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DEVI talking to u? [ The War of the Self & Where is Devi]

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znanna93 wrote : SHE is everywhere! She is here there and

everywhere; sometimes you just need to be quiet enough to hear Her

speak to you.


THE SELF responded : That is what I did. I am quiet and I am

listening to HER. I hear HER saying : come to me. Follow my path.

But now I am in pain. I feel hurt, why ain't SHE there for me? I

look for HER everywhere, hoping for a sign but there is none. Why

did SHE abandoned me? Now they are telling me : its not the voice of

DEVI i'm hearing. Whose voice then if its not DEVI? How does DEVI

sounds like?


Lulu Dong wrote : DEVI and THE SELF are ONE and the SAME. And if you

are looking for her in the mirror you will see HER. Or look inside

yourself. The voice of DEVI sounds like your own voice, just listen

to your own voice and you hear DEVI speak.


Vir Rawlley wrote : It's amazing, so much gyan and so little

understanding ...... "As above so below". What do we expect,

trumpets sounding, bugles blowing, choirs of angels singing, with

Devi gliding down a golden staircase and lifting us triumphantly on

high !


Yes! Perhaps for many that is what they want Vir. Many years ago,

spend almost 5 yrs in a small temple in Johor. I used to go there

with my husband every weekend helping up. Still wondering till very

day, why we end up there but perhaps it is meant to be. As I see it,

DEVI's way of trying to teach me something by witnessing it first



They have this trance [via the founder of the temple, an unemployed

man ] session where supposedly Muneeswaran and all his other forms

came down and "talk" to the people with problems. This is how they

started the whole trance session: this "priest" will go into

Muneeswaran sanctum all dress up usually after midnight. Followed by

loud drums beat, then this guy will go into screaming session. He

will scream and shout as loud as he can. This will last for perhaps

about 30 mins or so. Then there is silence. When the curtain were

removed, he emerged with cigar, rope around his neck, holding a

bottle of whisky and start dancing to the loud drums beats with the

temple `assistants'. He thereafter will walk around looking very

fiercely at the people who gathers to see him. Once in a while he

will grab some body [usually a guy] amongst the crowd and beat him

up in front of everybody.


I have often wondered about this trance session and spend a lot of

time as an observer. I have my own opinion about these and I choose

to keep it to myself. I asked several people: you actually believe

this is GOD talking to you. And they say: yes! It is GOD indeed. So

I leave it as it is. Perhaps to some it is very important to them to

talk to GOD especially when they have problems and they are

desperate. Words and Action is very important. If you get beaten up

by this "Muneeswaran or his other forms" it is for good they say.

Means GOD is beating you up and removing the bad karma. They are

right in their own way.




I like to share conversation I had with my Guru sometime back :

ME: I know a lot of people have come to you to seek help and advise.


Guru: that's life


ME: When somebody comes to you, how do you know they are telling you

the truth?


Guru: I will feel it in the mind not always accurate, but it will be

reasonably accurate. We are not siddhas


Me: How do you feel with you're mind?


Guru: It just bubbles up. Why do u ask?


Me : Somebody just pay me a visit about 1 hr ago. Remember I told

you about the taxi driver and his 4 children. All girls youngest 1

yr old, 4 & 5 yrs and the older one is in standard 5 all not going

to school especially the older girl. He is supposed to send his

older girl over for me to start home tuition but he never. This

taxi driver, claim to have been victimized. It breaks me when I see

this man claiming innocence with tears rolling and he brought his

children too at 10pm. I went to the police station on Monday to

speak to the investigation inspector and today morning I went to

court to see the same inspector to get more information. I do not

want to turn our back on him when he needed us most but also I don't

want to be taken for a ride, too many such cases in Malaysia these



Guru: He was a man in need so he succumbed to the temptation. He

deserves kindness. I see a day when his children went hungry and on

that day he succumbed to the temptation.


Me: This is how I see "that perhaps the problem is not the parent.

The parent is just a tool being use to bring our attention to the

children. If we help the children and give them education the

children will eventually educate the parent indirectly" I'm still

not sure about this.


