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3, 6 ,10, 11 remedies..12/9 -1 GOD

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the answer for this is simple

god made suger, salt. spices-epper chillies

hyper tension diabeties, choilestrol, cancer, blindness disablites

good health, yoga, pranayama, medication excercises

idling, wiling away or living in ignorance arrogence

lakes, ponds rivers, oceans deserts, mountains

god made good speech, harsh speech, depends on how u use speech.

if u know the asnwer to this u get the rest.


Prathamesn Chawan <upaoakcrest > wrote: Respected Sir Rohini Ranjan Ji

What a beautiful explaination !!

Your emails are always so clear and so beautiful.

.....I always hate the fact that we are slave. But i have few question unanswered.

1) If we are slave then why we have a brain to think ?

2) Assuming that cycle of karma is correct, why GOD put us in this cycle ?

3) What does GOD want from us ?

4) Why does GOD give "Cancer" to a 20 years old boy ?

5) Why Tsunami, Katrina, Terrorism ?

6) Is "GOD" really "GOOD" ?

7) If "GOD" is really there why he does not show up his face ? Why he is hiding himself ?

8) Why only earth was chosen for "Cycle of Karma" ?

I always pray GOD. I am scared of him and of his powers. I dont pray GOD because i love him or he takes care of me. But I pray GOD because if he will get angry on me then he will use his powers to make my life hell. I want to have a smooth life....

Hope you have some answers.


pages <jyotish_vani (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Rishi,

These are no all my ruminations and understandings, so please do take

these or leave it as you may wish or be inclined to, but here goes:

Each lifetime, and thus each horoscope depicting that lifetime (one

and only, the current point of awareness and power) holds many

promises, many possible trends. There may not be just one rigid or

only path for an individual to take.

Which path to take or focus more on is a function of some degree of

freedom of choice and also the intrinsic guna of the nativity. The

guna or natural inclination is formed over lifetimes of karmic


Most people when facing a choice tend to go the path which

accommodates or is driven by their inherent inclinations, inherent

nature, inherent guna.

From that arises the reproducibility and predictability of astrology

and astrologers. In that sense we are all/most of all are slaves of


However, no planet or combination is purely capable of expressing

only one guna and so freedom of choice, free-will is not about

fighting some destiny, some rigid, unshakeable, unalterable outcome

of our past karmas but how we choose to, work towards and manage to

express it! The same song can be played in different scales, but

unlike music, the music of spheres can be played on the divine flute

named human being can play the tune is different scales, depending on

how strongly God is blowing into it, or said another way, how open

the flute is to receiving the Divine breath!


, "rishi_2000in"

<rishi_2000in wrote:


> Kumarji,


> Maharishi Parasara had, however, added that in Kaliyuga the easiest

> to understand would be the clinical method of computing Ashtakvarga

> and we would do well to recall that the focus of ashtakvarga is on

> these upachaya houses.

> Further, a chart with a fortified ninth house and good strong

> kendras would not normally need many remedies. A strong fifth house

> would drive the person to the right direction.

> For kaliyugi jyotishis like me, the rationale of upachaya becomes

> significantly relevant.And then again, my emphasis would be to

> suggest remedies which might be slow but would involve attempting


> change the more malleable parts of the chart.

> Your solid contribution to classical principles is well understood.

> regards

> rishi


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