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Aincient Arkaim - Vedic Academy

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Hello everybody!

Thought to draw your attention to recently discovered in Chelybinsk region of Russia aincient town of Arkaim dated to the 20th century BC as it used to be a scientific centre where Vedic sages (volhves) lived and created images transforming them into rituals and rites based on Universal Laws, Laws of God.


Here is an article about Arkaim from "Pravda" newspaper.


Scientists have discovered mysterious circles on the area of the ancient Russian town of Arkaim, which is the same age with Egypt and Babylon

President Putin has recently visited one of the most mysterious places on planet Earth - the ruins of the ancient town of Arkaim, which is situated on the outskirts of the city of Chelyabinsk.

Historians, archaeologists and ufologists have spent many years trying to unravel the secrets of the town. Which nation was living in Arkaim more than 40 centuries ago?

How did people of such ancient civilization manage to accomplish such incredible technological progress, which still seems to be unachievable today?

A group of Russian researchers, with Vadim Chernobrovy at the head, has recently returned from the mysterious region.

The scientists said that specialists and students had built numerous tent camps around Arkaim.

The Arkaim valley in the south of Ural was supposed to be flooded in 1987: local authorities were going to create a water reservoir there to irrigate drought stricken fields.

However, scientists found strange "circles" in the center of the valley and in order to investigate them, the authorities gave archaeologists 12 months to explore the area.

Scientists were shocked to find out that Arkaim was the same age as Egypt and Babylon, and a little older than Troy and Rome.

Gennady Zdanovich, the chairman of the archaeological expedition in Ural had to prove the scientific significance of Arkaim to regional officials. "We achieved what seemed to be absolutely unreal: the multi-million construction project in the region was shut down," the scientist said.

Archaeological excavations indicated that the people, who inhabited Arkaim, represented one of the most ancient Indo-European civilizations, particularly the branch, which is referred to as the Aryan culture. Arkaim turned out to be not only a town, but also a temple and an astronomic observatory.

"A flight above Arkaim on board a helicopter gives you an incredible impression. The huge concentric circles on the valley are clearly visible. The town and its outskirts are all enclosed in the circles.

We still do not know, what point the gigantic circles have, whether they were made for defensive, scientific, educational, or ritual purposes.

Some researchers say that the circles were actually used as the runway for an ancient spaceport," Vadim Chernobrovy said.

Researchers discovered that the ancient town was equipped with a storm sewage system, which helped Arkaim's residents avoid floods. The people were protected against fires as well: timbered floorings and houses themselves were imbued with fireproof substance. It was a rather strong compound, the remnants of which can still be found in the ruins of the town.

Each house was outfitted with "all modern conveniences," as they would say nowadays. There was a well, an oven and dome-like food storage in every house. The well was branching out into two underground trenches: one of them was directed to the oven and the other one ended in the food storage.

The trenches were used to supply chilly air to the oven and to the food storage. The cool air from the trenches also created a very powerful traction force in the Aryan oven, which made it possible to smelt bronze there.

The central square in Arkaim was the only object of square shape in the town. Judging upon traces of bonfires that were placed in a specific order on the square, the site was used as a site for certain rituals.

Arkaim was built according to a previously projected plan as a single complicated complex, which also had an acute orientation to astronomic objects.

While archaeologists are meticulously brushing dust off ancient stones in an attempt to recreate the lifestyle of Arkaim's residents, ufologists study mysterious phenomena, which they register in the town: inexplicable fluctuations of voltage, magnetic field tension, temperatures and so on.

Source: Pravda: by Natalia Leskova,(Translated by: Dmitry Sudakov)

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Pravda is tabloid journalism, not a reliable source of info for anything.


I don't understand why people bother quoting from there as if it's proof of anything.


Ok, here some info from other sources (Spirit of Maat):


The Ancient Land of Arkaim

by Alex Sparkey


We people of the Earth look into the sky with our heads turned up. But there also are places on Earth where we must look down to see the sky. Arkaim is one of these places.

Just as the Great Pyramid is the pride of Egypt, and Stonehenge, of England, Arkaim is the unique monument and territory that represents the pride of Russian land.

Ar-Ka means Sky, and Im means Earth. Arkaim is a door through which a person who lives, or is trying to live, in harmony with his conscience enters a world of peace and wonder. It is a place where the Sky touches the Earth. Many people who visit Arkaim are not always sure, at least at first, where earthly reality ends and heavenly reality begins.

Nevertheless, their faith is unshakable: Arkaim is a pathway to the Truth. Arkaim is thought of as a place where Earth touches the Higher Worlds so closely that a door between the two realities opens every now and then, giving us a chance to glimpse the unknown.

The Arkaim Valley

The Arkaim Valley is a small steppe-forest area situated not far from the eastern slopes of the Ural mountains in Russia. In this valley, surrounded by low mountain ranges, have been found a great number of archeological monuments from many different epochs.

The valley is unique for its ancient architectural complex, the Arkaim site, called the Land of Cities. In the opinion of archeologists, this structure could have served as a town, a fortress, a temple, an observatory, or even a bronze-casting shop for the ancient Aryans who lived here.

Many other unique settlements and monuments have been found in the Land of Cities. During the Bronze Age it was populated by many ancient tribes, and the Arkaim Valley has preserved landmarks of the most diverse cultures of East, West, North, and South.

