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NASN August 2006 - North American Sankirtan Newsletter

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August 2006 9/13/2006



For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this file contains

the following North American results for the month of August:


North American Totals

Monthly Temples

Monthly Weekend Warriors etc.

Monthly Top 100 Individuals

Monthly Top 5

Cumulative Countries

Cumulative Temples

Cumulative Top 100 Individuals

Cumulative Top 5




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All glories to your service,

Your servant, Mayapur Sasi dasa



Scores received thru 09/13/2006





North American offering to Srila Prabhupada


MahaBig Big Medium Small BTGs Total Total % Templ/

Books Books Books Books Mags Books Points Change Devote


January 3015 4267 4819 13176 3305 28582 14592.60 -24% 18/ 67

February 3084 2846 3402 10651 3428 23411 12623.90 -37% 18/ 58

March 3697 3442 4502 13311 2378 27330 14051.10 -34% 19/ 60

April 5644 6086 11416 26306 4150 53602 25024.10 +14% 23/ 68

May 3673 3482 6631 13597 3717 31100 15914.90 -18% 20/ 62

June 8841 6641 17396 17577 3664 54119 29070.85 -3% 19/ 74

July 10241 4456 8767 14749 4713 42926 24348.80 -12% 23/ 74

August 7802 4222 6850 14032 9961 42867 21679.95 -21% 21/ 59


Totals 45997 35442 63783 123399 35316 303937 157306.20 -16% 32/143

(%)Change compared

to last year




North American Sankirtan Newsletter


August 2006


% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs

Temples (size) Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags



1 Los Angeles (L) US 9199.05 +19% 2957* 2994 1853 6120 7285*

2 New Vrindavan (L) US 2353.35 +52% 1389 25 489 0 52

3 RupanugaVedicColle US 2115.45 +43% 673 445 573 826 0

4 St. Louis (MS) US 1326.75 na 719 36 106 455 0

5 Honolulu (S) US 983.55 -47% 442 0 168 485 0

6 Back to Godhead (S US 722.10 -22% 143 26 116 126* 420

7 Denver (M) US 709.90 -16% 115 270 292 482 521

8 Montreal (S) Can 683.70 +86% 650 4 29 61 0

9 New Talavan (S) US 617.95 -15% 64 0 1446 119 0

10 New Orleans (S) US 501.25*+124% 156* 0 620 455 0

11 Vancouver (M) Can 496.80*+173% 153* 94* 154 336* 0

12 Alachua (S) US 467.20 +110% 5 0 47 2545 600*

13 San Diego (M) US 465.90 -63% 92 250 187 377 0

14 Berkeley (S) US 361.75*+108% 124* 14 147 798 442*

15 Chicago (S) US 177.50 -75% 0 0 400 250 0

16 Miami (S) US 156.00 -59% 24 15 112 268 150

17 Toronto (S) Can 129.75 -21% 51 11 53 67 25

18 Hillsborough (S) US 82.95 na 36 12 33 44 8

19 Tampa Bay (S) US 76.10 -8% 0 0 0 202 458

20 Portland (MS) US 36.45*+302% 8* 15* 15* 16 0

21 Baltimore (MS) US 16.50 -63% 1 11 10* 0 0

(%)Change compared (*)New record

to monthly average for this year




North American Sankirtan Newsletter


August 2006


% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs

Individuals or Group Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags



1 LA Sastra Dana LA US 268.85 -46% 4 65 16 1475 0

2 Bhak. Book Club Van Can 239.30*+140% 88* 9* 45* 197* 0

(%)Change compared (*)New record

to monthly average for this year





North American Sankirtan Newsletter


August 2006


% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs

Individuals Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags



1 Paramesvara d RVC US 2115.45 +34% 673 445 573 826 0

2 Bk Philip Rad US 1721.05 -31% 1091 0 233 0 85*

3 Ananda Vidya d NVr US 1404.80 +29% 797 0 248 0 0

4 Prema Sankirtan LA US 1174.65 -3% 670 264 0 891 0

5 Bhrgupati d LA US 982.70 -16% 78 688 56 792 3

6 Murti d NVr US 940.30 -37% 591 25 238 0 0

7 Shastra-krt d LA US 840.70*+120% 101 656* 22* 228 0

8 Yajna Gauranga d Mon Can 635.45 +39% 630* 0 6 9 0

9 Mohanasini dd New US 617.95 +3% 64* 0 1446 119 0

10 Gargamuni d St. US 614.50 na 353 5 59 195 0

11 Sacitanoy d LA US 574.90 +9% 0 382 320 292 30

12 Omkara d LA US 566.95*+114% 466* 27 159 120 3

13 Drumila d New US 501.25* +64% 156* 0 620 455 0

14 Sundarananda d Hon US 500.00 +27% 250 0 0 0 0

15 Dvarakesh d LA US 474.55 -6% 8 402 0 377 0

16 Divyananda d St. US 411.50 na 234 0 10 0 0

17 Amoghalila d Ber US 361.75*+108% 124* 14 147 798 442*

18 Vijaya d LA US 355.60 -5% 180 82* 14 0 87

19 Sarvakanti dd LA US 310.90 +10% 238 52* 12 28 0

20 Bk Terrell LA US 276.25 -5% 10 359* 0 295* 0

21 Guru Prasad dd Ala US 270.00*+100% 0 0 0 1800* 0

22 Nidra dd Den US 239.45 -2% 61 49 163* 94 33

23 Haricakra d Hon US 180.00 -54% 90 0 0 0 0

24 Devaki Nandana d Chi US 177.50 -56% 0 0 400 250 0

25 Cakri d St. US 150.35 na 61 25 34 259 0

26 Gaurasundara d Den US 150.00* +58% 0 150* 0 0 0

27 Tota Gopinatha d SD US 142.20 +35% 26 90* 47 45 0

28 Bk Chris SD US 141.75*+274% 21* 96* 45* 60* 0

29 Govinda Datta d LA US 141.70 +2% 46 34 60 58 0

30 Manjari dd LA US 138.05* +52% 81* 10 26 57* 72*

31 Nitai Ram d Van Can 135.80*+134% 26* 64* 48 70* 0

32 Suresvara d Hon US 118.55 -52% 32 0 168 185 0

33 Dinasraya d Hon US 110.00* +29% 40* 0 0 200 0

34 Bk John SD US 101.80 -41% 23 58 50 22 0

35 Bn Sara LA US 101.65* +97% 20* 18* 85* 216* 0

36 Paramesvari dd Den US 88.25 -29% 18 50 0 15 0

37 Siddhavidya d Mia US 83.00 -4% 0 10 87 187 145

38 Kamalini dd Hil US 82.95 na 36 12 33 44 8

39 Vivasvan d Tam US 76.10 -1% 0 0 0 202 458

40 Divyanga d Ala US 75.00* 0% 0 0 0 500* 0

41 Dhanya dd LA US 67.15 -25% 48 9 9 50* 0

42 Madhumangala d SD US 55.25 -43% 14 6 43 142 0

43 Bn Demi Tor Can 48.75 +50% 21 2 20 26* 23*

44 Bhaya Hari Hon US 47.50 -3% 20 0 0 50 0

45 Mantra Murti dd Mia US 46.20 -10% 16 4 7 53 5

46 Karunesvari Kirt Ala US 43.50 -63% 0 0 30 220 0

