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Catch them on their throat.(Srila Prabhupada)

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Subject:“Searching for Vedic India ”(Devamrta Swami):A most important linkbook

to SP books


for massive popularization:


Deliberated reflections on the trickery of the British colonial concocted Aryan

invasion theory!!!






Dear devotees ,IYFstudentleaders,




What follows are reflections on an article called “When the West loved India”by

HH Devamrta Swami which appeared in the English BTG issue 2 years back .This

article is based on his book “Searching for Vedic India” which is in reprint

from NE BBT. (Brahma Muhurta pr)


This article and book is of very great importance for the ongoing worldbattle

among intellectuals to reestablish the Vedic theory, origin of life and human

civilization origin in the textbooks of schools by law.


We should help to distribute and promote this book everywhere, especially in

educational institutes,in bookshops with promotionposter and all over India .

There are so many ways to organize the salesdistribution.


Original article can be found in the attached file. While going through the

reflections, especially please go through the blue and red marked ones and



Please participate in the widescaledistribution of this essential book in

thousand and thousands and more.


Make your order to this e-mailadress:amitahk108 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com(any number of

copies above 100) or to NE BBT (minimum 1000 copies-

Brahma.Muhurta.Das (AT) bbt (DOT) se)-price per copie will be just +100 rs.(2.18 euro or



Thank you,


Your servant,


Amitakrishna das.


First inspirational SP quote in countereacting concocted Aryan Invasion theory


#”In almost all cases whatever learned brahmanas(such as modern bogus-mayavadi

swami’s,so-called scientists,philosophers) speak becomes accepted;nothing is

impossible for one who takes shelter of My illusory energy ands speaks under

her influence.”(SB 11.22.4)


pp.:..have boldly set forth false theoriesiin modern days so-called scientists

are setting forward many false theories about creation backed up by seemingly

logical argumentsiTo avoid the very bewildering illusory influence one must

accept the words of the SPG as they are Only then can one escape the influence

of the illusory energy.(CC.M,ch 6,t 109)


First reflection:in the same way when we read again and again SP quotes on

BD,we come to stunning refreshing conclusions and renewed enthousiasm to defeat

the influence of Kaliyuga.



One of the next important things we should do now?



Reflections E.1.This book”Searching for Vedic India ” will kick out the British

colonial completely atheistic concocted idea of Arian invasion by making the

quotes of big western philosophers their “guru’s” in the limelight again,by

massive distribution. It will expose the historical fraud of politics , just as

“the challenge”from Hamsadutta swami in ‘life comes from life ‘is exposing the

scientific fraud and corruption.



E2.The book”Human devolution” of Druta karma prabhu following the breakpoint

book ”Hidden archeologie” will kick out the Darwin theory and Big bang on their

head by the impossible to refutable “irreducible complexity”principle,the big

painting and photo of the simplified mousetrap mechanism must always be in the

front publicity and so many other conceptional photo and drawing material has

to be popularized.



E3.For India first of all super important is the Sp quotes book compiled by HH

BhaktiVikasa maharaja”Message to the youth of India” in all languages.It will

kick out the secularism forever with the quote of sir Mc Lau:If you keep the

Indians as Hindus you can NEVER rule themi..


We have to start networking to popularize all these works without any holding

back, tirelessly, taxing our brainsi


Copie of mail of HH Devamrta Swami:



>From :


Devamrita Swami <devamrita.swami (AT) pamho (DOT) net>


Sent :


Monday, July 31, 2006 1:57 PM


To :


"'Amitachara Das Prabhu'" <amitahk108 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>


Subject :


RE: "Searching for Vedic India" and reestablish it,starting to createpublic











Hare Krishna.


Sounds like I must visit Tirupati, once the book is available.






Amitachara Das Prabhu [amitahk108 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com]

Saturday, July 22, 2006 2:08 AM

devamrita.swami (AT) attglobal (DOT) net

"Searching for Vedic India" and reestablish it,starting to

createpublic opinion.


Dear Devamrita Maharaja.


Please accept my humble obeisances.All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


All glories to your most wonderfull determined preaching services.


Please bless me ,I can attain a tinge of your compassionate preachingmood for

the welfare of whole humanity.


It is time to come into the open and conquer multimedia soundsystems.


