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End of the world in 2012

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I am talking about dreams that have lead to various objects being unearthed and miracles happening. The disciples dont have dreams devoid of any meaning. Also, Dvaitha follows hard logic unlike other philosophies ,sometimes people find it difficult to accept this philoposhy as it violates the comfort zone that they weave around them. There are certain hard facts to accept and people in general dont find that very comforting,instead they adopt a philosophy that can comfort their tired bodies and souls. I like Gaudiya, but Dvaitha is logical and believes that the Lord is not only kind and loving but also just. All cannot reach Swarga. People experience different levels of happiness accordign to their "Swabava" or nature. All souls are not alike and can be characterized into Sattwic, Rajasic and Tamasic. Only the Sattwic souls can have "Aparoksha Jnanam" (direct realization) of Lord Narayana .Only they go to Vaikunta and other spiritual heavens .The Rajasika go to a different world just like Earth only a bit better. There they have varying degrees of happiness and grief.


The Tamasikas fall into hell known as Andhan Tamas where there us only darkness, ignorance and grief. All these worlds are eternal and permanent with no escape.All this happens after one obtains liberation or "Moksha" . So "Moksha" doesnt mean that a person is going to Vaikunta ,he may go to any of the spiritual planets ,even Hell.


This philosophy shakes you to the core and is a wake up call to all those who thought they could sneak into Heaven just by frequenting temples and later on committing heinous crimes.Though all souls have a mixture of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas it is a question of which 'guna' preponderates.


thats perfect and thats dwaitha , i always see this scientific. and this is the reason why Sripada Madwa has been counted as the one of he thirteen great soluls knowing spirituality pefectly


hari hari bol

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I just want to put my two cents into this topic. If anyone pays close attention to the flood/ Atlantis-like stories around the world you will see that something DID happen. They are, after all, found all around the world. Do they Vedas not say civilizations have come and gone? What could be found lying in the ocean that we don't know about? What about those pyramids off the coast of Japan, they could only have been built when the oceans were lower, in other words during the Ice Age. If anyone recalls the frozen mammoth they found a while back that had warm climate food in its mouth and stomach.....don't you find that to be a little weird? Something catastrophic happened.


I also have a book on a theory that the Mayans were using the stars to predict the next catastrophe, just to let you know the mayans believe in cycles like the Hindus do.


Unfortunately, we are not able to find any mammothic human bodies which existed during Dwapara age , apparently coz we burnt the bodies after the death we don burry them.....


hari hari bol

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You know I've always wondered about that. If humans frequently cremated their dead at that time we may have no way of knowing scientifically that anatomically modern humans like us may have lived at that time and had civilization. Also if during this age humans made things out of metal more than they made things out of stone we would have no way of knowing either. The only remains of a possible lost civilization during the Ice Age are the pyramids off the coast of Japan and the Bimini Road in the Carribean area....those two could be our link to deciphering the strange mysteries of human civilization.


On another interesting note I have learned that the Egyptian pyramids are aligned with Orion's belt which could only have been built when Orion was at it's lowest point during 10,500 BC, unfortunately carbon 14 dating says otherwise. Also the Sphinx has water erosion on it...the last time there was constant rainfall in Egypt was during the Ice Age. Crazy huh? Could carbon 14 dating be wrong?

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If one analyzes the scientific evidence, where are the bones. I mean, if there were millions of dinosaurs, why arent we trippin over bones.


Easy answer, folks, bones turn to dust as well. There are no bones left from dwarapa yuga, showing twelve foot human skeletons. However, there may be isolated discoveries, and these are pursued by certain scientists.


The dinosaur bones that we come accross are ones unfortunate enough to fall into peat bogs, get engulfed by pumice from cytoclastic lava blasts, and other things that have perservative effect. But humans dont generally hang at peat bogs, not very good living situation, so dwarapa yuga humans didnt generally get stuck there.


The C14 is bogus and very discredited process. The process has no way of differentiaTING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 5000 years and 50,000 years..


Anyway, have a nice end of the world, see yall in the survival camps. Remember, your karatalas will be found by future anthropologists, but they might be mistaken as weapons. But we dont care, because they are weapons.


