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A (fictitious) dialogue

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A disciple approached a knower of Prashthana Traya bhasyas


D: Guruji, What is the path?

A: The only valid path is in Shankara's Prashthana Traya bhasyas


D: I have not read these. However, I have read life stories of some

recent knower's of Truth such as Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Ramana.

They seem to have spent quite a bit of time in Meditation/Samadhi,

is it not?

A: Samadhi is not a valid means according to my reading of the



D: They have mentioned Samadhi in various discussions

A: Samadhi is hardly mentioned in the principal Upanishads. So it is

not a valid means


D: But a number of great ones such as Swami Vidyaranya have pointed

out that the Gita, Upanishads describe Samadhi even though the word

may not be used much

A: Swami Vidyaranya came after Shankara and by that time the Truth

was already diluted


D: But Shankara's own guru Sri Gaudapada says Samadhi is a valid

means in His Mandukya Karika

A: It may appear so. But Sri Gaudapada was talking about a different



D: But Swami Vidyaranya and others indicate that it is the same – it

is not any different

A: Maybe so. But Swami Vidyaranya came after Shankara and by that

time the Truth was already diluted


D: Surely there must have been Knowers of Truth before Shankara too

A: It is not possible. Because, those born before Shankara never

read Prashthana Traya bhasyas.


D: What about Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Ramana, Guruji

A: They came after Shankara and don't know the Prasthana Traya as it

is supposed to be known


D: So you are saying you are the only one who knows the path

A: yes


D: Isn't this like saying Jesus is the only one knows the path

A: yes


D: Thank you for showing the path, Guruji


The disciple, thoroughly satisfied with the clear path shown,

promptly renounced.. from Hinduism, converted to Christianity and

lived happily ever after

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Namaste Sundar Rajan-ji.


I am getting your message. But, isn't it a little cruel? Let us

embrace all points of view and forge ahead without the fear of being

forcibly converted. Acharya Shankara, Bh. Ramana Maharshi and ShrI

Ramakrishna Paramahasa - they are all beacons of light beckoning us

the right way through this ocean of samsAra. One who knows that light

only guides will be definitely rightly guided by them. For such a

one, these Masters are never contradictory.




Madathil Nair




advaitin, "Sundar Rajan" <avsundarrajan



> A disciple approached a knower of Prashthana Traya bhasyas


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H.N.Sreenivasa Murthy

Pranams to all.


advaitin, "Sundar Rajan" <avsundarrajan



> <A disciple approached a knower of Prashthana Traya bhasyas>


A fictious dialogue , held between two fictious characters,

conceived by an ignorant person, should never find place in this

group. It is an insult to the timehonoured Vedantic Tradition and

to Sri Sankara himself who has codified the whole thought position of

Upanishads in such a brilliant and precise way. One who has really

understood the Bhashyas will never talk in such a stupid fashion.

Such kind of postings hurt the feelings of seekers of truth.As one

who has studied bhashyas for over 40 years, I respect and venerate

such great spiritual giants like Sri Ramana,

Sri Ramakrishnaparamahamsa, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,

Sri Atmananda (Sri Krishna Menon)etc.

I am writing this letter with deep anguish and sorrow.

With warm and respectful regards,

Sreenivasa Murthy


> D: Guruji, What is the path?

> A: The only valid path is in Shankara's Prashthana Traya bhasyas


> D: I have not read these. However, I have read life stories of some

> recent knower's of Truth such as Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Ramana.

> They seem to have spent quite a bit of time in Meditation/Samadhi,

> is it not?

> A: Samadhi is not a valid means according to my reading of the

> bhasyas


> D: They have mentioned Samadhi in various discussions

> A: Samadhi is hardly mentioned in the principal Upanishads. So it


> not a valid means


> D: But a number of great ones such as Swami Vidyaranya have pointed

> out that the Gita, Upanishads describe Samadhi even though the word

> may not be used much

> A: Swami Vidyaranya came after Shankara and by that time the Truth

> was already diluted


> D: But Shankara's own guru Sri Gaudapada says Samadhi is a valid

> means in His Mandukya Karika

> A: It may appear so. But Sri Gaudapada was talking about a


> meditation/Samadhi


> D: But Swami Vidyaranya and others indicate that it is the same –


> is not any different

> A: Maybe so. But Swami Vidyaranya came after Shankara and by that

> time the Truth was already diluted


> D: Surely there must have been Knowers of Truth before Shankara too

> A: It is not possible. Because, those born before Shankara never

> read Prashthana Traya bhasyas.


> D: What about Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Ramana, Guruji

> A: They came after Shankara and don't know the Prasthana Traya as


> is supposed to be known


> D: So you are saying you are the only one who knows the path

> A: yes


> D: Isn't this like saying Jesus is the only one knows the path

> A: yes


> D: Thank you for showing the path, Guruji


> The disciple, thoroughly satisfied with the clear path shown,

> promptly renounced.. from Hinduism, converted to Christianity and

> lived happily ever after


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Namaste Nair-ji


This was supposed to be a humorous, light-hearted message. It

appears this is not the case, some members have seen this in a

different light and has offended some members. I apologise if this

is the case and I request the moderators to delete/withdraw this




Sundar Rajan


advaitin, "Madathil Rajendran Nair"

<madathilnair wrote:


> Namaste Sundar Rajan-ji.