I only pray that your book becomes more and more famous.I send around excerpts

to intrested organisations and lecture on this here in Tirupati to so many

groups of pilgrims,especially students(many are also topstudents from M'bai,

Chennai, Bangalore , etc..)I almost eat their brain (so to say)that they surely

not miss the point about the brilliancy of their own culture, Sanathanadharma.

I don't leave them, until it is clear for them and buy a book also. This truth

should be very much known everywhere.


The pen is mightier then the sword is especially applicable and practical in

this "modern"fully and foolish condemned society(28 billion aniimals

slaughtered every year in a "secular"state) . What we can not stop with the

sword maybe, we can defenitely stop with the pen.


Especially we should make a campaign on this book here in India to the

youth(300 million youth betweeen age of 15 and 25)and print it later also here

with M,bai BBT.


I also try again to convince HG Bhima prabhu of this important issue.


Dear Maharaja,more news later on, keeping you informed.


your eternal servant,


Amitakrishna das





Srila Prabhupada told(+SP quotes on BD+ BTG AS IT IS will simply confront us

very much)-a Prabhupada-mala-stotra:



#”The only duty of sadhus is to cut away all the accumulated wicked

propensities of every individual.This ALONE is the CAUSELESS NATURAL DESIRE of

ALL sadhusi..We will CULTIVATE the society ONLY of those who are

STRAIGHTFORWARD.”(HH Bhaktissidanta Sarasvati Maharaja-from “Search for

Truth”)-In dictionary-one of the definitions of science)


#“These rascals are passing as scientists and philosophers and thus misleading

all persons. This is our greatest grief. Therefore I am requesting you all.

Just make a plan to face these rascals and defeat them.They are misleading the

whole human society. Now the KC movement should take this turn!!!.They may not

think that these boys and girls, so called Krishna’s,they are

sentimentalists,chanting and dancing.That is of course ,the ultimate goal. But

they do not understand. They think that we are simply sentimental.We are the

greatest scientists.We are the greatest philosophers.we are the greatest

humanitarians.THEY SHOULD KNOW THATi(lecture SB May 3,1973,LA)




#“Our preaching is proved successful when the demons(cowkillers) are

disturbed.”(Hari Sauri dairy)



#”Unless there is opposition,our preaching is not genuine.”(Hari Sauri dairy)


Q.:Are they even know what we are doing daily and on our sundayfeasts and




#”We have to open their eyes by force.”(Hari Sauri Dairy)



#”We have to stop them(The cheating politicians,scholars,religionists,so-called



(Hari Sauri dairy)



#”It’s actually relishable to chastise them.”(to Giriraja swami)


(Hari Sauri dairy)



#”As KC leaders,we have to punish them,chastise these rascals,expose

them.”(Hari Sauri Dairy)



“We need to establish this theory(Life comes from life -popularise ).Make plan

to meet them(go place to place).how to defeat them.Catch them on their

throat.We are not ordinary swamis and sadhus.We are going to give to the world

something which they forgot.”(MW,May 3,1973,L.A.)



#”Our firstclass campaign is bookdistribution.Go house to house.The real

fighting is NOW.Krishna will give you all protection.(oct 30,1976)



#“We have to increase the bookdistribution more and more to firmly establish

this movement,which is the only hope for the suffering living entities.”



#“We have many plans,we want to build Mayapur city.so Krishna must increase the

booksales more and more.”



#”Somehow or other ,overflood the market with my books.”(March




#”If our books are distributed more and more in this way,there will be

unlimited scope for spreading this movement of Lord Caitanya mahaprabhu all

over the world.(Oct 31,1974,to Amogha)



#”Tax our brains.”(SP)



#”I think your proposal for seriously organizing the collegeprograms is

firstclass.I this program is conducted in the proper fashion it can be our

biggest bookdistribution outlet.I am convinced of thisi.” (febr,14,73,Rupanuga)



Attention please:


-In India ,300 million youth betweeen age of 15 and 25!!!,


-People are ready,time is short!!!(70% of our books are bought by young



-BUT danger in the air also:28 billion animals tortured and slaughtered every

year-reactions: Bird flu?,Tsunami’s?,Massive Mental breakdowns,Worldwar III

with or without atombombs?,Petrol,how long?)



#Our aim is to destroy the position of the mundane scholarsi”(April 17,1977)


Reflection:Why?Aryan-invasion concocted theory still prominent in all

educational institutes,bravo British colonials of that timei.Are we simple

gonna keep watching all this cheating or get into action?



