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Dear Devotees,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Are you sometimes finding it tough to be a devotee? Actually this is to be

expected as Srila Prabhupada writes in a Fifth Canto purport, "...human

beings should voluntarily accept suffering in the form of austerities and

penances in order to attain the divine life."


Yes, I too feel the pinch from so much tapo divyam, but there is relief and

a forum where these austerities we have been performing can be a great asset

in crystallizing our devotional realizations. I am specifically referring to

the Mayapur Institute for Higher Education and Training (MIHET)*.


Yes, MIHET students also perform austerities (devotees can't seem to get

away from them) of rising early in the morning to chant their rounds so that

will have plenty of time for their studies, of associating with advanced

devotees and listening to them humbly speak their realizations (actually I

don't find this to be austere at all), of eating unbelievably good prasadam,

of bathing in the Ganga, of diving deep into Srila Prabhupada's books, of

dancing and chanting in ecstasy before Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha

Madhava, of having enlivening discussions in interactive classrooms about

issues that really matter to ISKCON devotees, of helping to shape the vision

of our society through these discussions, and of going to potent places of

pilgrimage. I may have left some of the austerities out, but I think you get

the general idea.


When you come to Mayapur and see how blissful the MIHET students have become

then you will begin to understand what Lord Rsabhadeva was referring to when

he said that if we perform tapo divyam then we would achieve brahma-saukhyam

(spiritual happiness).


Won't you join us?


Here are some details of what's up ahead:


A team of very senior devotees will facilitate the 2006 – 7 MIHET VTE

Bhakti-sastri Course sharing their realizations in an interactive format

designed to empower devotees as preachers, leaders, and lifetime servants of

ISKCON. The course will begin on Bhisma Pancaka (November 2, 2006), enabling

devotees, during the last five days of Kartika, to get credit for their

austerities as if they had performed them for the entire caturmasya.


For those that have already taken Bhakti-sastri, the MIHET will pilot (also

on November 2) a unique approach to studying the Bhagavatam with its Canto 4

Bhaktivaibhava Module. Students will hear from fully trained VTE

facilitators in the morning Structured Learning Classes and from senior

ISKCON sannyasis and leaders in the evening Thematic Discussions.


After the Canto 4 Module, Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu will facilitate a 3-week

course entitled Vedic Cosmology in the 5th Canto. He is leading a team of

scholars studying this section of the Bhagavatam and he will share their

realizations with his students.


Due to the unprecedented stature of our teachers this year, the MIHET

expects many devotees will enroll in these courses and thus encourages

devotees to register online as soon as possible to secure their seats.


These courses will end before the Mayapur Festival when the MIHET will offer

the VTE Teacher Training Courses, the VTE Leadership Management Course 1,

the ISKCON Communication Course, and the Temple Worship Courses providing

opportunities for our sastric students to increase their devotional and life



For those wishing to stay on in Mayapur after Gaura Purnima, the MIHET will

offer a Curriculum Development Workshop on Srimad-Bhagavatam Cantos 5 & 6

from March 12 to June 16, 2007. This workshop will be a combined MIHET /

VIHE project with teachers from both institutions participating. It will be

conducted as a course with the normal facilitator student interactions, but

qualified students will also have the opportunities to participate in

curriculum development projects for future Bhaktivaibhava courses. We have

experimented with this combination in the past and our students have found

this arrangement substantially enhances their learning.


Studying in Mayapur, the dhama with the most sakti in this age of Kali

(Navadvipa-dhama Mahatmya), will be even more potent during this workshop

because the month of Purusottama takes place from May 16 to June 14, 2007.

Here is a description from the Padma Purana of the potency of the month of



"This month of Purusottama is even more glorious than all other months

including the month of Kartika. The glories of all other months are not even

equal to one sixteenth of the glories of month of Purusottama. The merit of

a person who takes a holy bath even once in this month is equal to the merit

of taking bath in Ganga for twelve thousand years . . . .


Suta Goswami continued to speak to the sages of Naimisaranya, "O brahmanas,

in this way, the great sage Narada Muni became very pleased by listening

from Lord Narayana about the month of Purusottama . Narada paid his

obeisances again and again to Lord Narayana and started to speak, "This

month of Purusottama is the best of all months; it is best among all kinds

of vratas and austerities. One who just listens to the glories of the month

of Purusottama faithfully will achieve pure devotional service to the

Supreme Lord Purusottama. All of his sinful reactions will be immediately

nullified. One who performs the whole vrata and worships the month of

Purusottama properly will achieve unlimited glories and attain Goloka."