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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You know I've always wondered about that. If humans frequently cremated their dead at that time we may have no way of knowing scientifically that anatomically modern humans like us may have lived at that time and had civilization. Also if during this age humans made things out of metal more than they made things out of stone we would have no way of knowing either. The only remains of a possible lost civilization during the Ice Age are the pyramids off the coast of Japan and the Bimini Road in the Carribean area....those two could be our link to deciphering the strange mysteries of human civilization.


On another interesting note I have learned that the Egyptian pyramids are aligned with Orion's belt which could only have been built when Orion was at it's lowest point during 10,500 BC, unfortunately carbon 14 dating says otherwise. Also the Sphinx has water erosion on it...the last time there was constant rainfall in Egypt was during the Ice Age. Crazy huh? Could carbon 14 dating be wrong?


Honestly , i totally disagree with whatsoever theory the modern science brings out about the civilisation. On the otherhand, i firmly belive our scriptures, they dont change with time do they, but these science is very imperfect and cant see anything in the future. I don agree that egyptians or for that matter, whomsoever the modern science claims to be very civilised at certain time in the past. Indeed I firmly believe that the most civilised people were living in the Bharathevarsha. Afterall the supreme lord Krishna himself came to this land . Believe me this is the land of devotees, this is the land of actual science , the science of soul, and at the end of the day , this only remains..... Also the burrying of bodies is considered to be tamsic and is done only for dead animals in Sanatana dharma, so this clearly indicates even mummyfying is a kind of tamsic act.:smash:


Science is very imperfect,:crazy: it cant even see the presence of supreme lord and his manifestation!! Maya is heavily fooling the modern scientist.... God save modern scientists......:pray:


Hari hari bol

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If one analyzes the scientific evidence, where are the bones. I mean, if there were millions of dinosaurs, why arent we trippin over bones.


Easy answer, folks, bones turn to dust as well. There are no bones left from dwarapa yuga, showing twelve foot human skeletons. However, there may be isolated discoveries, and these are pursued by certain scientists.


The dinosaur bones that we come accross are ones unfortunate enough to fall into peat bogs, get engulfed by pumice from cytoclastic lava blasts, and other things that have perservative effect. But humans dont generally hang at peat bogs, not very good living situation, so dwarapa yuga humans didnt generally get stuck there.


The C14 is bogus and very discredited process. The process has no way of differentiaTING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 5000 years and 50,000 years..


Anyway, have a nice end of the world, see yall in the survival camps. Remember, your karatalas will be found by future anthropologists, but they might be mistaken as weapons. But we dont care, because they are weapons.


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


these modern scietists , they dont keep any stone unturned to make themselves greatest fools he he:rolleyes: , mightier fools are those who follow them anyways- u see what i mean, the 99.99% of todays population, the varnashnkara public:crying2:


Jai radhe


hari hari bol

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Partial annihilations always have survivors. At the end of kali yuga, all are drawn up, but 2012 is not the time. Partial annihilations also take place at the end of other yugas, like 5,000 years ago, the kuruksetra war and the end of the Yadu dynasty. Once, I heard that the survivors of the Yadu self destructive event went on the become the sumerians, the predecessors of the semite culture. I also heard that the most ancient civilization recognized by so-called anthropologists, the Akkadians (the builders of Bhagdad, BTW), were survivors of the Kurus.


The western lore indicates huge people who were super-powerful. These perhaps were survivors of Dwarapa Yuga, and became known as the giants described in Genesis 6. There are evidences of such beings, discoveries of even bones of human beings up to 15 feet tall, even taller.


There is a story in the Krsna book of a survivor of Treta Yuga who slept thru the partial annihilation that ended that age. Though Arjuna and Krsna were purported to be 12 to 15 feet tall, Muchukunda saw them as pygmies.


There is a person who has done great research into giants, genesis 6, sumerian culture, etc. Ill post a hot link for those interested following this post.