#!!!!“Simply a few words ipropagated widelyican have a tremenduous effect on

millions of people!”


(letter to Ramesavara.)







Deliberated reflections on the trickery of the British colonial concocted Aryan

invasion theory!!!


“When the west loved India !!!”


(HH Devamrta Swami).



Reflections A.All amazing statements just opposite the ARYAN INVASION? THEORY.


A 1.”The brahmins(the spiritual intelligentsia of India ) have wonderful wisdom

and strength to form their people in great degrees of gentleness,

courtesy,temperance, and chastity. They have so effectively established their

people in these virtues that in comparison, Europeans frequently appear as

beastly, drunken or mad.”


(Johann Gottfried von Herder- influencer of the famed GOETHE).



A 2. Friedrich von Schlegel 1:Beginning in 1805, he used his newfound knowledge

to teach a series of lectures at the University of Cologne .


”Everything absolutely everything is of Indian origin.”


(Friedrich von Schlegel)



A 3 Friedrich von Schlegel 2. The first two sections of his book glorified the

beauty and antiquity of the Sanskrit language, as well as its brilliance in

conveying profound philosophical concepts. In another section he advocated that

a migration of talent and intellect from northern India had introduced

civilization to Europe.”!!!


(Friedrich von Schlegel)





These quotes clearly indicate that the intellectuals of Europ that time

already agreed on brilliancy of Vedic culture and its timeless origin.The

British however especially never liked this last statement A 3 .In the

beginning of 1800,fearing to loose their starting hold on India, for enormous

political and economic selfish intrests for World emperium , they started a

strong anti-propaganda maybe never seen in the history of humanity .They

drastically and expertly invented and established the opposite view nl.: the

Bristish colonial idea of concocted "Aryan invasion theorie"(AIT):European

whites(Aryans?) have started to “civilize aborigines” of India and these

European invading Aryans wrote 1500 BC(?) some books called Veda’s. This

global concoction is still thought in all the schools and universities all over

the world and surprisingly also even in India.



Big joke but unfortunately true.




HOW?HOW?HOW could they convince the world?(quite intresting!!)



H-Cheating1.With the strength of Darwins theory on "origins of

life",1830??(Watch the date) and started to develop on it.”Survival of the

fittest” sounds good.Ten thousand year ago only monkeys.So British Christian

version is right and Veda’s talking about Brahma and Visnu is simply some

Mythological(?) imagination for timepass.Who is going to take all this Indian

stories serious,dear sirs.


H-Cheating2. also they started the archeological department of fossils, around

the same time (beginning 1800) a pot and pan speculative "evidences" to give

Darwin theory strong support.”See, we find only very primitive items” .


Then what about the expert brilliant artwork and text- intelligence which are

lakhs of years old?And Dwaraka remnants in ocean?And Nasa-photo of




H-Cheating3.also Max Mueller(not small guy) was called in from Germany to

start a sanskriet department in Oxford to break the faith of especially the

Indian intelligentia in their own culture and establish the Christian western

supremacy.Plane old politics((like Duryodhana’s DUR-BUDDHI=Brilliant but

polluted intelligence( BG CH1),Expert croocked selfish political cheating

intelligence. They succesfully succeeded so well that till up to today the

whole world is still in big confusion about it and most of the universities

around the world and even in India have not yet rectified the concocted version

in their textbooks!!!.





Reflection:Actionplan:How to counteract?


*Finally,the false theories should be rectified by law,but first we have to

create public opinion(f.i.With millions of BTG-subscriptions-that ‘s why

backbone of Iskcon), NOW is the best time:The Positive Alternative!!-Whatever

voters want ,present political leaders will follow; numbers of voters are

everything for them.


*Alot of research work is required now, especially historical and literairy



*Note carefully:His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada

mentions several times in his writings:”The English were expert

propagandists." This is how!!!Let us become better and fully honest

propagandists on a massive scale.


1.Millions of BG’s As It IS in all schools and colleges+ syllabus(100 million

BG As It Is in 2 years)


(Christians distributed 60 million bibles in 2003 in Azia,ehi.after 2000 year

of the appearance of Jesus(Isa) Christ(Christos,Christa, Krishna )-very



2.Millions of BTG-subscriptions,


3.Millions of public educational courses,


4.Internetworking full of SP quotes on all different subjects and personal







7.Public programs(this will really catch serious attention of politicians who

are suffering so much in want of good advice) with SP quotes exhibits.