We hope to be able to serve you in Mayapur in the months ahead.


Your servant,

Janmastami dasa



Mayapur Institute for Higher Education and Training (MIHET)*

Systematic Sastric Study 2006 - 2009


"Everything is in my books."

- Srila Prabhupada


VTE Bhakti-sastri Course

November 2, 2006 - February 6, 2007

Separate Sections for Men and Women


Nectar of Instruction Bhakti Caru Swami

(December 2 - 16, 2006) Srimati devi dasi


Bhagavad-gita Jayadvaita Swami

(November 2, 2006 - January 30, 2007) Laxmimoni devi dasi

Su-gita Vani devi dasi


Nectar of Devotion Kadamba Kanana Swami

(November 2 - December 1 , 2006) Shyamala Sakhi devi dasi


Sri Isopanisad Lokanath Swami

(January 19 - 30, 2007) Nanda devi dasi


*With a desire to emphasize the Devotional and Life Skills Training Program

within our ethos, we have implemented a name change from the Mayapur

Institute for Higher Education (MIHE) to the Mayapur Institute for Higher

Education & Training (MIHET).



Pilot of the New Version of the MIHET VTE Bhaktivaibhava Course - 4th Canto

November 2, 2006 - January 17, 2007


Thematic Discussions Facilitators


Bhakti Caru Swami Hari Sauri dasa

Jayadvaita Swami Kadamba Kanana Swami

Laxmimoni devi dasi Srimati devi dasi


Structured Learning Facilitators

Atul Krishna dasa Tara dasa



Vedic Cosmology in Canto 5

January 19 - February 4, 2007


Ravindra Svarupa dasa



2006 - 2007 MIHET Navadvipa Dhama Parikrama Schedule


Date Venue Parikrama Leaders


November 4 Antardvipa: Yoga Pitha Jayapataka Swami

Kadamba Kanana Swami


November 11 Simantadvipa: Jagannatha Temple Jayadvaita Swami

Kadamba Kanana Swami


November 18 Modadrumadvipa: Mamgachi Jayadvaita Swami

Kadamba Kanana Swami


November 26 Koladvipa: Dhameshwar Mahaprabhu Kadamba Kanana Swami


December 2 Antardvipa: Caitanya Math Bhakti Caru Swami


December 9 Godrumadvipa: Bhaktivinoda Thakura's Bhakti Caru Swami



December 24 Harinama: ISKCON Campus and onto Atul Krishna dasa

Bhaktisiddhanta Road


December 31 Harinama: ISKCON Campus and onto Atul Krishna dasa

Bhaktisiddhanta Road


January 6 Koladvipa: Devananda Gaudiya Math Pankajanghri dasa


January 18 Godrumadvipa: Hari-Hara Kshetra, Lokanath Swami



January 25 Antardvipa: Advaita Bhavan Lokanath Swami

(Advaita Acarya's Appearance Day)


January 31 Harinama:ISKCON Campus and onto Lokanath Swami

Bhaktisiddhanta Road

(Lord Nityananda's Appearance Day)



Curriculum Development Workshop: Cantos 5 & 6

March 12 - June 16, 2007


Adi Purusa dasa Atul Krishna dasa

BVV Narasimha Maharaja Madhavendra Puri dasa

Narayani devi dasi Praneshwar dasa


Devotees may enter any of the above Srimad Bhagavatam Study modules without

attending previous modules.



2006 - 2009 MIHET Systematic Sastric Study Schedule


October 26, 2006 Srila Prabhupada's Disappearance


November 2, 2006 Bhakti-sastri & Bhaktivaibhava, Canto 4 Courses



January 20 - Vedic Cosmology in the 5th Canto

February 4, 2007 


January 25, 2007 Advaita Acarya's Appearance Day


January 31, 2007 Lord Nityananda's Appearance Day


February 5 - 15, 2007 GBC Meetings


February 7, 2007 Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura's

Appearance Day


Feb 16, 2007 Mayapur Festival Begins


March 3,2007 Gaura Purnima


March 12 - June 16, 2007 Curriculum Development Workshop: Cantos 5 & 6


May 16 - June 14, 2007 Month of Purusottama, in which devotees derive

more devotional benefits from austerities than

during Kartika.


