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nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi-91

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Sri Parthasarathi thunai


Srimathe ramanujaya Namaha


Srimad Vara Vara munayE Namaha


Sri vAnAchala mahA munayE Namaha







*"kalandhAnen vuLLaththu kAmavEl thAdhai*


* nalandhAnum Edhoppa duNdE-alarindhalargal*


* ettEththum Eesanum nAnmuganu mendRivargal*


* vittEththa mAttAdha vEndhu"*


* *


Not stopping with eulogizing the way the lord aided him, azhvar continues to

talk the grace of the lord, that supreme power who has entered his lowly





(kalandhAn en vuLLaththu) He mixed like water inside my heart (mind) that

usually wanders in all other matters.




Who is that?




(kAmavEl thAdhai) He is the father of the lord of love (manmadhan,

personified to be the most beautiful). My lowly heart desired and attained

that very beautiful lord.




Does he posses only beauty?




(alarindhalargal….vEndhu) Siva, who daily worships this supreme power with

the newly blossomed flowers and his father brahma are unable to completely

exalt the greatness of emperuman who has merged with me.




(Eesanum nAnmuganum endrivargal) They are the so-called head of devas




(vittEththa) eulogize, praise with words




(vEndhu kalandhAn en vuLLaththu) The celebrated devas are unable to talk his

greatness completely but that very lord merged into the heart of a lowly

person like me. Is it not like an emperor aspiring to attain a prostitute?




(Edhoppadhu nalandhAnumuNdE) Is there any equivalent good in this world?


Can this divine anubhavam, got merely due to the unconditional grace of

emperuman be equated with the joy attained by the brahma rudras as a result

of continuous hardships undergone with their own efforts?


* *


*(To Be Continued)***




Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam




Adiyen ramanuja dAsee


Sumithra Varadarajan




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