*Srila Prabhupada said:”Catch them on their throat.”By publicly exposing them

like Hamsadutta prabhu with “The challenge”Life comes from Life!!!


Examples of popularization:


#From “Stephen Knapp-popular website”(Nandanandana das)


As can be expected, most of those who were great proponents of the Aryan

invasion theory were often ardent English and German nationalists, or

Christians, ready and willing to bring about the desecration of anything that

was non-Christian or non-European(in cooperation with the greedy British

colonial worldpolitics). Even Max Muller believed in the Christian chronology,

that the world was created at 9:00 AM on October 23, 4004 B.C. and the great

flood occurred in 2500 B.C. Thus, it was impossible to give a date for the

Aryan invasion earlier than 1500 B.C. After all, accepting the Christian time

frame would force them to eliminate all other evidence and possibilities, so

what else could they do? So, even this date for the Aryan invasion was based on



In this way, the Aryan invasion theory was created to make it appear that

Indian culture and philosophy was dependent on the previous developments in

Europe, thereby justifying the need for colonial rule and Christian expansion

in India . This was also the purpose of the study of Sanskrit, such as at

Oxford University in England , as indicated by Colonel Boden who sponsored the

program. He stated that they should “promote Sanskrit learning among the

English, so as ‘to enable his countrymen to proceed in the conversion of the

natives of India to the Christian religion.’”


Unfortunately, this was also Max Muller’s ultimate goal. In a letter to

his wife in 1866, he wrote about his translation of the Rig-veda: “This edition

of mine and the translation of the Veda, will hereafter tell to a great extent

on the fate of India and on the growth of millions of souls in that country. It

is the root of their religion and to show them what the root is, I feel sure,

is the only way of uprooting all that has sprung from it during the last three

thousand years.” (The Life and Letters of Right Honorable Friedrich Max Muller,

Vol. I. p.346)


So, in essence, the British used the theory of the Aryan invasion to

further their “divide and conquer” policy. With civil unrest and regional

cultural tensions created by the British through designations and divisions

among the Indian society, it gave a reason and purpose for the British to

continue and increase their control over India .



# From Wikipedia –website controversies on Aryan invasion theory.


By the 1880s several scholars were arguing that the original home of the of

Indo-European speakers was somewhere in Europe . At this time these people, now

known as Proto-Indo-Europeans, were referred to in English as the "primitive

Aryans", to distinguish them from the historical Aryans of Iran and India . By

this date Darwinian ideas had replaced the biblical model of human origins.

Thomas Huxley in his essay The Aryan Question (1890) summed up the thinking of

the day,



Asia." Dr. Schrader sums up in favour of European Russia; while Herr Penka

would have us transplant the home of the primitive Aryans from Pamir in the far

east to the Scandinavian peninsula in the far west.[13]






The work of the Asiatic Society of Bengal became the highbrow talk of Europe .


The Society’s journal attained immediate fame everywhere(beginning of 1800!?),

and the English translations by its Calcutta Sanskritists were rendered into

German and French. German scholars, in particular, lost no time accelerating

into this new intellectual frontier. Sanskrit and Vedic philosophy became a

prime delight for many German Romanticists.



Reflections 2.



Here we see the highest and most powerful effect of a good magazine


That’s why Srila Prabhupada told:


1.”BTG the backbone of our movement.” ,


2. ”BTG,One of the most important aspects of our movement


3.And”as BTG becomes popular,Iskcon (and its teachings become popular.”


4. “BTG,an instrument for training the mind and educating human nature to rise

up to the plane of the soul spirit.”(Srila Prabhupada-1st appearance on

Vyasapuya day 1944.)




If we take full care of BTG magazine we cannot imagine the

result!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BTG is the key to all success!!!


No 1 educational magazine for training humanity.


When When When we will reach 10 million BTG-subscriptions in 2 years time???


With combined efforts of all congregation,organization and intelligence we can

defenitely do it,if we get convinced and inspired about it.



This is how we can “catch them on their throat” .Otherwise what does it mean to

put Srila Prabhupada more in the center?To put more flowers at his lotusfeet or

bring more bricks or to utmost try and tax our brains to put Srila Prabhupada’s

writings and teachings on top of the world!!