47 Caitanya Lila dd Tor Can 37.85 +2% 13 6* 12 23 0

48 Gokulananda d Van Can 33.15*+537% 15* 3* 10* 11* 0

49 Andharupa dd Ala US 18.70 na 5 0 17 25 0

50 Nartaka Gopal dd Mia US 18.50*+640% 5 1 16 0 0

51 Bn Sonam Tor Can 18.30 -79% 7 0 9 13* 2

52 Syama Rupa d Mon Can 16.95 -63% 5 1 13 46 0

53 Bk Nirmal Mon Can 12.35 +67% 6* 2* 2 1 0

54 Gaura Candra d Tor Can 11.25 -80% 3 2 10 5 0

55 Karuna Sindhu d Mon Can 9.15 -55% 3 1 7 2 0

56 HH Candrashekhar NVr US 8.25 -71% 1 0 3 0 52

57 Lilakara d Mia US 7.80 -69% 3 0 1 27 0

(%)Change compared (*)New record

to monthly average for this year




North American Sankirtan Newsletter


August 2006


-------- Points -------- ----------- Points -----------

1 Los Angeles 9199.05 1 Paramesvara d RVC 2115.45

2 New Vrindavan 2353.35 2 Bk Philip Radha Dam1721.05

3 RupanugaVedicCollege 2115.45 3 Ananda Vidya d New Vrind1404.80

4 St. Louis 1326.75 4 Prema Sankirtan d LA 1174.65

5 Honolulu 983.55 5 Bhrgupati d LA 982.70


----- (%)Increase ------ -------- (%)Increase ---------

1 Portland +302% 1 Nartaka Gopal dd Miami +640%

2 Vancouver +173% 2 Gokulananda d Vancouver +537%

3 New Orleans +124% 3 Bk Chris San Diego +274%

4 Alachua +110% 4 Nitai Ram d Vancouver +134%

5 Berkeley +108% 5 Shastra-krt d LA +120%


---- Maha-Big Books ---- ------- Maha-Big Books -------

1 Los Angeles 2957 1 Bk Philip Radha Dam 1091

2 New Vrindavan 1389 2 Ananda Vidya d New Vrind 797

3 St. Louis 719 3 Paramesvara d RVC 673

4 RupanugaVedicCollege 673 4 Prema Sankirtan d LA 670

5 Montreal 650 5 Yajna Gauranga d Montreal 630


------ Big Books ------- ---------- Big Books ---------

1 Los Angeles 2994 1 Bhrgupati d LA 688

2 RupanugaVedicCollege 445 2 Shastra-krt d LA 656

3 Denver 270 3 Paramesvara d RVC 445

4 San Diego 250 4 Dvarakesh d LA 402

5 Vancouver 94 5 Sacitanoy d LA 382


----- Medium Books ----- -------- Medium Books --------

1 Los Angeles 1853 1 Mohanasini dd New Talav 1446

2 New Talavan 1446 2 Drumila d New Orlea 620

3 New Orleans 620 3 Paramesvara d RVC 573

4 RupanugaVedicCollege 573 4 Devaki Nandana d Chicago 400

5 New Vrindavan 489 5 Sacitanoy d LA 320


----- Small Books ------ -------- Small Books ---------

1 Los Angeles 6120 1 Guru Prasad dd Alachua 1800

2 Alachua 2545 2 Prema Sankirtan d LA 891

3 RupanugaVedicCollege 826 3 Paramesvara d RVC 826

4 Berkeley 798 4 Amoghalila d Berkeley 798

5 Honolulu 485 5 Bhrgupati d LA 792


------ Magazines ------- --------- Magazines ----------

1 Los Angeles 7285 1 Vivasvan d Tampa Bay 458

2 Alachua 600 2 Amoghalila d Berkeley 442

3 Denver 521 3 Siddhavidya d Miami 145

4 Tampa Bay 458 4 Vijaya d LA 87

5 Berkeley 442 5 Bk Philip Radha Dam 85


------ Full Sets ------- --------- Full Sets ----------

1 Back to Godhead 7 (None reported)

2 St. Louis 3

3 Baltimore 1




