be anything other than servants of the lord. I

cannot recall a time when Sri Andal or Guru Ramanuja displayed their

divine personalities. So how do we know of there true identities???

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Ramanuja was not a simple servant of God.If he was simple ,how can he convert the Big empire of Emperor Pittideva to embrace Srivaishnavism?How such Big Thondanur tank (Which exists even now) ,and temples in Melkote

had come up?One should not forget his efforts at tirupathi,kanchipuram and finally at Srirangam which still follow the same procedure till today laid down by this Great one!

There is no proof required for great ones.It is absolutely our faith.

Please excuse and pardon me for some mistakes I may have committed

in these comments which I have made in this scribbling







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Faith is ok but I believe the following proof is enough:


Sri Anbil Ramaswamy writes in 'Hinduism Rediscovered' that


1) in the Yadavaachala Mahatmyam it is said that

- Anantah Prathamam Roopam

Lakshamanascha tathah parah

Balabadram Thritheeyasthu

Kalou Kaschit Bhavishyathi


where 'kaschit' is in regard to Sri Ramanuja.


2) In Vriddha Padma Purana it is said that 'Vishnu' himself incarnates in

Kaliyuga to ward off evils and ashastra.


In the book 'Life of Sri Ramanuja' (Ramakrishna Mission) it is said that in

the below puranas the birth of Sri Ramanuja being the avatara purusha is


Brihad Padma Purana

Skanda Purana

Narada Purana




3) In Yathiraja Saptadhi Sri Vedantha Desika calls Ramanuja as 'Lakshmana



Also, it is said that the Birth and the zodiac sign of Soumitri(Lakshmana)

is same as that of Ramanuja.


Another proof is that of Ramanuja's polemic debate with thousands of Jains

somewhere in Karnataka where he was in his mula roopa (that of thousand

hooded Anantha) answers all Jains at one shot behind the screen.


4) It is also said that When Nammalwar in a pensive mood thinking that not

enough was done to ward off unvedic philosophy in the world, Lord has told

him that there will be a mahatma who incarnates to ward off ashastra/unvedic

philosophies and to propogate vaishnavism across the world. This I believe

is quoted in Sri Nammalwar's Thiruvoimozhi.


4) The Iraamaanusa nooRRanthAthi dwells on his greatness as given to us by

Sri Madhava Kannan now. It is no exaggeration but very apt to regard him as

Vishnu incarnate. 'Ramanuja' the name itself is enough to purify ones mind

with all samsaric illness. Just a preliminary knowledge about Him reveals

how he is endowed with mercy/karuna, divinity, wisdom with utmost humility

shown even towards his enemies, let alone his disciples will make one wonder

in amazement which is very difficult to comprehend let alone emulate.


5) The sannnidhana vishesha of Vishnu in Ramanuja is significant in

propogating the Sri Vaishnava Siddhantha during a time when the world

witnesses various unvedic philosophies and with a band of 74 disciplies and

thousand other followers he had walked across India and installed various

vaishnava mutts to cater to vedic idealism and vaishnavism. His works (9 in

all) speaks for itself and one should immerse in this ocean by the grace of

acharya to get liberated. The siddhantha thus is called 'Ramanuja




Finally, I would think it is worth the effort if we go on searching for

truth and get to know Acharyas and their lifestyle rather than seek answers

in this list. In fact, searching this list itself will give out volume of

information on Ramanuja. Acquire aforementioned books and other relevant

books authored by Srivaishnava Diggajas and try and get to know about

Ramanuja as it is very essential and it will be a pleasure trip in our

spiritual journey. Later, when we dwell/swim in his tattvasagara when

confroted with doubts it is best to seek truth from scholars. Till then, we

need to put in our honest efforts.









Behalf Of kesavanta viraraghavan

Wednesday, September 06, 2006 10:05 PM


Re: Question on the avatara stutus of great

Samprayadic personalities..





Ramanuja was not a simple servant of God.If he was simple ,how can he

convert the Big empire of Emperor Pittideva to embrace Srivaishnavism?How

such Big Thondanur tank (Which exists even now) ,and temples in Melkote

had come up?One should not forget his efforts at tirupathi,kanchipuram and

finally at Srirangam which still follow the same procedure till today laid

down by this Great one!


There is no proof required for great ones.It is absolutely our faith.


Please excuse and pardon me for some mistakes I may have committed

in these comments which I have made in this scribbling









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