I’m convinced if we work with this priority to make Srila Prabhupada famous

,Krishna will make all our attempts easily succesfull.





C.1. Voltaire,the quintessential Enlightenment thinker, became fascinated.In

1775 he


asserted. ”I am convinced that everything has come down to us from the


banks of the Ganges: astronomy, astrology, metempsychosis, etc.”



C2. Diderot, the French philosopher and writer famed for his work on the


encyclopedic, suggested in his article on India that “the sciences may


be more ancient in India then in Egypt .”



C3. Jules Michelet, the French historian known for his spirited

seventeen-volume Histoire de France ,felt certain that India was “the womb of








#“False science creates atheists,True science prostrates men before God.”

(Voltaire-18th century)


#Simply amazing honest statements.We have to popularize, popularize popularize

and promote these statements everywhere, immediatelly. Everyone, especially in

the educational systems should now this.


#So again,first we have to create public opinion with BTG-magazine(10 million

subscriptions in 2 years time:we have to do it!!!!!!!!)and 100 million BG’s As

IT Is ,then it can enter in the educational systems,by law even.


Reflections D Why the honest intellectuals could not withstand the British

colonial political pressures?.


D1.Unencumbered by biases, the original reactions of European scholars are


a testimony to the intellectual joy a fair –minded approach to the Vedas


can bring. But the breezes of profound appreciation that swept the European


continent did not last. After all, the British Crown had serious business tot

end in India -with immense consequences for the study of India ’s past.


D2. “But the fire in England was soon damped.




Reflections 4



#Because the brilliant honest European intellectuals had no transcendental

guru’s to guide and protect them,they could not withstand the wordly pressures

of politics and public opinion and so on.


# This shows how immensely cheating,destructive and damaging politics

can be, not caring for anyone when it comes to the point.


# How strongly and dynamically again we should now device a most brilliant

plan of action for massive propaganda of so on mrdanga and brhadmrdanga

again.Who can stop the purehearted endeavor of devotees? When the Yamaduta’s

could not catch Ajamila how anyone else in this material world?.



# ISKCON has the unbreakable strong support of transcendental guru’s because of

HDG A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada and his Iskcon is not a small

organisation of a few people anymore.It’s a question of diligent organized

propagandaprograms and educational services,deeply convinced about our purpose.




#So the that time intelligensia could not establish the mystical truths of

Veda’s but Now we have


1.full support of guruparampara available all over the world and a good

developed transcendental organization,resources and movement to back up


2.to dessiminate vastly this perfect knowledge.


(when knowledge is not continually distributed with great vigour it will die of

or disappear,just as if you stop endeavoring to cycle continously,you fall

from youri.bike.)


3.And there is an enormous communication system


(most important,conquering the soundsystems-our fight is with pen and

psychological but in the same determined dedicated uncompromising mood as

Hanuman), unique in history of humankind available which will be of

unimaginable help and tool for establishing the uncompromising truth with Srila

Prabhupada’s writings and teachings.


4..We have full freedom of speech so”Pen is mightier then the sword”.



5.WE have to tax our brains again and again and sacrifice maximum of our

energies and get to work in a complete missionary sacrificing mood to help

promote ,educate to help digest this spiritual knowledge about sanathanadharma

and their systems pol,soc,econ,bodily, mentallyi for the masses of people(step

by step creating public opinion ).


6imeans we have to again make small booklets and curricula on separate

subljects starting with collected quotes from Srila Prabhupada on a particular

subject with commentaries from senior seasoned preachers in the field .


#### Increased publications is the first work of an educative society towards

all classes of men(remember 300 million youth between the age of 15 and 25-can

we change educational system in 5 years time-challenge!!?), educating knowledge

to society at large as the foremost duty to the vast human society in

Biiiiiiiig trouble.



One of the next important things we should do now?



Reflections E.1.This book”Searching for Vedic India ” will kick out the British

colonial completely atheistic concocted idea of Arian invasion by making the

quotes of big western philosophers their “guru’s” in the limelight again,by

massive distribution. It will expose the historical fraud of politics , just as

“the challenge”from Hamsadutta swami in ‘life comes from life ‘is exposing the

scientific fraud and corruption.



E2.The book”Human devolution” of Druta karma prabhu following the breakpoint

book ”Hidden archeologie” will kick out the Darwin theory and Big bang on their

head by the impossible to refutable “irreducible complexity”principle,the big

painting and photo of the simplified mousetrap mechanism must always be in the

front publicity and so many other conceptional photo and drawing material has

to be popularized.