----- BBT Payments ----- ------ Matajis - Points ------

1 Los Angeles 28791 1 Mohanasini dd New Talav 617.95

2 New Vrindavan 10000 2 Sarvakanti dd LA 310.90

3 St. Louis 3260 3 Guru Prasad dd Alachua 270.00

4 New Orleans 633 4 Nidra dd Denver 239.45

5 Denver 579 5 Manjari dd LA 138.05


--- Bhaktas - Points --- ----- Bhaktins - Points ------

1 Bk Philip Radha Dam1721.05 1 Bn Sara LA 101.65

2 Bk Terrell LA 276.25 2 Bn Demi Toronto 48.75

3 Bk Chris San Diego 141.75 3 Bn Sonam Toronto 18.30

4 Bk John San Diego 101.80 4 0.00

5 Bk Nirmal Montreal 12.35 5 0.00


Veteran Men(20+yrs) Points -Veteran Women(20+yrs) Points-

1 Bhrgupati d LA 982.70 1 Mohanasini dd New Talav 617.95

2 Sacitanoy d LA 574.90 2 Nidra dd Denver 239.45

3 Drumila d New Orlea 501.25 3 Paramesvari dd Denver 88.25

4 Divyananda d St. Louis 411.50 4 Kamalini dd Hillsboro 82.95

5 Amoghalila d Berkeley 361.75 5 Mantra Murti dd Miami 46.20




North American Sankirtan Newsletter


January thru August, 2006


Country % Total M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs

(Temples) Points Change Books Books Books Books Books Mags



1 USA (26) 148633.45 -11% 285345 43552 34834 51626 120214 35119

2 Canada (4) 5066.30 -44% 8422 2428 562 2097 3170 165

3 Mexico (2) 3606.45 -69% 10170 17 46 10060 15 32

(%)Change compared to Jan-Aug 2005




North American Sankirtan Newsletter


January thru August, 2006


% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs

Temples (size) Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags



1 Los Angeles (L) US 63289.00 +10% 15748 24009 15959 56455 11485

2 Honolulu (S) US 13964.25 -1% 5650 309 2296 5923 2200

3 RupanugaVedicColle US 12483.15*+238% 4751* 1496 5126* 5807* 162

4 New Vrindavan (L) US 11647.20 -29% 6074* 1646 2501 1259 688

5 San Diego (M) US 9254.55 +58% 2040* 2305 6355 7948 606

6 Denver (M) US 6648.35 -9% 1307 1816 2979 4984 6242

7 Back to Godhead (S US 5341.00 -34% 909 210 646 572 3690

8 Chicago (S) US 5224.35 -3% 1759 992 1874* 6061 758*

9 Mexico City (M) Mex 3596.90 -69% 16 46 10054 0 0

10 New Talavan (S) US 3521.65 -64% 330 9 7055 3916* 0

11 TSKP USA (MS) US 3075.00 na 1760 497 1009 37 73

12 San Jose (S) US 2324.55*+165% 739* 412* 637* 1796* 0

13 Montreal (S) Can 2157.80 -12% 1426 351 526 1598 10

14 Miami (S) US 2040.20 -31% 233 352 757 5337 2224

15 Alachua (S) US 2026.65 na 59 113 511 9898 2007*

16 Vancouver (M) Can 1406.70 -57% 401 130 1077 725 8

17 Berkeley (S) US 1403.35 -50% 250* 14 1041 3914 1595

18 St. Louis (MS) US 1326.75* +66% 719* 36 106 455* 0

19 Toronto (S) Can 1285.35 -18% 517 74 411 833* 115

20 Krishna Culture (S US 1222.55 -21% 478 90 433 351 37

21 New Orleans (S) US 1172.15* na 157* 0 1757 2268* 0

22 Dallas (M) US 748.05 na 246 74 315* 406* 0

23 Tampa Bay (S) US 655.00 +3% 31 2 0 1672 3314*

