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Deity's modern attire stirs row

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Priests at the Bankey Bihari temple in Vrindavan, near here, dressed up the main deity in modern attire, sparking massive protests. Priests at the temple dedicated to Hindu god Krishna, at the request of some fun-loving devotees, gave the deity Thursday a "modern look" complete with jeans and a shirt and wielding a mobile phone.

Activists of groups like Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) termed the move blasphemy and burnt effigies of the priests. They demanded that "those who defiled the sanctity of the temple" be punished.

Sanskrit scholars like Chandan Lal Parasher and Nirmal Giri of the Kailash temple here criticised the "wanton callousness" of the Vrindavan priests.

The Rashtriya Lok Dal and Brahmin Sabha also organized similar protests. Some have called for the sacking of the priests.



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Banke Bihari is such an eccentric character.

I'm sure He's got a healthy sense of humor

I've nothing against traditional Indian attire but i definately wonder how anyone could feel comfortable in some of those stiff outfits, sequins, jewells metal crowns, and 20 layers of pearls.

And we know Banke likes to go for a run occasionally

Maybe he told His Pujaris he felt like a makeover.

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Perhaps the mobile fun was a bit "much". But the reactions were more telling to me. This burning effigies of the priests? c'mon! now. This type of fanaticism and callous rage is what turns people off to organized religion. I really don't think Krsna was offended. Afterall, it was done by His devotees in a fun-loving spirit, not offenders trying to mock Him.

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I'm surprized they didn't give him a laptop. Just consider how he could change the whole internet, re-program all the nonsense, set all the forums right with his conception, sort of up dated Bagavad Gita Now for all to see.



Was it a real mobile phone so that one could phone Krishna on the altar?


Next time we're at the altar better leave our # just in case these guys start something, i get these calls from indian tele marketers all the time trying to give me things.

I hear they're very protective and have fairly tight security on Him in that temple, maybe He needs to call for some help to get out at night. Could be a service opening there. Apart from the position of pujari that is.

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Perhaps the mobile fun was a bit "much". But the reactions were more telling to me. This burning effigies of the priests? c'mon! now. This type of fanaticism and callous rage is what turns people off to organized religion. I really don't think Krsna was offended. Afterall, it was done by His devotees in a fun-loving spirit, not offenders trying to mock Him.


On the one hand one could argue that nothing happens without the Lord's will, so from that perspective the Lord accepted this offense. Whatever the reason there is a purpose behind it. Personally I am disgusted by even reading about it, let alone seeing it with my own eyes. The deity form of the Lord is not some whimsical manifestation. Every aspect down to the deity's attire is spiritual and derived from the spiritual platform. Needless to say T-shirts, jeans and mobile phones are not. So "fun" or not, in my opinion it is absolutely not done and a huge offense. Moreover it will bring more fuel to those who see deity worship as whimsical idolworship. Just my two cents though,



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Priests at the Bankey Bihari temple in Vrindavan, near here, dressed up the main deity in modern attire, sparking massive protests. Priests at the temple dedicated to Hindu god Krishna, at the request of some fun-loving devotees, gave the deity Thursday a "modern look" complete with jeans and a shirt and wielding a mobile phone.

Activists of groups like Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) termed the move blasphemy and burnt effigies of the priests. They demanded that "those who defiled the sanctity of the temple" be punished.

Sanskrit scholars like Chandan Lal Parasher and Nirmal Giri of the Kailash temple here criticised the "wanton callousness" of the Vrindavan priests.

The Rashtriya Lok Dal and Brahmin Sabha also organized similar protests. Some have called for the sacking of the priests.



...this is cute so - what's the big deal? Come halloween - they aught to dress Him in a scary costume - that would be cute! He is after all the source of everything isn't He?

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On the one hand one could argue that nothing happens without the Lord's will, so from that perspective the Lord accepted this offense. Whatever the reason there is a purpose behind it. Personally I am disgusted by even reading about it, let alone seeing it with my own eyes. The deity form of the Lord is not some whimsical manifestation. Every aspect down to the deity's attire is spiritual and derived from the spiritual platform. Needless to say T-shirts, jeans and mobile phones are not. So "fun" or not, in my opinion it is absolutely not done and a huge offense. Moreover it will bring more fuel to those who see deity worship as whimsical idolworship. Just my two cents though,



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Priest sacked for dressing up Krishna in denims



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Lucknow, Sep 19 (IANS) The head priest of Banke Bihari Mandir, one of India's oldest temples, has been sacked for dressing up the idol of Krishna in a pair of denim and T-shirt. Anand Kishore Goswami, the priest in Vrindavan, Mathura, gave a modern look to Krishna and even replaced his 'bansuri' (flute) with a cellphone.

Goswami's term was cut short Tuesday following the order of a local court.

The temple is traditionally run by members of the Goswami family, who take turns to head it. Following Goswami's sack routine prayers were disrupted at the temple.

Goswami's dressing up the idol Saturday for a few minutes was caught on camera. And, as the TV channels flashed the image there was furore in Vrindavan.

But Goswami saw nothing wrong in his act. "Who can deny that Lord Krishna has different forms; He is known for his 'leelas'; I don't think there was anything wrong in dressing him up in a denim outfit," the middle-aged Goswami was reported to have initially told the media in Vrindavan.

However, when he realised that he would not be able to get away with the prank that eventually cost him his job, he readily conceded and tendered an apology. But evidently, that was rather late in the day for him.

Hindu organisations as well as political parties accused him of "defiling" the image of Lord Krishna. Shopkeepers kept their shutters down not only in Vrindavan and Mathura, but also in Varanasi. Saffron clad priests, supported by Bharatiya Janata Party activists set afire to pairs of jeans.





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