As far as survival camps and folks to save, this is a prime field for spreading Krsna Consciousness. No one surrenders when they are thinking they are winning. Actually, the Golden Age of Kali Yuga just may well be in a world where pond scum and earth worms are the only means of nutrition. One of the four types who surrender to Krsna are those in a miserable condition.


Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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Hare Krishna!


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Modern science and scientists...very funny. Please read the following article written by a scientist himself.


The Dating Game

by David N. Menton, Ph.D.


Much of the controversy between evolutionists and creationists concerns the age of the earth and its fossils. Evolution, depending as it does on pure chance, requires an immense amount of time to stumble upon anything remotely approaching the complexity we see in even the simplest living things. For over 100 years, geologists have attempted to devise methods for determining the age of the earth that would be consistent with evolutionary dogma. At the time Darwin's <CITE>On the Origin of Species</CITE> was published the earth was "scientifically" determined to be 100 million years old. By 1932, it was found to be 1.6 billion years old. In 1947, geologists firmly established that the earth was 3.4 billion years old. Finally in 1976, they discovered that the earth is "really" 4.6 billion years old. These dates indicate that for 100 years, the age of the earth doubled every 20 years. If this trend were to continue, the earth would be 700 thousand-trillion-trillion-trillion years old by the year 4000 AD. This "prediction," however, is based on selected data and certain assumptions that might not be true. As we will see, selected data and unprovable assumptions are a problem with all methods for determining the age of the earth, as well as for dating its fossils and rocks. It has all become something of a "dating game" in which only the evolutionarily-correct are allowed to play.



The most widely-used method for determining the age of fossils is to date them by the "known age" of the rock strata in which they are found. On the other hand, the most widely-used method for determining the age of the rock strata is to date them by the "known age" of the fossils they contain. This is an outrageous case of circular reasoning, and geologists are well aware of the problem. J.E. O'Rourke, for example, concedes: "The intelligent layman has long suspected circular reasoning in the use of rocks to date fossils and fossils to date rocks. The geologist has never bothered to think of a good reply, feeling the explanations are not worth the trouble as long as the work brings results" (<CITE>American Journal of Science</CITE>, 1976, 276:51).


In this "circular dating" method, all ages are based on evolutionary assumptions about the date and order in which fossilized plants and animals are believed to have evolved.


Most people are surprised to learn that there is, in fact, no way to directly determine the age of any fossil or rock. The so called "absolute" methods of dating (radiometric methods) actually only measure the present ratios of radioactive isotopes and their decay products in suitable specimens -- not their age. These measured ratios are then extrapolated to an "age" determination. This extrapolation is based on the fact that an unstable (radioactive) chemical element, called the parent isotope, breaks down at a presently known rate to form a more stable daughter isotope. In the case of radiocarbon dating, an unstable isotope of carbon (C14) decays into nitrogen (N14). This currently occurs at a rate which would be expected to reduce the quantity of the parent C14 by half every 5,730 years (the half-life). In other words, the less of the parent isotope (and the more of the daughter isotope) we measure in a specimen, the older we assume it to be.


Radiocarbon dating is actually of little use to evolutionists. There are several reasons for this. First, no rocks and very few fossils contain measurable quantities of carbon of any kind. Second, because of the short half-life of C14, the radiocarbon method can only date specimens up to about 40,000 years of age. Essentially nothing of evolutionary significance is believed to have occurred in this "short" time frame. The most commonly used radiometric methods for "dating" geological specimens are potassium-argon, uranium-thorium-lead, and strontium-rubidium. All three of these decay processes have half-lives measured in billions of years. None of these methods can be used on fossils or the sedimentary rock in which fossils are found. All radiometric dating (with the exception of carbon dating) must be done on igneous rocks (rocks solidified from a molten state such as lava). These radiometric "clocks" begin keeping time when the molten rock solidifies. Since fossils are never found in igneous rocks, one can only date lava flows that are occasionally found between layers of sedimentary rock.