24 Washington D.C. (M US 454.50 -72% 182 40 90 460 0

25 Atlanta (S) US 346.15* na 11* 248 50* 421* 0

26 Winnipeg (MS) Can 216.45 -16% 84 7 83 14 32

27 Baltimore (MS) US 195.50 na 32 124* 22 8* 11*

28 Seattle (S) US 91.80 -74% 31 0 14 162 0

29 Hillsborough (S) US 82.95 -98% 36 12 33 44 8

30 Portland (MS) US 81.75* na 17* 26* 51* 54* 0

31 Prabhupada Village US 13.05 na 3 2 9 6 19

32 Saltillo (MS) Mex 9.55 -74% 1* 0 6 15 32

(%)Change compared (*)Better than

to Jan-Aug 2005 last year




North American Sankirtan Newsletter


January thru August, 2006


% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs

Individuals Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags



1 Paramesvara d RVC US 11610.00 +20% 4559* 1261 4698 5218 0

2 Bk Philip Rad US 9195.20 -8% 6019* 585 2048 44 158

3 Bhrgupati d LA US 9140.15 -3% 1542 5106 342 5849* 3

4 Prema Sankirtan LA US 8432.15 +3% 2803* 3304 229 7228 40

5 Ananda Vidya d NVr US 5760.95 -12% 3161* 644 1189 488 0

6 Murti d NVr US 5390.75 +21% 2847* 953 879 0 15

7 Mohanasini dd New US 4232.10 -33% 338 66 10133 317* 0

8 Dvarakesh d LA US 4017.05 -14% 203 3276 0 2277* 0

9 Sacitanoy d LA US 3753.45 -6% 1 2622 1968 1621 30

10 Shastra-krt d LA US 3512.90*+134% 351 2862* 42 1156* 0

11 Sundarananda d Hon US 3248.50* na 1557* 0 0 269 0

12 Haricakra d Hon US 2930.50 -36% 1425 0 0 161 0

13 Omkara d LA US 2420.15 -42% 1220 281 722 1317* 3

14 Paratpar d LA US 2278.00* +26% 99* 2080* 0 0 0

15 Madhavendra Puri SD US 2044.15 -52% 885 15 905* 276 0

16 Yajna Gauranga d Mon Can 2005.10 +90% 1359* 504 381 1365 0

17 Subkrit d Chi US 1960.55 -5% 900 127 102 399 0

18 Nidra dd Den US 1944.10 +29% 514* 452 1005 627 173

19 Vijaya d LA US 1858.05 -52% 862 153 134 95* 87

20 Adhoksaja d Hon US 1853.85 -18% 807 0 51 444 0

21 Bk Terrell LA US 1735.55* na 90* 1666* 0 977* 0

22 Sarvakanti dd LA US 1727.40 -23% 1242 212 63 189 0

23 Suresvara d Hon US 1595.05 +20% 201* 285 1856 1887* 0

24 Mahatma d Hon US 1502.75 +47% 747 0 25 0 0

25 Bk Joe LA US 1432.60 na 461* 152 811* 515 150*

26 Adideva d Hon US 1407.50 -9% 643* 7 20 237 0

27 Amoghalila d Ber US 1403.35 -49% 250* 14 1041 3914 1595

28 Bk John SD US 1308.10 +134% 286* 622 692* 546 0

29 Govinda Datta d LA US 1118.25 -39% 354 239 399 440 0

30 Drumila d New US 1112.85* +17% 157* 0 1693 2022* 0

31 Ananda Swarupa d Chi US 1082.75 -2% 568* 344 85 600 0

32 Mahasringha d New US 1057.00 -57% 100* 0 1200 3580* 0

33 Syama Sevika dd Mex Mex 763.35 -62% 0 0 2181 0 0

34 Madhumangala d SD US 736.45* na 150* 98* 838* 1247 0

35 Paramesvari dd Den US 705.75 -4% 138 418 0 71 11

36 Jayadeva Hari d Mex Mex 681.75 -74% 11 21 1825 0 0

37 Tota Gopinatha d SD US 668.30 -37% 189 316 241 347 0

38 Karunesvari Kirt Ala US 623.60 na 10* 65* 280 3150 106

