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TRIP TO INDIA FROM 05/192006 to 08/27/2006 – PART 5


The next few days right up to my leaving for U.S.A. on 26h August 2006 were very much like what Charles Dickens wrote in the opening lines of his famous novel - “A Tale of two Cities”

To quote:

“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom; it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief; it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light; it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope; it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us; we had nothing before us…” and so on.


These days were days of hope and expectation alternating with days of

tension and turbulence.


We did not know which way we were heading - fulfillment or failure!


We had good news and we had bad news!


The entire procession of events was like riding on a sea-saw or a roller-coaster.


We could practically experience the truth of the dictum that even the best of intentions have to go through hurdles, speed-breakers, ups and downs strewn all overbefore accomplishing anything in this world!


Please read the “Suspense thriller”.

Indeed, “Truth is stranger than fiction”!


31st July 2006:

Good news:

Got a call from Srirangam to come immediately there since the Achaari had reported completion of his work.


Bad news:

The Devasthaanam authorities would not allow the work to go ahead unless and until the materials were brought to the Devasthaanam office for weighing to see that it tallied with the estimate.


1st August 2006 to 5th August 2006:

Good news:

The Achaari brought the materials and weighed in the presence of

Devasthaanam authorities.


Bad news:

Earlier, we had applied for plating with brass / copper but the actual metal used was copper. Some elements inside the bureaucracy made a big hubbub out of this.

Good news:

It took us hard to convince that at the time of application, we did not know whether plating should be done in brass or copper and at the time of actual purchase, we were advised by the supplier of materials to go in for copper plating since that was likely to last longer than brass though copper would cost much more than brass and we agreed, not minding the extra cost involved.


Bad news:

There was a small and marginal shortage in the actual weight of Copper material compared to the weight of the quantity purchased and supplied. Some elements again made a big issue of this.

Good news:

The Achaari explained how in all such works some shortages are bound to occur due to “Wastages” (sEdaaram) while executing the work and this was the accepted norm in all such works.


Bad news:

The authorities insisted that the work should be done in the presence of both the local “Sthaanikar” (Village official), the Devasthaanam Overseer and Supervisor in charge of Tiru Anbil temple, which, however, was a reasonable demand. But, at any given point of time only one or the other was available, the others having gone away elsewhere on what they claimed “official” work or on leave!

Good news:

At long last, we managed to bring them together and they agreed to be

present at the site on the 6th August 2006 for the “Baalaalayam” function.


Bad news: There were some minor cracks in the basement of the Dwaja

sthambam. The Achaari suggested and the local Archakar agreed that we could use the stone slabs that were lying waste and strewn all over the temple premises for reconstructing the basement. The local officials objected to this on the ground that underground of the basement, precious gems were likely to have been kept buried and the special permission of the higher authorities would be needed.

Good news:

The Achaari agreed not to disturb the base and to seal the cracks with cement and having it whitewashed. This was agreed to.


Bad news:

We were told that separate applications should be made for “Baalaalayam” function and the “PratishTai”. It was late in the evening on the 4th August and the office was about to close. We had no time to consult priests to fix the dates and we had to abide by whatever dates were allotted by the Devasthaanam. They fixed 6th August for Baalaalayam and 19th August for "PratishTai"

Good news:

Due application was made and it was faxed to the E.O. who was “on camp” and we finally got his approval!


Bad news:

Later on, we came to know that 19th August was not auspicious for

“PratishTai” and there was no harm in performing “Sankalpam” and

“AnkuraarpaNam” that day but “PratishTai” could be done only on Sunday 20th August 2006 in “Kanyaa Lagnam”. Again another application had to go all the way “through proper channel” before we could secure permission from the Joint Commissioner/Executive Officer!

Good news:

This was also done and we secured necessary permission.


Bad news:

All these needed several peripatetic perambulations in commuting between Trichy, Srirangam and Anbil in an effort to meet with the several tiers of officials like Assistant manager, Manager, Supervisor, Superintendent, Joint Commissioner / Executive Officer etc. in the labyrinthine bureaucratic jungle. This juggling and jostling was far too much for us to handle. The situation seemed to be spinning and spiraling out of control!

Good news:

At one time, I was so exasperated that I told in the face of the authorities that if I had known that they were going to put so many hurdles in carrying out a genuine Kainkaryam, I would have preferred to adopt a poor boy or girl and spent money on his/her education. This seems to have had a sobering effect on them!


Bad news:

The change of dates necessitated arranging for 3 trips from Srirangam to Anbil and back on 6th, 19th and 20th August 2006 since about 20 to 30 persons including Adhyaapakas, PaarayaNa Vidwaans, Cooks, Photographers, Abhimaanis and friends had to be transported along with groceries and even cooking utensils and we had to arrange for feeding about 50 to 60 persons with “Palahaarams” and “Tadeeya Aaradanais” on each of the three days entailing unexpected burden and extra expenditure!


Subsequently, I was given to understand that whatever differences of opinion the various officials might have had as between them, on several issues, they seemed to have had unanimity on one thing – the obsession with the question “What do I gain personally in pecuniary benefit from this Kainkaryam?” and that this attitude was behind all the ballyhoo raised. If this were true, it would be disgusting to note that there are hawks out there ready to turn a noble Kainkaryam into a personal commercial proposition for themselves!

Good news:

But, thanks to the grace of the Lord and “Achaarya kripa”, we managed to get over all these hurdles.



Our thanks are especially due to Sri Nandu BhaTTar, the Chief Priest of Periya PerumaaL Sannidhi who exerted his influence and used his good offices in convincing all the tiers through “Saama, Daana, Beda and DanDa”. But for his efforts, it would have been impossible for us to see through the success of the project.


Our thanks are also due to Sri Narasimha BhaTTar who acted as the “Master of ceremonies”.


Bad news:

Time was fast running out. We were already on the 4th August and our return ticket via Mumbai - Dubai- London was slated for the 9th August 2006. I was reconciled to be content to witness just the “Baalaalayam” function on 6th and packing off on 9thAugust missing the main functions of PratishTai on 19th and 20th. August 2006.

Good news:

When I mentioned this to asmad Achaaryan H.H., he casually told me “You have come all the way for this Kainkaryam. You may go after witnessing the completion of the PratishTai also”. These proved prophetic words because there was a scare of blasting US bound planes from London on 10th August 2006.


Bad news:

If we had left on 9th August, we would have been left hovering over London airport on 10th August, as we came to know subsequently that planes were not allowed to land! We would have been suspended in mid air like VibheeshaNa who stood in the skies while surrendering to Lord Rama!

Good news:

The airlines offered 16th August as an alternate date. Incidentally we had another advantage. 9th August 2006 was Upaakarma day and I was joking that I was about to perform Upaakarma in a Muslim country (Dubai - to which our Sri R. M. Venkat had extended an invitation to perform at his home) - and Gaayatri Japam in a Christian country (Atlanta- U.S.A)! The postponement enabled me to perform these functions in “Bhaarata VarshE, Bharatah KhanDE” itself.


Bad news:

Even so, it would not have been possible for me to see through the

“PratishTai” functions. For the 16th August, however, some sectors were not yet confirmed and we were put on an indefinite waiting list!

Good news:

The suspense continued till 15th August 2006 when they offered us to take off from Mumbai on 26th August 2006 but by the same Mumbai- Dubai- London route with all sectors OK, though they could not concede to our request to re-route avoiding London.

======================================================================= To Continue =


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