July 16, 2007 Jagannath Puri Ratha-yatra


November 14, 2007 Srila Prabhupada’s Disappearance


November 21, 2007 - Bhakti-sastri Course &

February 23, 2008 New Bhaktivaibhava Course, Cantos 1 - 3*


March 6, 2008 Mayapur Festival Begins


March 21, 2008 Gaura Purnima


March 31 - June 28, 2008 Curriculum Development Workshop: Cantos 7 - 9


July 4, 2008 Jagannath Puri Ratha-yatra


November 2, 2008 Srila Prabhupada’s Disappearance


November 9, 2008 - Bhakti-sastri Course,

February 11, 2009 New Bhaktivaibhava Course, Cantos 1 - 3*, &

New Bhaktivaibhava Course, Cantos 4 - 6*


February 23, 2009 Mayapur Festival Begins


March 11, 2009 Gaura Purnima


March 23 - June 17, 2009 Curriculum Development Workshop: Canto 10, Part 1


June 24, 2009 Jagannath Puri Ratha-yatra


*Prior to entering this Bhaktivaibhava Course module, students will complete

a 13-week Preliminary Home Self-study Unit using distance-learning

technologies on the MIHET website.


Please visit http://www.mihet.info for details






"I have taught the ISKCON Leadership and Management course, as well the

Communication Course, as part of the MIHET for almost 10 years.


I find the opportunities to educate devotees from our international

community at Mayapur are an untapped treasure. As Lord Chaitanya's movement

spreads around the globe, it is mandatory that we train our new members in

understanding the depth of Vaishnava philosophy and culture, as well as in

practical skills to improve their service to Srila Prabhupada's movement.


Without facilitating training and education, we fail to serve our new

members--and our children--properly, and we fail to capitalize on the

opportunities that Lord Chaitanya gives us to serve his mission.


When education and training are given priority at our world headquarters, we

are building a culture of service to the devotees, and developing a standard

of excellence for ISKCON---that combined will help transform the world."

- Anuttama dasa, GBC & ISKCON Communications Minister



"I see the MIHE as representing the future direction of the Krishna

Consciousness Movement. It is extremely important that the devotees get a

"systematic" education in the philosophy, so that they can be steady in

their own spiritual life, and capable of helping others come to Srila

Prabhupada's lotus feet."

- Bir Krishna das Goswami, GBC



"My experience is that devotees, who attend the MIHET VTE Bhakti-shastri

Course, become competent preachers of our Krishna conscious philosophy. Many

are establishing centers and conducting seminars without assistance from



In Taiwan for example, one householder couple, who took the course, now have

their own center in a large city in southern Taiwan. They are recognized by

the local people as authorities on the science of yoga, and are, therefore,

regularly asked to give lectures to yoga teachers and their students. They

both feel confident to handle preaching engagements on their own although

they get only limited association with senior devotees. They are full of

appreciation for the training they received at the MIHET


We also had several Chinese devotees with good English skills take the

course, and, upon their return, were able to translate the Bhakti-shastri

materials into Chinese and are now offering the course to Chinese devotees."

- B.V.V. Narasimha Maharaja



"Here in Mayapur, we have the Bhakti-shastri program. I have heard from so

many devotees who have studied Bhakti-shastri here in the holy atmosphere of

the dhama that their lives were transformed by three or four months of daily

full time study of Srila Prabhupada books. They said it just turned their

whole life around.

Why? Your life will become transformed when one way or another when you

deeply accept the principles, these sacred principles of sastra,

Bhagavad-gita, Srimad Bhagavatam. You have to think about these things and

allow your head and your heart to be challenged. That is how you experience

spiritual growth. Srila Prabhupada was expert at doing that on his morning

walks. He would challenge your conceptions, he would challenge your

assumptions, and then he would insert the real knowledge that Lord Krishna


- Devamrita Swami, GBC, Mayapur Bhagavatam Class, March 1, 2006



"It's just a damn good program!"

- Jayadvaita Swami



"MIHET provides an opportunity for young devotees, many of whom are just

finishing their required, often mundane, education, to study Srila

Prabhupada's books in the transcendental home of Lord Chaitanya, Sri Dhama

Mayapur. The temple offers a dynamic spiritual program and the community

offers an abundance of sadhu sanga. This is a perfect spritual setting for

the rare jewel of systematic sastric study. In addition, the program is

affordable, safe and comfortable.