Guru: Yes. Devi is speaking to you. You decide


In another group, somebody posted about a very disturbing

encounter: "I experienced a very disturbing incident last night

while at home. As usual after evening prayers, I was resting in my

sofa when a woman came and stood in front of my doorstep. She should

be in the mid 30s and she is Caucasian with a bit of Indian facial

features. She asked me if I just finished prayers. taken aback by

her sudden appearance and abrupt question, I just said yes and

walked to the gate. she then asked me if she could come in cos she

wanted to tell me more about spiritual enlightenment. And she looked

very tired though. So I let her in so that I can give her a drink

for refreshment and hear what she has got to say. Then she started.


She was actually talking to me about Christianity and the words of

God. She claims that Father God has the power to stop all these Hindu

Gods from pestering me further if I accept him into my life. I was

sick and dumbstruck for a minute. I told her that no one is

pestering me. I enjoy and am proud being a Hindu although I do

respect all other religions. And then she started saying things like

all Hindu gods are equivalent to Lucifer the Devil cos they wear

heavy jewelleries and come in various poses. There were also more

ruthless things she said but I was already fuming in my mind that I

could not really concentrate on what she was saying. I finally told

her what she was doing is a sin which the father God himself will

not bear. She was actually condemning another religion just to get

her points straight. I told her to leave and she told me "I will

pray to God for him to rescue you off the Devils in your premises"

and she left. I felt so disturbed after that"


As I see it: all these are a test to see how strong is your faith.

We should not have fear but the courage to look at them and say :

okay I am here standing before you, you want to tell me something,

then tell. You have my 100% attention. Perhaps you should not

consider such incident as disturbing, but a pleasant one. If you

look at the good that arise from such encounter, then good will come

to you. Who knows that may be DEVI herself, in her many disguises.

That Caucasian Lady may be just a tool being used by DEVI to

highlight to you the real issue at hand.


Personally I believe DEVI speaks to each and every one of us in her

own special way. It's very difficult to actually tell others; this

is how she speaks. How do we know? She might speak to you in

English, but to another in Sanskrit. Is it not possible?

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Thank you Nora


Love You !


NMadasamy <nmadasamy (AT) nmadasamy (DOT) com> wrote: znanna93 wrote : SHE is everywhere! She is here there and

everywhere; sometimes you just need to be quiet enough to hear Her

speak to you.


THE SELF responded : That is what I did. I am quiet and I am

listening to HER. I hear HER saying : come to me. Follow my path.

But now I am in pain. I feel hurt, why ain't SHE there for me? I

look for HER everywhere, hoping for a sign but there is none. Why

did SHE abandoned me? Now they are telling me : its not the voice of

DEVI i'm hearing. Whose voice then if its not DEVI? How does DEVI

sounds like?


Lulu Dong wrote : DEVI and THE SELF are ONE and the SAME. And if you

are looking for her in the mirror you will see HER. Or look inside

yourself. The voice of DEVI sounds like your own voice, just listen

to your own voice and you hear DEVI speak.


Vir Rawlley wrote : It's amazing, so much gyan and so little

understanding ...... "As above so below". What do we expect,

trumpets sounding, bugles blowing, choirs of angels singing, with

Devi gliding down a golden staircase and lifting us triumphantly on

high !


Yes! Perhaps for many that is what they want Vir. Many years ago,

spend almost 5 yrs in a small temple in Johor. I used to go there

with my husband every weekend helping up. Still wondering till very

day, why we end up there but perhaps it is meant to be. As I see it,

DEVI's way of trying to teach me something by witnessing it first



They have this trance [via the founder of the temple, an unemployed

man ] session where supposedly Muneeswaran and all his other forms

came down and "talk" to the people with problems. This is how they

started the whole trance session: this "priest" will go into

Muneeswaran sanctum all dress up usually after midnight. Followed by

loud drums beat, then this guy will go into screaming session. He

will scream and shout as loud as he can. This will last for perhaps

about 30 mins or so. Then there is silence. When the curtain were

removed, he emerged with cigar, rope around his neck, holding a

bottle of whisky and start dancing to the loud drums beats with the

temple `assistants'. He thereafter will walk around looking very

fiercely at the people who gathers to see him. Once in a while he

will grab some body [usually a guy] amongst the crowd and beat him

up in front of everybody.

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