39 Dinasraya d Hon US 622.50 +6% 135* 0 0 2350 0

40 Vivasvan d Tam US 615.85 -3% 31 2 0 1551 3104*

41 Gargamuni d St. US 614.50 na 353 5 59 195 0

42 Devaki Nandana d Chi US 580.00* na 0 0 1550* 250 0

43 Gadagraja d LA US 526.50*+103% 68* 6* 410 1726* 11

44 Divyanga d Ala US 525.00*+112% 0 0 0 3500* 0

45 Siddhavidya d Mia US 514.30 -6% 9* 57 498 1208 838

46 Shankar Pandit d Chi US 470.00 +37% 61 26 2 2382* 0

47 Divyananda d St. US 411.50 -34% 234 0 10 0 0

48 Sanatan Goswami SD US 408.30* na 179* 153* 188* 58* 0

49 Guru Prasad dd Ala US 405.00 -1% 0 0 0 2700 0

50 Bk Jonathan Mex Mex 403.20 +98% 0 7* 1132 0 0

51 Gaura Candra d Tor Can 401.20* na 134* 16* 185 447* 5*

52 Jiva Goswami d Mia US 401.05 -58% 25 80 164* 1455* 0

53 Bhaya Hari Hon US 389.10*+132% 98* 0 334* 263 0

54 Bn Sara Mex Mex 384.90* na 1* 0 1094* 0 0

55 Nitai Ram d Van Can 367.75 -35% 84 89 291 178 2*

56 Murari Gupta d Mia US 362.50* na 38* 95* 0 760* 1250*

57 Apavrta dd Mex Mex 354.20 na 0 0 1012 0 0

58 Gaurasundara d Den US 340.00* na 6* 327* 0 2* 7*

59 Manjari dd LA US 320.00* na 171* 39* 67* 97* 132*

60 Gokulananda d Chi US 316.95* na 29* 335* 20 689* 1

61 Mantra Murti dd Mia US 302.00 -5% 113 47 27 237 67

62 Bk Kerel NVr US 276.80* na 10* 47* 335* 617* 0

63 Bn Demi Tor Can 275.85 +59% 117 16 110 80* 74

64 Bk Corey Den US 270.25* na 43* 100* 200* 175* 0

65 Trikalajna d Den US 265.20* na 29 132* 110* 322* 0

66 Gopal d Den US 263.40* na 139* 34* 26* 26* 0

67 Caitanya Lila dd Tor Can 260.10* na 104* 8* 49* 241* 8*

68 Krsna Prtha dd Mex Mex 258.30 -75% 0 0 738 0 0

69 Amara d Mex Mex 250.25* na 0 0 715* 0 0

70 Dhanya dd LA US 245.05* na 162* 31* 69* 140* 0

71 Bk Derek SD US 221.00 na 78* 25 115 177 0

72 Prabhupada Caran LA US 214.60 -72% 4 300 80 204 0

73 Karuna Caitanya Chi US 208.00*+275% 104* 0 0 0 0

74 Syama Rupa d Mon Can 199.20 -26% 82 24* 80 210 0

75 Rukmanga d LA US 183.50* na 10* 0 0 1090* 0

76 Bk Chris SD US 179.70* na 38* 105* 61 77 0

77 HH Candrashekhar NVr US 176.60 -54% 39* 3 44 12 794

78 Vedavyasa d Win Can 175.30 +4% 65 7 72 12 32

79 Mahotsava d Chi US 171.55* na 11* 64* 47* 572* 158*

80 Natha d Van Can 157.50 -47% 0 0 450 0 0

81 Bn Sara LA US 153.30* na 31* 26* 118* 290* 0

82 Visala d Mia US 152.55 +9% 24* 0 0 689* 12

83 Cakri d St. US 150.35 -17% 61 25 34 259* 0

84 Ramai d SD US 149.80 na 1 21 15 781* 0

85 Radha Damodar TS LA US 143.45* na 50* 48* 25* 178* 0

86 Sanatana Rsi d Van Can 140.40 +105% 48 5 73* 53 0

87 Lilakara d Mia US 132.65 -46% 14 26 49 338 11

88 Karuna dd LA US 122.80* na 36* 18* 41* 79* 30*

89 Aravinda d Mex Mex 121.35 -52% 4 8 301 0 0

90 Bk Agusto Chi US 120.00 -24% 0 0 0 800 0

91 Bn Sonam Tor Can 107.20* na 49* 9 25 23* 8*

92 Jaya Jagannatha Chi US 104.70 -82% 61 25 16 74 0

93 Radharani dd LA US 94.65 na 0 0 75* 456 0