MIHET offers a well-rounded and philosophically stimulating curriculum which

is especially helpful for devotees who are contemplating how to expand their

service within Srila Prabhupada's movement and deepen their own Krishna



Srila Prabhupada wanted all the ISKCON members to be well versed in sastra

and strong in their devotional practices so that they could imbibe a dynamic

preaching spirit and thus inundate the whole world with prema Bhakti. MIHET

is making a significant contribution to fulfilling this mission."

- Laxmimoni dasi, Ministry of Educational Development



"The MIHET is a wonderful project that has already benefited so many,

however, it is but at the dawn of its development. The Hare Krsna Movement

without education is no longer the Hare Krsna Movement. I look forward to

the day when the MIHET is not only the centre of advanced studies in Mayapur

but is at the very heart of the Mayapur project itself. The MIHET is the

perfect finishing school for all the students who have come through the

other schools at Mayapur, as well as a magnet for all international

Vaisnavas who want to have a 3rd level devotional education. Naturally, the

next step is for the MIHET to have a facility to match the wonderful service

they are providing, a purpose built campus that after the temple, is the

central feature of the Mayapur project would do nicely."

- Praghosa dasa, GBC



"It is said "If you wish to invest in a person's future, then invest in his

education!" This is true! I have met many of the students who took courses

in the MIHET. They all told me how important their time of study was for

their spiritual life. Yes, it prepared them for a wonderful future in

Krishna-Consciousness. I wish that many more devotees will benefit from this

spiritual life university!"

- Sacinandana Swami



"Our beloved spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, was very impressed by Srila

Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakur's commentary on Bhagavad-gita 2.41, the

essence of which was exemplified by Srila Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakur's

dear most disciple, Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana. Srila Prabhupada derived

such inspiration from Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana's vyavasayatmika buddhi

mood that Srila Prabhupada dedicated his Bhagavad-gita As It Is to him.


Srila Prabhupada writes in the Bhagavad-gita 2.41 purport: "Service in

Krishna Consciousness is, however, best practiced under the able guidance of

a spiritual master who is a bona fide representative of Krishna, who knows

the nature of the student and who can guide him to act in Krishna

Consciousness. As such, to be well versed in Krishna Consciousness, one has

to act firmly and obey the representative of Krishna, and one should accept

the instruction of the bona fide spiritual master as one's mission in life."


The MIHET is attempting to provide and foster this understanding for serious

and sincere disciples in ISKCON. By taking advantage of the wonderful

facility the MIHET provides, one can fulfill the mission of life."

- Vedavyasapriya Swami





"It was without a doubt the most wonderful experience of my life. I'm sure

that either systematically studying Srila Prabhupada's books or residing in

Sridhama Mayapur for a few months fully engaged in service would have been

transcendentally enlivening, but the combination was exponentially ecstatic.

I very much appreciated Atul Krishna Prabhu's enthusiasm, expertise and

mood, Jayadvaita Maharaja's patience and thoughtfulness with all our

questions, and Hari Sauri Prabhu's dedication and expert intertwining of his

experiences with Srila Prabhupada. Although I've practically grown up

reading the Bhagavad Gita As It Is, I felt like I read it for the first time

at the MIHET.

Best of all was the association of the students. It seems like Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu Himself screens who is allowed to come (how I snuck in I don't

know), because everyone was so sincere in their desire to deepen their

Krishna Consciousness and better equip themselves to spread the Lord's


-Navin Jani is a Ph.D. student at University of California, Irvine,

with a M.A. in city planning from University of Florida, where he

wrote his thesis on the proposed city in Mayapur.



"Although I have studied Srila Prabhupada's books for many years, taking

this course has deepened my understanding and realizations in many ways.

Because learning in this course focuses not only on acquiring knowledge, but

also on understanding and sastra caksus, as well as personal, preaching and

theological application, students undergo rapid character development.

The MIHET VTE Bhakti-shastri Course helped me to understand Srila

Prabhupada, his mood and his mission as well as my personal service within

that mission more deeply.