The problem with all radiometric "clocks" is that their accuracy critically depends on several starting assumptions which are largely unknowable. To date a specimen by radiometric means, one must first know the starting amount of the parent isotope at the beginning of the specimen's existence. Second, one must be certain that there were no daughter isotopes in the beginning. Third, one must be certain that neither parent nor daughter isotopes have ever been added or removed from the specimen. And fourth, one must be certain that the decay rate of parent isotope to daughter isotope has always been the same. That one or more of these assumptions are often invalid is obvious from the published radiometric "dates" (to say nothing of unpublished dates) found in the literature.


One of the most obvious problems is that several samples from the same location often give widely-divergent ages. Apollo moon samples, for example, were dated by both uranium-thorium-lead and potassium-argon methods, giving results which varied from 2 million to 28 billion years. Lava flows from volcanoes on the north rim of the Grand Canyon (which erupted after its formation) show potassium-argon dates a billion years "older" than the most ancient basement rocks at the bottom of the canyon. Lava from underwater volcanoes near Hawaii (that are known to have erupted in 1801 AD) have been "dated" by the potassium-argon method with results varying from 160 million to nearly 3 billion years. No wonder the laboratories that "date" rocks insist on knowing in advance the "evolutionary age" of the strata from which the samples were taken -- this way, they know which dates to accept as "reasonable" and which to ignore. Of one thing you may be sure: whenever "absolute" radiometric dates are in substantial disagreement with evolutionary assumptions about the age of associated fossils, the fossils always prevail.


As far as the plausibility of evolution is concerned, it really doesn't make any difference if the earth is 10 billion years old or 10 thousand years old. Indeed, if the whole of evolution were reduced to nothing more than the chance production of a single copy of any one biologically useful protein, there would be insufficient time and material in the known universe to make this even remotely likely. Time by itself simply does not make the hopeless evolutionary scenario of chance and natural selection more reasonable. Imagine if a child were to claim that he alone could build a Boeing 747 airplane from raw material in 10 seconds, and another were to claim he could do it in 10 days. Would we consider the later less foolish then the former, simply because he proposed spending nearly a million times more time at the task? Our Creator tells that "the fool has said in his heart, there is no God."




Originally published in <CITE>St. Louis MetroVoice</CITE>, August 1994, Vol. 4, No. 8


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You say these spiritual worlds are permanent, eternal, and once you go to them, then you are stuck forever. This view seems more like fire and brimstone Christianity, the type of evangelical religions that I find utterly repulsive and truly devoid of real logic and sense. If this were the truth, even if I happened to go to heaven, I would be repulsed by such a God who would be so judgemental and unkind as to not give every soul the opportunity to improve themselves and attain Him, assuming He is worth attaining. It is the very antithesis of a God who is loving and kind and just.




Think of it. A person who has base desires all his life will have no desire to see God. Simple.. Just like a pig living in a pigsty will not be happy in a clean and palatial house and just like a clean man will detest a pig sty in the same way God gives everyone what they want and according to Madhva God is definitely just.


You think of evolution as a system of elevation in status. That people who are bad will later on become good. Except in rare cases a person takes many births and becomes more and more rajasic ,sattwic or tamasic and then liberation will free him from the material world and he can then "enjoy" the same permanently in the spiritual worlds forever! Got it???:smash:

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  • 2 weeks later...


You say these spiritual worlds are permanent, eternal, and once you go to them, then you are stuck forever. This view seems more like fire and brimstone Christianity, the type of evangelical religions that I find utterly repulsive and truly devoid of real logic and sense. If this were the truth, even if I happened to go to heaven, I would be repulsed by such a God who would be so judgemental and unkind as to not give every soul the opportunity to improve themselves and attain Him, assuming He is worth attaining. It is the very antithesis of a God who is loving and kind and just.




Think of it. A person who has base desires all his life will have no desire to see God. Simple.. Just like a pig living in a pigsty will not be happy in a clean and palatial house and just like a clean man will detest a pig sty in the same way God gives everyone what they want and according to Madhva God is definitely just.


You think of evolution as a system of elevation in status. That people who are bad will later on become good. Except in rare cases a person takes many births and becomes more and more rajasic ,sattwic or tamasic and then liberation will free him from the material world and he can then "enjoy" the same permanently in the spiritual worlds forever! Got it???:smash:


And in that way they can never reach Krishna as he says in Gita!!!