E3.For India first of all super important is the Sp quotes book compiled by HH

BhaktiVikasa maharaja”Message to the youth of India” in all languages.It will

kick out the secularism forever with the quote of sir Mc Lau:If you keep the

Indians as Hindus you can NEVER rule themi..


We have to start networking to popularize all these works without any holding

back, tirelessly, taxing our brainsi



More Srila Prabhupada quotes as it is:



“That is one of our businesses, to expose these rascals who are cheating and

who have no spiritual assetiEveryone is fed up with this rascal civilization of

sex and wine. How long one can artificially live on this. They have no other

asset. Therefore, people are turning to Indian culture. Let us push on. Others

cannot push on, they have no asset.” (HSd2,p243)



“We have to increase the bookdistribution more and more to firmly establish

this movement,which is the only hope for the suffering living entities.”


“We have many plans,we want to build Mayapur city.so Krishna must increase the

bookdistribtuion more and more.”



"...Service to humanity means jnana.By giving people knowledge, jnana, we

render the highest service to humanityiactual welfare workithrough our

literaturesiBy disseminating our KC propaganda anywhere and everywhere,by

selling books,by making publicity in the newspapers and on television-there are

soooooooooooomany ways to spread KC information—by utilizing our energy in this

way to give everyone access to the ABSOLUTE TRUTH, that is the real

understanding of the desire to serve humanity.”(jan 9,1973,to Ramesvara)



“The whole world is running on a false theory that life is born out of



WE HAVE TO DEFEAT THIS RASCAL THEORY!!!...WE have to make a program,because

this is most misleading.The whole human society is affected by this misleading

theory.We have to make program ,go from place to place and invite all big men,

all scientists.That program we have to make.We cannot allow this nonsense

theory to go on.We must do something, so we have to CHALLENG, PROTEST,

DEFEAT.This will be our work.Our worshipping of Krishna, that is our internal

affair.The “external” affair.WE NEED TO ESTABLISH THIS THEORY.Make paln to meet

them,how to defeat them, catch them on their throat.We are not ordinary swami’s

and sadhus.We are going to give to the world something which they forgot”


(Morning Walk,May 3,1973,LA)


Our mission:Catch them on their throat:Formidable challenge,intense debat:the

battle is on!!!



“Our aim is to destroy the position of the mundane scholarsi.”(Morning Walk,Dec



# Darwin theory


#Aryan invasion theory


#Medical advises on eatinghabits


#Teaching Greed in the name oif Economics,blocking the natural prosperity of

mother nature’s factory.


“boldly present our vaisnavaphilosophy.”(SP)


“Very strongly preach this philosophy to the student class of men.That is the

greatest sevice.”Letter,may 20,72



“No other movement or cult has such vast background of authority, so we are

not afraid to challenge anyone and everyone to defeat their philosophy on the

basis of that authority.Krishna appreciates such strong preachers as his

dearmost servants, so let us work very enthousiastically to drive away rascal

philosophy ans establish the real religion of Bhagavad gita As It is.


(letter, dec 8, 1971)



“So many wrong things are going on in the name of nationalism, in the name of

scientific advancement an dpeople are SUFFERING. EVERYBODY has bluffed so

long.Now we have to stop them.This is our movement.The rascals are flourishing

by cheating and bluffing.THIS SHOULD BE STOPPED.”


”How much important is our movement.Just try to understand,Their whole program

is to defy God and our program is to declare War against these rascals.


Morning walk Dec 3,1973,LA


From Caitanya siksamrta 2/5---------H.H. Bhaktissidhanta Sarasvati Maharaja


#However,there is no prohibition about going to a mleccha country


1 to acquire knowledge about those countries to


2.deliver those countries from the hands of the miscreants,


a. by war


b or any other means


c.or to preach(vigorously) religious principles.


Going to the mleccha countries to


1.acquire insignificant education


2.learn (their)religious teachings or


3.simply live with the inhabitants


certainly hampers Aryan prestige


Those who go for these reasons should practice atonement.



Atonement =sacrificing our comforts for going door to door anywhere and

everywhere with mrdanga and brhadmrdanga(wider and deepest kirtan),without




Your servant,


Amitakrishna dasanudasa,aspiring

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