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What's So Special about Astrology? from Mark Kincaid 9/11

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What’s So Special About Astrology?




Sometimes people ask me this question. Sometimes they

don’t say it but I can tell they’re thinking it. The main

thing that is the most special characteristic of Astrology is that

Astrology is NOT man-made.


In other words, the rules, ideas, principles and

prescriptions of Astrology are not made by human beings. Most of the

time you’ll hear people describe how Astrology is 5,000 or 6,000

knowledge. The truth is it has no time limits on it.


This is because the knowledge of Astrology is as old as the

Universe itself. After I’d been studying Jyotish for about a

year, I came across the concept of the “Transitsâ€. This

is what the Stars and Planets are doing in the outer environment itself.

When I started watching the Transits, it was like Astrology came alive

for me.


It was no longer the thoughts or ideas of some moth ridden

old books, even if very grand because for the very first time I

experienced that the rules of Jyotish were not created by Man. My very

first instance of this was when I was studying all about Saturn.


Saturn, like all planets influences other planets when

they’re in the same House or Sign, and when it is 7 houses away.

But, Saturn is supposed to also influence in other ways like a few other

planets, like Mars and Jupiter.


“They†say, Jyotishees, say that Saturn also

influences 3 houses away from where it is. So, you count the sign that

Saturn is in, as #1 and then the next sign over as the #2, and the 2nd

sign over, as #3. This means if Saturn is in Cancer, like now, when any

planet is in Cancer, Saturn influences most directly.


However, when those same planets move out of Cancer, first

into Leo, but then, into Virgo, (the 3rd Sign away from Cancer), Saturn

is supposed to influence that planet again. Interesting idea, and you

can get some sense of this and other such rules by looking at

people’s charts.


But, the very first time I watched the Moon climb into the

same Sign as Saturn I could ‘feel’ that unique Saturnish

flavor come over the Moon. Ugh, it felt heavy, and a sense of being

held back, almost as if one is being smothered. “Now,

that’s a typical Saturn experienceâ€, I thought!


I wasn’t surprised then to also experience the moment

that the Moon left Cancer and went into Leo, that Saturn feeling and

experience went away. “Wowâ€, I thought, it really does

only influence within a certain radius or degree. I had almost

forgotten about it, when a few days later, I felt this weird Saturn

quality come back to me.


“What is thisâ€, I thought? Can’t be

Saturn. Moon already passed Saturn. Then I remembered. Oh, right

Saturn’s supposed to experience 3 Houses away. All of a sudden I

realized: “Oh, my God, it’s really true!†Saturn

does influence 3 houses away.


But, is someone telling Saturn to influence like this? Of

course not. It’s built in, built in, in fact, into the very

nature of the Universe. In other words it’s a natural phenomena

or a natural law. Kind of like Physics, or Biology. The Principle is

not man made. Its there in Nature.


So, who wrote these rules of Astrology? If not man, then

whom? The One that wrote them is almighty Nature or God Him…or

Herself. In other words, it’s Almighty God that wrote these

rules, principles and ideas of Astrology. So, if we want to check their

validity and their truthfulness, we look to Nature, we look to our own

real experience to find these truths.


As you look at your chart now, look at it in this way.


Because most of you have already verified to a great extent

that your chart fits you! What a miracle Jyotish is, that our

chart’s fit us! We all sense it. The more you study the more

and more it really does! When I started studying other people’s

charts I realized this principle was ever truer.


Astrology fits other people too. After myself, my family

and then friends I was thrilled because the symbolisms, and ideas,

predictions even, were true for all those people! Then, I started

studying strangers or acquaintances. After the first 100 I could hardly

believe it.


After 500, and then 1000, I was almost beside myself. When

I’d finally done 3,5 and even 10,000 people’s charts, I

couldn’t contain myself any longer. “OUR CHARTS FIT

US!†I wanted to scream out from the roof tops! So, I did, hehe.

I only hope that each one of you continues to experience more and more

how exactly your chart really fits you!