The circles, ovals and squares whose forms were reproduced in the settlements of the Land of Cities were not just geometrical figures, but actually constituted model of the universe as envisioned by the Aryans, the representatives of that strange civilization.

The Land of Cities

The Land of Cities is the conventional name of a forest-steppe area in the South Urals, where more than 20 fortified settlements and necropolises of the middle Bronze Age (late 3rd to early 2nd millenium BCE) have been discovered. This area extends over more than 300 kilometers [about 200 miles] along the watershed between the rivers flowing to the Caspian sea and those emptying into the Arctic Ocean. The fortified settlements, which have the shapes of circles, ovals, and squares, were built by the ancient Aryans in picturesque landscapes between steppe rivers.

With its vivid ritual culture, the Land of Cities belongs to the category of "early non-literate civilizations," where collective memory was represented by unique architectural structures and places for cult practices — barrows and other formations visible in the landscape.

A geographical and mythological analysis of the ancient texts of Rigveda and Avesta[1] allows us to infer that the Land of Cities was connected with the legendary countries of the ancient Aryans.

Arkaim was something like the capital of the Land of Cities, and was contemporaneous with the Cretan-Mycenaean civilization in the Mediterranean Sea, the Middle Kingdom of Egypt, and the first states of Mesopotamia. The epoch of Arkaim also coincides with the last centuries of the existence of the famous civilization that flourished in the valley of the Indus river, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. It is 300 to 600 years older than Homer's Troy.

Arkaim Environment

The Museum-Preserve was organized in April 1991 as a result of the discovery of a unique monument, a fortified settlement named Arkaim, and a large historical area connected with the proto-urban culture of the Bronze Age.

The environment of the Arkaim Preserve combines unique steppe and steppe-forest landscapes and many archeological monuments, from Stone Age sites to barrows of late nomads.

Three-hundred-fifty-million years ago, in the Carboniferous period of the Paleozoic era, there was a volcanic ridge in this location that splashed a warm sea. Later, in the Mesozoic era, 250 million years ago, this ancient mountain country was destroyed and became a flatland. Now, it is a valley, surrounded by high, gorgeous hills and dotted with beautiful, magical forests.

Various soils and a special microclimate, with many sunny days and a propitious wind that brings clear, pure air from early spring to late autumn, create good conditions for a great variety of plant and animal species. Scientists have found more than six hundred plant species here, plus many rare birds and animals.

It seems that the Arkaim Valley, so fragrant with the delicate scents of blossoming steppe grass, is a place where Man and Nature are still in harmony, as they were so long ago.

Arkaim Museum-Preserve

From the very beginning, the 70 archeological monuments of different eras, from the Stone Age to the Late Middle Ages, have made the Arkaim Museum-Preserve a cultural and educational center and a ground for scientific research. Arkaim itself also is a town of metallurgists and potters, and has a both a temple and an observatory.

The biosphere-oriented nature of the Museum-Preserve Exposition, where the intimate connection between Nature and Man is practically demonstrated, creates in Arkaim a special atmosphere for ecological education and for forming a New World outlook based on the principles of Living Nature.

In this national park, one can see Medieval stone sculptures and familiarize oneself with the biodiversity of natural ecosystems. The traditional crafts, such as metallurgy, pottery, hand weaving, and stone and bone carving are being revived here. Each visitor can take part in the live process of creating works of handicraft.

The Arkaim Preserve is a place that attracts people of different cultures and faiths, bringing together those who are trying to discover the meaning of their lives through a dialogue with nature and awareness of humanity's historical memory.

Arkaim Today

Twelve years in the making, the Arkaim Museum-Preserve has become a place of pilgrimage for thousands of people, a place where they may encounter the ancient culture of humanity. It is a link to the past and a prism through which we may look at the possible future.

In Arkaim, the material and the spiritual are inseparable. The East and the West are fused here.

Today, in Russia, we feel that Mankind is faced by the necessity to choose Oneness. Western culture must come into unity with Eastern wisdom. If this can happen, the harmony that once reigned supreme in the Land of Cities will be restored.

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Dear Vestnik,


Namaste! Thank you very much for posting this very interesting information.


I would like to visit this Russian area. Sounds like a very mystical place.


At one time it is said Sanatana Dharma was the only religion of mankind. Infact, no word like religion would have even existed at such a time, as there was no concept of "differing" belief systems. Dharma and the metaphysical realities were simply known and lived by all incarnated jivas (souls) on this blue planet. Arkaim must be a link to these past golden yugas (ages).

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Yes, Arkaim is one of the sacred places on the Earth I am sure.

Official history of Russia we learnt at schools and Universities used to declare there were no towns on its territory 3-4 thousand years ago, only small vilages scattered all around where people lived like savages.

What a suprise to discover the Land of Cities (upto 20 towns) dated to the 20th century BC!

And Arkaim was different from other towns, it was a temple, an observatory and a scientific centre.

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Arkaim - aincient Observatory.

The similarity of latitude, date, and size led some archaeoastronomists (Bystrushkin 2003) to compare Arkaim with Stonehenge in England. According to their claims, the Neolithic observatory at Stonehenge allowed for observation of 15 astronomical phenomena using 22 elements, whereas the contemporaneous observatory at Arkaim allowed for observation of 18 astronomical phenomena using 30 elements. The precision of measurements in Stonehenge is estimated at 10 arc-minutes to a degree, that in Arkaim being put at 1 arc-minute. Such a precision of astronomical observations was not repeated until the compilation of Almagest about 2 millennia later.

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