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Comment on Guru Gita - Session 1( Devotee's vision near Amma)

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Om Namah Shivaya,


The verses below reminded me of a vision, that a woman so generously relayed to me. Amma pulled the woman & her friend in during darshan, so that their faces rested against Her's, then She opened Her mouth. Amma asked them to sit near Her, after their hug. Due to the womans' physical challenges, she sat in a chair very close to Amma.


She closed her eyes, & saw Amma as clearly as if her eyes were open. Amma was sitting in the midst of darkness. This may not be the right order of her vision, but is how I recall hearing it. She then saw Amma open Her mouth, & universes came out of it. Then she waved Her hands, & stars came from them. Soon all the darkness was lit up with stars. Then Amma waved Her hand again, & a dove flew from Amma's hand, then flew to & merged stright into the woman's heart.


This all took about 45 minutes, when she opened her eyes & looked at a clock. Afterwards, the woman was beside herself, since she felt so undeserving of such a vision. She found a swami who told her something like, Amma just gives Love indiscriminately, & from now on, she should think of herself as a woman of peace. Pretty cool, isn't it?




Stacee Kramer <stacee.kramer (AT) sbcglobal (DOT) net> wrote: Greetings Dear Friends in Amma,


Our informal study of the Guru Gita will include a

brief introduction of the Guru Gita as outlined in the

beginning pages of this text, (this can be found in

the files section of Ammachi ), which we

have courtesy of Meernakshki at Arunachala*. I

encourage anyone here to share their knowledge of this

beautiful song/poetry with us as we go.


Our study sessions will include 2-4 verses at a time,

every other day. This will allow us time to meditate

on what we are receiving and to discuss it as a group.


Please share your inspiration and/or questions with

this forum as we proceed. If we find that the pace of

these sessions are too frequent, we can change this as

well, just let me know what feels best.


In Amma,



~The Guru Gita occurs in the dialogue between Shiva

and Parvati in the latter portion of the Skanda



Sri Guru Gita


Now the Guru Gita begins.


Om. Lord Sadashiva is the seer of the mantras of this

hymn, the Guru Gita.


Its verse-patterns are diverse. The Guru, the Supreme

Self, is its deity;


‘Ham’, its seed-letter, ‘Sah’, its Shakti (power); and

‘Krom’, its nail. Chant it repeatedly to win the

Guru’s Grace.


Now Meditate.


The Guru’s lotus eyes are represented by ‘Ham’ (the

individual Self or Shakti) and ‘Sah’ (the Universal

Self). He is the Divine Cause of the Universe.


He, of his own accord, appears in numerous forms to

uplift the world.


He is supremely free. His form is imperishable,

manifesting divinity. He is eternal and all-pervading.

Meditate on his feet.


I engage myself in the repetition of the Guru Gita to

realize all four values of life (dharma,

righteousness; artha, wealth; kama, pleasure; moksha,



Verse 1. Suta said:


Once, while Lord Shiva, who knows the secret of

devotion, was seated on beautiful Mount Kailas,

Parvati bowed to Him with reverence and asked:


Verse 2. The Goddess said:


O Lord of Gods whose real nature is ‘Om’! O Supreme

Teacher of the universe! O benevolent great God!

Initiate me into the mystery of the Guru.


Verse 3.


O Lord! By which path can an embodied being become one

with the Absolute! O benevolent great God! Initiate me

into the mystery of the Guru.


Verse 4. The Lord Said:


O Goddess, you are My very Self! I speak out of My

love for you. No one has ever asked this question,

which is a boon to all.








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Tres Cool, as the French might say!!! Thanks Sweta,

what a beautiful experience.


> She closed her eyes, & saw Amma as clearly as if her

> eyes were open. Amma was sitting in the midst of

> darkness. This may not be the right order of her

> vision, but is how I recall hearing it. She then

> saw Amma open Her mouth, & universes came out of it.

> Then she waved Her hands, & stars came from them.

> Soon all the darkness was lit up with stars. Then

> Amma waved Her hand again, & a dove flew from Amma's

> hand, then flew to & merged stright into the woman's

> heart.


> This all took about 45 minutes, when she opened her

> eyes & looked at a clock. Afterwards, the woman was

> beside herself, since she felt so undeserving of

> such a vision. She found a swami who told her

> something like, Amma just gives Love

> indiscriminately, & from now on, she should think of

> herself as a woman of peace. Pretty cool, isn't it?


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