94 Satyabhama dd Tor Can 85.45* na 40* 9* 15* 10* 5*

95 Om Hrisikesa d Mia US 84.40* na 2 45* 1 249* 2

96 Kamalini dd Hil US 82.95 na 36 12 33 44 8

97 Akhiladhara d RVC US 81.45 na 11* 21 53* 30 158*

98 Bhaja Govinda d Chi US 75.40* na 21* 0 27* 121* 58*

99 Atma Rama d NVr US 65.25* na 19* 0 62* 145* 28*

100 Arjuna Natha d Tor Can 62.00 -60% 31 0 0 0 0

(%)Change compared (*)Better than

to Jan-Aug 2005 last year




North American Sankirtan Newsletter


January thru August 2006


----- Points(Cum) ------ -------- Points(Cum) ---------

1 Los Angeles 63289.00 1 Paramesvara d RVC 11610.00

2 Honolulu 13964.25 2 Bk Philip Radha Dam 9195.20

3 RupanugaVedicCollege 12483.15 3 Bhrgupati d LA 9140.15

4 New Vrindavan 11647.20 4 Prema Sankirtan d LA 8432.15

5 San Diego 9254.55 5 Ananda Vidya d New Vrind 5760.95


--- (%)Increase(Cum) --- ------ (%)Increase(Cum) ------

1 RupanugaVedicCollege +238% 1 WW Team ISV WeekendWSan Jose +165%

2 San Jose +165% 2 CP Bhak. Book Club Vancouver +163%

3 St. Louis +66% 3 Shastra-krt d LA +134%

4 San Diego +58% 4 Bk John San Diego +134%

5 Los Angeles +10% 5 Bhaya Hari Honolulu +132%


-- Maha-Big Books(Cum) -- ----- Maha-Big Books(Cum) -----

1 Los Angeles 15748 1 Bk Philip Radha Dam 6019

2 New Vrindavan 6074 2 Paramesvara d RVC 4559

3 Honolulu 5650 3 Ananda Vidya d New Vrind 3161

4 RupanugaVedicCollege 4751 4 Murti d New Vrind 2847

5 San Diego 2040 5 Prema Sankirtan d LA 2803


---- Big Books(Cum) ---- ------- Big Books(Cum) -------

1 Los Angeles 24009 1 Bhrgupati d LA 5106

2 San Diego 2305 2 Prema Sankirtan d LA 3304

3 Denver 1816 3 Dvarakesh d LA 3276

4 New Vrindavan 1646 4 Shastra-krt d LA 2862

5 RupanugaVedicCollege 1496 5 Sacitanoy d LA 2622


--- Medium Books(Cum) --- ------ Medium Books(Cum) ------

1 Los Angeles 15959 1 Mohanasini dd New Talav 10133

2 Mexico City 10054 2 Paramesvara d RVC 4698

3 New Talavan 7055 3 CP San Diego Sastra San Diego 3402

4 San Diego 6355 4 CP LA Sastra Dana LA 2674

5 RupanugaVedicCollege 5126 5 Syama Sevika dd Mexico Ci 2181


--- Small Books(Cum) --- ------ Small Books(Cum) ------

1 Los Angeles 56455 1 CP LA Sastra Dana LA 8645

2 Alachua 9898 2 Prema Sankirtan d LA 7228

3 San Diego 7948 3 Bhrgupati d LA 5849

4 Chicago 6061 4 Paramesvara d RVC 5218

5 Honolulu 5923 5 CP San Diego Sastra San Diego 4322


---- Magazines(Cum) ---- ------- Magazines(Cum) -------

1 Los Angeles 11485 1 Vivasvan d Tampa Bay 3104

2 Denver 6242 2 Amoghalila d Berkeley 1595

3 Back to Godhead 3690 3 Murari Gupta d Miami 1250

4 Tampa Bay 3314 4 CP LA Sastra Dana LA 1080

5 Miami 2224 5 CP WW Alachua Alachua 1012


---- Full Sets(Cum) ---- ------- Full Sets(Cum) -------

1 Los Angeles 60 1 CP San Diego Sastra San Diego 9

2 Back to Godhead 37 2 Bk Philip Radha Dam 8