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I just read yesterday in either Time or Newsweek [a back issue I believe] an article about this whole big hoopla about the Mayan Calendar and the December 2012 prediction.


It said that the Mayans have a CIRCULAR or CYCLICAL calendar. It is NOT a linear calendar with a beginning and an END, people.


So when the Mayan calendar gets to 2012 then it begins again, that's all. The exact same concept as the Vedic calendar of Satya, Treta, Dvapara, and Kali Yuga, and/or the Vedic Jyotish concept of Vimsottari Dasha periods.


So no need freak out everybody. Hari bol.

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I was so looking forward to asteroid hits, thermo-nuclear war, volcanic eruptions, 12.0 earthquakes, 200 foot tsunamis, etc. Darn them mayans. What do we expect from a culture named Maya?


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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thanks, nekozuki, theres still hope for us. There is nothing more boring than to go out with a whimper. Im an ex-big wave rider, and if theres no one on the rocks watchin, theres no exhilleration in the wave itself.


In the book, lucifers hammer, I remember the surfer that rode the big one. If that building had only been forty five stories, he woulda made it. Maybe Ill post my surf music here, because this life is just surfin anyway. And when we ride, we like to end the day with a big one, nothing more boring than to paddle in because the waves were gone.


Haribol, yers, mad mahax

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If you have nothing to do besides sit around and tell others how much you look forward to calamities, then i suggest that you get your heinie over to some part of the world where it is already the end of the world and help somebody.


For example, you could go to Southeast Asia and teach girls working in brothels being human trafficked about Krsna. Or you could go to one of the Peace villages in Vietnam where victims of the 21 million gallons of Agent Orange live today: the third generation.


If you google "Agent Orange" then you will see human beings who look like pretzels, who have their eyes bugging out of their head like fish. If you read the recent Vanity Fair photo essay about it, you will learn about Agent Orange Siamese Twins that were separated:


One twin okay I guess if you can call having half of your limbs and organs missing okay. But its other half has no brain and is a mass of stumps and sutures, tethered with its one stump limb to a bedpost and it is undergoing

24 hour a day seizures.


You could go to Africa and help plant vegetarian gardens as part of Dream for Africa. You could join the elder Peace Corps and help Marshallese Islanders who were damaged by the 37 atomic bombs the US tested on Bikini Atoll.


The Marshall Islanders were told by the US government: "If you give us your island, we will do something with something strong" and told them they just had to leave their island for a little while and then they could come back right away.


They then were the subject of hideous human experiments so that their children were born looking like grapes, with deveil horns, with unicorn horn, like jellyfish, from the fallout that they played in and drank.


I pity you if you look forward to all of those annihilations. Why not go and help people NOW? Why be an ex big wave rider, how is that any different from Al Bundy revelling in his high school football days.


Please feel free to google any of those subjects mentioned above: human trafficking, Agent Orange victims in Vietnam, Dream for Africa, Marshall Islands, Bikini Island, Peace Corps, volunteer tourism.


You could help Habitat for Humanity to build homes. You could join Americorps

and build homes for Katrina victims. There are so many things that you could do and I don't think it helps anyone at all to tell people that you look forward to the end of the world.


You can't even handle small itty bitty disturbances in life more likely. So my suggestion is face up to the fact that if you are a US citizen, you live better than 95% of the people in the world.


Wake up and realize that it already is the end of the world for the poorest 95% of the people on the planet who ahve 5% of the wealth and it's eternal sunshine and happiness for the 5% of the people who own 95% of the world's wealth.


If you don't wish to travel abroad you can help at your local homeless shelter, read to invalids in hospitals, go and visit people in convalescent homes, teach at a senior center.


You could dovetail all of those things with Krsna Consciousness. You could take a harmonium into senior center and sing bhajans to the elderly. So wake up people and realize that it already is the end of the world for most people.


And what are you going to do about it? It's already the end of the world now: birth, death, old age, and disease.