Therefore I recommend to all the members of ISKCON to follow this course at

Sri Mayapura Dhama. It gave me more faith and conviction and brought me a

step closer in serving Sri Sri Radha Madhava and Their servants with


- Lilasuka dasa (Secretary for the Governing Body Commission)



"The course really sobered me, the way I see and deal with people. It was

the teachers. They empowered and challenged me to apply what I was learning.

To complete the course, I had to discipline my mind and senses more than

ever. But I also tasted more love and trust with the devotees than I ever

have. I want to learn more, and teach others."

- Mahamantra dasa (20), Australia



"It was the way the teachers taught, -- lots of group work and interactive

learning, using music, art, and drama. At nineteen, I was the youngest

student, and I was afraid to speak in front of so many senior devotees. But

they encouraged me and gave me confidence that I could realize the truth of

the Bhagavad-gita. I read it all the way through for the first time.


Bhakti-Shastri pacified my heart and gave my studies and career goals a

transcendent purpose-to please Krishna. I owe a lot to my facilitators."

- Vijaya Devi Dasi (19), Medical Student, Bolivia



"I must say that the Bhakti-shastri course exceeded my expectations. I

thought it would be lectures with questions and answers, but it was so

interactive; practically the students were involved in the teaching process

from the beginning. The course materials and recordings were professionally

done, the facilitators well trained and chosen, and the classes well

organized. And the MIHE staff was always ready to help us with whatever

inquiries or problems we had. I was astonished at how hard they worked,

practically day and night, to make sure everything ran smoothly.


While taking Bhakti-shastri, I personally felt that I made some friends for

life. I had the feeling that we in ISKCON are really part of a big family,

and I got a deeper appreciation for the devotees from all over the world who

are serving in their various capacities. I have gotten valuable gems of

experience I cannot wait to take home to Trinidad and share with my friends,

family, and well-wishers. I am convinced that by the mercy of my spiritual

master and the devotees, I am able to remain as a servant in this unique and

wonderful society of devotees founded by Prabhupada to fulfill the mission

of Lord Chaitanya."

- Santa-vigraha Dasa (24), Trinidad



"I'd say Bhakti-shastri revolutionized my spiritual life. I'll never be the

same after taking the course. Now I feel so strong, inspired, and enriched

by studying Srila Prabhupada's books, and I just want to preach Krishna

consciousness all over the world."

Sita dasi 19), Vaishnava youth, Australia


"I would recommend Bhakti-shastri as increasing one's personal spiritual

health and desire to preach. The essays we had to write really tested our

ability to apply the knowledge in Prabhupada's books and our ability to

explain it to others, thus making us think seriously about both. That was

most impressive."

- Krishna-kripa dasa, Krishna.com correspondent, U.S.A.



"Philosophy I did not fully understand has become clear. Now I am more

determined in my spiritual practices. I saw the conviction of the teachers

in Prabhupada's mission."

- Bhakta Kevin, Ireland



"Before taking the Bhakti-shastri, I never really understood what Srila

Prabhupada's mood and mission was, and how everything he said was really

based on sastra. So that really amazed me and gave me a lot of faith in

reading Srila Prabhupada's books."

- Bhaktin Shalini , Ireland



"The integrity of the facilitators, their commitment to sastric study and

their living according to Vedic ideals proved to be great models for

personal growth. Prabhupada's books were re-established in the center of our


- Santi Parayana dasa (Traveling Preacher, Polish Tour)



"The presentation on Bhagavad-gita was thorough and stimulating. During

these three months, I've gained a better grasp of the details of Bhagavad

gita than what I'd gained in many years of trying to fathom what seemed to

be enigmas and puzzling passages."

- Kaliya Krishna dasa (Traveling Sankirtana, Australia and S.E. Asia)



"It is really great to study Srila Prabhupada's books in detail. Personally,

the course is allowing me to be more confident when I'm preaching. I've

developed a great taste to read Prabhupada's books and that taste keeps

growing more and more."

- Carudesna dasa (Temple President, Ivory Coast, West Africa)



"I am happy to be home, although I must say that attending the

Bhakti-shastri course was one of the most enriching things I have ever done.

I am still feeling separation from the many devotees with whom I shared that

ecstatic 13 weeks.


I am aching for some Mayapur association. All glories to Sri Mayapur Dham.

All glories to the MIHET!"

- Kaivalya Sundari dd (New Talavan Farm, USA)

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