3 Krishna Culture 13 3 WW Team ISV WeekendWSan Jose 5

4 San Diego 10 4 CP LA Sastra Dana LA 3

5 Baltimore 7 5 Shastra-krt d LA 3


--- BBT Payments(Cum) --- ---- Matajis - Points(Cum) ----

1 Los Angeles 169094 1 Mohanasini dd New Tala 4232.10

2 New Vrindavan 35453 2 Nidra dd Denver 1944.10

3 St. Louis 22756 3 Sarvakanti dd LA 1727.40

4 TSKP USA 15352 4 Syama Sevika dd Mexico C 763.35

5 Denver 14661 5 Paramesvari dd Denver 705.75


Bhaktas - Points(Cum) --- Bhaktins - Points(Cum) ---

1 Bk Philip Radha Dam9195.20 1 Bn Sara Mexico Ci 384.90

2 Bk Terrell LA 1735.55 2 Bn Demi Toronto 275.85

3 Bk Joe LA 1432.60 3 Bn Sara LA 153.30

4 Bk John San Diego1308.10 4 Bn Sonam Toronto 107.20

5 Bk Jonathan Mexico Ci 403.20 5 Bn Supriya Toronto 19.25


Veteran Men(20+yrs) Points Veteran Women(20+yrs) Points

1 Bhrgupati d LA 9140.15 1 Mohanasini dd New Talav4232.10

2 Sacitanoy d LA 3753.45 2 Nidra dd Denver 1944.10

3 Vijaya d LA 1858.05 3 Paramesvari dd Denver 705.75

4 Suresvara d Honolulu 1595.05 4 Mantra Murti dd Miami 302.00

5 Amoghalila d Berkeley 1403.35 5 Karuna dd LA 122.80






Monthly scores can still be sent the usual ways: fax, phone,

snail mail and e-mail. Please send them before the 7th of the

next month.


When sending scores by e-mail, please use the same basic format

as the printed scoresheet:



Temple: (Important!) Month: (Important!)


(Enter BOOKS below--NOT points)

SUB M1 S1 H1 S2 H2 S3 H3 S4 H4 SETS

Temple totals x x xx x x xx x xx x xx x

Top devotees:

Bk Mike x x x x x x x x x x x

Krsna d x x x x x x x x xx xx x

Radha dd xx xx x x x xx xxx x x




Try to limit each line to 80 characters maximum.

You can omit the codes you don't use. You can start with H4 if you wish.

Make sure the columns line up properly when viewed with a

fixed pitch font.

Use spaces (not tabs) between columns.

Include your temple's name!

Include the month the scores are for!

Include temple totals for the month.

List each month separately. Don't combine two or more months together.

Don't just report Small, Big, Mahabig, etc.--->Use the codes S1,S2 etc.

or make sure you specify hard or soft cover books

Don't send every devotee's score. Just the top devotees who will

have a chance to appear in the newsletter.

Be consistent with your format from month to month. The computer can

read your scores if you stick to the same basic format and

don't change it.

It's helpful if you don't put commas in the numbers:

25789 is better than 25,789 or 25'789.

You don't need to send points, but it does help confirm that we get

the same total that you do.

Send scores to Mayapur (AT) aol (DOT) com



--- Please observe the Fair Play rules ---

DEADLINE for scores is the 7th of the following month!

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