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You could rent the DVD "Thank You For Smoking" to find out which coalition of people has killed more human beings on this planet in the last 100 years than all of the wars put together in recorded history.


Then you could go out and save people from this coalition of killers if you have nothing better to do with your time and intelligence than tell people all around the world that you look forward to calamities.


I thought that one of the qualities of a Vaisnava was compassion for others, not looking forward to others' suffering because then you can finally have some fun and a few laughs.


The calamities are already here.

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According to Vedmurty, Taponistha Pt.Shriram Sharma Acharya, the world is not going to end. India has a very bright future. By 2011 India will be leading the entire world just like it did in olden times. If you want you can find out yourself in the book, "Glimpses of Golden Future" at

www awgp . org / books / english / glimpse_of_golden_future . pdf



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According to Vedmurty, Taponistha Pt.Shriram Sharma Acharya, the world is not going to end. India has a very bright future. By 2011 India will be leading the entire world just like it did in olden times. If you want you can find out yourself in the book, "Glimpses of Golden Future" at

www awgp . org / books / english / glimpse_of_golden_future . pdf




Keep dreaming ... :rolleyes:


It said somewhere that the Faithless and Godless ones always afraid of Judgement. That is why they dreams of continuity of their existence and fears Judgement.


Here's Scientific FACT for you and others who dreams like you :


This World HAVE ALREADY SEEN SIX (that's 6 for those who do not know how to read) DOOMSDAY SENARIO where 90% to 70% of life on this Planet was DESTROYED.


So fact remains - there WILL be Seven. ;)

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According to Vedmurty, Taponistha Pt.Shriram Sharma Acharya, the world is not going to end. India has a very bright future. By 2011 India will be leading the entire world just like it did in olden times. If you want you can find out yourself in the book, "Glimpses of Golden Future" at

www awgp . org / books / english / glimpse_of_golden_future . pdf




Thats kinda sad. I was really looking forward to the end of the world. Then

everyone can be liberated from suffering, rich or poor black or white.

The 21st century is an evil period which has seen a phenomeneal rise in all

kinds of miseries like terrorism, climatic changes, increasing hostility between

various groups, perversion, complete indifference to humanity and a ludicrous

rat race for economic supremacy among nations and people alike.Truly ,this is the WORST century!!!

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Thats kinda sad. I was really looking forward to the end of the world. Then

everyone can be liberated from suffering, rich or poor black or white.

The 21st century is an evil period which has seen a phenomeneal rise in all

kinds of miseries like terrorism, climatic changes, increasing hostility between

various groups, perversion, complete indifference to humanity and a ludicrous

rat race for economic supremacy among nations and people alike.Truly ,this is the WORST century!!!


Hari OM:


As you may be aware , any issue is a threat or an opportunity , depending on the perception of the seer. The greater the threat , greater the opportunity


What you posted is correct that there are miseries all around.


However this is also a period of exterme usefulness (i.e., if you use it correctly)


As for good things:


Rise of various genuine spiritual movements


Most of the secret knowledge revealed


Many Acharyas say that Virtue is amplified in this Yuga and sin is diminished (so let us say if put one rupee for a beggar you may get 100 years in heaven and if you even beat somebody violently only 10 years in hell, which was the reverse in other yugas)


Chaitnya Mahaprabhu's assurance whoever chants HK in this Yuga will obtain deliverance


Not much struggle for survival and fulfilling basic needs.


Reasonable freedom to practice faith in most parts of the world (may be except places like afghanistan or iraq)


So while the earlier periods were not as evil as now, they spend most of their time and energy in fulfilling their daily needs, and there were limited knowledge revealed to general public and has to work much harder to earn virtue


Later period, may most probably, the struggle for survival would also increase and the spiritual knowledge would be lost or ignored.


So stop cribbing about the present day society, make best use of the bad deal, and try to start chanting HK and praying to God. You will not only help yourself but also 21 of your previous generations , your immediate civil society and atleast 3 of your next generations.


Instead if you continue to read/view the completely biased, irrational, paid items aka newspapers and worrying about them, then you are just wasting the golden opportunity.

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