> I am getting your message. But, isn't it a little cruel? Let us

> embrace all points of view and forge ahead without the fear of


> forcibly converted. Acharya Shankara, Bh. Ramana Maharshi and


> Ramakrishna Paramahasa - they are all beacons of light beckoning


> the right way through this ocean of samsAra. One who knows that


> only guides will be definitely rightly guided by them. For such a

> one, these Masters are never contradictory.


> PraNAms.


> Madathil Nair


> ____________________


> advaitin, "Sundar Rajan" <avsundarrajan@>

> wrote:

> >

> > A disciple approached a knower of Prashthana Traya bhasyas

> .......


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Namaste Rameshji.


Once I asked Sw.Dayanandaji if this knowledge (advaitic) exists

elsewhere in the world. His answer was a firm affirmative. He said

it does in many cultures but what is found lacking is our unique

methodology for realizing it.


It would therefore be better for us to think the Jungian way and

explain that this knowledge and methodlogy are always there in the

collective unconscious. Right persons at the right time are blessed

to tap into it.




Madathil Nair




advaitin, "Ramesh Krishnamurthy"

<rkmurthy wrote:


> The advaitic tradition is actually very "broad-minded". For example,

> suppose you ask - "there was a medieval European named Eckhart who

> seems to have had a non-dual realization. How is it possible given

> that, in all probability, he would have had no access to the


> texts?"


> An advaitin would simply answer - Eckhart must have studied the


> in one of his previous lives.


> So Eckhart can have his enlightenment and the Sruti-based tradition

> retains its distinctiveness! Of course this is one possible

> interpretation; there can be others.

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Namaste Sundar Rajan-ji.


Your apology and explanation that you meant your post to be humorous

are more than enough. I could sense the humour though it was

slightly acidic. I therefore personally feel that there is no need to

delete the post considering also the thoughtful comments it has

elicited from Rameshji.




Madathil Nair



advaitin, "Sundar Rajan" <avsundarrajan



> This was supposed to be a humorous, light-hearted message. It

> appears this is not the case, some members have seen this in a

> different light and has offended some members. I apologise if this

> is the case and I request the moderators to delete/withdraw this

> message.


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Sri Sundar Rajan-ji's post has evoked some response. For those of us who

know Sundar-ji through the list, he is a very pure and dedicated soul on

the spiritual path and so harsh judgments are not necessary. Probably

most of us have said things which were taken in ways not intended and

about which we had second thoughts.


Such debates, on the valid means of Self-Realization, the role of

samadhi and specifically nirvikalpa samadhi, and whether Shankra is

actually the author of Vivekachudamani and other works, etc., occur at

regular intervals on this list. While such discussions have somewhat of

a polarizing effect on the list members, these also provide

opportunities for devotees and aspirants and teachers with powerful

intellects and the knowledge of advaitic literature and our traditions

to frame their understanding for the rest of the members. So in that

sense, there is a positive outcome as well.


When the best arguments are made by both sides the distinctions in terms

of arriving at the ultimate truth get very thin. The Advaitic Truth is

that Jiva is Brahman. What is needed is to remove the ignorance.

Ignorance is removed by meditation on the truths given to us in the

Upanishads, specifically the mahavakyas. Because the true meaning of

mahavakyas is not crystal clear to us upon hearing them, we need to

purify our mind in various ways and make it receptive. Sadhana is the

process by which the mind becomes fits to receive the truth. The ways

of sadhana naturally will differ from one individual to another

depending on tendencies and samaskaras.


I think the difference here is not about what the ultimate truth is but

what the proper sadhana is. What is the proper sadhana? The answer to

that question is very simple. That sadhana is proper which will make us

fit for receiving the truth. We need not judge what sadhana is proper

for others but should be satisfied if the means we are following lead to

Self-Realization. Atman Is Brahman. That is the knowledge that removes



The polarization starts to come when devotees and aspirants of somewhat

different orientations perceive a subtle sense of disrespect for their

path and their revered teachers. My observation is that this feeling

intensifies when either implicitly or explicitly some members claim that

their understanding of advaita and Shankra's teaching is more "pure"

because they do not accept certain works attributed to Shankra. Further,

the Bhagavad Gita is considered a sacred scripture by most Hindus and at

a practical level people look at it for guidance in life and in

sadhana. Because means of sadhana are given in Gita by Bhagavan to

Arjuna to attain the goal of life, these are viewed as perfectly fine by

most people and are accepted as part of the tradition.


Love to all


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It is an insult to the timehonoured Vedantic Tradition and to Sri Sankara

himself who has codified the whole thought position of Upanishads in such a

brilliant and precise way. One who has really understood the Bhashyas will

never talk in such a stupid fashion. .



Hare Krishna


I dont think people who follow SHANKARA TRADITION will get offened by

hearing these jokers' dialogues (fictious anyway:-)) when the idiocy is

conspicuous in this socalled jokers' dialogue (fictious anyway:-)) what is

the need for SHANKARA FOLLOWERS to get hurt....they can only laugh out

loudly at the height of this stupidity...& appreciate the *innovative* &

*creative* ideas of the *director* behind these fictious characters...Even

Sri Sundar prabhuji, who is the *man* behind the show here, would have

laughed himself after reading his own *creative work* ....is it not Sundar

prabhuji:-)) I admire your sense of humour prabhuji..I would like to see

more of these Mr. Bean, Laurel & Hardy like characters in your forthcoming

creative & humorous dialogues :-))


Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!


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