There’s an amazing aha that’s in store for

each one of us as we have our own Eureka’s! Later, when I began

to study the prescriptive aspects of Astrology I almost forgot this

feature. Because in the prescriptions, our own personality and

subjectivity often enters in. Then, I began hearing of so-called famous

or well known Astrologers who’d made certain predictions and they

hadn’t turned out to be true!


Ouch, that’s too bad, I thought. That diminishes

Jyotish’s’ power. My Guru had said Jyotish should be 100%

accurate! Then, I thought again about the nature of the Jyotish

prescriptions, remedies and remedial measures. If the Understanding of

our charts is written by God, then shouldn’t also be the



What would a remedy from God be like? Let’s say

we’re having accidents, or it’s in our charts to be kind

of accident prone. So, the prediction of our nature or condition is

there within our Stars. What might the God given remedy be? Go more

slowly? Nah,…couldn’t be that simple, right?


Then I thought about the every day experience when

we’re going along and rushing, trying to go to work or to play.

We may have the best reasons in the World, but if we’re going too

fast we’re going to have an accident. Why? Because we’re

going too fast, and Nature can’t support our mass within this

gravity and Earthly plane at that speed, so we crash and burn!


We might even be going to church or temple, but if

we’re going to fast; boom! We’re on the ground! Okay, we

check with our family Astrologer and yes, it is in our chart, so what

should we do about it? Well, the Astrologer says: “According to

your chart, this accident prone nature is due to the presence of Mars

with your Mercury, which translates as the speediness of Mars confuses

of camouflages your Mercury or intellect and you make the

‘wrong’ decision. Of course there may be 20 good reasons

why it's there in your chart.


So, what is almighty God trying to say to us? We’re

going too fast, and we need to go more slowly! What that means is we

need to diminish Mars’ overwhelming influence. Not only is it in

the inclination and thoughts of a good Astrologer, to make this

suggestion or remedy, but it’s also in Nature itself.


We choose to go more slowly after 3,4, even 5 accidents, and

what’s our reward? We act and go places, and we DON’T

have any more accidents. I remember the last time I had a major

accident in my life. I’d had 2 major life threatening accidents

already in my career.


Working on the job, doing construction, I’d already

fallen twice. When I learned Astrology I discovered Mars in Cancer in

one’s 10th is not very symbolic of a very happy Mars. Accidents

are even predicted. They were certainly my experience!


So, I studied my chart and thought okay, I’m a little

accident prone; I’ll just kick it down a little. Then in 1993 I

had my “LAST†accident. I fell over 30 feet. A whole

work scaffolding fell all around me. The doctor in the hospital

emergency room that examined me said: “I’m really

surprised you had no broken bones!â€


I was in shock because I had been studying my chart and

there was nothing in my dasas or transits to have caused this accident?

Then I realized: “Oh, my God, it’s in my chart to go too

fast!†That’s what Nature has been trying to tell me.

But, I loved the feeling of freedom that comes from being up high and

bouncing around on ladders, scaffoldings and roof tops!


Mmmmm, …. Maybe that’s my Jupiter in Pisces in

the 6th fully aspecting my 10th too. I love the sense of freedom that I

have when I’m up high. But, Nature is still trying to tell me,

“I’m still, being too risk taking.†That was the

last time I had an accident. Now, I love going more slowly. I enjoy

the speed, whatever the speed, but I enjoy the freedom at a slower warp



Even Remedies, prescriptions and remedial measures are

written for us by God. Next time you talk to an Astrologer, one

who’s good and yet simple about your chart, ask him to tell you

what God says about your chart! That’ll throw him for a loop,



If people knew that they were getting the best advice in the

Universe, contained within our Astrology charts, they’d be

willing to pay any amount. Imagine if you could see the wealthiest man

in the world about your business plan? Or what if you could see the

greatest musician in your field even for a few minutes?


What would they say? What they’d say wouldn’t

even hold a candle to what your chart says you should do, to further the

next step of your life and evolution! Because no one knows you as well

as your chart does.


So, next time you pick up one of your favorite Jyotish

books, or talk to a live Astrologer, realize they are representing

Almighty Nature, and see if you can hear God speaking through them!














Mark Kincaid








Excerpt from new book: The Stars Within








Personal Email:


markkincaid (AT) (DOT) com

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